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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1677545
"Putting on the Game Face"
#715422 added January 13, 2011 at 9:52pm
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Who not to Vote for
Who not to Vote For

I try and refrain from political commentary however sometimes I feel compelled to do so. This usually takes the form of telling potential voters what they should not do rather than what they should.

The world is full of those who know all the answers and if you want to know what they have to say I invite you to listen to any of them. For my part I caution against voting for those who have political philosophies that have proven historically to be abject failures.

The earliest system was the autocratic….In this one everyone did what the biggest baddest MF told them what to do. Good, bad or indifferent..., what the BBMF said to do was what the tribe did.

The Greeks came along with the idea of Good….and said, Hey! The brute in charge doesn't always come up with the optimal course of action and maybe we ought to listen to a leader that optimizes the best interests of everyone.

Plato picked up on this….well sort of….and came up with a society made up of the Gold, Silver and Bronze citizens.

The Gold were those who would look out for the best interests of society, I.e. the aristocrats, the silver were golden wannabees that proved themselves worty of promotion, in the different vocations, ie Kinghthood, and the rest were everybody else in aloose order of merit which included, merchants, professional people, soldiers, workers and everyone else.

Now we all know how this turned out….The aristocrats came to view their power as a God given right. Instead of using their power for the public good they used it to perserve their hereditary powers of self interest and control. The people got screwed. The silver viewed their powers in the various professions and guilds as a means for gathering and preserving wealth and passing it on to their offspring and the masses were left with what was left.

Eventually the masses tired of putting up with this unfair nonsense and Plato’s failed experiment was trashed or reformed. In France there was revolt and in Britian a modicum of Reform.

Another great social experiment was giving power to the Church….Now this seemed like a good idea, after all Jesus was a nice guy, until it was discovered that there is no zealot like a religious zealot….And Christians showed the world the doctrine of Be my Follower or I’ll kill you. This was followed by the Inquisition in Spain which convinced anyone awake at the time that the Church was not a group you wanted holding power over your head.

Then the intellectual elitists got their turn and gave us Communism and its little brother Socialism…If ever there were forms of government that emasculated the people and took hypocrisy to an all time high it was these failed forms that continue to prosper today.

Somewhere in between the Bronze got its turn and we had the industrial revolution and the idea was born that working men and women and children were a type of raw material like a lump of coal or iron nodule. We all know what happened here. The rich replaced the aristocrats as the social elite and continued the long history of exploiting the people. Today the personnel office of major companies and corporations is still called the Department of Human Resources.

A few hundered years ago our founding fathers, who had the opportunity to see most of these ideas put to practice, went back to square 1 and dusted off one the Greek ideas…It was called Democracy. The Greeks claimed it was the most inefficient and vexing of all forms of Government but concluded at length that it was ten times better than the second runner up. Our constitution was written which tried to reconcile the historical players onto a level playing field….There was a branch of the people, and a branch for the muckety-mucks. Representatives and a leader were chosen by secret ballot and a pack of watchdog judges appointed to make sure the rules were followed. But the final arbiter was, is and always will be the people of the United States.

Now this brings us to who not to vote for…..Do not vote for religious candidates. Do not vote for career politicians. Do not vote for educators (Intellectual elitists). Do not vote for lobbyists or political appointees. Do not vote for the unemployed. Do not vote for lawyers.

Do vote for people who have actually worked in the manufacture or management of goods and services, those who understand how to apply theory to reality. These are the ones who make far and away the best candidates but even in such cases limit their tenure to one or at the most two terms in office.

If you don’t understand why not to vote for Politicians, Political Appointees, Lobbiests, Educators, Prophets the Unemployed or lawyers, then I'm wasting my breath and will shut the frack up.

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