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by jhess
Rated: XGC · Book · Adult · #1779700
How far would you go to get a brand new lipstick red convertible sports car?
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#724777 added May 26, 2011 at 10:49pm
Restrictions: None
Daddy's Girl
Angel sat on her pillow soft four-poster bed surrounded by the many things that all girls want and desire. She is Daddy’s girl and whatever Daddy’s girl wants she gets. She smiles warmly thinking about her next move, a brand new car that she is conniving for with a convertible top, the perfect sleek lipstick red paint job and leather seats. “I’m going to have to be a very good girl.” She thinks to herself as she imagines the wind blowing threw her long red hair and the smell of the gulf air vibrating in her freckled nose.

“Hmmmm what can I do to get Daddy to buy me that car?” She wonders in silence. She picks up her cell phone with a gleam in her eye and begins a text message to Daddy “I love you Daddy” send. That is a good start she thinks to herself, now lets see if we can get Daddy to take the bait as a smile slowly spreads across her lips.

Ding Dong goes her cell phone and with a feeling of satisfaction she opens the message “I love you too baby Girl”

She takes a deep breath imagining what the best approach might be to get a big ticket item like a car, something new, something on the edge of reason, something special. “whatcha doin?” send. A moment later a response speeds back to her just as she knew it would.

“I’m on my way home…What r u doing?” The tension builds as she contemplates where to go with the conversation, “I just got out of the shower Daddy and I’m all wet…pout” There, that should raise an eyebrow or two she said to herself. Send.

Andrew alias daddy does raise an eyebrow or two when he reads the text from his luscious daughter and an image flashes though his mind of her petite little curvy body and what it might look like naked and wet. “That was just wrong” he thinks to himself, if she weren’t my daughter I’d bend her over my knee and spank that exquisite little bottom of hers until she squirms. Instead he sends back a much safer reply “I’ll be home soon baby girl…go dry off and we will go out for dinner when I get home” send, although he can’t help but notice the tightening in his black tailored pants and the quick spasm that runs through his slightly enlarged cock from just imagining for that brief second what he wants to do when he gets home and it isn’t go out for dinner.

Angel reads her fathers reply and knows that this has got to go in a much better direction in order to secure the car of her desires. Taking a deep breath she begins another text message “Daddy I’m hot. taking a quick  dip in the pool. Meet me there” Send. Now she has to set her plan in motion.

Andrew opened the next message from his daughter and wondered why she was getting in the pool when he specifically said that they were going out for dinner. Feeling a bit confused but encouraged by the loosening of his Armani’s he relaxed and replied to his Angel “OK, c u in a few” Send.

He drove his car up the driveway automatically pushing the button on his visor to raise the garage door of the first bay in the garage, pulling in with ease and parking without a moments thought to what might be waiting for him in the pool on the back of the large home. “Life is good,” he thought to himself as he grabbed his briefcase, shut the car door, and headed inside to his favorite girl.

“Honey, I’m home,” echoed through the house and out the open sliding glass doors just as Angel was popping her head up out of the warm liquid that was gliding across her skin. It felt so good to be in the pool naked as the day she was born, even so a slight shiver ran through her body and butterflies danced in her stomach at the thought of what she was about to do. Seduction wasn’t new to her by any stretch of the imagination but seduction of ones own gorgeous father who owned a multimillion dollar company who could fuck damned near any centerfold in the universe was an entirely different matter.

“I’m out here Daddy!” she replied back, as she swallowed the lump in her throat and swam toward the edge of the pool closest to the doors where she knew her father would be approaching. “Here goes nothing,” the young vixen murmured under her breath as she started towards the shallow end of the pool being careful to time everything just right. Her feet hit the solid surface of the bottom of the pool and she began walking to the steps that would lead her out and hopefully into the seat of that brand new soft top that she so desperately longed for.  As the warm silky liquid slowly receded down her body her  taught breasts peaked out of the water revealing virgin pink nipples that peaked with perfection as the cooler air whispered across her skin and goose bumps emerged. The water lapped around her pierced glittering navel and she slowly turned to face her father as he approached through the open doors. “Could you hand me a towel, please Daddy?” she said in her sweetest daddy’s girl voice that she used whenever she needed something.

“Dear gods in Hades” Andrew said to himself as he came to a dead stop just inside the doors of the poolroom. Unable to remove his eyes from the water nymph before him his male member began to grow and throb inside the pants that ensconced his enlarged physique. He clutched for the towel that just moments before he had seen lying across the lounge chair before him and swallowed to try and clear the throat that had suddenly closed and threatened to choke the life out of him. Trying to regain his composure Daddy took a deep breath and tore his eyes off of the daughter that he suddenly noticed in a whole different light. With the towel firmly in hand he walked to the stairs of the pool and offered the meager covering to his Angel hoping and praying that she had not noticed the lapse in judgment so rudely made evident by the offending smaller head in his pants. “Here, take it” he said tersely as the idea of a spanking once again skipped across his mind with the full actuality of his daughters smooth firm body dangling before him like a carrot on a stick.

“What’s the matter Daddy?” Angel stated as her lips made a delicious little pout to show her displeasure “Don’t you like what you see?”

After a moments hesitation Andrew spoke at last, “this is no way for a young lady to greet her Father”

The corners of Angels lips bowed slightly and merriment twinkled in her eyes as she said “But Daddy you never had a problem with me swimming in the nude before, is there a problem now?”  as she grasped the towel in her hand and continued up the stairs revealing the clean shaven mound and long muscular legs that were hidden moments before. She could have sworn she heard her fathers breath inhale sharply. She then used the towel to pat the moisture from her face and hair as she purposely posed in several positions that gave the full benefit of her curvy figure and well rounded bottom, strategically placing one leg up on a chair  to towel her foot dry before moving the other leg to take it's place. Turning her head to look at Andrew innocently she said “Why don't we stay home for dinner Daddy, I think it would be nice to spend some quality alone time together, it seems like it has been forever since I have had you all to myself.”

Of course this strategy worked perfectly to the errant daughters benefit because it didn't seem to matter what his daughter asked she ALMOST always got exactly what she wanted and this request was no different than all the rest. “Certainly sweetheart, I just thought you might like to go out for dinner instead.”

His warm voice washed across her just like the waves in the pool that she had just left. “No daddy, there are plenty of things in the fridge and I am sure you are tired after your long hard day at work, I'll just whip up something simple while you go change into something more comfortable and relax” she said as she wrapped the towel around her supple body and tucked it in at the top to secure it.

Grateful for the escape route provided with the suggestion of changing clothes Andrew walked over and kissed his now covered daughter on the forehead in a chaste fatherly manner  “I believe I will take you up on that offer little bit, give me a few minutes and I will meet you in the kitchen.”


Angels mind raced searching for a plan to move her father in the direction that she was wanting to accomplish her goal. “what next” she thought to her self, “How can I push this to the next level” Having witnessed that exquisite bulge tenting in the black Armani tailored pants was more than she could take as her heart pounded in her chest and her wet little slit throbbed under the towel that she now donned out of false modesty for her fathers benefit. Her bare feet traipsed across the shiny marble floors as she walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge to search for a meal to share with her sexy father. She grabbed a few items to start with a salad and started working with the selected produce.


Andrew was more than happy to be alone for a few minutes in his safe bedroom. The pristine white carpet with the ebony black furniture although  sparse in appearance added to the grandeur and opulence of the feel of the room. A few well selected paintings on the walls along with the black and white photo's of his now deceased wife and a single red rose in a vase gave the feeling of an altar paying homage to the one woman that stole his heart and blessed him with so many wonderful memories. A pang of guilt hit him in the chest as he pressed his finger to his lips and kissed it and then lightly touched it to the photograph of his soul under glass. “How can this be” he thought to himself, “Why is this happening?” He raked his hand through his hair and plopped down on the edge of the bed, staring down at his shoes he shut his eyes and held his head in his hand. “She looks so much like you” he whispered to the air. “I just miss you so much Tasha” He then slapped his hands down on his legs and stood up with a sigh heading for a very cold shower.


As Angela chopped and tore the vegetables for the salad a  plan was forming in her wicked scheming mind. “I will get what I want” was the mantra that kept repeating itself in her head with each chop of the knife on the wooden block. “Daddy loves me and I saw the look of desire along with the bulge in his trousers” She then set the table for two and positioned the Waterford bowl of salad on the mahogany table along with two silver candlestick holders containing a pair of white tapered candles. Taking a book of matches from the drawer she lit them and looked at phase two of her plan. Her mother always said that the way to mans heart is through his stomach and she was damned sure going to give it her best shot. She then proceeded to heat up the lasagna that Martina had cooked earlier that day for just such an occasion. OK, not exactly this kind of occasion but close enough she thought to herself with a crooked little smile. Now all that was needed was a good bottle of Chianti Classico Reserva to compliment the lasagna and dinner would be served.


Taking her cell phone in hand once again the calculating Angel sent another text message to her unwitting victim. Going to get dressed...dinner in 10 min. send. Then she trounced off to her room to look for the perfect outfit of seduction. Once in her room she opened her vast walk in closet and started rummaging through the expansive designer line of clothing hanging innocently in lines. There she spotted the perfect little skirt that barely covered her bottom and showed off the entire length of her long lithe legs, a pair of thigh high stockings, a pair of cute fuck me pumps and a tiny little white shirt in which the buttons practically groaned when fighting to restrain her full C cup breasts to top off the ensemble. Next she brushed out her hair to its shining red glory and a little eye make-up along with some lip gloss and she was all set for operation sports car.

As the owner of a multimillion dollar company Andrew was no stranger to being under pressure but never in all his years of high profile work did anything ever prepare him for what he was about to be assaulted with by his daughter. Dressed in a pair of casual khaki  trousers with a white button down dress shirt opened down the middle of his muscular chest and a pair of sandals he felt much more relaxed and ready for dinner. After all he thought to himself every father with a beautiful daughter must at some time have a naughty thought or two about his gorgeous daughter. It just wouldn't be masculine if he didn't. Feeling better with this justification and realizing that his ten minutes was about up he took one last deep breath to center himself and started toward the kitchen.


Timing is everything the young woman thought to herself as she heard her father walking down the hallway towards the kitchen. She then expertly opened the stove and bent over as far as humanly possible to remove the lasagna from the warm oven where it had been tucked waiting for just the perfect moment. She heard her father's pause at the entrance to the kitchen.


“Gods” Andrew thought to himself as he spied the micro mini skirt half way up his beautiful daughters well rounded ass. Doing a double take he had to look back and his eyes were telling the truth the first time. She wasn't even wearing a thong. Again his betraying manhood sprang to life as his hands clenched into fists at his side and his breathing went from normal to deep and horny in 3.5 seconds. “This isn't happening” he told himself. “I am not seeing this” “This cannot be real”

Angel smiled to herself knowing the affect she just had on her handsome conquest and pulled the lasagna from the oven. Turning around she looked straight at him with a gleam in her eyes and said “Dinner is served Daddy, please make yourself comfortable and I will serve it to you.”


Taking his seat at the head of the table Andrew adjusted himself to get more comfortable. The tightness in his briefs was unnerving and uncomfortable in more ways than one.


His beautiful little girl then walked confidently to the table picked up his plate, using the salad tongs to place a generous portion on his plate. She then used both hands and bent over at the waist making sure that Daddy got the view of a lifetime at the ample cleavage straining to escape from the taught cloth fighting valiantly to restrain her bosom. “ I hope Zesty  Italian dressing is adequate” she said as she looked him in the eyes and smiled.


“Quite fine” he replied with a somewhat strained voice as he cleared his throat not for the first time this evening. She then sat to his left where he could see her every move and parted her legs in that micro skirt in the most unladylike fashion that a man has ever had the pleasure of witnessing.


Thoughts of  that spanking swept to mind once again as he raised a fork full of lettuce to his lips and tried with all the will he could muster to keep from looking at his daughter sitting far to close to him for comfort.

Angel proceeded to pile her plate with salad and began to eat as well except that the manner in which she was eating was far less chaste than Andrew had ever been privy to in his life. Each fork of food was a seduction in itself as she brought the morsel to her lips with her tongue reaching out to pull it into her soft full lips which closed around it delicately tugging the utensil back out slowly twirling it around until it was upside down and then smoothly being released as her tongue flicked slowly out and around with a purpose that was impossible to deny.


Anger suddenly boiled up and out before he had any idea of what he was doing. His hand grabbed his daughter as if it had a mind of its own and drug her off the chair and across his lap. Without thinking he yanked up the sexy micro mini skirt as his other hand placed both of her wrists behind her back. Swiftly he cracked her cool perfect bottom with the flat of his hand.

Angel squirmed, struggling to gain freedom from her captor. “Daddy don't!” she squealed. “Please Daddy, that hurts” as his hand came down a second time exactly on the hand print left behind from the previous slap.  Her struggling only seemed to make matters worse as his cock throbbed and swelled even more due to his ministrations combined with her warm sexy little body wiggling on top of the problem. A third and a fourth strike did nothing to appease either his temper or his male member as she continued to struggle harder fighting to acquire control of a situation that she had somehow lost all mastery of. “Stop, Daddy,stop!”


He heard the little vixen through the red fog of rage somewhere in his brain. But he couldn't stop, as he punished her for all the emotions that she had brought into his being reminding him of the loss of the love that he cherished, stabbing him with the point of it as if it were a blade making his heart bleed once again for the one person that had made his life complete. Wishing that she were here and knowing that it could never be again.


Angel twisted in his grasp making the buttons that had guarded their secret so fiercely give way beneath the exertion of the task, the sound of them bouncing across the cold marble floor going unnoticed as her breasts freed themselves from their prison. A fifth, sixth and seventh strike sounded in the air in quick succession and the wanton captive flipped onto her back exposing her heaving mounds covered in a sheen of sweat. Having lost his grip on her wrists Andrew grabbed the glistening red waves of hair that flowed down to the floor jerking her up and slamming his mouth to her lips he thrust his tongue deep between the luscious ruby lips begging to be claimed as his own.


As a moan escaped her lips and her clit pulsed with need she returned the passionate kiss with a fierceness never known before. Pulling back and gasping for breath the words slipped from her mouth  “Fuck me Daddy” “I want to feel your cock inside me”.


Swiping everything off of the table in one swift movement Andrew picked up his girl and bent her across it with all the passion, longing, and pent up desire caused by years of frustration and loss. Flipping the micro mini up over her firm little bottom he fumbled to release his engorged cock with a shaking hand and took his firm member in his grasp. The tip of his flesh barely touched the slick hot receptacle of his desires as he moved his other hand around to stimulate her swollen cunt. With a single thrust he entered, pushing forcefully to his full depth.

Angel moaned as her Father's shaft buried deep into the core of her being for the first time, combined with his fingers deftly working her swollen nub she instinctively pushed back against Daddy's groin groaning with pleasure, her breath caught in her throat and she panted with the thrill that flashed through her body from head to toe. Pounding herself back and forth on his thick cock the words came unbidden to her lips, “come for me Daddy, show me how much you love me”

Unable to contain himself any longer with the object of his desires rocking furiously on his cock Andrew slammed into her harder building to the point of no return, releasing all the years of being unfulfilled in so many ways in a torrent of come. Spent at last he leaned forward to bury his head in her hair, to breath in the fragrance of the woman that he remembered from long ago. The tears trailed down his face and onto Angels neck as he shuddered trying to contain his emotions.


Riding on the Sky Way bridge headed for the Gulf in her new lipstick red sports car, the wind blowing her long red hair behind her Angel felt happier than she had been since her mother  passed away. Not only did she have the car of her dreams but she had the best experience of her young life with the man of her dreams. Who knew that being adopted could be so rewarding. Now all she had to do was figure out how to keep her Daddy to herself so that some other money grubbing bitch didn't come along and ruin everything. No one ever said that life was easy she thought to herself with a smile.



10:57:01 PM

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