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Rated: · Book · Other · #1784009
McKinzie S. Heart's Blog on her journey as an author
#728668 added July 31, 2011 at 7:32pm
Restrictions: None
Dark Moon Harvest - Chpt One
Ok here's the next chapter :)

Dark Moon Harvest
Chapter One

Raven pulled the covers back and climbed into the bed she shared with her best friend, Devon. Her movement instantly awakened him.
“What are you doing?” he asked.

“Hmm? Go back to sleep and quit waking me up,” she groaned, rolling onto her side.

“You woke me up, just now, when you climbed into bed.”

“I didn’t just get into the bed.”

“Yes you did,” he inhaled deeply then blurted, “and you smell like sex.”

“You’re full of shit. Go back to sleep,” she grumbled, rolling toward him and punching him in the arm. They had been best friends for a long time, which is all they would ever be, especially since Devon was full-fledged gay. They had decided to go on this trip together because they felt comfortable with each other, they always had. It had been awhile since they had vacationed, and they had both needed the break.

“Oh yeah? Then why do I feel sand in the bed? And I know you smell it,” he stated, rubbing his foot against hers, and then throwing the covers off both of them and onto the floor.

“Devon,” she yelped, then followed his gaze to her feet. True enough, they were covered in sand. And then the smell of sex hit her too. What did I do this time? “How did that happen?”

“Walking in your sleep again? I thought you got over that when we were kids.”

“I did… I mean I haven’t had that problem in years. Geez..adolescence! But I don’t remember hearing her voice. I don’t remember anything. Where do you think I went? And what did I do? That’s scary as shit,” her eyes widened as she began to tremble.

“Don’t worry about it. That was a long time ago. Besides, the therapist had said a lot of kids walked in their sleep and could actually see and hear things that didn’t exist. Remember? That was no different for you. You have an active imagination. That’s why you do what you do…although you should have been a writer instead of an editor but that’s just my opinion. Anyway, you’re here now, and nothing seems to be wrong with you. Come on.”

Her best friend dragged her from the bed while wiping the sand off the sheets, then pulled her into the bathroom. He ran the water and turned the Jacuzzi on. Raven stood next to him biting her bottom lip, still trying to remember where she had gone.

“Come on beautiful, let’s get you cleaned up.”

He pulled out a huge fluffy towel and folded it neatly on the counter next to the tub. She couldn’t help but grin at his nurturing ways. His mother-hen demeanor both amused and frustrated her. He was only a few years older than her and sexy as hell, but she had quickly learned that she couldn’t catch this one. However, his protective streak remained. They couldn’t exactly be called “girlfriends,” so they were simply best friends.

Oh how she had once wanted this guy-to look at him was like gazing at a modern-day god. His blonde hair fell in waves to his broad shoulders and his deep green eyes could pierce anyone’s soul. He towered at least six inches above her like a blessed wall of masculine muscle. Many times she had wished she could have him, but he had made his preferences quite clear. Now, she just settled for lusting after his body. Besides, she had known him too long to form any other relationship than a friendship. But she could still drool.

The mirrors and windows steamed as he reached over and pulled the nightgown up and over her head…a move that perplexed her since they were platonic.

“Yep, you smell like sex. But I don’t smell a man on you-you must have just been pleasuring yourself. Do you remember anything at all?”

“Not a damned thing,” she admitted.

He swatted her ass playfully and she blushed. She couldn’t help but grin at the oddly intimate gesture as she eased into the blissful bubbles. She felt oddly light-headed and off kilter, but hopefully the delicious bath would change all that. Surely, her nakedness before him should have unnerved her, but it didn’t. Maybe they were more like girlfriends after all. Raven eased back and lounged, comfortably stretching out her limbs as goose bumps raced across her skin and her nipples perked. She closed her eyes, enjoying the liquid heat as it played across her skin. Then the water moved unexpectedly against her. She opened them once again to see Devon easing himself down into the water across from her.

“Think I’ll join you. Looks far too good to pass up,” he grinned as he settled in and pulled her legs up over his hips. Casually, he caressed her leg as he stretched out, lying back on his side of the tub.

He sure is acting peculiar, she thought as she closed her eyes again and tried to ignore the temptations racing through her brain. Her legs felt sensitive pressed against his hips and waist. And now her pussy began to throb. What was with her tonight? Devon is my best friend, and he’s gay!

She felt a tug on her legs pulling her closer to him as he repositioned them both for comfort. His hand now lay intimately on her thigh. Butterflies tumbled through her belly as her body moistened for him. Slowly, he trailed strong, gentle fingers across her soft skin toward the tender flesh on the inside of her thigh. Again, he pulled her toward him to the point that she could quite easily feel his cock if she just adjusted her own hips.

Take him, she heard somewhere deep in the back of her mind. She ignored the voice.

“Rae, do you ever think about us?”

“Sure, we’ve been friends for a long time.”

“No, I mean, do you ever think about us being… more?”

She arched a delicate brow.

“Dev, you’re as queer as they come. How could there possibly be more?”

He chuckled at her reply, and then turned serious. “No, I mean it.”

“I don’t understand what you’re asking. But to tell you the truth, I used to have a crush on you. You were the hottest guy around; well, you still are, you’re just not available to us mere mortal women,” she laughed, and then closed her eyes again to dismiss his questions. She had pursued him before and he had shot her down. Obviously, this rare dark moon thing was affecting more then just her sleep habits.

He tugged her toward him again and now she felt his hardened cock pressing obviously outside her entrance. Her eyes flew instantly wide open as she felt his hand slide inward to caress her pussy. She gasped in surprise.

“What are you doing?”

“I believe I’m not entirely as queer as you think,” he whispered, pressing his fingers into her wet opening. Her slickness allowed him easy entry. He smiled at the obvious discovery.

She moaned at his touch but tried to push away from this demonic Adonis.

“Who are you and what have you done with my Devon?” she teased guardedly. One just didn’t de-gay oneself overnight, you know.

He wouldn’t allow the distance.

“Maybe I like men and women-or at least men and you,” he admitted as he slowly finger-fucked her.

“Oh Devon, please stop. It feels too good and, and this just isn’t right. It’s the trip making you feel this way or, or the dark moon thing,” she moaned as she began to automatically ride his hand, unable to stop herself.

Take him, she heard again. She shook her head. Please, not again, she thought briefly. She hadn’t heard that voice in a while and didn’t want to hear it again. It had gotten her into too much trouble years before.

The smile spread wider across his wicked face as he watched how easily he affected her.

“No, I’ve been thinking about this for awhile, trying to figure it out myself. And when I smelled sex on you, I couldn’t help myself.”

“But… you… can’t have both with me,” she trailed off as his thumb caressed her clit and she exploded. She nearly flew from her skin as the lights blinded her eyes and the indescribable tingling spread from between her legs to the rest of her body. She whimpered and could hear his quickened breathing as he pulled her hips to him, planting her upon his lap. With one fluid movement he thrust hard, filling her with his throbbing thickness.

Yes, take him

Raven flung her arms desperately about his neck as he thrust again, this movement even more wonderfully violent. She instinctively squeezed upon him, enjoying the stiffness that she had dreamed of so often. Now their rhythm picked up and the water sloshed about the sides of the tub. Hungrily, their mouths met, devouring each other with great need, and then his lips moved to capture a tender nipple.

“Fuck me, Rae. God, fuck me,” he growled hoarsely as he pounded into her hot, pliant flesh.

Without another thought, she took over in wild abandon and rode him with everything she had. His hands grabbed and kneaded her ass as she closed her eyes, leaning back to feel him deeper within, but then she moved forward and opened them again.

It wasn’t Devon that she now rode.

Her breath caught in her throat and she faltered in the wild rhythm, but the darkly handsome stranger grabbed her tightly to him as he thrust. His cock felt as though it grew within to fit her and her alone as he took her. She struggled against him but her body craved him too hotly to allow any resistance. His mesmerizing eyes held hers as she moaned from his experienced manipulation and the waves washed over her body. And as the bliss appeared to fill him she cried out, releasing her juices upon him while he exploded deep within her, filling her with his hot, virile seed.

An erotic rumble sounded deep within his chest, and then erupted in the most hypnotizing groan she had ever heard. Her heart trembled and her eyes glazed over as a pair of black, downy wings stretched out from his back and embraced her possessively. He leaned forward, pressing a sharp, nipping kiss upon her shoulder and causing a small yelp to escape her lips. She came yet again on his throbbing cock, unable to help herself, not wanting to help herself.

© Copyright 2011 McKinzie S. Heart (UN: mckinziesheart at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
McKinzie S. Heart has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/728668-Dark-Moon-Harvest---Chpt-One