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chapter two Week with a Princess (unfinished)
Chapter 2

Week with a Princess

Chapter 2

Week with a Princess

         “Queen requests your presence. She asks that you wear your royal robes.” Jade says as she brings out his most becoming royal clothes.

         Prince puts on his his crown, and goes to his mother's side. There she awaited him with King Sed and Queen SanTrina.

         “Prince Thomas, this is King and Queen of Leynitice. They are staying this week so that you and your Princess Arabelle can spend time together. They will be leaving after the wedding.”

         Prince Thomas bows to the couple.

         “We are aware that Prince can not talk, so how can he communicate with the kingdom?”

         “Prince Thomas is not lacking of communication. He is going to take my place on the throne. I will be stepping down at his wedding. He will be ruler of all that I have. I entrust my kingdom to him.” Queen Anne expresses her trust in her son.

         To the right of the royal couple stood a beautiful nineteen year old Princess Arabella. She was tall, with haunting eyes showing from a round youthful face. Rosy lips shyly smiling between pink cheeks. Her skin was not tan because she had not seen much of the outside. Her life had been of classes and preparing to be Thomas' wife. She was well portioned, and she stood with modest pride. She was indeed a beautiful princess. The crown that she wore did not compare to the way she did.

         Queen Anne told Jade to lead the young couple into the garden to get to know each other. The royal parents were left in the throne. King Se had his servants bring in his dairy. He brought in three chests filled with jewels and one filled with gold.

    Queen Anne asked her servants to go kill the calf for their ceremony.

         In the garden, the couple walked among the blooming trees. The tops of the trees nearly touched other. It was as if they too were reaching out to each other. The walk way was lined with bushy hedges and bright colorful flowers.

         With Jade walking behind the couple, the walk was very quite. Arabesque thought that Thomas was very handsome. She found him to be very tall and muscular. His crown was sitting on a very shinny bald head. His face was strong and tanned. Thomas was taught both inside the castle by the queen and outside by William. Out of the dark skin, shown the most clear sky blue eyes.

         Feeling that the princess was uncomfortable on how to communicate with Thomas. He stoops over and plucks the fullest rose from the garden. He puts the flower behind the ear of Arabesque With his smile, she could hear him say that she was  beautiful. How could she hear someone that can not talk. It must have been his smile. She was more comfortable than she was. 

          Harebell could not believe how easy it was to like this boy. He was so different. With a look or a smile, he could convey a thousand words. She found herself telling him all about who she was, her family, her kingdom, and her deepest secrets. She felt as though she had know this man all her life. There was not anything that she said that would shock him. She did not see judgment when she told him her fears. This man was her first true friend. She could see herself as his wife.

         On their way way back to the castle, the skies were dark and the stars were shinning. It didn't feel as though they had spent the whole day walking in the garden. Thomas reaches over and takes Arabella's hand in his. The two had to separate to go change for dinner. They found it hard to do.

         The table was set with so much. There of course was the calf that was chosen and raised just for this occasion. There was fish with onions, garlic and olives. The bread smelled so inviting sitting on many baskets on the table. Goat cheese and butter was warming in pots. And the table was covered with fruit such as raisins, apricots, figs, apples, pears and pomegranates. Wine was also a popular drink. You could see a bottle between every two chairs. The table was set in white linen big enough to feed the two kingdoms.

                   The order at the table is as follows. Queen Anne sat at the middle of the table in her royal chair. To the right of her sat Thomas, and to the left was Princess Harebell King sed sat to the right of Thomas. Next to King Se was his wife Queen Santrania. To the side of Queen Harebell was the noble men of the city. The first was William.

         The servants wore the same one and another. Every woman wore gold head scarfs. Each younger girl servant adorned her hair with gold ribbons. Their dresses were white with gold trim. Each servant carried a golden tray. They served each guest a black plate and silver chalice. The royal families were served with golden plates with golden chalices. The Queen Anne's chalice had a rim of jewels for her wine.

         "Salaamanatians, This is you feature." The queen announced with pride as she looked at Thomas and the Arebella."Thomas will be your new king soon. Arebella his his princess. They will rule together as I have done with fair judgment, wisdom, and love. As long as we follow their hand, this Salaamanata will stand above all other's"

         The guests raises their chalices to the new rule. The queen looks out over the table, and she sees people that has had great trust in her. As she sat down, it was all that she could do to hold back the tears. (Queens are not supposed to cry. Tears were believed to show weakness.)

         The night was filled with merriment. Music played and the hall was thundering with the dancing of happy people. The royal mu-serials played the night away, and the jester was busy. This night would only be outdone by the soon wedding. This was a night of celebrating. A way to say goodbye to the rule of a Great Queen Anne. Everyone homered her this night. Many wrote her sonnets. Some wrote songs. Others gave gifts of what they had. By the end of the celebration, the guests left the gathering with tears in their eyes. They had trusted Prince Thomas since he was old enough to gain their respect. Many of them had been helped or saved by the Prince. He made many visits to the villages to make sure that they had food and peace in their land. Yes, they knew that he would be a good king, but they wondered if they would see as much of their beloved queen as they always have.

         Prince Thomas and Princess Arebella were to dance their dance together alone on the floor. They moved so graceful. They seemed to anticipate the move of the other without one word. The guests each thought that the two made a beautiful royal couple. Many young noble women found themselves disappointed in the fact that the Prince was not single any longer. They would secretly wish for the chance for the Prince to fall in love with them, but now that opportunity would never come. So many people tonight with too many mixed emotions.

         The queen made her goodnight. Jade carries her train as she makes her way to the royal bedroom.

         "Jade, do you think that the Prince will be happy as King?" asks the queen.

         "Your highness, you have done well with the young prince. He has your heart for the kingdom. It is his as well as your's. He has not wavered from the love of the people since Sir William brought him here as a necked little boy. He traded his loyalty to you for your parentage. He will make a good king.

        Jade reassured the nervous queen.

         "You have been my mother and my friend. I am calmed by your word. I have not known you being wrong. We have done well by the boy. William is getting older, and he will not be on the battle grounds as much soon."

         "He trained Prince well. I watch them on the training field. Thomas will take his place on the field with William as well as your throne. The kingdom will always be in good hands. Your kind heart has blessed this land, and God has chosen who will guide our people now." Jade explains.

         They enter the queen's chambers. Jade helped the queen remove her robes, and replace them with her night clothes. Jade went around the room closing the curtains of each window. The wall of windows. She walks over to the bed of dawn, and turns down the linen.

         "My queen, I will brush your hair. It will be as it was when you were a little princess. Your hair is as beautiful now as it was then.

         "Yes, my friend I really would not be who I am if it was for you. I never knew you to be weak or unkind. You were my inspiration. You made me a good queen. Jade, you may have your freedom. I am sorry that my father had taken it from you in war." The queen turns and looks into Jade's eyes.

         "My Queen, I have my freedom. I know no other life but you and this kingdom. I have been here for so long you have become my queen. I don't need to go anywhere else to find what makes me happy. My own kingdom didn't not treat me as well as the royal family here."

         The queen takes hold of Jades hands. She kissed it, and then stands up. "My friend you are no longer a servant to me you are a sister." She hugs Jade and removes a locket from her neck and places it around Jade's neck. Jade tucked the blankets around the queen as she had as when the queen longed to be a normal little girl.

         "Thank you my queen, but I am always you servant. I am your sister. Go to sleep, we have a wedding to plan." Jade kisses the queens forehead, and leaves the room.

         Thomas and Arrebella spend the night in the celebration hall. Arrebella's parents made their way to the guest chamber.

         Soon the sun was peeping over the tree tops. Everything looked new and fresh, but Princess would not know it. She was permitted to sleep as long as she wished this morning. This was a gift. She had never been able to sleep in.

         William was being served breakfast on the balcony with the queen. She knew that this would not be accruing as much as it has been since he arrived. She would miss their chats that were invisible to anyone else. She would sit looking out over the courtyard, while she and Thomas would have silent mind conversations about anything. When he was a child, they would communicate about the animals in the yard, games he played, the training with William, and his feelings. He knew that she was the only person that could understand him. As he grew older, their conversations became more deep. The issues of the villages, the battle grounds, and what needed to be changed to keep the land safe and happy.

         Queen thought, " You are silent today?"

         Thomas answered, " I am just thinking how things may change when I make Arrebella my wife."

         "You will be happy. I have known her family since I was a child. They are noble, and we can band with their kingdom giving them the protection and support they need to keep growing. They have never made any actions that was not just to protect their kingdom. You will be a very king. I new t hat since I met that little boy with the bluest eyes so many years ago."

         Jade comes and tells Thomas that William needed him in the court yard. Thomas bows and kisses Queen Anne's hand. She kisses his head. "Go my son, I must start the day."

         The court yard is as beautiful as it was from the window. The queen watches as Thomas and William banter and shoot arrows at the hay stacks that William had set up earlier. They spent so much time doing spontaneous things like this.

         "Jade, could you ask Arebella to join me in the hall in an hour."

         "Yes, My queen."

         The queen silently laughs. She wonders if Jade would ever except that she in family and not help. With the shake of the head, the queen lowers herself into the hot bath that was drawn for her earlier. It was hot and filled with flower pedals. She sank into the water, and allowed her mind to wonder. She could see beauty in the girl that was to be her daughter. She knew that this girl would be good to her son and to his kingdom. This would be a great day. A day that Queen SanTrina, Arebella, and Queen Anne was going to plan a royal wedding.

         She got dressed and made her way to the hall. There she found Arebella and her mother standing there on the rug waiting for Anne's arrival. Arebella courtacied to the Quen Anne. She kissed Arebella on her check. "How did you sleep, my daughter?"

         "Very well, my Queen, I thank you for your hospitality. I was very confront able."

         The three of them walk down the hall to the banquet room.

         There were colored glass windows. The chandlers were silver and gold. The tables were silver and the chairs were gold. The floors were marble stone with flecks of both silver and gold. The sun coming through the glass made a rainbow effect on the floor.

         "This is where your wedding will be performed, my dear."

         "It is so beautiful." Queen SanTrina.

         Arebella may be a queen, but she had never had seen such a beautiful room. She was so surprised that she seemed emotionless.

         "Don't you like it, my dear." Asks Anne.

         "Oh yes, but I have never seen such beautiful place." replies Arebella.

         The Queen Anne smiles, and continues to make her suggestions for the wedding. She was so happy that things were going so well. Arebella was a very sweet girl.

         Arebella was a beautiful blue silk dress with long lace  train. She wore her new crown over her blue veil with  white silk gloves with blue jewels. She was led down the isle by two sweet little girls with bride laces and rosemary tied about their blue silken sleeves. Jade was wore a white dress trimmed in blue lase. Jade walked before Arebella carrying bride's cup of chalice wherein  rosemary lined with ribbons of many colors. 

         Musicians came next, dressed in very royal robes. They were were playing stringed instruments. They played magical music of merriment and joy. The jester moving throughout the musicians.

         Next came the royal maids of both kingdoms. They were carrying cakes wheat bread. Others danced with garlands. They were dressed much like the bride to confuse evil.

         At the end of the isle stood Prince Thomas. He wore the ceremonial wedding robes of past kings. They were blue, purple, red, and was trimmed with gold and jewels. He was wearing a king's crown. His Queen Mother sat in front of them on her throne. She had the look of a proud mother.

         As Arebella walked closer Jade passes the chalice to the princess. The female servants stand find their place at the banquet table. The little girls still by her side. King Sed and his queen stood by their daughter. Queen SanTrina reaches and holds her daughter's hand. She too had pride in her eyes.

         Thomas searches the eyes of the one that is to be his new wife. She had just moved back her vale. Her eyes seemed to be filled with excitement mixed with fear. Thomas knowing what was in her mind, reaches for her hand. He touches the chalice, and the two of them take their turn sipping wine from the chalice.

         The priest looks to the princess. "Who gives the Princess to wed the Prince?"

         King Zed, " me"

         "Princess Arebella, do you take Prince Thomas to be your husband. To love, to cherish, to obey, and to stand by his side in sickness and health?"


         "Prince Thomas, do you take Princesses Arrebella as your princess: to love, to cherish, and bare an heir with her to the throne?"

         Thomas k nods.

         Princess Arebella bow to your Prince. When she bows, Prince Thomas was given a crown. "Thomas take the crown of her kingdom, and replace it with the throne of the salaamanta."

         "With this marriage, you except the crown of your husband's kingdom. Your loyalties are to him and his country. Do you except your new crown."

         Princess Arebella never looks up, " I do."

         The Queen is taken back to when she too wore the princess crown. She could see a lot of herself in this woman. She now is her daughter. She is so proud to pass it along to one so dedicated to what she believes.

         "Prince you may kiss you princess."

         The princess stand up. Prince Thomas helps her up by her hand, and slowly brings her lips to his."

         "Princess of Leynitice, You are now Princess Arebella of Salaamanta. Wife to Prince Thomas, daughter of Queen Anne." The priest looks at the guests, " I introduce you to your new Princess."

         Jade takes the Princess's train and leads her to her new chamber next to her new husband. There she dresses her her new robes to attend the caronnation of the Prince Thomas to King Thomas.

         "Jade, how will I communicate with my husband? He can not talk."

         "My Princess, if you listen with your heart, you will always hear what he has to say. We all had to learn to listen with our minds and hearts. He is a fair man, and he will be patient with you until you find the way to hear him." Said Jade.

         "Does everyone understand what Thomas?"

         "Anyone can hear him. The question is who he wants to hear him. He is loyal to his kingdom, yet he can not allow all to know what he is all about. That would leave this kingdom weak. The queen mother and I will help you, but Thomas will always make himself clear." Jade explained.

         With that Princess Arebella turns to go to the crown room. She knew that today would be a more than important to her new husband. He just excepted his bride, and he is taking the throne of his mother.

         Tomorrow will be a hard day for Arebella. She will be saying goodbye to her parents, and start her role as Salaamanata. She will be left with her royal hand maids from her kingdom, and she will be given three from her knew kingdom. These are the thoughts as she goes to be by Thomas's side.

         She arrives to the ceremoney to stand by Thomas's side. Queen Anne was to his left. She then stands up.

         "You are my people. You have been loyal to me always, and have excepted my rule with fairness. Now I am older and find it time to turn over Salaamanata to my son, Thomas. I am so proud of him, and now Sir William will extange my rule for Thomas. With these words, the queen step from the throne. She handed Sir William the crown, and Jade helps her to remove the royal robes.

         "Queen Anne, you are loved by all who has known you. I believe that you have raised you son to be a King. We will also miss you on the throne, but we know that you will always be behind the King as he has been for you." William looks at Thomas. Thomas knelt, and William placed the royal crown up on his head. "WIth this crown comes with the need for wisdom of judgment. The Robe is a symbol for the kingdom that looks up to you. This sceptre is to stand firm in the balance of fair and stearn decisions." William gives the sceptre to Thomas and steps aside.

         Queen Anne bows before Thomas. She removes the ruby and diamond ring that was passed down to each ruler of the kingdom for hundreds of years. She kisses his hand, "My son, My King"

         Thomas reaches and gently pulls her to her feet. Queen Anne walks him to the throne where she once ruled. She stands by his side until he sits on his throne. The guests all bow unti he has a seat. The queen then sits on her smaller throne sitting to the left of the King, and Arebella sat on her's on the left of her husband.

         The new King takes his place as the new ruler. The guests made their way to the banquet table.

    The table was lit with golden candles. The Queen Anne sat on the right hand of King Thomas. Princess Anne sat on the left wearing her new crown. Her parents were to her left.

    This was going to be her last dinner with her parents. She ate and enjoyed the attention directed to her, but she knew that by early morning she would be in a new kingdom with a new role with out her mother. She could not help but to notice her mother watching Arebella picking at her food. She looked confused but happy. Queen SanTrina knew that she had made the right choice for her daughter. No one could protect and honor her daughter as the strong kingdom of Salaamanata. The kingdoms had been close for as long as the kingdom of Leynitice was built. They had fought side by side against the Kron rebels that wanted to take over Leynitce.

         Partying continued as the royal couple was led to their chambers by the royal guard. This was the beginning of a new life.

         King Thomas removed the crown from the princess' head. He let her hair down, and brushed it from her face with the back of his hand. She leaned her head into his touch. She felt that at this moment she was the most important person in the world. He then lays her down on the bed. He felt that she was not ready to comsamate their vows, and he layed behind her holding her close. He knew that this was only one night, and they would have many others. She felt so comfortable laying by the side of her husband.

         The next morning King Thomas kissed Arebella. She turns over and holds him. "My Princess, you need to have breakfast with your parents before they leave." It seemed that she could hear him. Is this what Jade meant yesterday when she said that you will hear Thomas if you listen with your heart?

         Thomas took her hand and helped her stand up. He holds her again. The he rings for the maids to help the princess get dressed. He went to have dinner with his mother on her balcnoy one more time.

         "Mother, Father," Princess enters their where her parents were being served breakfast. "I hope you had a great night."

         The King and Queen stand, "Yes, Princess we had a wonderful visit. You are going to be fine, my Dear." Queen SanTrina hugs her daugher.

         With the touch of the Queen, Arebella begins to tear.

         "You are royality Arrie," Her dad interrupts. "Tears and crying are not permitted."

         Jade guides them to the table. There were hen's eggs, fruit, and both goat butter and cheese.

         "Yes, my daughter. There is no reason for tears. You are beginning a new life in a better place. The King is a good man. So there is no reason to cry." Queen SanTrina rubs her daughter's arm, and continues, "Let us eat this bounty that is beofer us.  Salaamanata is known for their hosptality."

         After brakfeast, the royal families stand in the front of the castle. Queen Anne, King Thomas, and Princess Arrebella stand with their guards.  King Sed and Queen SanTrina were about to enter their royal coach. Princes Arebella runs to their side, "Mother, Father, I will miss you."

         Queen SanTrina hugs her daughter. King Sed gives her a hug and tells her that she was being foolish, and to return to her husband. She returns to her husband's side. There she watches her parents start their trip back to Leynitice.
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