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#739497 added November 14, 2011 at 7:31pm
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chapter 6
Chapter Six

         In the Tower

Queen SanTrina was not permitted to share her husband's bed. He would not allow the traitor on his side of the room. The next day the queen noticed who brought her tray. When she saw how strange Yecheil appeared, she did not seem shocked. She called him over to her.

         "You are the son of Arebella and King Thomas?"

         "Yes, you are my grandmother. Do you plan to kill me as Arebella and grandfather has?"

         "No, my child." She said feeling the pain of her grandson. "I want to tell you that your mother came to visit me from her grave. She regrets her treatment of you, and that she understands who you are now. There is no resentment for her death." SanTrina calls the child closer. She pulls him into her arms. " I could feel the Princess in you. She did have a kind heart though her fear kept it hidden."

         Yecheil visited his father. King Thomas was surprised to find that SanTrina was bonding with the Prince. He had not seen the child for about a week. His mother had worked with him on how to approach Sed. There was not any progress between Sed and his grandson.

         Everyday Sed's tray was delivered, and everyday it did not get touched. He never drank, and kept his eyes toward the wall. He lay in his own filth, and would not allow anyone to come near him. Sed had made up his mind that there was nothing else to live for now. Truth be told he had given up when his daughter died. Now he did not even have war to soothe his torture. He would die with his daughter's death on his heart with no revenge.

         One morning SanTrina went to pull the cover over her dying husband. There was no yelling. There was no spitting. No did he move. She felt to see if he was breathing. He was barely breathing. She yelled for the guard and him to find the physician and King Thomas.

         King Thomas, Anne, and the physician stood by Sed's bed. The physician shook his head as he finished his exam. He walks over to the royal audience.

         "King will be gone before the night. He will go quietly and with no pain."

         Thomas grabs Queen SanTrina as she tries to run to her husband's side. "NO! You are wrong! You are Wrong. I was given a sign that he would rule again. I know he will live."

         Queen Anne signals for King Thomas to leave the room so that she could console her friend. She puts her arms around her. They both neal by Seds bed. SanTrina takes her husband's hand. "You will not die. You are King Sed. You are my husband."

         Queen Anne felt so bad, and she stayed with SanTrina all the day long. The next day Sed was still breathing, but was not reacting to nothing. Yecheil was no longer to visit the tower. He was ask to continue his training. Anne still stayed with her friend. The two stayed in the tower by the side of Sed.

         King Thomas came into the room. "Mother, are you all right?"

         "Yes, my son. I know that everything is planned, but this is what loyalty to friendships work. Have you heard work of how Sir William is doing at Leynitice?"

         "No, My queen, I will send the Prince to check on the kingdom if this is your wish."

         "Send two soldiers with him, and send this letter to Sir William unopened."

         "Yes, mother. Would you like to have a tray sent up, or will you be attending the table?”

         "I will eat here," the queen answered. She gave the King a hug, and King Thomas went to send his son to the kingdom of Leynitice.

         That evening the two queens barely ate. They picked at their plates trying to eat to stay strong. Then Queen Anne joined her friend at Sed's bed side. "Will you pray with me?"

         "Of course," Anne said as she bowed her head.

         "God of Heaven. You are the creator of all. You know how every organ of the part is built. You know the plans for my husband. Don't hold his anger against him and his kingdom. Please God bring him back to me. He can not perform you plans dead."

         "Amen." The women said together.

         Then they found places to sleep as they had every other night the queens stood together for the life of Sed. The night grew dark over the tower as the ladies slept.

         Then in the quietness of the night. Princess Arebella appears. "Father, Father, awake,"

         Sed opens his eyes. "Who calls me from my sleep?"

         "It is me Arebella, your daughter."

         "Have you come to punish me for not killing the one you gave birth to."

         "NO, I have come to tell you that I was wrong. Yecheil was sent by heavenly beings from God. He is the survival of our kingdoms."

         "He is a devil? You even said so as you tried to kill him. The course will be lifted, and our kingdoms will be saved."

         "My son is not a curse. The curse is the fear of how he appeared. I was afraid of his differences. He will be the one who will link the two kingdoms, and will make it one undefeated nation."

         Otec appears by her side, and reaches out and touches the terrified King. "Good bye father, I can not be at peace until you become strong and save my son's life." She brushes his face and disappears.

         The next morning SanTrina opened her eyes and saw that King Sed was eating from his tray and drinking from his cup. He appeared as if he had never been sick. He was not pale, and he even greeted his wife.

         "Why are you at your distance, my wife?" He asks.

         SanTrina looks puzzled.

         "I am sorry for the way I treated you. I was visited by our daughter and one who looks like Yechiel." He said as he holds his wife's hand. "They told me that the child is not a curse but a way to connect two kingdoms and two families. I am so sorry that I was so full of hate." He looks at Queen Anne,"Thank you for taking such care of my queen. Would you send for my grand son?"

         Queen Anne smiles,"Of course, but I will go and get him myself." She leaves to retrieve the Prince.

         SanTrina holds her husband's hand. She was crying with glee. "Queens don't cry, my Queen." King Sed smiles and wipes away her tears. SanTrina smiles back. They kiss and the King sits up and walks to the window."It is a lovely day."

         "It sure is, my King." The queen tried to get him to stay in bed and rest. Knowing that she would not succeed, she joins her husband gazing out the window arm in arm. He asks for some clothes and a hot bath. This was a very welcomed event to the queen. She knew that he was freed from all his hate, and that he now wanted to live.

         Yecheil enters the room and bows to the couple, "My Lord, you sent for me?"

         "Call me Grandfather," Sed replied as he moved from his wife toward the young prince. Sed reached out to the strange youngster. The man that wanted his grandson dead was now holding him in his arms. I am sorry for the way you have been judged my your own family. Your mother came to me last night. She wishes that she had not feared you. She says that she will always be near when you need her."

King Sed lets the child go," Please my son, come back with the trays. I will tell you of your mother's family (your family)."

         "Yes, Grandfather" Yecheil replied as he went over to greet SanTrina. She was tearing up again. She reaches and caresses him. "My grandson."

         Yecheil left the room to join Thomas on the training field.

         Queen Anne comes to visit SanTrina and Sed. "It is so good to see you feeling better, King Sed." He walks up to Anne. She was afraid that he might attack her, but he embraced her.

         "Thank you," Sed said. "You have given me back my family. I am thankful for that."

         "In a few days, you can return to your kingdom. Then you will be known as the mayor of Leynitice. Your rule will be our rule, and our kingdoms will be one. We will grow into a giant nation."

         "My queen, you could have sentenced us to death, but we found mercy in King Thomas and in you. We will be glad to see our kingdoms grow. The prince will be a strong and wise king. I know he will bring both nations closer, and he will use wisdom to rule both. Thank you." Queen SanTrina proclaims.

         "Give word to King Thomas that he is our king." Sed said without resentment in his voice. He was so glad to have his family back together and have his sanity back.

         Yecheil goes to bring up Sed and SanTrina's tray to the tower, when King Thomas meets him. “Son, where are you going?”

         “I am taking Sed and SanTrina there food.”

         “ I have heard that they have excepted our rule. Is this the case.”

         “Yes, your majesty.” The prince answers.

         “Do you believe that this is true? That this is not a tattic to  get their freedom.”

         “I believe them. Sed has excepted me as his family. I think that he is ready to unite us as nation.”

         “Go tell your grand parents to join the Queen and I at the table. We will discuss what will happen next.          

         Yecheil goes to the tower without a tray. When he enters the room, the couple sees that there is no food. “Will the servants bring our dinner?” SanTrina asks.

         “No, the king requests your company at the royal table. He has sent word that he wants to plan what will happen next. He expects you to arrive in one hour.” The prince bows to his grand parents, and makes his way back to his father's side.

         Sed and SanTrina made ready to dine with their friends.

         At the table the the Queen and King Thomas greeted their guests (no longer prisoners). After the filling meal, King Thomas walked with Sed in the courtyard. Tomorrow I will send a regimen with you to Leynitice They will make sure that you make it home. Sir William will inform and help you know the laws of our land. You will rule under only me. Your word will be my word." King Thomas hands Sed's parchment. This is the order for you to regain rule of your land after William has taught you our costumes.

         Sed went along the path with Thomas as he had walked with Queen Anne when they planned for Thomas and Arebella to wed.

         "Sed, I never stopped loving Arrie. Even when she wanted to kill the prince at his birth, I still loved her. She was the sweetest woman that I ever met (save my mother). She just lived in fear of the unknown."

         "I know. I was afraid of the strange of Yecheil. I wanted to kill him in the name of my daughter Arrie. Now I now know that he is going to save my people." Sed said.

         Upon the return of King and Sed, they said their good nights. Sed and SanTrina made their way to tower, but this time they made their way without a guard. They were going home the next morning to make their castle once again. Would their people except them as easily as they did before? Would they understand that the two kingdoms were being united into one large and prosperous nation? Their attentions were on the death of Princess Arebella, would they let go of the hate? King Sed had made this step. He felt his wife questioning fear. “My Dear, no one wanted the fall of King Thomas more than I. She was my only heir, yet I have forgiven and excepted him and his son as family. They are a wise people.” He puts his arm around her neck.

         “I am sure that they will see that this is the plans of God.” Sed welcomed SanTrina into his bed once again. He was healed of his hate and anger. Now he could love and trust again. He cradled her as they slept comfortably at last.
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