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#739700 added November 17, 2011 at 5:21am
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Chapter nine
Chapter Nine

Meet Your Prince!

Claire and Prince Yecheil rode the city limits everyday. They watched the children play in the streets.

         “Claire, why don't you ever play join the others playing?”

         “ I am different.” She said while she rides toward the cave that she once called home. “Follow me, I want to show you something.”

         He rides behind her wondering where they were going. When they reached the cave, Claire jumped from her mare. She takes out the brush from the saddle bag. She always brushed Betsy when she dismounted.

         “What are you doing?” the prince ask puzzled.

         “ I am good to Betsy because she has been my only friend.” She finishes her brushing, and puts away the brush.

         “Come on!” She motions for the prince to follow her into the cave.

         He follows her into the darkness. There she lights the torch, and places it in its place on the wall. Prince Yecheil looked around. He saw the blankets in the corner where Claire once slept. There were drawings on the floors and walls. The drawings were of the skill of a child.

         "Where are we?" Yecheil asks.

         "This was my home before SanTrina and I met."

         "Here? Why would you have to live here?"

         Claire looked around. She pulled her sitting stone over for the prince to sit up on. Then the young girl tells her fairy tale story to the eight year old prince.

She told of how her parents died when she was five. She discribed how she found food, clothes, and how she survived without a family.

         "You are so strong to have taken care of your self." The prince complemented the little girl. "I don't know that I could be that strong. I have always had Father, Queen Anne, and of course Sir William. I have never had to do on my own."

         CLaire looked at the young prince with admiration."You are a warrior. The youngest one ever. That is bravery. I could not do that."

         The prince nervously reaches out and takes off his mask of armor. He was afraid that Claire would react like the very few that has seen him. He turns his back before he totally removes the mask. Claire puts her hand on his sholder and turns him around. She keeps speaking as if she didn't notice anything any different than any other person.

         The prince asks, "Why are you not reacting the way even as my own mother had?"

         "How would I react? I know you. Seeing your face the first time doesn't change who you are." The smart Claire asks the Prince. "You have seen where I used to live, and now you know how I had to live, do you think any less of me?"

         "No!" said prince Yecheil.

         "Well, what do you think of me. You think that I judge by differences or by who people really are."

         The prince could not believe how this little girl was not afraid of how he looks. She reaches and kisses his cheek. The only person to have done that was the queen mother Anne and Jade. This was different. He could not figure how, but effeminately different. Claire reaches up and gets the torch, and she walks over to where her bed used to be. She reaches into the blankets, and gets something little. "Hold out your hands." She told the prince.

         He holds out his hands and closed his eyes. No one had ever given him a gift except for Anne and William. She puts the small object into his hands.

         He opens his eyes. It was a dried flower. "My mother gave me this flower when she was sick. She told me that it used to be a beautiful flower. She said that no one would be able to tell it, but it is still the same flower. It has its beauty still for those who look for it." She tells him the story."You are the flower. You are full of beauty, but only those who look for it will find it."

         He starts to hand her the flower back. "No! I give it to you. I need you to know that you have that beauty is within you."

         The prince placed the flower into her armored mask. He felt that it would be his faith a replacement of sorts of all the support that he had never had in his short live form others. He was not to show emotion because of being a warrior. He was so proud of the tiny flower with the brown withered peddles.

         The two children ran out to get on their horses to make their way home before darkness set in. "I'll beat you to the wall." The prince challenged Claire.

         The two rode with all their might. Claire thought that she had the race won. As she was looking back, he called from the wall. "How did you get here first?'

         "I just cut through the trees instead of riding the trail." The prince boasted as she joined him near the wall. They were giggling and chatting as they entered the castle.

         They were so happy to finally have someone else to be a child with. They went separately to their rooms to get dressed for dinner.

         The prince wonder as he looked into the mirror, what he would wear to the dinner. While taking off his armor, he noticed the flower. He remembered the story that Claire had told him. He had a deep though, and he then knew what he would not wear to dinner.

         When the prince entered the dinning hall, he got the reaction from the staff and guests that he expected. Claire runs to him. "You look nice tonight"

         Queen Anne smiles. She was so proud of him. She thought that he would never work up the nerve to show his face. Now he shows it to strangers. "My child, You are handsome." She complements.

         Sed stands to his feet, "This is my grandson, Prince Yecheil. He is a mighty young warrior, and a person that I admire even for his age."

         Sed stands until the child takes his chair beside Queen Anne. She reaches and gives him a hug and whispers,"I am so proud of you."

         Yecheil looks down at his plate shyly. He was surprised that the people began their dinner with out any change of atmosphere. There were no whispering about his appearance, and more shocking there was not any looks of horror on anyone's face. He felt comfortable.

         The next day Prince meets Clair. "Why do you wear your armor? You are not going to war or scouting."

         He takes his mask off.

         "You have no reason to hide who you are now. This city is your family now too."

         They rode through the city. This time there was no hiding who he was. He raced his new friend.

         "I am getting thirsty?" Prince proclaims to Claire.

         "Follow me to the community well. It is in the middle of the village." She picks up her speed, and leads the way to water.

         When the two children arrived there were a family gathering water. The mother notices them. "Do you have something to draw water?" she asks.

         "No," Claire declares.

         "Who is your friend Claire?" The son asks.

         "This is Prince Yecheil. He is King Thomas' son."

         The children bow, "Your highness."

         "Rise," Prince Yecheil said.

         The children was so happy to see the young prince. "Why do you look so different?" The youngest child ask.

         "Deek!' He mother scolded. " That...."

         "It ok." The prince said. "It is nice to be asked instead of Deek running afraid of the way I look."

         The prince and Claire sit by the well telling his story as the crowd grew. Adults and children alike listened to the story. They way his life started out misunderstood by his mother. How Jade had died, and how he was afraid of showing his face.

         One lady pushed through the crowd. She had tears in her eyes. "I am twenty five, and I have never stepped outside my door before. My sister runs into my room and tells me to come see you." She looks down. " I did not want to come. She pulled me here. After listening to your words and standing among my people unnoticed, I feel safe to mingle with others."

         The woman was different. She had a hump on her back. She had broken it when she was just a toddler climbing on the table to get a piece of bread while her mother was cooking. She was beautiful with dark long hair and long legs, but she did not see her own beauty due to what she felt about her back.

         Prince Yecheil looked at the woman. "Why do you stay hidden? You are so lovely."

         She cries as the crowd cheers in agreeing that she was a pretty woman.

         Prince and Claire said their good byes, and began their way home.

         "Claire, do you think that there are many other people that hide because they are afraid of what other people will think about how they look?"

         "I am not sure. Remember I lived in a cave." She laughed and encouraged her horse to gallop faster.

         When Yecheil got to the castle, he sought for Queen Anne. "Queen, I had a learning experience today."

         "Really?" the queen smiles.

         "Yes, I met children. I didn't cover my face or hands while we were out."

         "Did they treat you well?"

         "Yes, and there came a woman. She had a hunch back. She was so lovely, but she never had seen the outside of her house in the twenty five years of her life."


         "I was thinking. I would like to know if we could hold a banquet for those that are afraid to show who they are."

         "That is an excellent idea. I will bring the party together before I leave to join King Thomas."

         The queen, SanTrina, Claire, and Yecheil prepared to have a grand party in the dinning hall for all who want to attend. The theme of the event was "You Are Beautiful". They would have mirrors around the hall, bright lights, and good music. There would be no tolerance for gossip or name calling.

         Claire decided to create the invitations. She drew pictures of prince Yecheil. Claire had turned into quite the creative young lady. Beneath the picture she drew, she wrote this poem.

         "So you're not the same

         Come see your beauty

         Your eyes may not match

         But your beautiful you'll see

         Don't hide what God gave

         He made you handsome

         Remember the girl in a cave          

         Come see, come see all, come, come."


         Claire had a flair for fancy penmanship. The invitations looked as if a crafts printer had made them. Though each one was a little different, they were all inspiring to the eye. Each one carried the seal of Salaamanta. The queen even noted the event to be recreated in her own land. She wanted all to know that there was no reason to hide what makes a person special. Two children created a safe place for everyone to be who they are.          

         Tess helped with the decorations. She really could relate to the cause. Tess was born with a crocked eye. It always looked toward her nose. This was the one reason that she past duties of going out of the castle gates to the other servants. She never went out in public without her face covered in a vale. She hung curtains, made new clothes for the servants, auditioned the music, and helped the children fill their saddle bags with the invitations.

         Tess then went back to the dinning hall, and made sure all arrangements were being carried out.

         The queen sent for King Thomas. She wanted to see how much his son had grown in being a child and a caring heart. She knew that Salaamanta would be in good hands with William for a couple weeks.

         Prince Yecheil wanted to deliver the invasions without any guard. He and Claire went door to door handing out the requests of the Queen that they attend the grand party honoring the most noble of their citizens.

         One door was answered by a person that they had frist thought that he was a child. "What a strange looking young boy you are." The small man remarks.

         "Yes, Sir." Prince Yecheil noticed by then that this was a tiny ful grown man. "I am Prince Yecheil, and I want you to attend a party in your honor."

         "My honor?"

         "Yes we want to get to know those who have not stepped into public. We want to people to know that we value their input in the ruling of the city."

         The little was only about two inches shorter than Claire. "You do not know me."

         Claire continues the conversation,"Sir, do you know me?"

         "No!" said the little man.

         "That is the point. If we want to grow as a nation, don't you think that all the nation should be as a family?"

         "The queen requests my attendance?" he asks.

         "The Queen requests for you to come. She is in the city to meet her new people."

         "I have always wanted to meet the Queen." The man remarks as he shakes the hands of the children.

         When they were out of the hearing distance of the house, Claire said. "He seemed angry. Why did he seem so mean when we arrived?"

         Prince Yecheil said nothing. He decided to allow Claire to think it out. She was a smart girl. He clicks the reigns of his horse and rides to the next farm outside of the city.

         Two miles down Claire knocks at the door. Waiting on the door to open, the prince Yecheil stepped onto the stoop. The door opened. There stood a torso. From the top of the door to the floor, all the children could see is the body of a woman. "Yes, May I help you?" Said a voice from some where above the top of the door. The lady bends so that her face appeared in the door frame.

         "Hello, I am Prince Yecheil." He said. He reaches the giant a invasion. "We are having a big celebration, and would Queen Anne, King Thomas, and I request your appearance."

         "Come on in." She moves from the door. The children walk into the living room. Have a seat. The Claire looks at the chair and wonders how to get into it. The Prince lifts her into the chair, and then she holds out her hand to pull him into the chair with her.

         " My name is Sara."

         "How long have you lived here?"

         "I have lived her since birth, but my family left me when I began to grow too fast. I was eleven when they left. At first they would stop by and bring me food. I loved when they came just to talk, but it wasn't long until they were too busy with their own lives to come visit me." She smiles at the children."I have not had a visitor in over 20 years except the delivery boy who leaves my purchases on my step. I leave him the money to pick up there."

         "Can we expect you at the castle?" says the children.

         "Yes, I think that I could love to meet the queen." She said. " I do not know how others will except me."

         "You don't have to worry about that. You will be surprised about how many people feel the same." Then he noticed that she was looking at him. "Yes, I have felt the fear to show who I am. You are not alone."

         She brings them a tray with sweet cakes and warm milk. "Here you may have a snack before you make your journey home."

         The children ate the snack, and hated to leave because they enjoyed her company. "My lady, I look forward to seeing you at the celebration."

         Prince Yecheil walks into the castle all excited. He and Claire walk into the dinning hall to see the the room was being done for the party. There were colored glass being hung from the ceiling to hold the lighting. The servants were braiding shinny ribbons and hanging them around the room, and they attached them on the chairs. There were eight long tables decorated for those who hid themselves from the public eye. They were going to be the guests of honor. This is where they belong.

         The night just crawled slowly as Prince tried to sleep while all the excitement of the people that he had met. He could not understand how he did not show his face for so many years. He was happy to know that he was not as differently as he had thought. He met so many people that were as afraid as he was to be seen. They were wonderful and friendly people that hid themselves. What the city had missed because these special people had hidden themselves from the public eye.

         It was a long night for Claire also. She spent her time thinking about how so many people would meet each other and realize that they were never really alone. They always had each other, if they had only open themselves up to be seen. She wondered how many others were out there that didn't come to the door until they had left. She imagined the people cheering as those who had been hiding come into the room waiting to celebrate them with them.
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