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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/739885-Lazy-Days-and-Fridays
Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1677545
"Putting on the Game Face"
#739885 added November 19, 2011 at 5:57am
Restrictions: None
Lazy Days and Fridays
Lazy Days and Fridays….

My goodness…. What a lot of medical issues are cropping up in my extended family…Not sure exactly what “extended” means but to me it refers to those who are not in my immediate family. Does that make sense? Anyway I won’t even go into all that except to say we need to count our blessings and take nothing for granted. Life is good until you weaken, my Dad always used to say….am I repeating myself?

Today I talked to Karen and Katz. Karen is the Head Administrator of New Horizon’s Academy (NHA) and Katzendragonz is her Executive Officer. We discussed my idea for an Exploratory Writing Course. We came I think to a consensus which should work well. I will develop the course as a prerequisite to the One Act Play and test it to see if it has a broader application to other courses at NHA. So today I have been cleaning up the “straw man” I plunked down into an E-Folder last night. Then I plunked down the three contest pages that are necessary for the contest. I didn’t fill them out, but they are now in a folder ready for further development.

My first student will be teaching a course Novel writing and I can’t wait to see what she comes up with. We need more advanced courses to give balance and symmetry to our basic and intermediate courses. I am full of ideas but I have to restrain myself and it is good that I have Karen and Katz to use as a sounding board.

There is a new crop of sensual prose writers that is coming on board at WDC that are very talented. They are not as graphic in my opinion as some of the old school writers and are coming up with some good stories and not the same oh, same on thing. Anyway their tactical writing skills are exceptionally well developed and its hard to tell if they have the operational and strategic where-with-all to write a more in-depth work. I will be trying to get some of them to take may course and find out.

I would like to see the sensual prose cadre move from the flash fiction form to a more expanded 3K word limit. That makes it possible to write stories with a story line that goes beyond wham, bam thank you ma’am. Maybe include a bit more emotional and sensory development and get a better look at the characters beyond the hoots and glutes.

Tomorrow is the first day of hunting season. Linda, before she went off to Marshfield put blaze orange collars on the dogs. They look funny but they get hunting season. Tomorrow when the shooting starts they will be sticking close to the house. The don’t like the shooting especially the lab…The doodle doesn’t really mind the noise although tonight the coyotes started tuning up and she was getting nervous.

Tomorrow I have to get some more wood split. Maybe I need to work some with Mark to try and get ahead some more. The weather forecast said it is supposed to rain. This has been the wettest year Wisconsin has seen in a long time.

The ladies of the Church have a chili supper for the hunters as an annual fund raiser and Linda has me delivering some crackers and butter to the enterprise. It has been a long day and I think it is time for me to hit the rack. Good-night everybody.

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