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#740163 added November 22, 2011 at 10:11pm
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Chapter Twelve and Thirteen
Chapter Twelve

King Thomas Says Goodbye To SanTrina


         King Thomas walks back into the castle, leaving Prince Yecheil with his own thoughts about SanTrina's soon to come death.

         The land's people believe that the celebration is to be thankful for the bountiful harvest. The banquet room was filed with wonderful fruits and vegetables.  Many tables had suckling pigs, fatted calves, and fish. This was absolutely going to be the biggest party in the history of SanTrina's land.

         Yacheil stood by the guard of the gate. He had done this many years ago when he himself had a party to celebrate the differences of people. The road to the castle were full of people as far as the eye could see. There were more than there were the last time he had watched them arrive.

         The city had grown so much. There were more shops, and families had prospered so that they could afford to have more children. Everyone worked together in the city with the whole kingdom.

         SanTrina set on her throne, and King Thomas sit by her side upon Sed's throne. He was trying to keep up his spirits knowing what the party is about. SanTrina was dressed in royal robes with her golden collar, ribbons woven into her salt and pepper hair. SanTrina never aged as most people. The only evidence of her age was the gray in her hair, and the clouding in her eyes. She had well reserved her beauty.

         The years had been good to both her beauty and her health. Not only was she beautiful she was still was in good health. Her memory was much better than others of her age, and she still was walk with out assistance. Yes this was fortunate that she was going to leave this world without the usual pain of dying.

         When everyone had entered the throne room, they were all asked to have a seat around the tables. The people began to eat, and they make merry. The people was so happy to be be able to pro take of the best year's bounty.

         As he guests finished their meals, King Thomas motions for the crowd to become silent. He looks over the people, and he can see how well they have been doing since they became part of his kingdom.

         “My People,” He begins. “We have come together for two reasons. One is to celebrate the mighty Harvest. The other is to celebrate our very one SanTrina.”

         The people cheers SanTrina. The King continues, “With her age, she is missing her family. She knows that it is only a matter of time before it is her time to join them and reunite her family. So today is the day of being blessed not only with the harvest, but with some one who loves us. She has never forsaken her city nor has she ever turned her back on you.” The king raises his chalice toward SanTrina.

         "SanTrina, SanTrina, SanTrina," the crowd chants. They too loved SanTrina.

         "My people," SanTrina says. "I love you all. It means a lot to me to have served both as your queen and as your judge. I am truly happy to have been a part of your lives. I want to show my appreciation and love for you through gifts. I have one for everyone who sent word that they would be here, and I have one for every citizen of this city." She begins to tear. "When Sed left this Earth, my heart did not feel with fear. I knew that I had Claire and you. I will always be in your midst through the memories of Claire." SanTrina motions for the servants. "When the jester calls your name, raise your hand so that the servants can bring you a gift."

         "Sanne", The jester calls. The servants bring her a parchment sealed by SanTrina and King Thomas.

         Sanne opens the scroll. It was really happy to see what her grandmother had for her. "Sanne, I am so happy to have you as family. I am leaving my seat as judge to you. You are wise, and until you are of age, Yacheil will be your adviser. He is wise and will make a great King when it is his time to step up."

         Sanne held the scroll close to her heart. She was so happy that her grandmother was pleased in who she was becoming.

         The names continued, "Sara" "Tess" "John". The names were called throughout the night. Everyone got something. Some got land, some received jewels, and the least got their freedom. The castle was a roar with excitement.

         Then it came to Thomas. SanTrina walked over and picked up the gift herself. She bows, "My King," She continues. "You have been a wise and merciful king. I could not have the city that I have without you. We were a dying kingdom,and you made us a part of the strongest Kingdom Salaamanta."

         She reaches him a box. King Thomas takes SanTrina's hand and kisses it as he guides her to her feet. "You are the mother of my late wife Arrebella, and you became my second mother." He opens the box. Inside the box was both Sed's and SanTrina's royal crowns.

         "My King. I give these to you to use as you will. I give my city totally to you." Queen looks over the crowd. "I know that I will be leaving you soon, and I want you to honor any changes or commandments as your king see fit. He will always have your needs in mind."

         The King motions for the servants to pull out the books for the guests to sign. He wanted to have their names so that he could send the rest of the gifts from SanTrina. Each person not only signed the guest book, they also wrote the sentiments by their names. Everyone from noble men to slaves wrote. There was not one bad word in the book from anyone.

         When they wrote in the book, the circled around to embrace SanTrina for all the kindness that she had shown her people for all those years. One by one, girl, boy, woman, and man, greeted SanTrina with a kiss to her hand. Some of them felt that this would be the last night that they would ever see her, and there were many tears as the people left the castle.

         The evening will filled with people who honored SanTrina. After the guests left, SanTrina called for all the servants of the castle. When they arrived, she handed out their gifts. Sara was built a house that would be comfortable for her. The cook was given all decisions of hiring for the kitchen. Each person was given a gift that made a difference to their lives. SanTrina was a woman who studied her people. She watched for their biggest need and fulfilled it as a last act of kindness before she had to leave the living. She was so happy to see their smiles.

         After the crowd had left, a bright light covered the castle. SanTrina knew that it was time for her to go with Arrebella. She walked up to her chamber. "Go get Thomas and Yecheil." She tells her maid servant, "and pass the word that I require privacy with my family for the rest of the night."

         When the King and Prince was given the word from SanTrina, they made haste to get to her. They knew why they were being summoned. The King Thomas meets his son climbing the stairs to the queens chamber. He did not make quick steps. "Son we must see the queen."

         " I am on my way, Father." Yecheil explained. "I am not in a hury to say good bye."

         "Nothing can buy her more time, my son." With his father's words, the two climbed speedily up the steps.

         "Hello, your magisties," SanTrina Said. She was sitting by her window looking out toward the light that was making its way to her room. "I am glad that you guys made it here to be with me."

         SanTrina looks at Yecheil. " Princess wanted to see you when she comes to receive me."

         "I know my grandmother. I am here."

         "Thomas, I can not see now. Everything is going darker for me. All I can see is the light outside my window." She said with a smile on her face.

         "I am here SanTrina." Thomas takes her hand.

         He looks out the window. There in the window was a bringht light. The light floated through the window and formed in front of SanTrina. The shape that it took was of Arrebella.

         "Yecheil, my son." Princess Arrebella smiled. " I am so sorry for the attempts on your life. I was afraid of you. I have been watching you, and I need you to know that I am proud of you. You are indeed a gift of God."

         "Mother, can SanTrina stay a while longer. Sanne truly needs to know her more."

         "Yecheil, she must come with me. She will always be keeping an eye for her family the way I always have."

         SanTrina looks and sees Thomas sleeping. "How beautiful is your father." She kisses his cheek. This made the sleeping king stretch a little in his sleep.

         "I will always love you my husband." Arebella whispers.

         She turns to SanTrina and takes her hand, "It is time, Mother."

         SanTrina breathes deep and quick. Yecheil watches her spirit come out of her body and form there beside Arrebella. The Princess hugs her mother. "I have missed you."

         SanTrina looks a head. She was able to see again. She looks at her body. "I am proud of what I have become and have done for my people."

         King Thomas opens his eyes. "Arrie,"

         "Yes, my husband."

         "I love you."

         "And I you. I have watched you, and I have never seen king that has come as far as you. Queen sends word that she is proud of you."

         SanTrina looks at her family, "It is time that I go, but I will always be looking out for you." She looks past Arebella. "Sed!" she calls out as she walks into the light.

         "Go to him," Arebella advises. Then Arrie looks at her remaining family, "Remember that though this is my last visit, I will always be there when you need me."

         She reaches out and embraces her husband. She whispers in his ears, "I will see you soon." She disappears from his arms.

         Thomas stands in the shadow as the light dims into the night's darkness. Yecheil goes to find his wife Claire. Thomas leans down to the body. "SanTrina, tell my mother that I miss her." He kisses her forehead. He goes and lifts SanTrina and carries her to her bed. He lays her there, and pulls the cover over her. He sits with her until Claire, Sanne, Yecheil, and the servants arrive. He could not believe how alive she looked with a very happy smile. She seemed to have been so ready to leave.

         Claire runs to SanTrina, "Mother, " she cried as she ran to her side. Sanne stood by her father's side. The prince picked her up so that she could see her grandmother over all the servants. King Thomas reaches for the little girl and carried her out of the room.

         "My King," she asks. "Where did grand mother Anne and now grand mother SanTrina go?"

         For a minute the king did not know how to explain it to the child. Then he got inspiration. "Sanne, we all are put on this Earth for an allotted time and for a purpose. After we have lived the plan of God, we are called back to him leaving only the body behind."

         "She has gone back to heaven? Why is her body left here."

         "In heaven you no longer need your skin, bones, hair, or any of your body. You only need these things to live here. In heaven you get a new body that does not hurt, it can not break, and the eyes never have to cry ever again."

         Then King Thomas takes the child up to the place that Sed was buried. "Let us tell grandfather that grandmother will soon be with him. I am sure that he has waited for such a long time for her to join him."

         Sanne kneels by the stone. "Grandfather, you do not know me. I am Princess Claire and Prince Yecheil's daughter. Will you take care of Grandmother when she comes to live with you? Grandfather Thomas says that she had missed you for so long. Now I will miss her."

         Thomas watched his grand daughter. He could see that she had a kind heart. He was proud of her.

         When the child had finished, the King sent Sanne home. He stays there. "Sed, SanTrina is coming to be with you. She left with a smile on her face. She was going to find you, and I am sure that she did. Yecheil, has grown up to be a wonderful prince. He will be a great king to lead both our lands. He will lead and rule this nation with all wisdom and mercy. I think that you would be very proud of him and Claire."

         The King gets up and goes back to the castle. He goes to the throne and takes his place on the throne of Sed. He waits for Claire to come and go over the arrangements for her mother's burial. He takes the time to go over all the memories that he had created throughout his life. He was happy to have loved and lived with all the people that had been a part of his life.

         Yecheil stayed at his wife's side. He helped her pick the clothes for her mother to wear on her journey to the unknown. He kept his daughter when Claire had things that she had to attend to for SanTrina. He just did not feel right leaving the child to her governess while she was morning her Grandmother. He knew that Thomas and William could care for the nation during this dark time.

         Thomas and William supported each other as brothers. Both of them had lost their wives. William was Thomas' father even before Otec told him about how Thomas was created. William did most of the guard training. He worked with the servants on giving them their duties, and he even carried the funeral messages to SanTrina's people to come to say good bye. William and Thomas were a great team  when the times got hard. They could handle anything, and loosing their hearts to death was the worst they had endured thus far.

Chapter Thirteen

Sanne Judges Lynetice

         Sanne was placed on the throne of judgment. She was now ten. Yecheil left Claire to help her daughter with the judgments she would have to make. He knew that there would be no judgments without seeking his consent first.

         They would not step into the her role unless she had made mistake. Sanne is now grown at ten. She had to make discussions that no child should make.

         The first judgment that the child had to make would seem to be a difficult one to make. A woman was brought in to the castle. She had stolen a baby from her neighbor. What would a person think that a child would do?

         She listened to the woman explain why she had made such a horrible mistake. Then she listened to the parents pleading for the woman (Mary) to be put to death.

         The mother stood in front of Sanne holding her infant. “This is my only child. I have been married for fifteen years, and I had given into the knowledge that I would never be a mother. When my baby was born, it was if God had reached to the Earth and handed her to me. I was so happy. I never left the child alone. I barely left her to dress, but this day I thought that leaving her sleeping would be all right. I had only gone into my chamber to make my bed. I was only gone a minute, but when I returned she was gone.” The mother looks down at her baby. “I didn't think that I would ever see her again until the guard brought her back to me.”

         Sanne looks at the woman that had taken the child. “What is your story? Why did you take a child that is not your child?”

         Mary began to cry, “I have waited to have a child. Last year I lost my fifth baby to still birth. I lost all five children before they were a month old. I had so much love to give. When I saw the baby in the tiny house, it was wrapped in an old blanket. I knew that I could take care of her. I have money, and I have all the clothes that she would need. I had saved all of them from when I was buying them for my babies.” She begins to cry. “ I would have been a good mother. I am sorry.”

         Sanne looks at the mother. “You have the baby back. What do you think that I should do to Mary? Remember how you felt as you waited to have your bundle of happiness, and then ask you self what you would have done if you had lost her not once by five times.”

         “I will not call judgment on Mary,” said the mother.

         Sanne looks at Mary, “I feel your pain for your children, but stilling a child is not the way to fix your problem.” Mary looks down to her feet as Sanne continues to talk. “We have children everyday that are not wanted in this kingdom. You have a noble husband and a good name. I will give you twenty five servant women. They will live in your home, and they will help you care for those children that do not have anyone.”

         Claire watches Sanne. She was so glad to see how wise her daughter was. She was happy to see that the throne of Judgment was given to the right person. She could not wait to tell King Thomas and her father about the wisdom that Sanne had used this day to judge a fruitless woman that need a child to care for.

         Sanne sends servants out with Mary to ready her home for a multiple children. She just felt that Mary would be able to make a difference in the lives of the children.

         Her next decision would be easier. Two servants come to her. They both think that they are their master's favorite. “I tend to his every need. I draw his bath.”

         “I cook his dinner.”

         “I care for his home.”

         “But I care for his children.'

         “Silence!” shouts the young judge. “both of you behave as children. I will keep you as two of my kitchen servants. I will send two of my best and most humble servants to your master. You will both be in the kitchen, and working the kitchen alone. You will not be working in any other part of the castle. This way no one has to deal with the arguing, and you both will be equal.”


         “I have made my decision.” The queen motions for the guard to take them to the kitchen. Sanne looks to her mother. She wondered if she would see approval in her eyes. Claire smiles at her wise little girl doing a woman's job.

         It wasn't long until King Thomas sent a messenger to the young judge. Sanne met with him. He hands her a package from the king. She opens it. There in the bundle of silk was her mother's crown, and a note.

         “My child, You have made me proud. Word has come to my ears that you are a wise and kind judge. You would make SanTrina proud. I send you this crown to inspire you to keep up the work of your grandmother as you are doing now. God Bless.” The note was sealed with King Thomas' seal.

         She looks at her mother. Claire stands up and takes the crown from the child's hands. Claire kisses her forehead as she places her mother's crown up on her daughter's head. This was something that gave Claire great pride.

         Sanne smiled. She knew that SanTrina was watching her as she cared for the people that she had to leave behind. She knew what she was doing was a good job for her people.

         Sanne was excepted by the people. Many of them sent gifts day after day. Most were silver and gold that she had no use for at this time. Other people did send things like porcelain dolls, puzzle games, and chess sets. Those were the things that she used for a period before her time to retire. She would have the servants to play the games with her. They enjoyed as much as she did.

         “Sara, do you like playing games?”

         “Yes, my lady,” She smiles. “ I used to play often with you mother Claire. She was sure a challenge. She played to win.”

         “Do you think that Mother will play with me sometime?”

         “I will address this with her tonight.” Sara replies. “I am sure that she would.”

         “Why doesn't she teach me more of ridding and shooting?”

         “Now you are in a place of the public. We can not have you doing things that would tarnish your reputation. When you are of age, you will be able to balance more of your time to do what you want to do.” Sara remembers conversations much like this with Claire.

         “It is time to go to sleep, my child.” Sara reminds her. “You have a busy day tomorrow.” She kisses Sanne's cheek and tucks her into bed.

         “Princess Claire,” Sara addresses Claire. “Sanne would like me to speak to you in her behalf.”

         “What is it Sara? Is everything alright?”

         “Yes, mam, she is fine. She misses your time with her. She wants to know if you can make time to play games with her before bed time when you can.”

         Princess tears up. “I would love to, but do not tell Sanne. I will take the child to bed tomorrow. When she asks for you or the servants to play with her, I will send them away. I will take time to play. I think that I would enjoy that very much.”

         “Good night, Princess.” Sara bows and leaves her standing thinking about how much she wanted to play with her daughter.

         Claire walks to Sanne's room.  When she opened the door she did not see a princess or judge, she saw a child. Sanne was as beautiful as an angel cuddled up to the doll that she           had gotten from one of the citizens of the city.

    Claire remembered when she had given birth to Sanne. Yecheil was so afraid of what his child would look like. Claire would rub her growing belly, and say,”It doesn't matter what our baby looks like. It will be wise and beautiful.” At that time she was trying to help her husband keep faith for his child. Now looking at Sanne  sleeping, she knew that she was right. She was beautiful and smarter than she would ever believe when she lived inside her.

         Claire just stood by the door for what seemed like an eternity. She just wanted to see Sanne as the child that she was for a little longer.

         As Claire was about to turn to leave the door way, she heard a thump coming from inside the child's room. Claire looks into the darkness, and she sees Sanne's doll lying on the floor. Claire smiles. She walks over to the doll and puts it back in Sanne's sleeping arms. Sanne snuggled the doll close and mumbled something inaudible.
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