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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/740284-A-Worst-Case-Assumption
Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1677545
"Putting on the Game Face"
#740284 added November 25, 2011 at 8:23am
Restrictions: None
A Worst Case Assumption
A Worst Case Assumption

In a nutshell what follows is an assumption… The worst case rhetoric and resolve the Iranians might resort to once they have a nuclear weapon. Yesterday I pointed out what I perceive to be a shortcoming in Israel's operational and strategic planning. Since I don’t know the full extent of it, this might be unfair, an inexact characterization….however, even if they are involved in it, execution will be another matter altogether. To explain what this planning would entail, an assumption is necessary because the issue deals with futurity. This is to say it is not a fact because it hasn’t happened yet. However, in order to plan, one must treat hypothetical future events as though they are factual.

I have written my assumptions in the form of a sermon delivered in a mosque in Tehran sometime in the next three to five years. If you see in this view a tone of religious zeal you will get a sense for the mindset and passion which the followers of Islam often demonstrate in venerating their beliefs. If it carries a twinge of hysteria to the Western ear, or a note of fanaticism this is because most Moslem’s regard Islam as a central aspect of their lives. In the West we have faith based systems, but ours have evolved more over time giving weight to other thought processes and we have learned to keep separate the way we consider science, political and economic forces. We do this almost unconsciously and as a result it is easy to ascribe the way we think to others in the world. Be advised, even if you already realize it, that the thought process of West and East is markedly different.

Dear Believers in the One True Faith,

For Generations we felt secure from the Jewish blight while it was absent from our lands. Then in the span of a generation it returned and like a bloodsucker, began to draw the vitality from the corporate body of Islam. Too late we acted to tear it from our flesh but it had burrowed deep and despite our best efforts we failed to rid ourselves of this invasive cancer. Every time we tried the Jews aided by the great Satan, the United States, arouse up and through the clever use of their materialism and technology, thwarted our efforts. However, Allah in his infinite wisdom, has extended his boundless and untiring mercy and shown a way to exorcise these unbelievers from the lands of our forefathers. He has delivered into our hands a scimitar of his infinite power and we are on the cusp of using it to rid our lands of the infidels. We will soon have a nuclear weapon, the veritable instrument of our salvation. Let the faithful understand and rejoice, as I do, in the wondrous blessing that lies close at hand.

It is no revelation that throughout history the pride of the Jew has been brought to heel when their arrogance became too much for their neighbors to bear. In days of old our forefathers defeated the Zionists and led them off in bondage. When faced with surrendering their lands or imminent death they have always chosen to save their lives. Hold that thought! Throughout history when they have refused to acknowledge the generosity of their hosts and taken shameless advantage, they have endured the wrath of those who mistakenly showed them hospitality. This happened here in biblical times, in Spain during the middle ages and in Germany in WW2. When they wear out their welcome in one place they move to another. After WW2 they moved back to Palestine and in short order stole the lands of the peoples who were the rightful owners and relegated them to the role of second class citizens.

The Arab world has been indignant about their outrageous behavior but we have been thwarted by the West who operate like lackeys under the influence of the usury and financial exploitation for which the Jews are famous. Slowly they wormed their way back into our world and entrenched themselves in one of the most holy centers of our beloved heritage. Everything we tried to arrest the spread of this pestilence met with failure and when their threats and financial machinations were not enough they resorted to military force aided by their proxies in the West. We can no longer stand idly by and allow this to continue. We now have the means to scourge these parasites from the body of Islam. Knowing that the Jews have historically chosen their survival over the lands they occupied you can rest assured when confronted with the means we now have and our steadfast willingness to use them… they will once again realize the hopelessness of resisting the divine will of God and slink off, ridding us of their loathsome occupation.

To this end we have issued the Jews of the State of Israel, usurpers of the land of the Palestinians, an ultimatum to quit those lands or be forcibly ejected. Six months from the posting of this edict, those who fail to comply will be expunged by the terrible sword of the Holiest of Holies.

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