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#740655 added November 29, 2011 at 2:56am
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fourteen to the finish
Chapter Fourteen

Where is Sir William?

         William always visited Queen Anne resting place. He visited at least once a week. William was still in love with his life. He never looked for another to love.  In his eyes, there could never be anyone else that could capture his heart. He talked to her as if she were standing right by his side.

         "My Queen, I miss you so much. Thomas is always so wise. We have done a good job, and I think both he and Yecheil will be great kings. There are times that I know that Thomas is thinking about you. The kingdom is growing by leaps and bounds."

         While William was speaking, he did not know that he was being watched. Two men were plotting on how to get vengeance over Thomas taking over Lynetice.

         "Is he not the friend to King Thomas?" The older man asks.

         "Yes, that man is the honorable Sir William."

         "How would Thomas react to not having him, as we no longer have our kingdom."

         So the two men walked to the plot near Queen Anne's.

         "I hope that Jade is there with you, and you.." The men grabbed Sir William from behind. They placed a pillow case over his head. "Who are you?" William mumbles.

         They did not answer. The tied his hands and legs. He jerked and fought to get loose from his ties, but he could not. He did not have the strength as he did when he was a young man. The men throw him into an empty coffin that was tied to their horses. Other people thought that the men were undertakers just doing their job.

         When they uncovered William's head so that he could see, he was in total darkness. "Where am I?" They gave no answer. "The King will find you."

         "That is what we are counting on." The older man laughs. Then he throws William into a far wall of a darken room and shuts the door. It smelled damp and of strong mildew. The floors were dirt. It may have been a cellar that he was thrown into. He could not hear any sounds, no birds, no people chattering, nothing. He decided to curl up to keep warm and go to sleep.

         The next morning the younger man returns to the darken room. He hands Sir William a plate. He left it there with William with a candle. Then he unties his restraints. The young man left the room.

         The plate had fish and bread. There was a glass of water. Sir William did not drink or eat. He walked the room with the candle looking for a way out. When he got to where the door should be, he saw bars. This looked just like a dungeon. It looked like one that he had been before to visit. Where was he?

         Attached to the wall were chains. There was no bed, no table, no pot. He wondered if he had been taken by another Kingdom. They were not at war. Why would anyone need to take him? Not one thing to allow him to know or guess where he was. He did see on one wall scratches that looked as though some one was counting the days out.

         William worked out on his body to try to keep strong. He had to do anything to keep busy so that the days would pass faster.

         While Sir William was trying to pass the time, Thomas had many people looking for his friend. He had a bounty out for his safe return of 100 pieces of silver. Men, women, and children were searching for him. They searched the fields. They searched the castles. And they searched the house throughout the land. Someone had to find Sir William.

         Yecheil summoned Otec. Otec did not answer right away. He had seen what had happened, and he was trying to get some kind of fix on where William could be. He scanned the land looking for something that told him where his friend was. He even tried to read people's minds, but he was having no luck.

         William knew that there had to be people looking for him, but times was running so slowly. He knew that Thomas would not stop until William was back in the castle safe and sound. He knew that it would not be long until he was back home.

         Thomas loved his friend, and there was nothing that he would not do to save his friend. He would give his own life. William had given his live to teach and raise Thomas to be a great king. He stopped all kingdom business until he would find Sir William. He could feel that his friend needed him, but he was frustrated by not knowing where to find William.

         Up on one search, the King searched the elementary where Anne slept. King walked up to the stone. He bowed his head and took a minute to remember her. “I promise that I will find him, Mother.” Then her began to walk from the gate.

         “My King,” said a child. “A man gave this to me this morning to give to you.” The little boy handed the king a hand written note. Then he leaves.

         “King Thomas you have taken our kingdom from us many years ago. Now that Sed and SanTrina are gone, we want to break the treaty. We want to go back to being our own nation. We don't want your rule. Give us back our kingdom separate from your land, and I will tell you where Sir William is. If not, I will see to it that he will die.”

         King Thomas looked around wondering if the kidnappers were any where close watching what was unfolding. King Thomas did not know what to do. He knew that he could not allow the kingdom to be divided. On the other hand, he could not allow his friend (his Father) be killed.

         Yecheil was riding up to the King. “Father, we have not had any luck finding William.”

         He shows Yecheil the note.”Let us go back to the castle in Lynetice, and gather together both armies and figure what we are going to do.”

         When they get to the castle, Claire was waiting for them to arrive. Yecheil met his wife. She was pacing the floor. “Sanne, has gone out without my knowledge trying to find Sir William.”

         “What? Where is her maiden?” Yecheil asked.

         “Sanne slipped off last night while the castle slept. She had heard the guard speaking about him being taken.”

         Yecheil was frightened that those who took Sir William would take the princess to try to get their kingdom back, but he did not tell his wife about the note. “I will go and find her.” He embraces his wife, and leaves.

         At the meeting, Yecheil explains that his daughter was out in the world looking for William. King Thomas separated the group of guards and soilders into groups. One was to search  Salaamanta for Sir William. Another would search to search the city of  Lynetice. Yet another to search everywhere that may have news of Sanne. Each had orders to bring Sanne home.

         Thomas was the leader of the group that went to Salaamants to search. Yecheil headed the group searching for Sanne, and the captain of the guard lead the group that searched in  Lynetice. There was not one home that was unsearchable. The search parties were out for days and then weeks. On the second week Yecheil found his daughter. He was so happy to see her. He orders his party to continue looking for William.

         When Sanne saw her mother standing by her throne, she could not look into her eyes. She was a shamed that she had left without warning. However, Claire ran and embraced her.”What did you do? You know that this city needs you.”

         "Yes Mother, I know how much I mean to this city. I also know how much Sir William means to all of us." Sanne replies.

         She retires to her chamber. Claire walked the child to her room. "I wish that you would stay in your room, and I will be sure that we find Sir William."

         "I will."

         Claire pulls the covers over Sanne's chest and hands her the doll. She kisses her cheek. "I am asking Sara to spend the night with you. I don't want you to get worried and leave the castle."

         Claire walks down the stairs and two sets of hall ways until she reached the servant quarters. As she reached the door, she could hear conversations. Older man says,"It should not be long until we have our city back as a kingdom."

         The younger voice replies,"It will not be long until they figure it out. We can not keep him this close to Yecheil without someone finding him."

         The the younger man comes and opens the door. So she walked into the room. "Has anyone seen Sara?"

         "No, My lady."

         "When you see her tell her to come and see me." Claire leaves the room. She decides to take the stairs past the throne room. She walks down the mettle steps deeper and deeper into the lower levels of the castle. Then she gets tot he dongen. There she stands by the door. She tries to over hear something that might help her find out who the servants were discussing, but she heard nothing that could help her.

         She turns and makes her way back to the throne room. There she spent most of the night trying to figure out how to get a view of the prisoners that were in the belly of the castle. In the morning, she was served her morning meal. There she noticed that the young girl servants wore a vail covering her face. "Do you serve my prisnors?"

         "Yes, I must serve them after I finish with chores for you."

         "Go finish your chores, and I will find another to feed the criminals."

         So the young girl ran off to do her chores. Claire went to the servants yard. She remembered the stories of how Thomas had tricked and stole Sed. She takes a servant dress and vail. She dresses in them. She makes the same trip down the stairs first to the kitchen. Then she walked deeper into the center of the castle. She came to the gate to the cells. " I have their food."

         The guards allow her to come in to go about her business. She handed out twenty plates. She searched each pair of eyes. Then she noticed some one familiar. She places a plate in front of the man. This man was Sir William. She knew it. She whispers,"William, I will make sure that you will get out of here." She gets up and and leaves the room. She scurries up the stairs. She entered into the throne room. She ran to her husband. "Yecheil, my husband, I have found Sir William."

         "Where is he?"

         "He is in the dungeon."

         "What? I don't understand."

         "He has been taken by two of the servants that waits and demands for the city to be a kingdom."

         "Do you know these men?"

         "No, but I have seen them. I can show you if you find them."

         Yecheil sends for Thomas. He and Thomas go to the cells of the castle. There they walk from cell to cell looking for William. The last cell, there was a man that sat weak from mistreatment. "King Thomas," William greeted him. "I have waited for you. I know that you would find me."

         "Let him out!" The king orders. "Who is responsible for this horrible thing."

         "It was by the orders of Sanne." The guard replied.

         "No she did not." The king looked sternly to the guards. "Who was the one that brought this man to the cells?"

         "Jess and Tray brought them in here." The guard said. "They say that he murdered Sir William."

         Thomas was becoming more and more angry. "This is Sir William. Find me these men."

         Then he helps Sir William to his feet. He tells his guards to take William to the Princess. She will make sure that his needs are met.

         When the two servants were brought in front of Sanne for judgment, she sent the pair to live together in the same cell as they had held Sir William her friend. They were to be fed the same foods that they tried to make him eat, and they were to never leave the cell. The eight by ten room was to be their home for the rest of his life.

Chapter Fifteen

The New Rule

         King Thomas began to allow Yecheil to make most of the decisions for the kingdom. King Thomas spent more time caring for Sir William. Sir William was getting older, and as he got older he got weaker. Yecheil now lead the army, and gave orders to the guard.

         William was now unable to leave the castle due to his health. Thomas would spend his days walking the grounds with William. He knew that it would not be long before he lost his father as he had his mother. Thomas wanted to help and to keep him living happy and healthy forever, but he remembered Otec's words. He had said that when a body is tired and the time has come, no one could heal him.

         Thomas sat and listen to William's favorite stories. The ones that he told the most was how he was given Thomas. How he was so happy to bring him to his queen. He could tell every war story that he had been a part of, but his eyes would only shine so bright when talking about his precious Queen Anne.

         Sir William slept longer and longer. He seemed tired and distracted. He would take naps for hours a day, and he did not visit the towns people as he always had. He could not even spend time with Sanne because he did not want her to see him as week. King Thomas knew that he did not have long with Sir William. What could he do to save him? Nothing worked to save his queen, but he did not want to loose another loved one.

         King Thomas decides to go to Otec for ideas. “Otec, William will not be a live for long, and I really want to save him. It is not one thing to heal. It is that he is getting old and tired.”

         “Thomas, we can save him, but it will still mean that you will loose him forever.”

         “What do you mean? How can you both save him, and I still loose him?”

         “On Zora V, age dose not occur. We are born and learn for about nine months. At nine months, we are fully grown. That is the extent of our aging.” Otec explains. “I can take him to Zora V, but if he comes back the aging will continue and catch up to  however long he was gone.”

         “Will he continue to suffer with the things that cause him pain right now?”

         “No our home has an atmosphere that rejuvenates us. If it didn't our bodies would grow old and die while we are exploring places like the earth.”Otec explains.”We are going back to our planet this time next week. We have been here for five thousand years, and our bodies are trying to age. We have to go before we too die. Come back if your Sir William wants to go with us.”

         Thomas left the ship with hope.  He would discuss to option of William going to Zora V to live.

         King Thomas enters the castle. He goes to find Yecheil. "Son, are you prepared to become king on my throne?"

         "Why do you ask, Father?" Yecheil asks a little afraid of what the answer might be.

         "I need to know that you are prepared. I have something to discuss with Sir William. Then I will come back to you, and we will prepare you for your new role of King."

         "Father, are you ill?"

         "No, I am planning to step down from the crown and take a trip." King Thomas goes to find William.

         William was sitting on the balcony that he and Anne had sit watching over the court yard. There were children playing in by the giant trees. Over in the west side, the guards were training. William remembered how he trained the soilders the same way. The fall leaves flowing throughout the courtyard. The colors were beautiful.

         "Sir William," King Thomas calls.

         "Yes my King," William replies trying to stand up in reference to his king.

         "Don't get up Father."

         "You have never called me father. You have always called me by my name."

         "I know, but you are my father." The king replies." I know that you are growing old. You are ill and lonely, but you don't need to allow it to take your life."

         "Everyone has to die." William scolds Thomas.

         "Yes, but would you like to live if you could?"

         "I don't like being weak as I am right now in my age. I don't want to live longer than I have to in teh condition that I am now living."

         "I know a way that you can live happy and healthy forever."

         "Thomas, have you been in the sun too long?"

         "Otec said that if you go with him to Zora V, you can live forever. You will heal after you get there, and will age no longer. He is going home, and invites you to go. You will not be able to return to the Earth. If you do your age will jump to the age that you would be if you had not left."

         " I would like to go to Anne when this life is over."

         "Sir William, Mother loved you, and she was not given this choice. She would want you to live. If you decide that missing her is just too much, you can return to die."

         Sir William gave Thomas a stearn glare. "I will not leave this Earth to go to Zora V alone."

         King Thomas takes Williams hand, "I will go with you father."

         "I will sleep and give it thought, and I will tell you in the morning."

         King Thomas visited with Sir William for the rest of the day. They talked about old times. They were talking as Thomas had no speech. This is the way that they conversed so many years ago before he was given the gift of voice. The day passed fast, and then the two retired to their beds.

         The next day Sir William sought out to find King Thomas before he even ate his morning meal. Thomas was sitting on the throne. This was one of the first times he had sit ont he throne since Sir William was found. "Your magisty, I have come to tell you that if you go with me I will go to Zora V."

         King Thomas ushers for William to sit by his side. "I will send for Yecheil, and we three can make plans for him to take rule of this kingdom. He is a strong man that is more than wise."

         "Yes, he is going to make a wonderful king."

         King Thomas sends a servant to find Prince Yecheil. The servant finds the Prince having breakfast with Princess Clair and Princess Sanne. "Sorry my dears, my father needs me. He has been acting differently yesterday, and need to find out what he needs of me."

         "Go Father," Princess Sanne urges.

         He kissed Claire and leaves them at the table.

         "Father, you sent for me." He bows.

         "Yes, son I did. I need for you to step up and be king of this nation." King Thomas continues,"I have plans to go to Zora V with Otec and Sir William."

         "When will you return?"

         "We wont. Sir William is near death's door, and he can live forever on planet Zora V. I am going to live there also. We will never be back. If we return our age catches up with us, and we die."

         "Father, I hope that I will make a great as you have."

         King Thomas, Sir William, and Yecheil go to the court yard. There they talked the day light away about the plans for the nation. Yecheil wondered if he could feel safe without Sir William. He wanted to see his daughter grow to be a wonderful queen.

         "Who will be my captain of guards?"

         "You have someone more than qualified to do this for you."

         "Who do you speak of."

         "Claire, she knows the people, and she is a warrior."

         "My wife can not do this. If we go down together, we will leave our daughter with father or mother."

         "You both are strong people. You and Claire will live to be of mighty old age."

         Yecheil leaves the room to find his wife. He finds her sitting by their daughter as Sanne made her judgments. He waits until Sanne finishes her day as judge.

         “My lady,” The guard greets her. “This woman has taken the life of her neighbor's horse.”

         “Why have you killed your neighbor's horse?” Sanne asked.

         “The horse keeps getting away and tracking my garden.”

         “Did you address this with your neighbor?”

         “Yes,” The lady said. “I did more than one occasion.”

         “And what did he say?” Sanne ask.

         “He said that he would secure the horse, but the next day there it was again.”

         “You traded your garden for a life?” Sane looked at the woman angrily? “You should have sent the guard to bring your neighbor to me. I would have seen that he had the supplies to have kept his horse stabled.”

         “Your punishment is that you replace the horse, and care for it your self for your neighbor. You are to feed it for a year. You are to groom it, clean after it, and pay for its training.”

         “My lady,” the woman starts to rebuttal.

         “We can instill this judgment or you can be hanged as the old laws were.”

         The woman did not utter another word. The guards guided her out of the castle. Prince Yecheil approaches his  family. “Sanne, you are a very wise young woman.” He greets his daughter.

         “Claire, could you walk with me?”

         “Yes,” Claire answers, and instructs the maids to take Sanne to interact with the children that were on the castle yard.

         "Yecheil, your words seem to be urgent."

         "Yes, Claire," Yecheil began," King Thomas and Sir William are leaving to Zora V."

         "How long will the trip be?"

         "They are not coming back. Sir William gets weaker everyday, and he will gain new strength in Zora V. There he will not die or grow older. King Thomas wants to be with him. It was Thomas' home for five years."

         "Will we see them again?"

         "No if they come back their age catches up with them, and they die."

         "You will be the King. I know that you are ready. You love the people, and you are a wise man."

         "Claire, I am not the only one in this family who will have a title. King Thomas believes that Sanne is ready to judge this city alone. He wants you to be the first woman to lead our army."

         "Me? It has been so long since I have engaged in real battle. Why does the King choose me?"

         Yecheil walks over to his wife, "You were good in the battles. As a child you could shoot the arrows more straight than any man in the kingdom save me and the King." He holds both her hands.

         "When is this change?"

         "This time next week they will be leaving. He is working on special armor for you to wear. You will have your own vest, helmet, and shield. You will carry Sir William's sword and weapons. They will serve you well."

         "The King's will be done." Claire replies as she looks out at her daughter,"Sanne is a smart child, and she is a wise judge. I have not had to interfere with her judgments since she took the throne of judgment. I think she will do fine, but who will advise her?"

         "She can find us when she needs us, and she will always have Sara."

         "Then I have a lot to do with so little time. I will tell Sanne tonight when I walk her to her chamber." Claire always walked the child judge to her chambers.

         Claire headed back to the throne of judgment, and gathered her servants. There she informed them that they are to follow any orders that the child gives them. They were to know that Sanne was now in total charge under the new King Yecheil. "If any of you think she is unfair about something, you can contact either me or the King."

         Then Claire went to the guard's quarters. She looked around, and as she did the guards bowed. They wondered why she had come to check out the troops. She began to take mental notes on how the guards and soldiers reacted to her visit. Each of them looked strong, and some of them she knew since she had entered the city. As she was checking out her army, Yecheil entered the room. He was surprised to find her there so soon after he had given her the news.

         Yecheil goes over and stands by his wife, "This is my wife, and I am about to become King. King Thomas is stepping down. He and Sir Thomas are leaving our kingdom. Both King Thomas and Sir William have declared that Princess Claire is you new Captain." The guards mummer. Yecheil continues, "They trained Claire with King Zed. She is as worthy as I would be to lead my army."

         The men loved Claire, but they loved her as their princess. They did not want to have to look out for a woman on the battle field, and especially a Princess.

         Yecheil states, "If you are frightened of the Princess leading you, I will set up drills in the morning at first light. If she can not hold her own, I will find another to lead you. If she shows strong, you will except her as you would myself."

         The men let Yecheil know that was a fair idea. They would serve man or woman that would lead them from battle alive. Every time there was a battle some did not come home to their families. If the death total is small, they will be happy to follow her as a captain.

         Yecheil went to speak with his father. "The men question Claire as their captain. I have set a time at dawn tomorrow for her to be tested. I will have her fight in hand combat with our strongest guards, shoot against the arch men, and ride against the fast soldiers that we have. If she shows strong, they will follow her. If she does not, I must find another to take her place."

         "You have done well, my son," King Thomas complements his son. "This is a smart idea, and it shows that she is brave. It shows her that she too is ready for her calling in this life."

         That night Claire walks with Sanne to her bed chamber.

         She tells her daughter the story about William and King Thomas leaving. "They believe that you are ready to judge alone. What do you feel about that?"

         "Are you leaving also?" Sanne asks.

         "No, I have been asked to lead the army as their captain."

         "Yes, mother, I can judge. I have seen you shoot and ride. I know that you are the right one to take us to victory every time we battle."

         She hugs Sanne, tucks the covers around her body, and reaches her the doll. "Mother, I wont see you much at captain?"

         "No, not as much as you do now. When I do come in, We will make use of the time together. You can postpone your rulings until I leave again, and you know that I will be bringing criminals to you to judge."

         Sanne smiles. "I know that I will see you, but I will miss grandfather and Sir William."

         "I will too, but they are not going to die. They will be healthy forever."

         She kisses Sanne good night, and then she makes her way back to her own chamber. As she was getting ready for bed, there was a knock at her door. "Come in."

         "My Wife, I have set you up a test at day break." Yecheil informs CLaire. "I know that you question your own abilities, and the tests will earn the respect of the soldiers. They will also show you that you are ready and well qualified."

         "Yes, My Lord."  Claire answers. " I will be there."

         Yecheil leaves the room, and Claire fights the excitement to be able to go to sleep. She finally fell a sleep. While sleeping. Claire dreamed of her mother and father. They were sick as they were many years ago, but this time they did not die. They became well, and  her mother tells Claire that she is proud of her. Claire watches as her father walks away. She felt the need to follow him in this dream. His strides were much longer than her's, but she ran to keep up with him. He went to the cave that she once lived in. He turns in the middle of the cave to face his daughter. Claire wonders why he does not speak to her. He points to the armor standing against the back wall of the cave. There stood SanTrina. She stood by the armor smiling. "My child you are ready."

         "Ready? Ready? Ready Princess Claire." It was her hand maiden waking her for her drills.


         "Look against the wall." The maid points to a suit of armor. "Sir William and King Thomas has made this for you."

         The helmet had a crown engraved into the forehead. The face shield was silver and gold. On the top of the helmet there was a group of horse's main that hung off the top and down onto her shoulders. The chest plate was shinny steal. The legs were paneled so that movement would not be hindered. Beside the armor was a shield. On the shield were the crest of both the city of Lynetice and the Kingdom of Salaamanta. The city crest was a soaring eagle, and the crest of the kingdom was a dragon. On the shield the dragon flew together as ales. This was the most beautiful armor that she had ever seen.

         ON the table next to the armor was weapons. She saw Sir William's sword, and King Thomas' arrows and bow. They both were of the finest that money could buy. Together the weapons had been in 40 battles and two wars. They wounded thousands, and they took the lives of hundreds of enemies.

         Claire put the armor on. It was very heavy, but she was not going to let King Thomas down. She knew that all her parents (her father and both her mothers) were watching her. They believed in her even beyond the grave. Claire walked around five times to get used to the weight of the armor. She then picks up her weapons and makes her way to the court yard to be tested.

         First Carmen (Sir William's best arch men) was waiting with his bow pulled. "Both will shoot three arrows to the bail of hay at forty meters. The one the closest to the bull eye will win. First Carmen lets go of his first arrow. It hits the bulls eye straight on, and so does Claire's arrow. Her arrow touches the one that Carmen had shot. The next arrow from Carmen was right on target with the other two arrows. All three arrows were touching. Claire's arrow hit with the others. Both Carmen and Claire were neck and neck. They have the same score. Then it came to Claire's  last arrow hit dead center of Carmen's first arrow. She was the winner of the archery contest. Carmen bowed, "My lady, you can lead me any day. My life I would in trust to your bow."

         Then she is lead to the middle of the courtyard. Samson was waiting. He had his sword and was ready to give it his best. His best had killed many men in battle. He bows to the princess. He had been told that any thing goes except he had to spare her life. Claire strikes at Samson. He strikes back pecking her armor making a loud metal thud. Claire strikes back, but Samson leans away from the impact of her sword. He was impressed how well the princess could yield her weapon. He began to swing his weapon as if his life depended on defending himself. The queen jumps on the bench. She strikes at Samson she made a cut across the front of his armor. Then jumped off the other side of the bench. People had to move as the fight kept it momentum. The two swung their weapons about three hours. Finally Samson swung and Claire steps away from the hit. She buts him with her head while his sword is still in the air. He falls, and Claire straddles him. She places her sword to his throat. She wins the fight. Samson bows to the victor.

         The next test she knew that she would not loose. She met John sitting up on a very handsome horse. They bring Sir William horse to Claire. She climbs onto its back. This is one horse that no one, but Sir William. She hands off her shield, and a waits the signal to begin the race. The arrow was shot to signal the beginning of the race. Each rode around the castle. Neither knew what obstacles were waiting them. They had to jump over gates, dodge swinging objects, and out run the dogs. The princess jumped over the gates and so did John. However, John was knocked off his horse by a swinging ball. Claire got her lead. She cleared the objects, and into the running from the dogs before John had gotten on his horse. CLaire made it cross the finish about two seconds before John. John was not happy with the results, but he know that he had made a mistake. Claire had won the race.

         The last test would not be the easiest. She removed her armor and replaced it with men's clothes. There was Big Richard. Big Richard was the strongest man in the kingdom, and he had never lost a fight. This would be the hardest thing she had ever done.

         Richard is ready to fight. Richard makes the first swing. As his fist comes in to hit the woman, she ducks the punch. She tries to hit back, but he catches her hand. He tightens his grip. Claire fights back the urge to yell out. She pushes her weight up toward her hand, and she flips over his back. This move surprises Richard. He turns to grab her but she has already moved to the front of him. She knew that if he caught her in his arms, she would not win this battle. He next move was dirty. She picks up a hand full of sand. She lets Richard move close to her. Before he could make a move, she threw the sand into his eyes. She came up from behind, she jumped on his back, and succeeded to choke him out. This is how she won the bare hand fight against Big Richard the kingdom's strongest man.

         "Princes, you did a great job on the field." The he looks over the crowd. "Princess Claire is the captain of the army and the guard. She has proven her self. She is strong, fast, and a skilled warrior. Yecheil will be king, Sanne your judge. Princess Claire will be your captain. This is the new rule of the land."

         The people cheered.

         "I am stepping down as your King. Sir William and I have plans to travel. You are to honor your new rule as you have honored me." He motions for the servant to bring Claire's armor. "Princess, put on your armor. You have not just been given this honor, but you have earned it. Your official training begins today. You only have a few more days until you are to have the position without anymore training."

         Princess takes her armor. She bows to the king, and leads Sir William's horse out  to the training field. She took her training seriously. She had to take her troops on scouting trips, practice her sword, and use the voice of athority. She worked hard everyday until it dark.

         Sanne continued her court, but she had trust her own judgment. She held court from day break until supper. She did her job well and was always fair. She was ready to judge on her own.

         The more that King Thomas saw the more he knew that his kingdom was being left in good hands. The people were excepting their new rule. They were content to work together with King Yecheil to secure the kingdom's safety, and they new that the nation would only prosper more.

         Every home joined into the streets as Claire rode by them with her army. Evey person bowed in referrence of the first woman captain in the land. She rode with pride, and they could see her confidence in how she sat in the saddle. The people were at ease to have her as they were with Sir William.

Chapter Sixteen

King Thomas Says Good Bye

         King Thomas goes to see Otec. He wanted to talk with him about what the men would have to take with them to the ship. It had been so long since he was traveling with Otec. "Greetings, Thomas."

         "I have come to see what we will need to take with us on the ship?" Thomas asks.

         "You will need to bring clothes if you choose to wear them. You need to bring with you food to eat on your trip. When you get there you not need food. The planet sustains your body." Otec thinks for a moment. "If you want to bring the most important thing, bring women. We will use you humans to finish creating the utmost surviving human hybrid."

         “Will the women be hurt?”

         “No they will live as you will. They will not grow old, and shall have their beauty forever. This will make us be able to stay from the Earth longer because we will have what we need at home.”

         Thomas leaves and goes back to the castle. He speaks with Lady Claire about taking  any of the servants. She suggested that he look to the orphanage where the poorest young woman worked. The girls that were raised worked there in turn when they were grown. The orphanage had more help than they needed, and they were beginning to send their young out into the world to find their own way.

         Thomas rode to the orphanage. There he met Mother Martha. Mother Martha introduced King Thomas to four of her ladies that were raised in the orphanage. They had worked there for twenty five years. Each girl was taken into the garden and interviewed to see if they were willing to move to Zora V.

         After the interviews, only three was willing to believe their story and make the journey with them.

         Mary who was 29. She had never lived outside of the walls of the orphanage. She gathered her things. Terra was 32, and she had lived at another one before this one. The last girl was Trina. Trina was the oldest. She was 44, and she had never been married. The three gathered clothes and their Bibles and followed King Thomas to his castle.

         At the castle, Sanne and Sara gathered things that the men and the women might need. This day there would be no court, and Claire was on her way home. Tomorrow they would be separate from two of their loved ones. The family would be in so many directions, but this was the only way to save Sir William from dying. King Thomas fills his bags with clothes. He does not think that he would need anything else. He decides to sit on his throne one more time, and he writes a letter to his family.

         "My dearest Son Yecheil,

         I know that you are going to be a great king. It was foretold to me from beyond living that you would be the King that makes the this a great nation. This I have never doubted. When Otec and his people come to visit Earth, he will bring word to you of me. I hope that you send me word of you, Claire, Sanne, and our kingdom. There will not be a day that you are not on my mind. I will miss you, but I know that I am leaving my home in good hands.

         Sanne will grow to be a great Queen. She is so much like you and her mother. You have done a great job bringing up an noble girl. She has the wisdom of an old lady. She is strong and as stubborn as Claire when we first met. She was a little younger than Sanne is now when she was living on her own.

         We are a family of strong wise people. Yecheil, you brought the kingdom together when he was but a child, and people that would not have come out of their homes united with everyone else.

         I will not be able to be with you any longer. Tomorrow evening I will be gone. So this a way to let you know how much I appreciate you.


         King Thomas"

         He picked up his seal and put placed it on the parchment. When He was finished, he placed the scroll into his crown. He looks over the throne room, and in his own way saying Good Bye.

         He retires to his chamber for the last night. His sleep was far from being peaceful. He dreamed of Anne and Arebella. They were leading him to otec's ship. They both were together and very happy. When he got to the ship, the ship turned back into the castle. His dreams turned to one of bliss. He was in the ship. It lands on a bright colorful planet. The skies were blue and pink. Otec's people waited on the landing pad for them.

         The next morning King Thomas, Sir William, Yecheil, Claire, and Sanne ate their meal together. They were having a quiet time. None knowing exactly what to say. They just knew that this was the right thing to do. The servants seemed different today. They were not as lively as they were most of the time. They just did their jobs without any communication. They too would miss their King and Sir William.

         It was getting late, so he went to the balcony to address his people. They were all standing chanting, "King Thomas" "King Thomas"

         He raises his hands to get the peoples attention. The people got quite.

         "My people, I am about to go a way. I am truly leaving you in great hands with Yecheil. I will not be back. You have been a great people, and I could not ask for any better. You have not questioned my decision." He goes back into the room.

         Then King Thomas, Sir William, and the ladies went out to the ship. When Otec opened the ship to them. Mary was not shocked because of the way they looked. She had seen prince Yecheil, and he resembled Otec and his people. The aliens lead the group to a room. In that room, there were little beds with doors lining the wall. Some how they had each person's name engraved above the bed in English.

         Otec explains, "After we leave the Earth's atmosphere, you can not survive if you remain on the floor with us. There will no longer be oxgen in the ship. The containment celinders are the only place that has breathable air. You will be asleep until we get back into the atmosphere of Zora V. Then you will be awaken."

         King Thomas asks,"How long is the trip?"

         "It takes 25 years in Earthly time, but it will only be seconds in time on the ship."

         Then Otec invites the group to explore the ship. They walked through the halls. The doors open on their own. You would not be able to tell that they are doors until they opened right out of the walls. There was no kitchen, no bathroom, and very little light. They were given the gift of dim light. The aliens like the darkness the best, but they were kind to their guests.

         The women were taken to a lab. There they fell asleep. They were examined. Mary had failing hearing due to an accident when she was a child. Otec healed her. They gathered what they needed to get information to keep the group alive.

         The women we taken to their containment beds. They were already asleep so they laid them into their beds.

         King Thomas and Sir William met again with Otec and his crew. Otec informs Sir William, "You may be too fragile to handle the trip from Earth at all. I would ask you to go with my shipmate, and he will help you to your container."

         Sir William follows the alien to the bed. There he climbs into the container. The door closes, and the air get shallow. William's heart slows, and he gets a little scared. All at once he could hear soothing music around him in the container. He then relaxes and falls asleep.

         King Thomas was allow to mingle in the ship until they were at the edge of the atmosphere. "Thomas, you need to follow me to you bed." Otec informs him.

         Thomas follows Otec. He passes some sort of window, and he looks out side it. There he saw the Earth. It was round and green. The blue was different than what we see while on the Earth. Otec tugs on Thomas arm. "It is time to go." He follows Otec to the bed.

         King Yecheil gathers his family and goes back to the castle. He sat on the throne, and picks up the crown that once was his father's. There he found the letter. He felt the pride that his father had in him. Reading the note made him miss Thomas more than he thought that he would.

         King Yecheil walks down the hall to Sanne's room. There he saw Claire tucking Sanne into a bed. How beautiful they were as a family. He waits at the door for his wife to come into the hall way. Seeing his wife cuddle the child, it was hard to think of one being a warrior and the child being a judge. Such loving people leading their totally different lives.

         Claire Tells her child good night, and comes out of the room. "Oh greetings my King." she greets her husband.

         "Claire would you spend the night in my chamber tonight?" The King asks. "You will be going back out on the field tomorrow, and I need time with my wife before you have to be gone."

         "Yes, my husband," She answers. "I miss King Thomas and Sir William too."She takes her husbands hand. The two of them don't have to talk to know what the other was thinking. He pulls her close and relaxes his arm on her shoulder.

         He felt at ease to have his wife with him to talk to. They have done this since they were children. She was the his strength to show his face to the world. He knew that she would be able to help him through this just by being by his side.

         The next morning it felt nice to open his eyes and see his wife. He kisses her, and nudges her awake. She kisses him back and lays in his arms for about ten minutes. She loved having his arms around her. She was the captain of his army, but sometimes the only thing that made her feel safe was being in his embrace.

         Then she gets up from his bed. She changes into her armor, and looks back at him. " I will miss you, my husband."

         He answers, "I will miss you too. I love you my brave princess."

         She bows, "I love you too, My King." She is unable to kiss him because she has placed her helmet upon her head. She turns and leaves the room.

         The king waited on his balcony for Sanne to have lunch with him before she too had to travel away. Sanne had to go back to Lynetice to take her throne as judge. She came to his table. "Wont Mother be joining us this morning?"

         "No Princess, she had to go with her troops." King Yecheil replied.

         Sanne looks at her father, "I can talk from the mind as did King Thomas."


         "Yes, Grand father and I had many conversations sitting together. Now I wonder if I can do it from a distance. Could I speak to you from Lynetice?"

         Yecheil looks at her with amazement, "It would be something to try." He smiles and begins to eat his meal."

         "Sanne are you all right?" Sara asks. "You seem distracted."

         So Sanne tries to communicate with Sara through her thoughts. "I just wish that I could speak with my father and mother."

         Sarah looks at her. "Are you speaking to me in my head?"

         Sanne hugs her, "I still can." She told Sara with a giant smile.

         Sanne continued a conversation one after another through Sara's mind. She would make a game out of it. Sanne would talk about something verbally, and through different thoughts at Sara. Sara had to stay on her guard. Sanne voice might be talking about a tree on the side of the road, but planting thoughts that there was a bea behind Sara. The two was having a great time. This helped to her keep confidence that one day she would be able to communicate with her parents from her throne.

         Sanne enjoyed her ride home, but the mile were many. As as soon as she entered into her castle Sara carried Sanne to her chamber to sleep. They arrived after ten in the night. The child had already been asleep for thirty minutes, and she did not want to wake her. Sanne could be a bear when she did get enough sleep.

         Sometime during the night, Sanne wakes up. She decides to try to call to her mother. She thinks hard about her mother. Claire was in the field about to retire for the night. She hears, "Mother". Claire smiles, she knows where the calls from. Claire stands still, and concentrates on her daugher.

         "Sanne, should you not be asleep?"

         "Mother, you can hear me?"

         "Yes, love, I hear you. You sound so good to my mind. I am so happy that we can talk even so far away from each other."

         "I tried earlier to contact father, but he could not hear me."

         "You are very low, and if he was busy, he could not hear you for the noise around him. If you practice you will be able to soon." Claire smiles. She lays down on her sleeping pilot. "Try tonight while he is quiet. I think that he can hear you."

         "Yes, Mother," Sanne replies happily. "I will call you tomorrow. I love you."

         Claire closes her eyes as falls to her much needed sleep.

         King Yecheil lays sleeping in his bed,"Father, Father, can you hear me?" He opens his eyes because he was afraid to have heard his daughter's voice.  "Father, can you hear me?" He now figures out what was going on. "Yes, Sanne,"

         " I tried to reach you today, but you could not hear me. I really miss you."

         "I miss you too my sweet." the king replies. "Don't you need to go to bed?"

         "I woke up and I thought that I would try contact you. I have talked to Mother also."

         "That is good. Now I know that I don't have to worry about you as much. You can always reach me. I will be there when you need me."

         Sanne tells her father good night. Feeling so much better about the separation, she fell asleep. The family was complete again. She could sleep comfortable through out the night.

         There were so many times that Sanne wakes up in the middle of the night just to send her parents a good night. They kept hearing her stronger and louder. She was getting stronger with her communication powers.

         She learned how to control the people that came in front of her to be judged. She learned to walk into their minds. She knew what the truth was and what how to make her judgments

Chapter Seventeen

Thomas Sees Zora V

         The ship door opens, and he sees beauty as he had never seen. The land was flat as far as an eye could see. Soft colors all around. The tree tops were full of pink berries, green leaves, and a smokey blue and pink skies. People were waiting (actually beings). There were dis tinging between male or female. They wore no clothes. The land had no need for cover. The temptress was exactly what their bodies. They seemed to be smiling when Thomas and sir William walked off the ship with Otec and his crew.

         They were cheering, but here on the planet there were no translators. This would make it hard to communicate with the beings. The one thing that any one could see is that the people were friendly. They walked through their communities. Which were indescribable

         The air smelled so sweet, and the water did not look like the water here on Earth. The water was the color of a rainbow. Each color gave a different flavor. There were animals. Some of the animals looked so much like those of the Earth. There were dogs that crowed, cats that swam, and ducks that mooed as cows do on the Earth.

         "Why are the animals so similar to our animals on Earth?"

         Otec touches the translator button on his uniform, "We have been trying to generate animals here as you have on Earth, but we have not perfected it yet."

         "They are interesting and beautiful."

         "Sir William, how do you feel?" Otec asks.

         " I am a little tired. It is so beautiful here. The air is easier to breathe."

         "tuu kunu su su toup," Otec points to Sir William. "Follow Tatec, he will show you where you can sleep. You will be amazed on how you feel tomorrow."

         The little being takes Sir William's hand, "ta tu toup."

         Sir William follows Tatec through the red streets of the city of OOToup. The houses were triangular in shape. There were no clouds in the sky, and he noticed that there were both a sun and a moon in the sky at the same time.

         They come to the largest building in the city. There he noticed that the door was at the main top. Sir William wondered how to get to the door. Tatec takes a stronger hold on the hand of Sir William's hand. Tatec 's feet lifts from the ground, and then so did Sir William was being lifted in to the air. Then Tatec flies into the door way followed by William.

         Inside there was another door. The door just axiomatically opened. Inside the door was a dim room. There was not much light. In the corner of a room was a bed that was prepared for Sir William. The room was large enough for a bed, and three different tables. As Sir William laid down to sleep, he wondered what the tables were all about.

         King Thomas walked toward their council building with Otec. They came to the building. When they walked into it, Otec took him into a large room. In the room was many little babies. They did not look human nor did they look like alien. The babies were being cared for by only two human mothers. The next room was full of children.

         "Who are these children and babies?" King Thomas asks.

         "They are hybrids of human and alien just as you are. When Yecheil was born and his mother wanted to kill him, we did not allow any other children to leave us for Earth."

         While walking through the room with small children, Thomas saw a young woman. This could not be the woman that cared for him as a very young child. The woman notices Thomas. She runs to him and bows in front of him. "My child, I have missed you. You are a success for both human and alien. Many of these children will not find that in their lives." She stands and hugs Thomas.

         "How can you look the same as when I was here before?"

         "It is because I live here. I will not tire. I will not age. And I will not die. If I ever went back to Earth, I will disappear as soon as the ship hit Earth's atmosphere. For I am three hundred and five years old."

         Thomas did not know what to say. He was in awe of the new place, and he wished that he could help the children. Some of them had hair, and some were bald. One little girl that looked just like Anne. but when she held out her hand to shake hands, she had alien hands just like Yecheil. Every thing else was total human.

         "She is your daughter," Otec informs him. Right before Arebella died we collected what we needed to create another child, but we watched how hard it was for Yecheil. We decided not to send her to the Earth."

         "What is her name?"

         "We do not name our hybrids because it hurts when they do not make it." Otec looks at Thomas, "She is your daughter, and you should give her a name."

         He lifts the small girl, and he looks into her eyes. "You will be named Arrie. For Arrebella was you mother that never knew you."

         She smiles at her father. Though she did not quiet understand his words, she could feel his love for her.

         "These children need to learn to speak your language. Then we may send them to Earth now that Yecheil has become King. Would you and Sir William teach them the ways of the Earth? All these children have come from your family, and from Anne. We want them to help humans to survive."

         "Yes, I would be glad to teach them."

         Otec points to a child in the corner. He seemed so sad. "He was created long before you were. He was created with Queen Anne and he husband that was killed. He could not go to Earth because of his totally red eyes. They would have killed him thinking that he is evil."

         Thomas walks over to the child. He began to remember him. They used to play together. Thomas holds out his hand to the child. The child turned his back on the jester of friendship. He had been angery that Thomas got to go to Earth and he did not. Thomas got to know their mother. That was something that this child always wanted to do. Thomas looks down to the child. "I will make it right, Brother."

         Otec declares, "Brohter will be the name of the red eyed child."

         Brother was the only person living on Zora V that had hate in his heart. He could not forgive that fact that he was the first child created, but he has never seen the face of his mother or  to see his land. Otec looks at Brother and then at Thomas."You will have a hard time teaching Brother because he has given up on going to the Earth.'

         Thomas walks with Otec out of the room. "Is brother and Arrie my only family in that room?"

         "No they are all your family. They are either your children, or they are you siblings. Brother was the only one to be created before you, but after you we created one hundred and forty four. We were about to send them, when Princess Arrebella tried to kill her son. We knew if a mother wanted her son killed, what would the people want to do with these children that are so different? So we kept them and cared for them."

         King Thomas knew that he had to find a way to name each child and baby. He knew that he would also have to reach each child to be able to teach them. He would have to work very hard to reach his own brother, Brother. Thomas was being taken to a very large room. There would be much work a head of him, but he would have each child ready for living on the Earth.

         In this large room was many aliens. Otec lead Thomas to the middle of the room. There a bright light shown down on Thomas. There were strange communication between Otec and the others. Thomas knew that the chatter was about him. What were they planning to do with him.

         Otec comes back to where Thomas stood. "They are proud that you have done as well as you have on Earth, and they wont you to be head of experimentation of creating the children. You are to have them ready to live upon the Earth."

         King Thomas bowed to the beings to thank them for their faith in him. Then follows Otec out of the room. He follows him out of the building and to the next one. There the door was at the top of this building. Otec did not take Thomas' hand. "Thomas, you have the power to fly to the door withou my help."

         "I could never fly."

         "This is your home, and you can navigate the way you did before you left. Think hard of where you need to be. Then feel light, and you will be in the door way easily."

         Thomas felt that light. He had his focus on the door above him. At first he was lifted to his toes, and then he just floated to the door. He looked down to Otec and smiles. Then he turns to see his bed. After the long journey, the bed that was prepared for him was truly welcoming. He lays down, and decides to try and contact Earth. "Yecheil?" "Yecheil?"  His son did not reply. "Claire?" There was no answer. When he was about to give up on ever hearing from Earth, he heard something.

         "Grand father, can you hear me?"

         "Sanne, you can reach me. I am so happy to have you talking to me."

         "Are you happy where you are?"

         "Yes, my child. I have met family members. There are children here that are family to us. Tell Yecheil that when I have taught them of Earth, I will send them down to the kingdom."

         "Great, my king." Claire thought. "I love you so much. I can not believe that I can talk to you so far away. I thought that was impossible."

         "Me too." Thomas hears the tiredness in his grand daughter's voice. "Get some sleep, and we will talk again."

         "I love you Grandfather."

         "I love you too Sanne." Then Thomas feel asleep.

         This would be the last night he would ever have to sleep. Here on Zora V, no one got tired. The air in the atmosphere kept the body rejuvenated. The day never got dark, and that is why the inhabitants loved their ships and homes to be dark. They used the indoors to rest their eyes. Their eyes were so large that by being in day light all the time their eyes dimmed. They could see perfectly in the darkness, but they could also see in the bright light of the never ending day.

         The next morning Sir William a woke and walked to the door to the red ground beneath him. How am I going to get the the bottom. He waited for what felt like days. Then he decided to just jump. Thomas steps out the door. He was afraid of the fall, but his body just floated to the ground. No pressure built on his ankles or knees. This was amazing. Now he paid attention of his own health. He did not feel pain. He was more awake than he had ever been. It was a welcomed change.

         Thomas walks down the street, and sees William. "You look so much younger."

         "Yes, I feel as I did when I was a young boy."

         Thomas smiles at his friend, and walks to the center of the city. There Otec stood with all the children. When William saw the different children, he knew some of their faces. "Who are these children?"

         Thomas looks at his friend,"They are our family. The one by the well is my brother. He was created from Anne and her first husband. We have named him Brother. The little girl..."

         "Is your daughter.." William interrupts. " She looks just like Arrie."

         "Yes, and that is why her name is Arrie." He looks over the sea of children, and tells William. "We have the job of naming them. We have to teach them, and have them ready to send to our kingdom."

         William could see a lot of Anne in Thomas right. He could see the same love for children in Thomas' eyes that he had seen in his sweet Anne so many times. He smiles and wades into the group of children.

         They begin to separate the children by the age that they seemed to be. Then again by their gender. William sees a child that seem to stand out because of his ability to lead the other children. They seemed to follow his every gesture. William named him John. John was taller than the rest of the children, but he was not the oldest. Brother was the oldest of these children, but Brother stayed alone. He did not want to play or interact with any of the children since Thomas left.

         Thomas brought ten of the children a way from the rest, and then decided to separate them all in groups of ten children. The oldest children were taken first with Thomas. The others played within their group.

         The older children were taught by Thomas because he could speak to them in their minds. William brought the youngest children (not infants) with him. Otec was his interpretor. William and Otec worked on the beginnings of the language of William which was English. William would say a word and Otec would translate in the alien language.

         William walked over to Arrie and stroked her hair, "hair"

         Otec "ooomp"

         William "hair"

         Arrie "h hair"

         William picked her up and gave her a great big hug. He had never felt such pride in his work since he was teaching Thomas when he was a child. More and more of youngest children learned their names (that William gave them). They learned there body parts, their letters, and numbers. The small children were learning very fast. They were able to ask for things, and say simple things.

         The oldest children were harder to teach. Thomas worked with each child to teach them the easiest way to communicate. Through the mind, Thomas worked with them. Brother was the hardest. He would think about any thing to keep Thomas out of his head. He thought about being left behind while Thomas got to go to the Earth. He thought of how he was left behind, and never having had seen his mother. Thomas could not get through the anger and the hate. Brother was not having any part of this. He would not even have eye contact with his brother.

         Thomas named the oldest ten children. There was Brother, John, Mary, Kamey, Sara, Timothy, Samson, Mathew, Richard (because he was so strong), and Martha. Each one (except brother) learned their name in just a few minutes. Then Thomas worked on each one  learning the names of the others in the group. The children were to be placed in rooms with just their class mates of the group. This was so that the children would learn faster.

         When the older children had learned to speak as humans, they were sent to mingle with the other groups. This is so that they can help the children learn from them. This was a great way, but Brother was still in the older group as others were brought in to replace the children that had learned.

         William had taught the little ones to talk. They were so young that they were speaking nearly perfect English. They were then mixed with the older children that had already learned from Thomas. The two classes were place together in everything that they did. The older children would talk with the younger ones, and they learned from each other. They soon learned each others names. The young ten children were: Arrie, Paul, Green, Jade, Saul, Tressa, Trina, Robert, Robin, and Jesse.  So the children had to learn 19 different names. This is because Brother was still in the class with Thomas.

         Thomas now had another nine, and William had another ten. William was teaching the next to the youngest group of children. Thomas taught the next to the oldest of the children.

         William's students were: Berry, Samatha, Christian, Charity, Nola, Matilda, Preston, Claire, Rayvon, and Faith. Their ages were between five and six. It was a little different than when he taught ages two through four year old s. He was happy to keep the children learning, and the children was happy to learn.

         The ages of Thomas students ranged from the ages of thirty to forty. However they had not aged more than the ages of eleven through thirteen in Earth years. Their names were Price, Sed, Sandra, Kendle, Angel, Jewel, Mossy, Shorty (because he was not more than two feet tall), Elizabeth, and Brother. Of course the children were as happy to learn as the last class with the exception of Brother. Brother still would not allow Thomas to reach him.

         Each class was inter mingled back with the children that had already had the English down to an art. This was how the children learned to speak like humans that they were.

         One day Matilda watched Brother turn away from Thomas. She was so sad that he did not want to learn, and she was even more dismayed that he was filled with so much hate. She decides to get close to Brother. She needed for him to have what they all will have (Earth families).

         After a while of working at becoming friends with Brother, Matilda was finally allowed to walk into his mind. "Brother, I will be going to the Earth with the other children, but you will not be able to join us. They can not take you there until you could function as they do. If you do not they will indeed kill you."

         Brother did not answer Matilda, but he did begin to notice Thomas while he taught the other children. He would listen as they repeated their names and the names of each of their classmates. Brother was also repeating each word that he heard. He was working on learning while no one knew it.

Chapter Eighteen

King Thomas Visits

         King Thomas and Sanne kept in touch through the mind conversations. This night Sanne did not expect to hear from her grand father. "Sanne, Sanne." She motioned to the servants to call off her trials for the moment. She closes her eyes. "Grandfather?"

         "Yes, Sanne. I need you to give your father a message for me."

         "Yes, my King"

         "Have him to search the kingdom for people that would want to care and teach some unusual children."

         "What do you mean?"

         "I am bringing over one hundred children to Earth. They have differences some same as Yecheil. They are our family. They have been created from Anne, he dead husband, William, Arebella, and Yecheil. They are our family created here on Zora V to help our species continue through every change that Earth may have."

         "When will the children arrive?"

         "I am told that it will be at the same time of year that we left."

         "That is tomorrow."

         "Our home here doesn't have days. It continues in light all the time, and we do not get tired or sick."

         "I have to go and tell father. It is not much time to find families for the children."

         "I miss you Sanne."

         "I miss you too Grandfather."

         Sanne canceled all her judgment for that day and the next. She sent two servants out in Lynetice to find people that would want children. She began with those that Yecheil had brought to the party while he was a child. They were no longer hiding. Most of them were too old, but they questioned their families.

         Sanne called to her father in his mind. "Father, can you hear me." He did not answer. So she called for her mother. "Mother?"

         "Yes, Sanne."

         "Thomas spoke to me. He wants father to know that he is bringing over a hundred children to Earth tomorrow. These children are family, and they will be needing their own families."

         "Keep trying to speak with your father." Claire continues, "I will send my men to visit her in Salaamanta to find parents for the children.

         "Father, Father! Where are you."

         "Yes my daughter," The King answers. "Do you need me?"

         She told Yecheil what Thomas had said. "The children are family."

         The first thing that Yecheil did was address his people. He said. "We have children coming to our kingdom. These children are without parents. They are smart and wise as I am. They are not the same as most of you. Much as I am not like most of you. Any man or woman, noble or servant, who will care for one or more of these children come to the throne room. For every child I will support the child while you raise it." Yecheil looks over the crowd. There were people that were no taller than a cane, people that were taller than any door, there were siblings attached to each other. He thought about how these people used to hid themselves. " I will meet you in the throne hall."

         By the next day, Sanne, Yecheil, and Claire had found seventy five people who wanted to raise a child. Thirty of them wanted two children to make them a family. They were all gathered in the castle. The king asked them to say there for the night. "I will bring you your child by the setting of the sun."

         Claire walked into the throne room. She bowed to her husband. "My king, I have returned to help with the giving of the children."

         Yecheil steps from his throne. "I am so happy to see you, my wife." He walks with Claire. She asks to spend the night with her husband in his chamber. They walked to the room and retired to sleep. They had to ready the Kingdom for the visit of King Thomas and the children.

         The next morning the King and Princess was surprised to hear from their servant that Sanne had saddled her fastest horse and came to the castle. So the royal pair walk to Sanne's old room. There she slept just as she had when they all lived together.

         Sanne sensing that there was some one in her room, wakes up. "Mother, Father." She springs to her feet and embraces her parents.

         "Why do you ride the night alone with out guard?"

         "I really had to be here. I needed to see King Thomas."

         The three of them walked to the table to eat breakfast. This time they did not eat alone. They ate with over one hundred people who wanted to be parents. Each face glowed with confidence. This was a good sign that the children would have good homes with great parents.

         The day went on, and it was time to go out to meet Thomas and Otec. The only people that was invited to meet them was Yecheil, Claire, Sanne, and Sara. They four walked out of the city to where they could see the bright light of the ship. Then the ship slowly lowered itself to the ground. A door opens. In the light they could see shadows. The shadows walked out onto the Earth, and the door closes.

         Thomas walks up to his family. Things had changed. "How long have I been gone." Thomas asks as he sees Sanne. Sanne now is twenty. This was a surprise for Thomas. She had been a child when he had left.

         Thomas walks up to his son, "Yechiel, here are the list of the children and how each one is related to the royal family." He embraces his son. "I am in trusting you with your aunts and uncles with your sisters and brothers. One is your son. HIs name is listed and it tells his relationship to you."

         "Claire, the gray in your hair suits you. It shows the wisdom that you have always had." He kisses her.

         "Sanne, I love you. Though you have talked with me nearly ever Earthly night, I did not know that you had grown up so beautiful."

         She smiles, "Grandfather, I will raise three of the children. We have parents for every child here."

         He kissed her. "I am feeling week. I gues here I am going one ninety or so. I have to leave back to Zora V."

         Sanne looks over to Sara. She was looking so old lately. She whispered to her, and then she ask Thomas, "Grandfather, Sara grows old." Sanne's eyes were forming tears, "Can you go to Zora V with you to save her life?"

         Thomas answers by addressing Sara, "Sara, you may come with me. They need help with children." He smiles at her, "You will love it there. There are no rich or poor. There is no sickness."

         Thomas walks into the light of the now opened door. He turned to face his family, "I love you all."

         The door shuts, and the ship disappears into the sky. King Yecheil, Princess Clair, Princess Sanne walk back to the castle to introduce the special children to their special parents

My words are ways to leave peices of myself behind for my children.
First contest I have ever done
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