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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/741356-This-ones-about-the-looming-Christmas-spirit
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1762035
A little bit of everything, colored my own way.
#741356 added December 8, 2011 at 10:29pm
Restrictions: None
This one's about the looming Christmas spirit.
Good evening everyone! The temperatures are rapidly dropping, but still no real snow in Buffalo. We had one snowfall so far that yielded some accumulation, but that was gone almost as quickly as it fell. However, we're destined for some type of storm tonight. Still hasn't happened yet, and I'm debating on how long I wanna try to stay up for it if it's gonna be really bad. The longer I stay up, the less I have to shovel in the morning (unless our plow service comes before we leave...unlikely).

I hate snow (and cold) in general, but I don't mind a dusting or so around the holidays. I think, for me, at least, it lends to the atmosphere of the holidays. Otherwise, it's just a nuisance. I don't ski, I don't snowboard, and it's been years since I've even cared to be engaged in any kind of snowball fight. So to me, snow is pointless. Like anything else that irritates me while provoking little-to-no thought.

So in lieu of having almost nothing to talk about, let's savage discuss the news, shall we? Let's see what's trending on MSN...

*Globe2* http://usnews.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2011/12/08/9307262-police-officer-gunman-dead-...

Another senseless act of random violence. What the hell is up at that school? Second time in less than five years? Damn. I don't get it. What possesses people to do this? Is it the old "Suicide By Cop" theory? I'm sure most cops would prefer to not have to shoot somebody, let alone kill them, and no cop worth his badge is gonna stand by and let someone blast innocent people down. Kinda want to hear a little more about this.

*Globe2* http://wonderwall.msn.com/tv/michelle-duggar-suffers-a-miscarriage-1656881.story...

Wait...since when does this qualify as "news"?

I don't mean to be an insensitive prick. This is a sad and serious topic...when your life's not so "out there". I mean, how ballsy of you to ask for privacy when you made your crazy life into a tv show. And 19 kids weren't enough? Nineteen. NINETEEN!! I feel bad and all for the pain and suffering, but people please, really? You're rubbing your 19 kids' faces in the face of people, some of which can't have kids, and then making money off of trying to have a 20th by making another tv show? You people are effing crazy!

Now, before you spout off on me, hear me out. According to family lore, I myself am indirectly here in part due to miscarriage. From what I remember, my mother miscarried before she got pregnant with me. Had she gone full-term, there's no way I would've been born. I don't remember all of the facts or details (man was I lot younger when I heard that bombshell), but I know this and have filed it away in a mental folder titled "things my family told me when I was young that I still believe". This doesn't mean that I advocate miscarriage, but I'm still sympathetic to it. Things happen for a reason. That 20th kid wasn't meant to happen, and neither was the child to be born in place of me. But I'm here...you get me instead. Now howl away at my perceived "insensitivity", because life is precious, and if that's what you want to make of this story or my story, so be it. And don't be alarmed when I think of you differently after.

*Globe2* Ugh...the "Editor's Picks" on MSN are so....lame. I don't care about the gossip. I don't care about celebs and who's fuckin' who and who's gettin' fat or rich or long-dead peoples' things being sold. I don't care. If I wanted to talk about sports, it'd be only about sports. If you cared about sports, you'd appreciate that I didn't waste your time talking about other crap, and if you didn't care about sports, you would mouse your way down to the next segment.


So I'm starting to hit a wall, but luckily I found this song and it's given me some other options to use in my search for non-traditional Christmas-themed musical selections. You'll take this and you'll like it. I forget about this song/band every year around Xmas until it's far into the season. I tell myself I'll have to find it somewhere. And ya know what? I never do. I might write the exact same blog entry next year and post the exact same song, and two days later it's out of my head, because I'm looking for another song. I've got a couple of songs in my back pocket I'm waiting to roll out in the forthcoming days, but I'm not all Christmasy yet. So enjoy this and hope it becomes a staple of Christmas music down the road. Much like another band's Christmas album was a staple of my own Christmases as a youth...I'm gonna find their "Christmas" album, and hang ornaments on our tree to it (if we ever have our own kid/s).



*Snow2* I'm as prepared as I can be for snow. Which means: I'm not prepared.

*Snow2* I had a really good retail-centric topic to discuss today, until all sorts of miniscule retail things happened. Thanks for killing my flow, retail.

That's it. I'm bailing on this one. Man overboard on the snow coaster. OHHHHH!! Holdup-waitasecond.... totally forgot about this...lemme pause a sec so I can see if I can find a link.... So I was a few minutes late to work, despite our best efforts to leave early after hearing about this on the radio (and bless justjessica1's heart for having news radio on in the morning so I can hear this stuff). A Pepsi truck crashed about five minutes away from our house...closing an intersecting main thoroughfare three blocks from our house to three blocks toward my way to work. We were able to get through the intersection going straight, but wouldn't have been able to if we turned right. We fought the traffic that was filtering our way and I was only late by a minute or two. Here's a short clip of the scene: http://buffalo.ynn.com/content/top_stories/566402/pepsi-truck-crashes/ STALKER ALERT: I live on Walden, about two lights down from the scene. Here's another look at it: http://www.wkbw.com/news/local/Crash-Causes-Sticky-Mess-135257283.html

Allllrightey then. Now I'mma GTFO and relax, after I proofread this because I've already caught myself a few times jacking up the words. Tomorrow's Friday, which means it's one more day after that 'til my weekend. So get your Friday on in style, and we'll see ya soon around these parts. Peace, and GOODNIGHT NOW!!

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