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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1677545
"Putting on the Game Face"
#744805 added January 18, 2012 at 9:05am
Restrictions: None
The Other Side of Who We Are
The other side of who we are.

At conception but for the toss of a coin you might have been created in the other gender. But for a wiggly little sperm with a plus or minus sign you might be speaking in a baritone or fluttering around like a blond. This begs the question what happened to that part of you that was told to go sit in the corner. I write about this aspect of a person’s persona from time to time however most everyone realizes that they have an opposite gender aspect to their personality.

Now I am not suggesting that everyone has latent homosexual tendencies, however true this might be in about ten percent of the cases. What I am referring to is someone firmly entrenched in their preferences but who comes to realize that there is a part of themselves that got shut out a long time ago and didn’t get voided with the placenta or discharged like a menstrual fluid or a waste product. It is still there lurking in our souls and exercising a subtle influence on who we are.

For my part the thought of a homosexual relationship sends a chill of aversion running down my spine. However I do not consider myself a homophile. But for the grace of God I might be wearing those shoes (heels?) and I am grateful to my creator that I am not inclined to late night walks in the park or clandestine relationships in a bathroom stall. My life is complicated enough without having to deal with that.

Actually I like my female side and do not feel threatened by the realization it is there. My mother wanted me to be a girl so she could have someone to do girly things with. I won’t go into that except to say that I got taken shopping frequently and asked whether I liked this dress or blouse better than that. I remember once being embarrassed by being asked to choose between a pink and black bra. Still that was my mother and as I look back am glad to have been of some service on her frequent shopping sprees. Sometimes she went too far however like the Christmas she gave my brother a toy truck and me a doll. The family is still talking about that special moment under the Christmas tree.

Now a writer has to be able to put on the male and female hat interchangeably. Shakesphere is frequently criticized because he was clueless about writing child characters. There are some writers that tend to do better in one sphere or the other but this is no surprise to an experienced reader. In a writers voice we soon get a good sense of what the level of comfort is. At WDC I have worked to do a better job at expressing intimacy in my writing and often feel inclined to share with a reader more than the shutting of a bedroom door. It is an extremely difficult thing to do well and everybody has their own threshold of tolerance. For most a little goes a long way.

I don’t know how I got on this topic but it is one we all seem to carry a lot of baggage on. Most people I think have some bad early experiences that come to taint their perspectives which are too bad because sex is a pretty cool experience. Anyway WDC offers a writer an opportunity to test the waters of intimacy in human relationships and some members have emerged who write some pretty good sensual prose.

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