Enga mellom fjella: where from across the meadow, poems sing from mountains and molehills. |
Norway. Eg ser... Noen gonger eg berre vil gå andre steder. Eg skrev i dag: ein lille båt ein stille båt den minste båten i hamn. ein stor stemme ein høy stemme den sterke stemmen i klassen. Nice to know the mind took a trip. The body is sweltering in this heat. It would like to follow to some place cooler. Nothing done. Nothing. Soon I'll leave ...I promise. But I may as well wait till after 2 pm. I missed a chance to talk with Sarah in Zimbabwe. Hopefully her birthday went well. It's probably hot there this summer. Hoping there's some snow left when I get back to Montana. It's in the forecast for today. Scattered thoughts. I got to talk to Myrt last night in Missoula but the connection was lousy. Talked to my mom this week as well. If I am going to do nothing it would best behoove me to make connections with family and friends. Better that than watching television. I keep forgetting about timezones though and my phone that has my numbers stored in it isn't working. Slowly... I did write a response to an article on-line and posted it to facebook. The problem is my lack of expertise in the field of history. Still, I suspect many academics look at the world though a microscope (which is fine) when what is sometimes needed is stepping back to see the whole picture. Liberal Arts ...as in interdiscipline critical thinking... does not seem to be in vogue. Ah... but critical thinking is suspect in our culture so that should be no surprise. I wish I had background in systems ...as in biological, geological, astrological, anthropological ...systems. The concepts of cycles and spirals and the theme of connections. Still wouldn't get me on a plane to Norway though. 27.113 |