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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/747834-Alarcon-versus-McClain
Rated: 18+ · Book · Women's · #1540953
The Continuing Saga of Prosperous Snow
#747834 added February 25, 2012 at 10:53pm
Restrictions: None
Alarcon versus McClain
February 25, 2012 ~ 30-Day Blogging Challenge prompt is No. 2 --- WRITE ABOUT --- What happens between the Finch-Martins (any popular __________ family) and the second group from your character list.

I stood in front of the McClain castle and stared. The bio had not included a picture of the place; it simply stated that the McClain’s had build, or rather paid a local architectural firm to build an exact replica of the family castle in Scotland.

As I approached the front gate, the bridge across the mote lowered. A petite blonde wearing a red twentieth century mini skirt came out to meet me.

“Hi,” she said extending her right hand, “you must be Jessie Ferris. I’m Beebe McClain, please come into my castle.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. McClain,” I shook her hand.

“Please, call me Beebe,” she smiled sweetly. Almost too sweetly, I got the feeling that she had practiced the smile for weeks.

“Then you have to call me, Jessie.”

“All right, Jessie,” we entered the courtyard and the gate closed behind us. “I understand you here to do a story that will attract more colonists to Mars.”

“Yes,” I removed my recorder from my pocket and turned it on. “I understand that some of the mining claims can make a person quite wealthy.”

She laughed, “Our claim at the South Pole was rich enough for us the pay to have Mars Station’s dome raised to accommodate this castle.” As we entered the house, she paused in front of a mirror and brushed an invisible piece of lint from her blouse. “Our claim is worth several million more credits then the Alarcon claim at the North Pole.”

We went into the library and sit down. “Please, help your self to the caviar; I had it brought all the way from Earth.” I spent the next hour eating caviar and recording Beebe McClain brag about how much better off the McClain’s were then the Alarcon’s.

As I left the McClain Castle, I noticed that the mote did not contain water, but with some sort of substance that undulated and changed color from red to green and then to black.

An hour later, I was in the Alarcon dining room having diner with Gregor and Alma.

“I gather you’ve already interviewed the McClain bitch,” Alma frowned.

“Yes, an interesting woman,” I glanced at Gregor, who smiled nervously.

“I suppose you could say that,” Alma stabbed a piece of potato with her fork. “Personally, I think she brags too much about how much money they earn from there claim, very low class.”

“There is that aspect,” Gregor picked up a roll and buttered it, “but she does... is an excellent dancer.”

“You started to say she looked good in a mini skirt didn’t you, Gregor”, Alma said. Then she turned to me, “Jessie, you do know she recently gave birth to Gregor’s daughter.”

“Alma,” Gregor said, “Harvey, her husband’s name is on the birth certificate.”

Well, I thought as I listened to them talk, this should be interesting, I’m glad I’m not recording this.

Two hours later, I prepared to leave. At the door, Gregor handed me a small recorder and whispered. “I noticed you didn’t record our conversation, so I did it for you.”

“Gregor, I...”

“Please, don’t thank me.” He winked, “after all you can’t give an accurate report on this soap opera that is Mars Station, if you don’t have all the facts. It’s our duty to make the Mars colony appear interesting so that we attract more colonists.”

I wonder, I thought as I walked back to my office, what they are trying to hide. Why do they want the type of colonist that this soap opera would attract? Maybe I do not want to marry a Martian colonist after all.

30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS  (13+)
WDC's Longest Running Blog Competition - Hiatus
#1786069 by Fivesixer

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