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Rated: 18+ · Book · Fantasy · #1856880
Fantasy, Two young women battle evil in todays world.
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#750424 added August 5, 2012 at 12:45am
Restrictions: None
          “These are awesome!” Sunamii said as they approached the Apartments. The freshly painted brownstones and the well manicured trees running along both sides of the street remindered her of some of the upscale neighborhoods her father had taken her to as a child in Boston.

          “Was I right?” Katrina replied pulling her Lexus off the road and into the adjoining parking lot “I can’t wait to see the inside, and look we won’t have to park on the street”

            The women had been apartment hunting all summer; their old apartment had become too small. At certain times they found themselves parking a couple of blocks away. Oh they had one assigned parking space, but depending on the day of the week, they might come home to find it occupied. The apartment managers slow response in handling the situation soon just became too much and they started seeking alternative living arrangements.

            Sunamii was still recovering from her initial surprise. “It’s just like the postcards you see at Hallmark”, then added “I still can’t believe your father bought this for you?”

            Katrina pulled into one of the many vacant spots, and put the car in park. “Well, it's not for me exactly” she said “But we can stay here until we graduate. Come on I can’t wait to get inside. If it looks anything like the outside” she laughed “I might put off graduating a few more years”

          Both women laughed and got out of the car and began making their way back to the front of the apartments. Up ahead two squirrels where chasing each other around the base of an old oak tree and noticing the two women approach, turned and scrambled up the tree. A red and yellow hummingbird feeder was hanging from the bottom branch. Both squirrels stopped just above it to watch Sunamii and Katrina go by.

          “I wonder if I could get these squirrels to eat out of my hand?” Sunamii asked waving to the pair sitting on the lower branch. The larger of the two inched forward as if examining the hand. “My dad and I went to Vancouver once to visit his family. They have a zoo there where the squirrels will come right up and take the nuts right out of your hand. I even saw a bird land in a woman’s hand and eat bird seed. Bet I could train these.”

          “As long as I don’t wake up and have one sitting on my bed expecting to be fed” Katrina said.

          “Huh?” Sunamii said “THAT would be only too cool….Hey, do you think they make such things as Squirrel doors? You know like doggie doors only smaller.”

          Katrina raised one eyebrow to Sunamii, then smiled and said “Damn. I think I remember my dad saying no pets”

          Sunamii laughed “Your dad? You’re kidding right?” then added “You practically grew up in a zoo. Nope I think that is the last rule he would have. Nice try.”

        They reached the front of the apartments where they noticed a older gentleman sweeping the sidewalk on the opposite side, he looked up and seeing them, paused to wave.

        “You the new owner” he called over to them. He was tall and thin, with grey hair that still showed traces of his original brown.

        “My father is” Katrina replied returning the wave.

          The man smiled “Then you must be Katrina” he rested the broom against the stairway and began making his way across the street. “Your father talks about you all the time”

          He seemed more agile then he looked; he was quickly across the street. He gave the two women a warm smile as he approached.

          “I’m Peter Swenson” he said “But my friends call me Pete. I own the apartments on the other side. It’s a pleasure to meet the daughter of Alexander Dailey” he said extending his hand.

          Katrina accepted the offered hand “You know my father?”

          He laughed slightly “Of course I know your father” he stated “Who do you think contacted him about the brownstones?”

          “I just figured...”Katrina began, but Peter cut her off with a wave

          “Your father and I go way back” he said, and then added “We served together in Vietnam. I am sure he’s mentioned me” he paused, waiting for a response “Deadeye Pete?”

          Then it all came back to her, how he would reminisce about the war and how his friend Deadeye Pete helped him keep his sanity. Sometimes he would get carried away and forget his daughter was in the room. She remembered the photographs he had showing them both together, they always seemed to be smiling.  As the years have gone by she wondered how anyone could be happy in that situation.

        Katrina remembered “Oh yes, he told my bother and I some stories” she blushed slightly “and maybe some he shouldn’t have”

        He laughed, “Those were good times”

        Sunamii instantly frowned and but before she could speak, Peter continued

        “Oh no, don’t misunderstand” he said holding up a hand to her “The war itself was a tragedy, and nothing can put a positive spin on it. I only meant that Alex and I had a way of making the best of bad situation, so to speak”

        “You said good times” Sunamii retorted “I find nothing good came out of that war”

        Katrina immediately jumped to Sunamiis defense “Two of her uncles died in Vietnam” she said placing a reassuring hand on her arm “War is a very sensitive subject around her”

        As if by magic Peter’s demeanor instantly changed, he placed a hand on Sunamii’s shoulder “Sunamii” he said getting slightly emotional “I apologize for my hasty words. Believe me when I say, I think we share the same opinion in this matter. No, I haven’t lost any family in war, but I did lose many friends.” He paused, and then as if concluding some mental debate turned to Sunamii “I would very much like to tell you a little story.” He turned to Katrina “I am sure your father never told you this one”

      Before either woman could respond, a voice rang out from the other side of the street.

      “Peter?” a woman called

        “Be right there dear” He called back, then turning to Katrina “You must come and meet my wife, she has been looking forward to seeing you”

          Katrina made a quick check of her phone “I don’t know if we have time” she said turning to Sunamii for agreement “We have class in an hour. We were just stopping by to look at the apartment during our lunch break”

        But Sunamii was intrigued by the man “I think we can spare a few minutes” she said “I would really like to hear the story. Besides its Friday, he never really puts out much new material; we can be a little late”

        “I suppose” Katrina agreed, then perked up “To hear a story my father didn’t share with us? Lead the way, sir”

        Peter smiled and in an exaggerated imitation of a butler bowed and spread his left arm out toward the street, “Then right this way”

      The brownstones on one side were exact duplicates of the ones on the other. Similar manicured trees lined this side as well. The marked difference being the wrought iron table and chairs outside Peter’s apartment. A tall ten foot umbrella extending from the center of the table provided shelter from the midday sun. Sunamii noticed two squirrels run up the closest tree. Could these be the same ones?

      “Sit please” he said motioning the chairs “Ill be right back” and with that he took off up the steps into his apartment.

        Katrina and Sunamii sat down. A jogger ran by at that moment “Afternoon ladies”

      “Hi” Sunamii managed to get out before he was out of range, and then she turned to Katrina “friendly neighborhood”

      “Strange” Katrina said, half to herself.

      Sunamii was still watching the jogger “Huh. What’s strange?”

      “You know you and I both grew up in Boston” she said, “My father spoke often of Deadeye Pete, err. Mr. Swensen. But he never mentioned him living in Chicago.”

      Sunamiis stopped and turned her attention to her friend “I don’t understand. What are you saying?” she asked “You don’t think this is your fathers’ friend?”

        “Oh no,” she said shaking her head “He definitely fits the image my dad would have painted of him and he does resemble the pictures I’ve seen. It’s just...”

        Peter was returning, with a tall brunette in tow. When he reached the table he turned to the woman and said “Angela, this is Alex’s daughter, Katrina” motioning to Kat “and her friend Sunamii. They’ll be living across the street in one of the apartments Alex bought”

      “Well it’s certainly a pleasure to finally meet you” she said then added “you definitely take after your mother. That nose and those cheeks, you’re very pretty”

      Katrina blushed at the compliment and felt at a disadvantage, her father hadn’t mentioned Peter had a wife at all. “Thank you. And it’s good to meet you as well”

        Angela turned to Sunamii “You know” she pondered “I don’t think I have ever met anyone with green eyes before” she said, pausing for a reaction “Must come from your mothers’ side?”

      Sunamii was startled by the question “I don’t know” she said, “I never met my mother”

      “Silly me” she said, feigning concern “I apologize if I said anything to bring up unhappy memories. Let me make it up to you. Ill be right back with some brownies I made this morning”

      “Oh that’s not necessary Mrs. Swensen” Sunamii interjected “you had no way of knowing; besides like I said, I never met her. It’s difficult to miss what you never had”

    “Of course dear” Angela replied “But still, it was thoughtless of me. I won’t be but a minute” and with that she turned and left.

      Peter sat down and turned to Katrina “I told you she would want to meet you. We have so few friends in the area. It will be nice having you right across the street”

    Katrina still couldn’t put the pieces together, “Mr. Swensen” she said “How…”

    “Please call me Pete” he said “Mr. Swensen makes me feel old”

    “Ok Pete” Katrina complied “How long have you and your wife lived here?”

      Peter paused a moment, then immediately looked back towards his apartment “Ah here she is, and as promised.” He turned back to the women “Nothing beats Angela’s brownies. No Sir” He turned fully to Angela “I was just telling them you make the best brownies in Chicago”

      “Don’t pay him no mind” she waved off handedly to Peter “He says that to just about anything I cook. But modesty aside, this recipe has been in the family for generations.” She said placing the plate down in the center of the table.

      Katrina stole a glance at her phone, they were really falling behind. She caught Sunamiis eye and gave her the ‘we really need to leave look’, and Sunamii nodded.

    She turned to Peter “I am afraid we really must be going. It was nice meeting you both” then to Angela “and I’m sure the brownies are wonderful, but I am really eager to see the apartment, and we have so little time now”

    “Of course dear” she said picking up the brownies “Here take the plate with you. I have more upstairs”

      Katrina took the plate “Thank you” then to Peter “I look forward to hearing the story.” She mused “Something my father didn’t want to tell me?”

    Peter momentarily looked uncomfortable “It was nothing really” he caught himself “I’m sure he might have told it.”

      Sunamii came up with what she thought was a brilliant plan. “Perhaps you could tell us the story while we look at the apartment?”

      Angela suddenly became interested “What story would that be dear?”

      “Oh nothing important sweetie” he said, Sunamii thought he seemed a little nervous, then he added “One of our parties we had, thought the young ladies might enjoy it”

      “Nonsense dear” she stated “They don’t want to hear about two young men carousing about in bars” then she looked at her watch “Would you look at that? I am sorry but I almost forgot about my appointment this afternoon. Pete we must leave now if we are going to beat the traffic.”

      “Yes, of course dear” then to the Sunamii and Katrina “Sorry to bail out on you, but perhaps another time?”

      “Sure” Sunamii replied “You know where we live” she chuckled “and thanks again for the brownies”

      “My pleasure” Angela said smiling “Eat them in good health”

      Katrina watched as the couple departed then turned to Sunamii.

      “What was that?” she asked Sunamii “Tell us the story while we look at the apartment?”

      “Yeah” Sunamii said “I want to hear it. For a second I felt like he and your father might have done something special, and he wanted to share it real bad.”

    They went back across the street to the apartment Katrina’s father purchased. On the way Katrina responded “I could swear my dad said Pete never married”

    “Maybe he got married since” Sunamii reached over and grabbed one of the brownies “Might as well munch on a brownie. I don’t think will have time for much of a lunch.”

    “Yeah, maybe” Katrina conceded “But then how would she have met my mother?”

      Sunamii stopped on the steps and turned to Katrina “This is really bothering you isn’t it?”

      “Did you notice how flippant he was about the story when Angela was there?” she asked “I don’t think she’s heard it. Don’t you find that strange? He would share it with us but not his wife?”

      “Now that you mention it” Sunamii pondered “That is odd.” She finished the last of the brownie “These really are delicious. You should try one.”

      “Not right now” Katrina replied getting out the key, then turning to Sunamii smiling “Ok,” taking a deep breath “Putting the past ten minutes behind me” she declared “Lets look at this gorgeous apartment.” Turning to Sunamii “Ready?”

      “Ready!!” Sunamii declared “Open ‘er up”

      They key didn’t seem to go in smoothly “Make a note” Katrina said as if making a shopping list “Replace locks” After a couple of tries she managed to get the key all the way in. After a few more tries she was able to turn the handle. She turned to Sunamii.

    “Ready? Take two” Kat said, they both laughed. The she pushed the door open. Instantly they were confronted with stale air, as if the apartment hadn’t been occupied for years. 

      The only piece of furniture in the room, a small desk sitting under the front window was covered entirely in dust.

    “Whoa. Not what I expected” Katrina said, “It’s very nice, but I don’t think anyone’s been here in quite some time”

    “Did he buy it sight unseen?” Sunamii asked looking about the place.

    “My dad has never been one to make flighty investments” she said walking toward the kitchen “In fact he has commented more then once, how it cost him more to check a place out then it did to close on it”

    “Maybe this is the wrong one” Sunamii paused considering “Hey, call him”

      Katrina reached in her purse for her phone. She began walking around the room holding the phone up “Strange. No bars”

    “Might be a clue to when this place was last lived in” Sunamii suggested as she walked over to the desk.

    “Maybe” Katrina replied “We’ll definitely have to come back and open some windows. I’m going to check out the kitchen” she said heading to the back of the apartment.

    “Whoa” Sunamii exclaimed “Check this out!” she said pointing to something on the desk.

      Katrina stopped and turned around “What?” then seeing her friend go pale “Sunamii!. Are you ok?” she rushed forward

    “I think those br…” she mumbled and fell to the floor.

    Sunamii was disoriented, what happened? She stood up, oh yeah; there was something on the desk.  She turned back to the desk, but whatever it had been, seemed to be gone now. That’s strange. .

    “Katrina” She called, she moved toward the back of the apartment “come out, come out where ever you are?” she waited “I know the apartments big, But I’m sure you can hear me”

      The first feeling something was wrong, washed over her. She rushed to the window, and was struck speechless. The beautiful neighborhood was now cluttered with garbage, the manicured trees were still there, but it was obvious they hadn’t been cared for in sometime.

      It occurred to her that whatever happened to her might also have happened to Katrina, so she was determined to make a full inspection of the apartment. Katrina might be lying somewhere unconscious. She headed to the kitchen first which was behind the front room. Someone had apparently broken in sometime in the past, the cupboards were open and empty drink containers were strewn about. The back door was swinging on its hinges, funny she just noticed the noise now. And that’s when she realized it was the only noise she heard. Chicago is never silent.

      She rushed upstairs; the door to one bedroom was open and with the exception of some trash was empty. Approaching what appeared to be the master bedroom, she began sensing a faint odor coming from the door. She pushed the door open and was instantly assaulted by the distinct odor of rotting flesh. Lying on a blanket on the floor was a body in the advanced stages of decay. Sunamii almost puked. She quickly pulled the door closed and ran downstairs and into the back yard to get some fresh air.

      She bent over and put her hands on her knees and tried to recover. What the hell has happened here? Where is everyone? Something told her Katrina wasn’t here, or at least she hoped she wasn’t. After a few moments, she felt better and made her way to the street that ran in front of the apartments. That’s when she noticed the cars, or what was left of them. Every single one without exception seemed to be stripped of wheels, bodies and engine parts. It reminded her of a junkyard.

      She began making a closer examination of her surroundings, I don’t think I’m dreaming, everything is too vivid, this is real, but how??

      Sunamii felt the urge to panic; she began looking around frantically for anything familiar, anything to bring sense to the nightmare she was experiencing. But everywhere she looked was more of the same; apartments with there windows broken out, stripped vehicles and garbage that hadn’t been collected in sometime. It was then she spotted it, what appeared to be someone sleeping on some steps down the street a ways.

      She was instantly relieved, she wasn’t alone. There would be someone else to share this nightmare with. She broke into a run, maybe someone with some answers. Passing one of the rare windows that weren’t broken, she was startled upon seeing her reflection. She immediately stopped and looked down and a wave of vertigo quickly washed over her, she was wearing the same dress she had in earlier dreams if that’s what they were, the one with the Dark blue lightning bolt on the chest.

    That’s when she looked back at the reflection and noticed some slight differences. Her dark wavy hair was a little longer then she remembered it being, and the reflection seemed somewhat more serious, perhaps a little more mature. She was unsure what to make of it, then remembered the person sleeping down the road, and decided to worry about it later.

      As the she approached the figure though, something didn’t feel right. It was not a natural position for someone sleeping, she became hesitant.

    “Excuse me” she called out , getting no response “hello, can you hear me?”

    Still receiving no response, she began moving a little a closer, that’s when she noticed the smell. Her gag reflex kicked in and she instantly stepped back. Whoever this was was never going to be able to answer her. Sunamii felt more alone than ever, if that was possible.

    As a person experiences a new environment, they need time to notice all the details. Sunamii looked about her again, and discovered other bodies, one in a doorway, a couple sitting in one of the stripped cars and even one in a chair visible through an upper floor window. Panic struck her and she ran.

    She didn’t know how long she had been running, but she eventually found herself at a large intersection. She was confronted with more evident signs of looting, abandoned vehicles and debris strewn all over. Her heart was still racing, but her endorphins had kicked in, and that little something inside her that defined who she was took over.

    There must be some way to figure out what happened here. Then she spotted beside what used to be a Ford Fiesta pieces of a newspaper laying flat against a wire trash receptacle on the opposite side of the street.  Thinking it would likely provide some clue to this mystery, she ran across to get it. As she approached the receptacle though, the overwhelming stench of rotting flesh overcame her once again and she was forced to cover her nose to avoid puking right there. In the trash someone had disposed of some body parts, Sunamii almost lost it. She quickly grabbed the paper and ran down the block until she couldn’t smell it anymore.

    Regaining what little composure she still had, she began to examine the paper. It was the Tribune, Chicago’s daily newspaper. The headline read “STOCK EXCHANGE HALTS TRADING” she read the article.

              New York (AP) – The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) stopped trading today at noon, when the
Dow  Jones Industrials plunged to below 2000 points to finish at 1993 the lowest in thirty years. The last five    days have seen the Dow shed over 16000 points or 88 percent.  There has been no word when the exchange will    open trading again, but analysts say it could be a while.

              It started last Tuesday when terrorists detonated a nuclear device in Tel Aviv. With no warning to its western allies, Israel bombed Teheran and a number of other strategic targets in the region the following day. The United States called for an emergency session of the United Nations Thursday condemning the actions of Iran. Many Arab nations walked out of the meeting among them Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Egypt.  Friday from his palace in Riyadh King Fayyad of Saudi Arabia called for an embargo of all oil to the west. When trading opened Monday the Dow fell four thousand points.

              Meanwhile many of the banks that closed their doors Wednesday now say they may stay closed indefinitely while they await word out of the White House. The president left Camp David for Washington yesterday to address this crisis. Before boarding his helicopter he did ask all Americans “To remain calm, this country has survived worse”.
              Meanwhile Bank of America (BOA) and Chase Manhattan (CMH) announced yesterday that they have frozen all accounts until next Monday. This news brought outrage to already angry Americans and demonstrations broke out across the country outside many BOA branches. In New York and Chicago the demonstrations turned violent and law enforcement was called in.

      Sunamii was stunned, she quickly looked for the date, upon seeing it she almost fainted. 12 July 2014. It was in another two years.

      “You failed them” Came a voice from behind her.

      She quickly turned around to find a heavy set middle aged man in a sharp cut black suit. He looked vaguely familiar, but she couldn’t place it.

      “What?” she said “Failed who?”

      He spread his arms wide “Everyone” he paused “except me”

      Then the memories of past nightmares came flooding back. The burning city, and other dreams she could only recall images from.

      “You remember” he smiled approvingly “You can not defeat me child. I warned you. I offered you chance to join me, but you rejected me each time. And what has it gotten you? Your companions have abandoned you, the human race is in ruins, and what’s left worships me.”

      No this can’t be. He is lying. I am a student at Northwestern. There is nothing special about me.

    “If anything this is your doing!” she declared “Not mine”

    The man genuinely laughed “Well of course I’m responsible” his laughter stopped and his demeanor changed “yours is not a failure of action” his eyes grew intent “But inaction. When the human race needed your help you turned your back on them”

    “Why are you telling me this?” Sunamii regained her composure “None of this has occurred yet. There is still time. Why would you show me this?”

    “Time?!” he said skeptically “There is no time, this disaster has already begun. You’re too late. The seeds of mans destruction were carefully planted a long time ago. Man doesn’t want what’s good, the flesh desires more. Mankind is a failed experiment. The creator knows it now, and has allowed you to fail.”

    Sunamii was confused; and having difficulty finding steady ground to make a stand.

    “You are lying” she said “You are the master of deception. People are inherently good. No one would willingly follow you unless they were deceived”

    “How little you know human nature” he said shaking his head “Throughout history man has always tried to enslave his fellow man, whether literally up until the American Civil War or figuratively as the large corporations do today. Man is a slave to his desire to own more”

    “You said it yourself,” Sunamii countered “They are slaves, meaning manipulated. I doubt this condition would exist if your hand wasn’t in it”

    “Ah, so am I controlling you?” He asked leaning in “did I put the excitement of the new apartment into your head? Did I influence Katrina to drive a Lexus?”

    “Stop it!!” she shouted “You’re twisting everything. I will never serve you. NEVER!”
He instantly reached up and touched Sunamiis forehead, pain shot through her body and she collapsed.
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