The Continuing Saga of Prosperous Snow |
April 9, 2012, Monday, Day 9 ~ 30-Day Blogging Challenge prompt is "Which of your hobbies have you been doing for the longest amount of time? Suggestions: How long? Why? Any periods of burn out? What brings you back? Do others do it? Have they influenced you in this hobby?" According to, “hobby”, a noun, refers to “an activity or interest pursued for pleasure or relaxation and not as a main occupation”. While the idiom “ride a hobby” means, “to concern oneself excessively with a favorite notion or activity.” Right now, the only thing in my life that fits the definition of hobby is writing because it is the only thing that relaxes me. It is one of the few things, with the exception of going to the doctor, which encourages pleasure. All though, I think that may change in the near future. Writing will continue to give me pleasure, but I am considering taking up a new hobby. The new hobby I am contemplating is talking to people. I am considering talking to complete stranger in public place, this is something I have never done until recently and I find I enjoy it. I find it relaxing. I am not sure what has happened to cause the change, perhaps it’s the red dress. I have decided that whenever possible, I am going to wear red in public. I used to go out in black and dark colors, but lately I have acquired the habit of wearing red. Now when I go out and see someone with a car I especially like, I say “Nice car.” If I see a man wearing a beard that is creative or looks good, I say “Nice beard.” I also, when invited, sit down next to complete strangers and have wonderful conversations. In addition, to these wonderful and fun changes, I am considering buying a purple hat and perhaps even a new purple outfit to go with my purple hat.