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Rated: 13+ · Book · Fantasy · #1861079
Twin Werewolves Separated at Birth
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#751230 added April 24, 2012 at 12:05pm
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Chapter Two: Hero (Angela)
Angela decided to spend the entire afternoon at the gun range with Sarah and Timothy, two other new fellow officers in an effort to avoid her family, primarily Ryan and of course her father.  Graduation was over and she would start as a traffic cop in a couple of days, and then it would have been a little more difficult to avoid her detective brother. News travelled fast through the precinct though, she was she was sure Ryan had been told that she had dropped out of law school to be a detective like her big brother.
“Nobody likes a show off Savage!” Sarah was standing next to her and witnessed Angela unload a clip in the target 8 yards down the range in the head, heart, and the crotch region, to show off.
“What can I say?” Angela smirked sticking her chest out proudly.
“Hey you guys, how about some celebratory drinks?” Sarah was always trying to ask Tim out without asking him by dropping subtle hints. Knowing that Angela wasn’t a drinker, and not really sociable, she was sure she would say no and she would have Tim all to herself.
“No thanks.” Angela Objected predictably. “You guys go ahead. I’ll stay here.”
“What are you trying to be a sharp shooter for the FBI?” Sarah joked.
“Princess is just afraid her rich daddy will find out that she dropped out of law school that he is paying for.”
Angela rolled her eyes. “I am just waiting for the right time. Besides, he doesn’t own me.”
“And you can be like your brother. Come on Angela!”Sarah gave Angela a confident smile, as if she had he all figured out.
Angela grimaced at the thought that the short blonde could ever crack the complexity that was Angela Savage. She thought of all she had been through, going from foster care to foster care, being abused and so what if she wanted to be like Ryan. Ryan was strong, and no one ever crossed him, people feared him and that was what she wanted.

Just then James scrambled in, in panic.
“You guys will never believe what happened.”
“What?” Angela, Sarah, and Timothy spoke at almost the same time
James caught his breath. “Angela, Ryan was just locked up.”
“James you are joking.”
“I wish I was.”
“What did they take him in for?”
“Someone gave him a positive id for a murder and possible kidnapping.”
“Well, that is a lie.”
“You do not have to tell me. I looked into it and you won’t believe what I found.”
“What do you mean?”
“Can we go to the precinct?”
Angela had to be honest with herself; she did not want to go to the precinct. She felt she did not have to worry about her brother, but now it was everyone knowing about the threats she made to even get on the force. What was worse, all she was for the time being was traffic cop.

She met James in the file room. James pulled out a file and opened it and set it out on the table in front of her. She was surprised. She had to talk to her brother. This might be just what she needed. Ryan would be so proud.

"Who is that?" Angela pointed at the man's file picture. Besides the thick facial hair he held a striking resemblance to Ryan."

"Uncanny is not it?"

"Who is he James?"

"Gabriel L'Drake. He has only been booked maybe a couple of times for misdemeanor stuff assault, trespassing, stealing, but I found out that he spends a lot of time at the college campus."

"When did you find out about this?"

"Crazy huh"

Angela thought a moment. "Really crazy. How could someone id a cop just like that. They made no mention of his facial hair."

"Maybe she thought he shaved. Maybe he did shave."

"Something just does not sit right."

"It is an odd situation. I got to go to lunch!"
"Can I make a copy of this?"

"Take it just make sure you bring it back later, otherwise that is my, you know."


Angela could not waste any time, she went into the jail during the early afternoon visitation. Ryan even in the jail issued jump suit looked more than out of place. Angela changed out of her uniform for two reasons; one, she still had not been ready for Ryan to see her in her uniform and she did not want to draw attention to herself with the other inmates.

The visitation room looked like a school cafeteria. This was comforting, the was something more off putting about talking to her brother through glass but then again, if he knew about her being a cop maybe that was the better way to go.

"What are you doing here Angela?"

"I had to see you big brother.”
“What the hell are you doing? Lawrence worked hard to get you in law school.”
“Please, Ryan. Lawrence has never worked hard a day in his life. He is just looking for someone to control.”
“Ryan, I do not want to talk about this?”
“We will talk about this.”
“Ryan, what are you doing in here? I know you had nothing to do with it!”
“Angela, I have no idea what happened. The first time I set foot on that campus was this morning.”
“ I know! Take a look at this.”
"Hmmm. Good looking guy. Who is he?"

Angela was shocked. Ryan was not the jokey kind or person. Ryan and Angela studied the picture.

"Ryan. This is Gabriel L'Drake. He is just a petty criminal, but get this; he lives and hangs out near the campus."

"Did you show this to Aaron.”?

"I did not want to bother Aaron. "

"Angela. Do not try to be a hero. Leave it to the detectives. That is what we do."

"What is it to anyone if I just ask questions? I have a couple of friends who got transferred."

"Angela. Do not get involved. Promise me. Give this to Aaron."

"I promise."
“Angela, I mean it! If I find out you have been snooping around looking for this bozo.”
“Ryan, I told you I am not going to look for him. I will just take these to Aaron.”
“I am going to call Aaron and let him know you are coming to let him know.”
“You do not trust me?”
“It is not that I do not trust you. I just trust that I know you too well.”
“You are such a hypocrite! Why is it okay for you to do this and not me?”
“Angela, I am not going to argue about this.”
“Is it because I am a woman.”
“Do not use that feminist crap on me little sister. The fact remains as simple as this and only this; Aaron and I are detectives you are a traffic cop.”
“I still have a duty to protect and serve, Ryan.”
“Protect and serve all you want to Angela, this is not your jurisdiction. Stay out of it! You are going to and fired and none of that lawyer crap is going to save you.”
“That is what you think.”
“Angela-“Just then the bell wet off. Visitation was over. “You will be out of your jurisdiction. Give this to Aaron.”

Angela left the jail miffed. How could he think that she was out of her league? All she would do is just ask a few questions and Aaron and Ryan would thank her. She would become a detective like them I no time. She had something she needed to prove to everyone and she wasn’t going to give up. She had worked too hard to give up now.
Angela called her best friend Tiffany. She was the only friend she had at Morris Brown, she was only recently transferred to Kenn State. Everyone thought that it was Tiffany transferring was the reason she no longer wanted the lawyer life. Angela always knew that being a lawyer and working at her father’s firm, but was it what she wanted?
Maybe Tiffany’s leaving had affected her. Tiffany was from one of the richest families in the state of Georgia. Tiffany was always a black sheep; it was the decision to fund her own education ad change schools that got both parents attention. Angela admired that.
Angela dialed her on her cell. She had lost touch for a while, but she was actually happy to hear her friend’s voice again. She seemed eager to help and asked Angela to come right over.
“This is so crazy. When did you become like a detective.”
“Well, I am not exactly a detective.”
“Are you a P.I.?”
“I am just a traffic cop. This is more of a favor for a friend.”
“What friends?”
“Tiff, that is not funny!”
“I was kidding.”
“You make me sound so miserable.”
“Angela, what are you talking about, you are smart, you are beautiful, and you just need to open yourself up.”
“I do not want to be opened up to anything. I would just rather my life just be less complicated.”
“And yet you are a traffic cop. If you start liking women I am going to freak out.”
“I do not think it would go that far, but I do think I would be the cat lady alone in her apartment, but happy.”
Tiffany laughed.
“What is so funny?”
“I just do not see it.”
“You’re right I do not like cats, or dogs for that matter. Maybe I will get a fish.”
“Anyway, Tiff, I need your help. “ Angela pulled out the picture.
“Oh my gosh, is that Gabe?”
“Who is Gabe?”
“Isn't he adorable?" She gleamed looking down at the picture."He hangs around here sometimes.”
“Do you know where he is?”
“I am all for helping you but what do you need him for?”
“I just needed to ask him some questions about that murder this morning.”
“Ok. I trust you. He is probably going to be at that party tonight. If you want to come I can find you something to wear, it will be like old times.”
“Tiff, I do not do parties.”
“You will be questioning people and doing the whole cop thing.”
“You are so out of your mind?"

Tiffany caved, she even gave Angela a "disguise" for the party. In the back of Angela's mind Tiffany knew it was an excuse to get Angela to go party with her. Something she had never seen in her life. It was when Tiffany was smearing red hot lip gloss on Angela's lips when she thought, that maybe this cop thing would eventually do her some good. And she smiled contently staring at her master piece.

"You are gorgeous, honey!"
© Copyright 2012 Misty Crade (UN: babydoll_y2g at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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