I didn’t write in my blog for about a month or maybe even a few days more than a month. It happens. I get involved with one thing or another and the priority and importance of things shift. So instead of concentrating on one subject, I’ll write snippets for today.
Yesterday, in Dr. Oz’s show, he featured 50 Shades of Grey, the book that made most women curious, and those who read it feel sexy. Well, I haven’t read it but from what Dr. Oz and his guests discussed, I figured, right or wrong, it had stuff in it that demeaned women. Today, hubby and I went to Barnes & Noble’s to have tea at Starbucks inside the store and to see what new stuff is on the tables. First, we sat to have our tea. Three women, two of them as old as me—no, I’m not kidding, were reading 50 Shades of Grey. One of them was at the table next to ours. I couldn’t help but think, Is hubby in danger of getting attacked? Oh, the power of television and which thing the flavor-of-the-times show-host comes up with!
Now that I’m into e-books, thanks to the readability of Kindle (for my easily tiring eyes), I can’t help picking on the mistakes such as typos and stuff like that in them since most of them do not have an editor. Even those with editors sometimes goof. This is for sure present company excluded: that is, Writing.com authors excluded since they have the cleanest texts, really..
From an actual text, in which the usage of worried…repeats itself in two other places: “B. worried the end of her tongue with her teeth during walk back to the office building.” Not to mention the rest of the sentence construction, how can one worry the end of her tongue?
This is from an intro to a book:
“The flaw in her plan, however, is that Chuck is a ticking time bomb with a temper that is truly unpredictable, which has dior consequences for all family members involved.”
I'll take a Dior consequence anytime. I know it’s a typo, but it made me laugh.
Today’s real rant is about companies that try to make better already very good products, and in the process, cause them to become worse. I used to love Dove body wash. The latest one I have, however, is so thick and creamy that it is like schlopping myself with a glob of cheap cream. I didn’t feel clean after using it. Actually it felt icky and greasy. Can't they leave the well-enough alone!
Second product: To kill germs on my hands I sometimes use a hand-sanitizer. Dial came up with a new hand sanitizer. I bought the thing because its bottle looked fancy. Wrong move! the liquid inside is clear, but when I push the pump on the cap, a foam comes out and glues itself to my skin. Afterwards, my hands feel sticky as if I kneaded a sugary, oily dough. Ugh! Moral:Better stick to the cheap, ordinary kinds of things and don't swoon over sexy-looking bottles...
I just hope no one messes with Dickinson’s Witch Hazel now. I need the good old-fashioned things for my witching practices. 