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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/759636-The-Question-of-Rain--Part-1
Rated: 18+ · Book · Women's · #1268197
Drop by drop the snow pack dies, watering the arid lands below.
#759636 added August 29, 2012 at 10:47pm
Restrictions: None
The Question of Rain ~ Part 1
Wednesday, August 29, 2012 ~ Day 29 of the 30-Day Blogging Challenge prompt is Serial Experience: The Rules (tm) are simple. This is an open blog prompt where you can blog about anything your heart desires. The kicker is it has to be in two parts. This means 1 anecdote shared over 2 days.

It is early afternoon; a breeze begins to blow pushing a few beautiful fluffy white clouds across the sapphire sky. Slowly the clouds gather into flocks. It is almost in perceptible at first; it is as if they sneak up. I looked out the window to see a smattering of clouds decorating the desert sky. A few minutes later, I carry recyclables to the garage. I pause to look up at the sky and see a few more clouds, but they are scattered haphazardly over Las Vegas.

I become distracted. There are dishes to wash. There are floors to sweep and mop. There are stories to write. There is mail to read. There are phone calls to make. There is little time to look out the window and watch the clouds. I check the clock and find it is almost 3:00 PM. Where did the time go?

I know that Chris will be arriving soon to help prepare Mom’s supper and get her to bed. I unlock the security screen and notice that the humidity has increased; I shrug my shoulders and then go to the kitchen pour myself a cup of coffee. It is late August and monsoonal moister is normal when there are a few clouds in the sky. I go into the living room and sit down on the love seat to watch T.V., but first I look out the window. Towers of white clouds now cover almost 90% of the sky.

My cell phone rings and I push answer. It is, Sherri, my mother’s Hospice nurse. She has called in a prescription for some eye drops, which will be ready in about half an hour. Since I have to pick them up, I need change clothes. I take a sip of coffee and sit the cup down. There is no time to finish it because I have to be ready to leave when Chris arrives.

Chris arrives and I leave for the Walgreens. I know that when I get back to the house Mom will be home and Chris will have given her super. Once I return the only thing I will have to do is give Mom her medication.

I drive to the pharmacy. The clouds continue to build as the go west on Oaky Avenue. I wonder if it will begin to rain before I get back home, but I am fortunate because the clouds continue to gather without rain beginning to fall.

As I write this, the sun is setting behind clouds. The sun transforms the clouds into burning coal. There is still no rain, at least in my neighborhood. Las Vegas is huge, so it will rain somewhere tonight. It may not be in my neighborhood. It may not even rain at the airport, but it will rain somewhere in Las Vegas tonight.

If it does not rain at the airport then the rain will not be official, but that does not mean much. If it rains in this desert city there is a good chance it will flood some streets. It does not matter if it is an official rain or flood. People will still be foolish enough to drive through flood areas when they should drive around, when they should find a different route to take them past the water covering the street.

What part of Las Vegas will receive rain tonight? Will it rain hard and long enough to flood streets? Only morning will bring the answer to these questions.

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