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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1901355
This is my 2012 NaNoWriMo Novel
#766656 added November 24, 2012 at 7:19pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 23 or Day 23 of NaNoWriMo 2012 (1,730 words)
Chapter 23: Confrontation at the Baldwin Residence

At 7:30 A.M. Captain Whitehead drove into the bus station parking lot and parked his car in the visitor's parking place closes to the station's back entrance. He got out, locked the front door and then walked around the car making sure every door was locked. In side the bus station, he stopped at the snack bar for a cup of coffee and a couple of donuts. He paid for his purchases and then walked through the bus station to the benches next to the bus stop.

While he waited for the bus, he sipping his coffee and eating his donuts, he watched the traffic on Main Street. Most of the traffic on Main Street was head east, away from the business and industrial complexes of the city. He thought that rather strange, but since he did not live in Dragonview he could not asses the reason for this odd traffic flow on a workday morning. Finishing the last sip of coffee, he dropped the cup in a nearby trash receptacle and checked his watch. 8:57 A.M., he smiled, the bus should be arriving any minutes. Three minutes later, the bus stopped in front of the bench he was sitting on and Major Markov was the first passenger to disembark.

"Captain Whitehead," said Major Markov extending his hand. "It's nice to see you again."

"Likewise, Major," Whitehead smiled. "Shall we go to General Baldwin's?"

"Captain," Markov frowned. "We need to have a private discussion before going to Baldwin's residence."

"That could be a problem, Major," he led Markov through the bus station toward the parking lot.


"Animal Control with an armed contingent of local law enforcement will be arriving at General Baldwin's any minute."

"All right, Captain," he growled as Whitehead unlocked the passenger side door. "Knowing Baldwin, I can halfway understand the armed contingent of law officers, but why the hell are they escorting Animal Control."

"To pick up the ewe and two lambs grazing in General Baldwin's yard." Whitehead got into the car, turned on the ignition, and then checked his rear view mirror. Seeing that his path was clear he backed out and then steered the car towards the Main Street exit. At the main street exit, he waited about five minutes for traffic to clear and then turned east onto Main Street.

Shaking his head, Markov finally responded. "Why does Baldwin have sheep in his yard? Is he butchering his own meat now?"

"Sir," he smiled. "The only thing I'm sure of is that the ewe gave birth to the lambs, but I have no idea how the General got the ewe." He took a deep breath, "And at this point I'm not sure I want to know."

"I agree, that's probably way too much information, especially considering the mood the Supreme Council is in."

"I gather the situation has deteriorated since I left." Whitehead put on his breaks as the traffic in their lane slowed to the speed of a glacier.

"Yes," Markov looked at the traffic and noticed that the lane to their left was empty. "Can we go around this jam?"

"Not if we want to get to General Baldwin's, Sir. I have to take the next right to get to his house."

Finally they came to the turn, the car ahead of them turned right and the light changed from yellow to red. They watched as the traffic, all going in the same direction sped past. The light changed to green and Captain Whitehead turned right. As they drove toward Baldwin's residence, they noticed that the cars were pulling off the the side of the road, parking, and their passengers getting out. Whitehead had to slow down even more as they past numerous pedestrians walking along the side of the road. Finally, they came to Baldwin's driveway and Whitehead turned right, stopping at the front gate.

A soldier unlocked and opened the gate, motioning Whitehead to enter. Then he motioned to two cars parked on the right side of the driveway and then to the Animal Control truck, which was followed by Constables Parker's officers all riding motorcycles. Once everyone was inside, he closed the gate, locked it, and handed the key to Captain Walton.

"Lieutenant," Whitehead said as Harris opened his door. "Who's selling tickets to this circus?"

"I don't know, Sir," the Lieutenant smiled. "They started gathering about 5:00 A.M. I didn't know Dragonview had this many citizens."

"You and me both, Harris." He motioned to Markov, who was watching Animal Control officers attempt to capture the sheep. The sheep were being uncooperative, each one running in a different direction. "Major Markov, shall we report to Brigadier General Baldwin?"

"May as well get the worst over with," Markov followed Whitehead into the house.

Inside, they found Baldwin sitting on the couch reading a newspaper. He looked up when they came in, but then went back to his paper. Going over to the couch, Major Markov saluted and sit down in the easy chair to the right of the couch. Baldwin looked up and growled, "Markov, would you please move. You're blocking my view of the hall." Markov got up and moved to the chair on the left side of the couch.

"General Baldwin," Markov said after about five minutes.

"It's Brigadier General Baldwin, Major!" He glared at Markov, "It's about time you got here to lead this mission. Where the hell have you been?"

"Brigadier General Baldwin," Markov was sweating profusely. "The Mission has been put on hold... permanently."

"By whose orders?"

"The Supreme Council," he took an envelop from his pocket and handed it to Baldwin. Baldwin took the envelop, opened it and read the letter it contained. He then wadded the letter up and threw it onto the floor.

"Markov," Baldwin glared at the Major. "If you don't obey my orders, I'll have your commission!"

"Sir," Markov stood up, took off his jacket, removed the bars, and offered them to Baldwin. "If you want to be a Major again you can have my commission."

"Insubordinate," Baldwin waved Markov's hand aside.

"No, Sir, not insubordinate," he picked up the letter from the floor and uncrumpled it as best he could. "I'm following the orders of the Supreme Council and my orders are to..."

"Screw your orders, Major," Baldwin started to get up, but Captains Whitehead and Walton moved quickly to his side and held him on the couch.

"Medic," called Walton. A corporal carrying a medical kit ran into the living room from the kitchen.

"General Baldwin is having an episode, Corporal," Whitehead said, "a sedative please." The Corporal removed a bottle and needle from the kit, filled the needle with the liquid and injected it into the General's right arm while the two captains held him down.

"Thank you for you assistance, Gentlemen," Markov sit down and reattached his bars to his jacket. "Now all I have to do is get him back to Central City."

"Call in an evacplane," said Captain Walton.

"I can't," he glanced quickly around to make sure they were the only ones within earshot. "Not to Dragonview anyway."

"What's so special about Dragonview, Major," Captain Walton frowned.

"Miss Lydia Applewhite," said Captain Whitehead as screams and shots reverberated from the front yard.

"Her too," Markov went too the front door and opened it. The troopers, along with Parole Officer Applewhite, had taken refuge on the front porch. The Animal Control officers were hiding inside their truck with the doors locked, while Constable Parker and his officers were shoot at something above them. The crowd of citizens who had gathered outside the front gate were hiding under cars or whatever other cover they could find.

From above came a screech that sounded like the combined voices of an enraged cat and an eagle on the hunt. While they watched, a gold dragon with a sheep in its mouth landed on top to the Dragonview Animal Control truck and began to consume the sheep. A bronze dragon, holding one lamb in its clawed foot and the other in its mouth landed on the ground beside the truck. Seeing their chance to escape, Constable Parker's men along with K. C. Wainwright took refuge in the garage.

After the dragons finished their meal, they cleaned themselves and flew away. "And that," said Markov, "is the other reason we can't bring in an evacplane. It seems, Gentlemen, that Dragonview is a no fly zone."

"Corporal Jones," said Captain Walton. "Check the animal control officers in the truck, make sure none of them are hurt and the see to Constable Parker's officers in the garage." He went onto the porch and examined his soldiers for wounds.

Parole Officer Dragonslayer walked into the house and sit down in one of the easy chairs. He took a purple notebook out of his pocket and begin to write. After twenty minutes, he stopped writing and went into the kitchen. There he poured himself a cup of coffee and then returned to the living room where he began writing again.

"You must be Miles Dragonslayer," said Markov getting up from his easy chair. "I'm Major Joseph Markov of the Supreme Military Council."

"Glad to meet you, Major Markov," Miles shook his hand. "You don't mind if I finish writing this indecent up do you."

"Not at all, Mr. Dragonslayer," he smiled. "Would you mind sending me a copy of that to attach to my report."

"Not at all, Major. Is there anything else I can do for you?"

"Not unless you can arrange an introduction to Miss Lydia Apple."

"I will be honored to introduce you to Aunt Lydia."

At that moment, Corporal Jones came back into the house and saluted Major Markov. "Sir, there are no causalities, but most of the men need a change of clothing."

"That's understandable," Miles laughed. "I doubt any of them have ever seen one dragon before, much less a mated pair. This is indeed a day to remember" He finished writing and put the notebook away, "Major Markov, have you had breakfast yet."


"In that case," he took his car keys out of his pocket. "Why don't you join me for lunch? My fiancee is making an old family recipe."

"I'd be glad to," they walked out of the house, followed by private carrying the gate keys.

© Copyright 2012 Prosperous Snow celebrating (UN: nfdarbe at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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