Drop by drop the snow pack dies, watering the arid lands below. |
December 28 prompt for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS" by Wordsmitty ✍️ "Considering the End" . Day by day the end of 2012 approaches. This was the year the world was suppose to end, but Earth still turns on its axis and circles the sun. As we approach the end of 2012, humans still make love and kill, while Americans wonder if we're going to fall or be pushed off the fiscal cliff. I haven't watched the news today, so I don't know if that issue has been solved. As then end of 2012 approaches, I'm not worried about the fiscal cliff. Right now, I'm sitting in my living room at my computer. Every few minutes I glance out my living room window to watch the sunset and the cloudy sky turn from blue to pink to white and then charcoal gray. I wonder if the clouds foretell rain or just a cold night. The dampness in the air sinks into my joints causing them to ache more then usual. As I watch the sky darken, I'm reminded that as the day ends on this side of the planet it begins on the other side of the world. I remember that as the old year ends a new one begins. I realize that ends lead to new beginnings and beginnings eventually lead to endings. Perhaps that's why I believe that the human soul lives forever. A child in the mother's womb passes through the birth canal into a new world. The day ends on one side of the planet and begins on the other. One year ends while another begins. At death the soul leaves the body and ascends into another world where it is free of the body's aliments and frailties. As I consider the end, I realize that an end indicates a beginning somewhere and some-when. |