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Rated: 18+ · Book · Romance/Love · #1912061
Jennifer comes home to Georgia, divorced. The last thing she expects is loving again.
#770620 added January 6, 2013 at 11:44am
Restrictions: None
Chapter 2
Jennifer rushed into the kitchen as she heard voices outside her downstairs bedroom door. She'd spent so much time reminiscing about the past, she hadn't had time to change clothes before dinner. Her pants felt stiff and her shirt stuck to her clammy skin. She'd kept her hair in a haphazard ponytail. Chloe looked at her as she walked through the swinging door. She waited, expecting criticism.

“Mom, supper's ready.”

Jennifer hesitated a minute before replying. “What are we having?”

“Pork chops with white gravy, mixed greens, corn bread, homemade mashed potatoes, and corn on the cob. And Miss Betsy made three different kind of pies for dessert. Can you believe they eat like this every day? I'm going to be a size 5 by the end of the month.”

Betsy, the ranch cook, spun around, a wooden spoon in her hand. She pointed it at Jennifer. “What's this I hear about microwave dinners and fast food? I taught you to cook when you was a youngin'. I know you ain't been in the city so long you forgot how.”

Jennifer felt her face grow warm. “Um, I was always so busy, it was just easier.”

Chloe's brow furrowed. “Man, I've been eating mystery meat all this time when I could have had food like this? What a ripoff.”

“I'm so sorry. You do realize there are kids out there that complain about not having fast food, right?”

She shrugged. “It got old. Miss Betsy, can you teach me to cook?”

Betsy beamed, her face melting into a mass of wrinkles. “I'd love to baby girl.”

Ma grabbed the bowl of mashed potatoes and nodded towards the dining room door. “Let's get this food outside before the men start complaining.”

Jennifer grabbed the plate of cornbread and followed the line of women. As she stepped into the dining room, she stumbled, almost dropping the plate. Ma looked back at her, a knowing smile on her face. “You okay?”

“What is he doing here?”

Ma glanced at the table then back at Jennifer. “The chief comes for dinner at least once a week. Is there a problem with that?”

Jennifer gulped. She set the plate on the table and wiped her sweaty palms down the front of her jeans. Jordan looked up at her and smiled.

“Hiya Jennifer.”

She nodded as she took her seat between Pa and Chloe.

“Why are you here? I thought dinner was for family.”

Ma gasped. “Chloe, don't be rude to our guest. We usually have extra company. The chief, some of our ranch hands, or just other friends of the family. I expect you to be nice to all of them.”

Chloe's mouth pursed. Jordan started to stand up. “If it's a problem for me to be here, I can go.”

Jennifer stood up. “You will not. My grandparents invited you here. I refuse to let you leave because my daughter is being a brat. Chloe, if you can't be respectful, you can go to your room.”

Everyone was silent as the dishes were passed around. Once everyone had their plates fixed, Jordan looked at Chloe from down the table.

“Chloe, how do you like the ranch so far?”

She shrugged. “It's alright, I guess. I miss the city.”

Pa took a drink of water. “She gets her first riding lesson tomorrow. She saw Spirit today.”
Jordan's mouth tipped up on the right side. “He has a way of capturing a lady's attention. Your ma sure was obsessed with him.”

Chloe glared at him. “You know about Spirit?”

He nodded. “Rode him a time or two. He's partial to the ladies though. A pretty thing like you ought not have a problem bending him to your will.”

Jennifer watched the exchange, hoping her daughter wouldn't embarrass her.

“I'm sure it'll be my intelligence that brings him round. My dad taught me to use my head and not my looks to get what I want in life.”

Jordan bobbed his head once. “A wise lesson to learn. It's good that you know the secret to life so early.”

Chloe rolled her eyes and looked at Jennifer. “Momma, do you think Daddy will buy me a horse when we get back to Atlanta?”

Jennifer's hand clenched around her fork. She felt bile rise to her throat. She gulped hard to swallow it down. Jordan looked at her and frowned.

“I thought you'd moved back here.”

Pa's fork clattered against his plate. He grimaced and took a sip of water. Ma started to stand up but he stood his head. She dropped back into her chair.

“They have, but Chloe's got it in her head that they're only here for a short time.”

“Oh, I see.”

Chloe twirled her head and shot Jordan an evil glare. “I doubt that. You're used to the country life. You couldn't imagine the cultural shock I'm going through.”

Jordan chewed his food and swallowed. “Actually, I can. My mom moved me and my sister to Birmingham when I was fifteen. I lived there for years before I moved back. This place has a way of getting into your blood. You fall in love and can't break free.”

Chloe rolled her eyes. “Are you married Chief Taylor?”

He shook his head and met Jennifer's eyes. “I guess I haven't found the right girl yet.”
Jennifer dropped her gaze to her plate of untouched food. Her stomach hurt so bad she couldn't manage to enjoy the good meal.

“I can help you out if you're interested. I'm a pretty good matchmaker. Facebook's a great place to meet women.”

Jordan choked on his drink. “Thanks but I think I can handle it myself. Match-making hasn't gone too well for me in the past. I think I'll let nature take it's course. I'll meet the perfect woman when the time's right.”

Chloe shrugged and went back to eating. Talk turned to the topic of the ranch. Once everyone had a plate of pie, Ma tapped her spoon on her glass. Everyone turned to her.

“Jennifer, Chloe, the reason we asked Jordan here today was because we wanted to discuss our anniversary party, which we'll be having this Saturday. Jordan's sister is dating a guy who manages a great country band. Did you find out if they'll be available?”

“Lisa told me they'll do it, and even give you a discount.”

Ma grinned. “That's great. Everything else has already been taken care of. Is Lisa going to be able to attend?”

“She's still on bed-rest so I doubt it. But she sends her best.”

Jennifer put her fork on her plate and pushed it away. “What's wrong with her?”

Jordan looked at her. “She's pregnant. It's been a bit difficult on her so the doctor ordered her to rest for the next three weeks.”

Jennifer grinned. “That's great. Tell her congratulations for me.I can't believe she's having a baby. Seems like she should still be a child.”

“Time flies by fast Jennifer. Things change.”


Jennifer set the dirty dishes on the counter by the sink. A wave of dizziness hit her. She leaned against the refrigerator until it passed.

“Thanks for dinner. It was great. I'm going to watch TV until bed.”

Jennifer opened her eyes in time to see three sets of eyes turn from Chloe to Jennifer, then back. Julie shook her head. “We have to clean up before anyone can enjoy their nightly activities.”

Chloe put her hands on her hips. “Why do I have to help? I didn't have chores at home unless I was in trouble. I think moving out here should be enough punishment to take care of anything I do in the next ten years.”

Julie slammed a skillet on the counter. “Young lady, I have had enough of that attitude. You can be angry all you want but you will have respect. You should remember that your mother has been in your shoes. She survived and so will you. Now, while you're here, you will help clean up after meals, do the laundry, and clean your own room. What you do with your spare time is up to you.”

Jennifer waited for Chloe's rebuttal. She glanced at every female before huffing. “Fine. What do I need to do?”

As Jennifer helped do the dishes, she thought over what had just happened. How did Mom do that without starting a fight? Thirty minutes later, Jennifer sat around the kitchen table, a cup of coffee warming her chilled hands. Chloe had decided to go to bed instead of watching TV.

Julie took a sip of coffee. “So, how did it feel to see Jordan again?”

Jennifer kept her eyes down. “Surprised. I didn't know he was back. I figured he'd be settled down in Alabama somewhere, married with kids.”

Ma smiled. “He couldn't keep his eyes off you. Maybe you should try that relationship y'all started.”

Jennifer laughed. “Ma, we were fifteen. Things like that never last.”

Ma rapped her fingers on the table. “I don't know about that. Your pa and I started dating when I was thirteen. Thursday, we'll be together fifty years.”

“Things were different then Ma. The divorce rate is higher now. I mean, look at me. I never thought I'd be a single mom.”

Julie reached over and patted Jennifer's hand. “That's because you weren't with the right man, sweetheart.”

“Well I think I'll pass on try number two. Relationships are too complicated.”

Ma shook her head. “You deserve a second chance. Jordan's the man you were meant to be with. Everyone knew it when you were kids and life knows it now.”


Jennifer woke the next morning with a pounding headache. She'd tossed and turned all night, only to fall asleep just as dawn broke. Her thoughts, and her dreams, had been filled with Jordan. Seeing him again woke up a dormant part of her she didn't know existed; a sexual awaking.

“Morning Momma. Did you have a good night?”

She took the cup of coffee Julie held out for her and smiled at her daughter. “Pretty good. You?”

Chloe threw her head back. “Oh my god. My bed is so comfortable!”

Jennifer glanced at the clock over the sink. “I can't believe you're up this early.”

She shrugged. “I heard Ma and Pa get up, so I decided I should too. Guess what. Miss
Betsy let me cook the eggs this morning. She showed me how to make Spanish omelets. I made yours special, with extra peppers.”

Jennifer hoped her face didn't reveal the dread she felt. She hadn't been able to handle spicy food since three years before. Not that she expected Chloe to know that. There was a lot her daughter didn't know. She was a virtual stranger. It's Rick's fault. Jennifer ignored the voice. It was her fault too. She should have fought harder to connect with her daughter instead of letting her husband be the priority.

“That sounds great. Thank you.”

Chloe beamed. Jennifer couldn't believe it. She couldn’t' recall the last time Chloe'd smiled at her, or did anything for her.

Ma bumped Jennifer with her hip as she walked by. “Can you go into town for me after breakfast? I need a few things and you need to find something to wear for the party.”

Chloe squealed. “Shopping. Momma, can I go? I'd really like to get some normal clothes. Nothing I have is right for the ranch life.”

Jennifer studied her daughter's pink name brand tank top, plaid capris, and one inch wedges. She had to agree. It wasn't suitable for horseback riding. She smiled. “Of course. I wonder what your grandpa's going to think when he finds out you bought more clothes.”

She shrugged. “I'm sure he'll be okay, as long as he doesn't have to carry them up to my room too.”

Everyone burst out laughing. The tight knot of tension in Jennifer's stomach began to unravel. Forty minutes later, Jennifer and Chloe were on their way to town.

“It is pretty out here.”

Jennifer agreed. “Just wait until fall. You wouldn't believe the color of the leaves.”

She flinched. Way to go. Remind her she's here for good.

“Mom, do you mind if I get my hair cut too?”

Jennifer shot her daughter a glance. “Are you sure? You've always loved your hair long.”

Chloe fingered a silky blond strand. “Yeah, it's hotter here than in Atlanta. And I think it's time for a new look.”

“Sure. I have a few errands to run. Do you mind if I just give you some money and let you go on your own. We can meet up for lunch at the diner.”

“Sure, I guess.”

Jennifer kicked herself. Chloe sounded so disappointed. “I can wait until later to do my stuff.”

Chloe waved a hand through the air. Jennifer couldn't help but smile. Just like her grandma.

“It's fine. I've shopped by myself a thousand times in the city. I'm sure I can handle myself here.”

Jennifer dropped Chloe off at Super Clippers and drove towards the doctor's office on the outskirts of town. She needed a refill on her medicine. The lobby was empty and she was in the back within ten minutes. A high pitched shriek caused her to whip around. She banged her elbow on the metal cart next to her.

“Still a klutz I see.”

Jennifer laughed and threw her arms around the blond nurse. “Still causing distractions, as always. How are you?”

Ashleigh, one of her best friends, squeezed her. “I'm great. Still married to Brad and working my butt off. What are you doing here?”

Jennifer bit her lip. “The doctor's office or the town?”


She sighed. “I moved back here with my tail between my legs. Me and Rick are getting a divorce. And I'm here because I need my medicine refilled.”

Ashleigh's mouth turned down. “Are you sick?”
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