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Rated: 18+ · Book · Romance/Love · #1912061
Jennifer comes home to Georgia, divorced. The last thing she expects is loving again.
#770623 added January 6, 2013 at 11:58am
Restrictions: None
Chapter 3
Jordan drove down Main Street, his stomach rumbling. He'd overslept this morning and skipped breakfast. Now, he was paying for it. As he passed Delaney's, he spotted a blonde teenager walking down the sidewalk. He put on his blinker and pulled over. He got out of his truck and settled his hat on his head. Two men stood in front of the hardware store, staring at Chloe. His hands clenched into fists and he started to walk in their direction.

They turned on their heels and disappeared into the dim store. He switched paths.

“Hey Chloe.”

She jumped as she whipped towards him. He noticed her white knuckled grip on her shopping bags. At least she's on guard.

“Oh, hi Chief.”

He nodded towards her bags. “Doing some shopping?”

“Yeah, I needed something to ride in.”

“I see you got your hair cut too. It looks good.”

Chloe watched him with a wary look. He mentally kicked himself. She was from the city, which meant she wasn't used to friendly conversation. She probably thought he was a pervert.

“Well, I saw you walking and wanted to make sure you didn't need a ride back to the ranch.”

She hitched her purse higher on her shoulder. “No thanks. Momma's meeting me at the diner in about ten minutes. We're supposed to buy something for the party this weekend.”

Jordan stroked his jaw. “Did you check out Devina's? She has formal wear. You two ought to be able to get what you need.”

Chloe's eyes lit up for a brief moment before dulling again. “I doubt they have the kind of dresses I'm used to wearing but I guess it'll have to do. Where is it?”

He pointed behind them. “Right next to the diner. You can look around until your ma gets back or you can head to Kay's. She fills up pretty fast at lunch hour so you may want to go ahead and get a booth.”

“I'll wait. Thanks for letting me know Chief. Have a good day.”

He watched Chloe trot down the sidewalk. Her attitude confused him. Yesterday, she had come at him with tooth and nail, yet today, she seemed almost meek. Like she was afraid of him. His hands clenched into fists as horrible thoughts filled his head. If he found out her father had something to do with her polar opposite attitudes, he would kill him. He glanced around town, hoping to spot Jennifer walking towards him. He would love to get a few moments alone with her. He didn't doubt that the second she was with her daughter, Chloe's anger would resurface.

After a minute of hopeless searching, he went to Kay's. Chloe said they were eating lunch there. Maybe he'd get a private minute with her then. He walked into the small diner and glanced around. Half the booths were already filled and there were only a few small tables left in the middle of the room. Jordan made his way to the Formica counter and took a seat near the register.

“Afternoon Chief. How's your day so far?”

He smiled at Kay, the owner, as she filled his coffee cup. “Thanks. It's slow so far.”

Kay grinned, her false teeth starting to creep out of her mouth. She closed her mouth and shifted her jaws. She nodded her head in satisfaction and pulled out a notebook.

“What can I get ya today?”

Jordan tapped his knuckles on the plastic covered menu. “Chicken fried steak, mashed 'taters, green beans, and a corn muffin.”

“I'll give ya three muffins. I know how much ya like 'em.” She winked as she walked towards the kitchen. Jordan sipped his coffee as he alternated between the clock and the door. He hoped Jennifer would be coming in before he had to leave.


Jennifer pulled up outside Kay's and got out. She'd called Chloe's cell phone and found out her daughter was looking for a dress.

“I hope she's done by now.”

The bell tinkled over the door as she walked into the cool store.

“Mom, I'm back here.”

Jennifer weaved her way through the racks of formal wear. “Any luck?”

Chloe shrugged. “I've looked through everything but this rack. I hope I find something.”

Jennifer sat in one of the chairs along the wall and waited. Her eyelids were starting to droop when Chloe's voice startled her.

“Are you wanting this one?”

She sat up and watched Chloe talking with another teenage girl, around her own age. The black haired girl tilted her head to the side and studied the dress Chloe had pulled out.

“Nah, you had it first.”

Chloe shrugged and walked into the dressing room next to Jennifer's seat. Clothes rustled then she came back out, a disgusted look on her face. She held the hanger out to the girl.

“Here. It looked horrible on me.”

“Thanks. Check this one out. I bet it would look rocking, with your coloring.”

The girl passed Chloe a pale pink dress with spaghetti straps and a puffy white skirt. A few minutes later, Chloe came back out smiling.

“This is the one I want.”

Jennifer sighed in relief. “Great. Let's go.”

Chloe frowned. “Momma, you still have to pick something out.”

The second girl came back out, her face twisted in a comical look of horror. “Oh Gawd, this has to be the worst dress in the whole store.” She put the item back on the rack. “What'd you think of the one I gave you?”

Chloe grinned. “It's perfect. You were right. You've got a good eye.”

The girl shrugged as she tossed her long black hair over her shoulder. “Thanks. I'm Skylar, by the way.”

Chloe held out her hand and introduced herself.

“You're new to town huh?”

She nodded.

“You going to the anniversary party this weekend at the Bar M?”

Chloe's eyes widened. “How'd you know about that? You going too?”

Skylar laughed. “I think Ma and Pa invited the whole town.”

“You're related to them too?”

Skylar grabbed another dress off the rack. “You must be from the city. That's what everyone calls them. Are you the great-granddaughter?”

“How'd you know that?”

“They've been talking about you getting here for a few weeks now. They've all been pretty excited. I gotta try this one on. I think it's the right one.”

Chloe turned back towards the dresses with an intense look of concentration. She jerked three free from the metal bar and shoved them at Jennifer. “Try these on.”

Sixteen dresses later, Jennifer had one Chloe thought was suitable. They checked out and made their way to Kay's, Skylar in tow.

“You girls find a seat. I'm going to say hi.”

She felt Chloe's eyes glaring at her as she walked towards the counter. Jennifer watched the small woman bustling around. When she finally stopped, Jennifer tapped her on the shoulder.

“What can I get ya sweetie?”

“How about a hug for the girl you considered a second daughter?”

Kay spun around, her mouth gaping open. “Well I'll be. What are you doing here?”

“I'm hoping to get a good lunch. From the looks of this crowd, there might not be any food left.”

She squeezed the waitress before stepping back.

“I heard you were coming home.”

Jennifer fingered her ponytail. “Yeah, I had to get away. I couldn't handle the pressure of the city or my marriage any longer.”

Kay squinted. “I heard he was a piece of work. Don't you worry. You don't need a man. Sometimes doing everything alone is easier.”

Jennifer laughed. Kay was a bit of a feminist, ever since her ex-husband had run out on her thirty two years ago. “I'm hoping he'll stay out of the picture but I doubt my luck's that good. He'll come for us and start a big scene.”

Kay's mouth rounded into an 'o'. “He doesn't want to do that. Our new police chief doesn't put up with nonsense like that. He'll go to jail quick.”

“Maybe Jordan'll give me a break, given our past.”

The older woman shook her head. “Doubt that. He doesn't bend the rules for nobody. He even wrote his own ma a ticket a few years ago.”

“She shouldn't have been speeding.”

Jennifer whirled around and gasped. “Jordan, you scared me.”

His lips tilted upwards, creating a dimple in his left cheek. “Sorry darlin'. Glad to see you're talking 'bout me though. Hope it was something good.”

“Hey Mom. We're over here.”

Jennifer looked around Jordan's broad shoulder. Chloe sat on her knees in one of the window booths, waving her hand. “Uh, I gotta go.”

Jordan grabbed her arm as she squeezed by him. “Do you have a date for Friday night?”

She glanced down at his tanned hand against her pale flesh. “I'm going alone.”

“Want to go with me?”

She shook her head. “I don't think that's a good idea.”

“Why not?”

Jennifer sighed. “Jordan, I'm about to go through a messy divorce. I can't think of having a
new relationship right now.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Who said anything about a relationship? It would be a casual date, between two old friends. A way to keep the women of this town from mauling me to death. I'm a pretty eligible bachelor, ya know.”

“Modest aren't you? Sorry, but I still have to pass. It was good to see you.”

Jennifer made her way through the crowded diner to the booth. Chloe glared at her as she sat across from her.

“Mrs. Matthews, do you know who you were just talking to?”

Jennifer glanced at the chief as he walked towards the door. He waved their way and left.

“Yeah, that's Jordan. We were friends way back when.”

Skylar sighed. “He's so cute. I hope he stays single until I'm eighteen. I want to marry him.”

Chloe scoffed. “Why?”

“Oh come on. He's gorgeous. And he's a really good guy. He got a thing for you Mrs.

Jennifer shook her head hard. “It's nothing like that. We're just friends.”

“Too bad. Y'all look good together.”

Chloe slammed her menu down. “Her and my dad look better. I can't wait for you to meet him. He's the greatest guy in the world.”

Jeniffer's appetite disappeared as nausea gurgled in her stomach. She held back a groan.

“You ladies know what ya want?”

Jennifer jumped at Kay's high pitched voice. She shot her a look of concern. “You okay sweetie?”

She nodded and bit her lip. “Hey, can you tell me where I can find Roxanne? I can't wait to surprise her.”

Kay glanced at the neon clock over the kitchen partition. “She ought to be here any time now. Her shift started three minutes ago.”

The bell over the door tinkled, and Jennifer turned around. She winked at Kay, who called a busty redhead over to the table. She stood in front of Jennifer to block her from view.

“Roxy, I got a question for ya. What was the name of that girl you used to hang out with all the time? Ya know, Martha's granddaughter.”

Roxanne popped her gum and frowned. “Jennifer. Like you'd forgotten.”

Kay shrugged. “Been a while since she's been around. My mind don't work like it used to.”

Roxanne laughed. “Yeah right. You know the order of every person in this diner, before they even sit down. Why'd you ask about her?”

“The chief was just in here and we were talking about how quiet it's been. Got me to thinking of all the trouble you two girls used to get into.”

“Yeah, most of it was Jennifer's idea too.”

Jennifer poked her head past Kay's side. “Hey, I seem to remember you coming up with a few crazy ideas too.”

Roxanne squealed and nudged her mom out of the way so she could pull Jennifer to her feet. “What are you doing here? When'd you get here? Why didn't you call me?”

Jennifer giggled. She'd missed her best friend. “I moved here yesterday, actually and I wanted it to be a surprise.”

“Well it's a good one. I'm so happy you're home.”

“Hey Chloe, did you know your mom knew mine?”

Jennifer turned to look at Skylar. “You're a Ubanks? Oh Christ. Chloe, you are not allowed to hang out with her.”

Roxanne elbowed her in the side. “Hey that should be my line. You're the one who always got us caught. Like that time you plowed through the fence in Pa's truck because you'd decided to run away to Hollywood.” She looked at her daughter and winked. “I was such a great friend I spent two weeks of my summer helping her fix it.”

Jennifer put a hand on her hip. “Um, you helped because you didn't want me to tell anyone that I was on my way to pick you up. I seem to recall you were eager to marry Bon Jovi.”

Roxanne blushed and looked at her mom. “Gee thanks. Now I'm going to be in big trouble.”

Kay tapped her foot. “Even worse if you don't get your butt to work.”

Roxanne stuck her tongue out and walked backwards towards the counter. “Jennifer, you and me have a date tomorrow night. Meet me at Chug's at seven. Talk to ya later.” She whirled on her heel and disappeared into the kitchen.

Skylar looked at Chloe and grinned. “I think it's so cool that our moms are friends. Guess we're like them huh?”

Chloe scowled but murmured what could have been a yes. After they placed their order, Jennifer sat back and watched her daughter. She looked different with her hair shorter. It was starting to curl and brought out the color of her green eyes. She looked a lot older. Someone tapped on her shoulder, bringing her from her thoughts. She looked behind her and smiled.

“Hey, I'm glad you could make it.”

She slid over so Ashleigh could sit beside her. A tall teenage boy pulled a chair up from an empty table nearby and flipped it backwards so he could straddle it. Jennifer stared at him for a minute.

“Tell me that's not Brandon?”

Ashleigh nodded. “Yeah, it is. He's gotten tall huh?”

Jennifer raised an eyebrow. “I'd say abnormally gigantic. He looks a lot like Brad.” She held out her hand. “Hi, I'm Jennifer. I doubt you remember me. You were seven the last time I saw you.”

He smiled. “Yes ma'am, actually I do. Momma talks about you enough.” He turned his
head and nodded to Skylar before focusing on Chloe.

Ashleigh gestured to Chloe. “Is this your youngin'?”

Jennifer nodded. “That's Chloe.”

Ashleigh sighed. “Wow, it's like looking at a photo from years ago. I remember when you dyed your hair blond. It wasn't a good look for you but it works for her.”

Jennifer cringed. She remembered her attempt at being platinum blond. It had made her look like a ghost with her pale complexion.

“Brandon, quit staring. You're freaking her out.”

Jennifer glanced from Chloe to Brandon. He snapped his mouth shut and looked down at his hands. She hid a smile. Their food arrived and everyone waited until Kay had walked away before conversation resumed.

“You still going to the party this weekend B?”

Brandon shrugged as he snagged a french fry from Skylar's plate. “I wasn't going to but Frank talked me into it.”

Skylar giggled. “I heard about him decking you. That's what you get for trying to pawn him off on Jason.”

Ashleigh leaned her elbows on the table. “What do you mean by that?”

Brandon groaned. “Thanks Sky. Bust me out.” He looked at his mom. “Frank begged me to go the party so he wouldn't have to hang out alone. I told him he could always chill with Jason. He popped me in the eye. So, I agreed to go.”

Ashleigh put a hand to her chest. “You told me you'd gotten that during football. How dare you deceive your overworked mother like that.”

“Sorry Mom.”

Chloe frowned as she took a sip of her milkshake. “Why would your friend hit you for saying he could hang out with someone else?”

Brandon's eyes widened as he opened his mouth. He shut it quick without saying anything. Skylar nudged Chloe's arm. “You have to excuse him. He's not used to talking to babes like us. Jason's this womanizing creep. He thinks he's God's gift to women and treats everyone like crap. B and his buddies don't like him. Frank considered it an insult that B would think he'd hang out with him.” She looked Chloe over. “Ya know, you're just his type. He's going to come after you hard. It's a good thing you got me and B to keep you from falling to his charm.”

Jennifer put her hands in her lap and clenched them together. The last thing she needed right now was Chloe getting interested in a guy just like her dad. Not that she'd be able to say anything. If Chloe found out Jennifer didn't want her to do it, she'd take pleasure in defying her.

Chloe looked back at Brandon. “Is he that bad?”

Brandon shrugged. “He likes to degrade women. He takes advantage of innocent girls, gets what he wants then dumps them. This is a small town. It doesn't take much for the females here to think all us guys are the same. Makes it hard for the good ones to prove them wrong.”

Chloe glanced at her plate. “Oh. I know guys like that.” She looked at Jennifer. “Momma, can we go? I promised Miss Betsy I'd help with supper and I still have to get my riding lesson.”

Jennifer nodded, wondering about Chloe's sudden withdrawal. She tossed some money on the table and hugged Ashleigh bye. She caught Roxanne's eye and made a phone gesture with her fingers. Roxanne responded with a thumb's up.

“Brandon, it was good to see you again. Skylar, if it's okay with your mom, you can spend the night at the house tomorrow night while we go out.”
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