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Rated: 18+ · Book · Romance/Love · #1912061
Jennifer comes home to Georgia, divorced. The last thing she expects is loving again.
#770627 added January 6, 2013 at 12:43pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 5
Jordan pulled into his garage and shut off the car. He checked the notes he'd taken at the ranch. He agreed with Jennifer's daughter. Something wasn't right. He'd already left a message with the director of the real estate agency to call him back tomorrow. Two of his deputies were circulating the town now, asking to see if the man had visited anyone else. He'd debated on assigning an officer to watch the ranch, but he didn't want to scare anyone. The chances were, they weren't in danger. Most scam artists moved to a new target once they realized their plan wouldn't work.

He walked into the house and went towards his room, stripping off his uniform before falling into the bed. His blood still boiled with the after-effects of kissing Jennifer. She'd been just as affected, he was sure. He sure hadn't expected it to be like that when he decided to kiss her. Even though he'd told her he wasn't going to make love with her, that was where they'd been heading. If his hand had gotten onto her breast, he would have lost control. He groaned as he felt his erection pulse. He needed a cold shower; or a new train of thought.

Chloe. He received mixed reactions from her; just like her mother. One second she couldn’t stand looking at him, the next indignant because her mother had insulted him. He had to win her over to his side if he wanted a chance to explore things with Jennifer. Ma had told him a few years ago that Jennifer only stayed in her marriage because of Chloe. She didn't know the truth about her creep father and Jennifer wanted to keep it that way. How do I make her see I'm what her mom needs when she thinks her father hung the moon?

Jennifer deserved to be happy. She'd been alone too long. She could turn out like Mom. She could sink into a severe depression, where the only hope was lots of medication, or maybe even death. He cringed at the thought. No matter what he had to do, he would keep that from happening.


Jennifer sat in the window sill of her bedroom, lost in a book. She struggled to remember what was happening on the pages, while her mind continued replaying the incident with Jordan. She still couldn't believe the way she'd acted. She hated sex, and any of it's other, more innocent activities. Yet, she'd thrown herself at him like a mistress, ready to be ravaged. If he hadn't been so quick on his feet, everyone in the kitchen would have known the truth. All the hard work she'd put into repairing things with Chloe would have gone out the window. She had to be careful around him. He was dangerous. He could make her forget that she didn't need a man in her life. She was strong and she could manage on her own.

A ruckus outside caused her to drop the book. It landed against the hardwood floor with a thump. She bent down to retrieve it before glancing outside. The book fell to her lap as her fingers went slack. Spirit stood in the back yard near the fence, bathed in moonlight. She jumped up and ran to the back door. Just as she was about to step from the shadows and approach him, she heard a sniffle above her.

“Hey boy. It's nice to see you again.”

The horse snickered. Jennifer's hand gripped the wood door frame so hard her knuckles ached. She wanted to go back inside instead of ease dropping. Her feet ignored her command.

“I've been hoping to track you down but I haven't gotten a chance to learn to ride yet so there wouldn't be a point. But don't worry. I hope we'll become friends soon.”

Jennifer sighed. First thing tomorrow morning, she was dragging her daughter to the corral.

“It'd be nice to have one friend I don't have to pretend with. I doubt you would understand that. You've got it made. You can go wherever you want, without asking permission or worrying about meeting expectations. I wish I could be like that. It's been so long since I've done anything without worrying about the consequences. Back home, I walked on eggshells. My parents fought all the time. I'd hear them arguing about me every now and then. I've tried so hard to be the perfect daughter, so they could just be together instead of feuding. It didn't work. So my mom moved me out here.”

Jennifer eased to the ground. Her chest felt tight. She didn't know Chloe had heard her and Rick fighting. She started to stress about which ones she'd witnessed.

“You know, I hated her at first, for making me come here where I didn't know anybody. Now, I think she did the right thing. She's different here. It's like she's happy. I just wish she could be like that with my dad. He always seemed happier when he wasn't with her either. Is it selfish to wish they could be like that together? I want my family back.”

Chloe's voice broke. Jennifer's composure shattered. Tears filled her eyes and ran down her cheeks. Why can't she talk to me like this?

“I know it's a slim chance but I'm going to do everything I can to help them work things out. But don't worry. I'll visit you before I leave and I'll come back to see you when we move away.”

Spirit pawed the ground and bowed his head to nip at the grass.

“Well, it's late and I'm sure you don't want to stand around here listening to my problems. Thanks for coming to see me. Bye.”

Jennifer heard the click of the French door as Chloe shut herself inside. She wrapped her arms around her legs and buried her face against her knees. She wondered if she should go back to Rick. Maybe if she just accepted the way he was, things wouldn't be so bad. She would never be happy, but at least her daughter would be.


“Are you sure he won't throw me off?”

Jennifer sat on the top rail of the wood plank fence and watched Chloe grip the saddle horn. Pa stood next to her, his hand on the reins of the ten year old mare.

“I'm positive. She's as harmless as a kitten.”

Chloe groaned. “I hate cats. It's always the innocent looking ones who hurt the most.”

The same goes for people sweetie.

“You'll be fine Chloe. You'll never get to ride Spirit if you can't handle Daisy.”

Her spine straightened. “What do I do?”

Pa smiled. “Just relax. Move with her. Get used to the feel of her before we go any further.
If you get scared, just tell me and I'll stop.”

Chloe bit her cheek as she nodded. Pa clicked his tongue and began to walk. The horse stayed beside him in a slow walk around the circled corral. Jennifer's phone rang. She glanced at the caller id before jumping down. She walked out of Chloe's hearing distance before answering.

“Hi Rick.”

“Hi yourself. Where's my daughter? She isn't answering her phone.”

Jennifer glanced over her shoulder. Chloe had the reins in her hand now. Pa was showing her how to use them to steer the horse's movements. He climbed on Thunder, a six year old steed and maneuvered him beside Daisy The horses started walking in unison towards the barn.

“She's getting a riding lesson.”

“Damn it Jennifer, my daughter isn't some inbred hick. Get her off that beast before it hurts her.”

Jennifer sighed. “Rick, she wants to learn and I'm not going to stop her.”

“You need to come back home before that place corrupts her.”

She debated on telling him of her decision to move back. “I'm still thinking that over. I need to get some things straightened out before I made a final decision.”

“There shouldn't be anything to consider. You're my wife and you belong in my house.”

Jennifer shook her head. “Rick, I won't be your wife again until you quit seeing other women. Are you ready to do that?”

“I'm a grown man Jennifer. I can do what I want.”

“Well I'm grown too. Which means I can make my own decisions as well.”

“You're a female. You don't have that luxury.”

“Why'd you call Rick? I'd think you'd be happy not to have to deal with me cramping your style.”

She heard him grunt. “The Dean has a party planned in two weeks. There's talk that he's going to promote me to head of the department. I have to show him that I'm a responsible adult and can handle the position. He's expecting to see my wife and daughter there.”

Jennifer turned around when she heard Chloe call her name. She grinned as she watched Chloe nudge the mare into a trot. She waved and gave her a thumb's up.

“Sorry Rick but we won't be there. I'm no longer part of your charade.”

“Damn it Jennifer, quit being a bitch. You owe me this after all I've done for you.”

Jennifer snorted. “I haven't gotten a thing from you in the past sixteen years we've been married. You just helped me make my decision. Chloe and I are staying here. Good luck with the job Rick.”

She hit the end button and put the phone back into her pocket. It felt good not bowing to Rick's demand. She should have done it sooner. The gate rattled as Chloe shut it. Her boots kicked up dust as she ran towards Jennifer.

“Did you see me? I had her running.”

Jennifer ruffled her daughter's curls. “I did. Congratulations. You're a natural.”

She beamed. “Do you think I'm ready to ride Spirit yet?”

Jennifer put an arm around her daughter's shoulders and headed towards the house.

“Maybe after a few more lessons. You'll be on him before you know it.”

A pickup truck pulled up near the barn and two men got out. Jennifer shaded her eyes and waved when she spotted Brad, Ashleigh's husband. Chloe tensed.

“Who's that?”

“You remember my friend Ashleigh from the diner?” Chloe nodded. “That's her husband Brad. I remember one time when he chased us around the yard with a large frog.” She shuddered. “We got him back by sticking a lizard in his sleeping bag one night.”

“You hate frogs but you'll touch a lizard?”

Jennifer shrugged. “Frogs give you warts. Jordan didn't believe me when I told him. He carried one in his shorts for a while. One day, it got out and fell into his boot. He ended up with four of them on his foot.”

Chloe watched the two men talk to Pa before dropping the tailgate and pulling out bails of hay. “You and Jordan were pretty close huh?”

Jennifer nodded. “He had a hard life at home so he hung around here a lot. Pa let him help out on odd jobs so he'd have a little extra cash. Not that he ever kept any of it. He gave it all to his mom.”

“Did you ever date?”

She shook her head. “He gave me my first kiss when I was fourteen. He found me at my secret spot and told me his mom was moving them away. I didn't see him again until he pulled me over.”

Chloe sat on the steps and glanced at Jennifer before looking back at the barn. “What spot?”

Jennifer laughed. “I told you it's a secret. Put it this way. It's one of Spirit's favorite places so once you start riding him, you'll see it.”

She didn't respond. Jennifer cocked her head to the side as she glanced towards the truck Chloe seemed so interested in watching. At first, she figured Chloe was shocked to see men doing real work. As she looked closer, she realized the second male wasn't a man, but a teenager. He glanced their direction as he wiped sweat from his brow.

“You seem pretty interested in Brandon.”

Chloe jumped. “What? No. I'm just surprised at how sweaty they're getting. It's so gross.”

“Um hmm.”

Chloe pushed against Jennifer's leg. “Don't you have to be getting ready to go out?”

Jennifer checked her phone for the time. “Yeah, I do. Are you okay with that?”

“I'm not sure. I don't like the idea of you going to a bar and drinking but I realize that it's been a really long time since I've seen you go anywhere. You kinda deserve it. Just be careful and don't go home with any guys.”

Jennifer brushed a kiss against Chloe's head. “No worries kiddo. I'll be fine.”
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