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Rated: 18+ · Book · Romance/Love · #1912061
Jennifer comes home to Georgia, divorced. The last thing she expects is loving again.
#770630 added January 6, 2013 at 1:05pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 6
Jennifer giggled as she sipped the last of her margarita. “I forgot how good these things are. It's been years since I had one.”

Roxanne picked up the empty pitcher. “Well I think you've made up for it tonight.”

She stuck her tongue out. “You helped. I can't help it I'm a lightweight.”

A waitress appeared with two new margaritas. “From the gentleman at the bar.”

Roxanne and Jennifer glanced over. A young guy in a cowboy hat and tight jeans tilted a beer their way. Roxanne smiled. “Looks like you have an admirer.”

“No way. He's looking at you.”

The cowboy stood up and sauntered towards their table. He stopped next to Jennifer's
elbow. “Would you like to dance?”

“Thanks but I think I'm a little too tipsy to be spinning in circles.”

He laughed. “Then how about we grab a booth and get to know each other?”

“Thanks but I'll stay here. It would be rude to leave my friend alone.”

His smile disappeared. He put a callused hand on her arm. “I just shelled out twelve dollars for your drinks. I think I deserve something for them.”

Roxanne stood up and grabbed both glasses. “She said she's not interested punk. You can have them back.” Before the guy could move, she dumped them over his head.

“You bitch. You're going to regret that.”

Roxanne rolled her eyes. “Whatever.”

He raised his fist. Someone grabbed him from behind and pulled his arms behind his back.

“You have two choices. You can leave now, or I can arrest you for disturbing the peace.”

The kid craned his neck to see Jordan towering over him. He gulped. “I'll go home.”

Jordan let him go and waited until he'd walked out the door before turning towards the table.

“Ladies, why am I not surprised to find you starting trouble?”

Roxanne got back into her high bar stool and laughed. “Not us Chief. We were trying to enjoy ourselves. That creep started it.”

Jordan shook his head. “Looks like you chose a bad way to finish it. I think y'all should call it a night.”

Roxanne blew a raspberry. “You've become a party pooper since you became a cop.” She grabbed her purse and winked at Jennifer. “See you tomorrow.”

Jennifer tried to grab her arm as she sashayed past the table. Roxanne evaded her. Jennifer almost slipped off the chair. Jordan grabbed her and sat her up right.

“You're drunk.”

She shrugged. “So.”

“How are you getting home?”

Jennifer squinted at him through one eye. “I'll walk.”

Jordan shook his head and helped her from the stool. He shoved her bag into her hands and herded her towards the door. “That's six miles. I'll take you home. You can get Scott to bring you back tomorrow for your truck.”

Jennifer tried to jerk away from him. “I can take care of myself.”

“Don't make me arrest you.”

“You're an asshole.”

“And you're mean when you drink. Let's go.”

Jennifer let him settle her into his truck. She closed her eyes to avoid the bright neon lights of the bar. Her head started to pound. She groaned.

“I can't believe I got this wasted.”

As Jordan drove over the bridge towards the ranch, he laughed. “That tends to happen when you're not used to drinking.”

“Everything's spinning. You're going too fast.”

“I'm only doing 35. Close your eyes.”

Jennifer slumped against the door and felt her eyelids grow heavy. She started to dose off when she heard sirens. She gripped her head with both hands.

“Turn it off. It's so loud.”

Jordan slowed and pulled over as a fire truck passed them. His radio chirped, requesting officers to respond to a fire. The dispatch rattled off the address of the ranch. Jordan swerved back on the road and slammed on the gas. Jennifer's head bounced off the window.

“Fire? What? Did you know?”

She tried to study Jordan in the dim light. He clenched his jaw.

“No. I was making my usual round at the bar when I saw you and Roxanne in trouble.”

He took the turn onto the ranch driveway at high speed. The truck bounced along the graveled road. Jennifer leaned towards the windshield and gasped as she saw flames attacking the back side of the barn. She jumped from the truck before he'd put it in park and ran over.


She stumbled as she tried to spin towards her daughter's voice. Chloe ran into her arms.

“I'm so glad you're home.”

“What happened?”

Chloe pulled away. “You're slurring. And you stink.”

Jordan stopped beside them. “She's drunk Chloe. Her tolerance for alcohol is too low and she didn't realize the signs to stop. It wasn't intentional and the bartender told me she only had two drinks.”

Jennifer shot him a go-to-hell look. “I think I can manage my daughter's questions on my own.”

Jordan shrugged and walked away. “I was just trying to keep her from getting mad at you.”

She looked down at her daughter. “Are you?”

Chloe tapped her foot. “No, but I should be. Geez. As if a fire isn't bad enough, now I have to take care of my drunk mom too. Let's get you inside.”

Jennifer tried to stand up straight. “No thanks. I want to stay out here. What happened?”

Chloe watched her a minute before shrugging. “I don't know. Look, at least sit down somewhere before you fall over.”

Jennifer let Chloe pull her to the porch. A high pitched squeal came from the engulfed barn.

“What was that? It sounds like someone's inside.” Chloe gripped Jennifer's hand.

“Crap. There's a horse in there.”

“Momma, someone has to save her.”

Jennifer pulled her daughter to her as she tried to run towards the fire. “It's too dangerous baby.”

Chloe sagged to the stairs, sobbing. A new commotion caused Jennifer to look over. Through the thick curtain of smoke, she noticed someone rushing into the barn, followed by someone else a few seconds later.

Jennifer stood up and moved closer to the barn. Chloe ran past her and stood in front of the entrance. Pa grabbed her shoulder.

“Chloe, you don't need to be out here.”

She shrugged his hand off. “I'm not going anywhere. What horse is in there?”

Pa scratched his head. “We put Lady in there earlier. She's having problems with her pregnancy. The vet didn't think she needed to be out to pasture.”

Jennifer put her arms over her daughter. “Who went in?”

Pa gave the barn a worried look. “Brad.”

“I saw two people.”

Pa met Jennifer's eyes. “Brandon followed him.”

Jennifer's stomach churned. If something happened to either of them, it would tear
Ashleigh apart. “You have to send someone in to get them.”

He nodded. “I'll do it.”

“Pa no.”

Chloe took Pa's hand. “They'll be okay.”

“Everyone stay out. We can get her out but it'll take a minute to calm her down. The fire's on the other side and hasn't made it through the wall.”

Robert rushed by. He rounded the corner of the barn, untouched by the fire. A few seconds later, he ran towards the fire truck. After talking to the firefighters, he came towards Pa.
“I told the boys to spray the ground. The grass is so dry, it'll spread quick. They've almost got the fire under control around back.”

“That's good to hear.”

Robert nodded. “How the guys doing?”

Jennifer rolled her shoulders. “Brad said they'll get Lady out. I wish they'd hurry. It's smoky in there.”

“Momma, look. They're coming out.”

A hush settled over the crowd watching the fire. Brad walked towards the open door, his hand holding the reins. Brandon walked on the mare's other side. A gust of wind stirred the smoke, pushing it further into the barn. The horse panicked and reared back. Brad stumbled and fell against the metal gate of the first stall. Brandon tried to grab the reins dragging the ground.

“Dad, you okay?”

He stumbled to his feet. “Yeah. I'll get her. You get out.”

Chloe's fingers dug into Jennifer's skin when Brandon refused.

“You first. You're hurt.”

Robert patted Pa's arm and jogged into the barn. After talking to Brandon for a second, he grabbed Brad's arm and pulled him out of the barn and off to the side. Chloe stepped closer to the double doors.

“Chloe, please stay back. I'm going to check on Brad.”

She maneuvered through the throng of people and knelt down beside him. His face was black with soot. She grabbed his wrist and checked his pulse.

“I'm fine.”

Jennifer punched him on the arm. “For now. But Ashleigh's going to hurt you when she realizes you put yourself in danger.”

Brad struggled to sit up. “I had to save her. We can't afford to lose her or that foal. It's already been sold. Where's Brandon?”

Jennifer turned around and searched. She spotted him stumbling out of the barn. He fell to the ground. Chloe and Skylar surrounded him. She saw Chloe point towards the house and Skylar run off.

“He's out.”

“The horse?”

“I don't see her.”

She heard Chloe squeal Brandon's name and turned around again. He was on his feet, heading towards them. Chloe put her arm around his back and let him lean on her. Red lights bathed the area, followed by a shrill siren as an ambulance pulled up near the barn.

“Look out!”

Jennifer watched in horror as the horse came galloping out of the barn. She headed straight for Chloe and Brandon.

“Chloe! Move.”

Brandon lunged to the side, pulling Chloe with him. They landed in a heap, with Chloe sprawled on top of him. Two of the other ranch hands rushed after the horse. Jennifer looked at Brad, torn over what to do.

“I'm fine. Go check on the kids.”

Jennifer ran over, her legs still wobbly from the alcohol and the adrenaline pumping through her blood. Skylar reached the twisted up teenagers at the same time as Jennifer. She looked down at them and shook her head.

“I guess the water's for you huh? Looks like you need a cool shower to settle those hormones. Geez, I've heard of falling over a hero, but this is a bit much.”

Chloe rolled her eyes as she tried to stand. A hand appeared near her face and she reached up. She got to her feet and stepped away from Jordan.

“Thanks Chief. But he needs the help.”

Jordan helped Brandon up and looked around. When he spotted two paramedics, he waved them over.

“He hurt?”

“Smoke inhalation.”

The woman pulled Brandon towards the ambulance, with Chloe and Skylar right behind him. Jennifer looked at Jordan once they were alone.

“I didn't say thank you before.”

He shrugged. “No big deal. Looks like I would have been heading here anyways. Killed two birds with one stone.”

Jennifer's hands shook as she shoved them into her pockets. “I can't believe any of this. Do you know what happened?”

“Not yet. I'm waiting on them to get the fire out before I talk to the chief.”

“Will you let me know?”

Jordan rubbed the back of his neck. “Depends on if it's arson or an accident.”

Jennifer gasped. “It had to be an accident. No one would ever do something like this to Pa.”

“The paramedics said Brad's okay, but they're taking him to the hospital for an x-ray of his head. He has a knot from where he whopped it.”

“Momma, come here.”

Jennifer sighed. She shot Jordan an apologetic look and hustled over to the ambulance, where the paramedic was arguing with Brandon.

“Keep that mask on or I'm admitting you to the hospital until tomorrow.”

He pulled the plastic from his face. “I'm okay. I need to check on my dad.”

He stood up and doubled over in a coughing fit. Jennifer put a hand on his shoulder and pushed him back down. She placed the mask over his face and crossed her arms.

“You're dad's fine. Now listen to the lady.”

He tried to remove it again. “I don't need this.”

Chloe put a hand on his leg. “Brandon, please wear it for a few minutes. It's better safe than sorry. Your dad would be worried if he finds out you're in the hospital.”

Skylar snorted. “He'll be mad too when he finds out it's because you're being stubborn.”

Brandon grinned at Chloe and took a deep breath. “Okay. But only for five minutes.” He looked at the paramedic. “Can you check her? She fell pretty hard.”

Chloe stepped back. “I'm fine.”

Brandon grabbed her hand. “If I have to wear this ridiculous thing, you have to let them make sure you didn't get hurt.”

Jordan came over just as the paramedic declared Chloe fine and allowed Brandon to remove his mask.

“They're taking your dad to County General. He asked me not to let you come up there. Can your mom pick you up?”

Brandon shook his head. “She's in Clarksville with my aunt. It'll be a few days before she gets back.”

“Well you need to let her know what happened in the morning. No sense worrying her tonight. You got a place to go?”

He shrugged. “I can stay at the house.”

Jennifer cleared her throat. “You are not staying home by yourself after something like this. You can spend the night in the bunkhouse.”

“It's fine Miss Jennifer.”

She shook her head as they stepped away from the ambulance. It drove off, with Brad strapped to a gurney in the back. “I won't hear any arguments young man. You're staying here.”

He bowed his head. “Yes ma'am.”

Three teenage boys walked up to the group.

“What's up Brandon. Saw you wearing that thing over your face. Must be embarrassing to get so excited in front of a beautiful lady.”

Skylar shoved Chloe behind her. “Beat it Jason.”

He raised an eyebrow. “You gonna make me?”

Her hands balled into fists. She took a step forward. Brandon stepped in front of her. “The Matthews' don't need your crap right now Jason. Why don't you and your friends get out of here?”

Jason leaned over so he could look at Chloe. “I'm not going anywhere until I meet the new girl.” He sauntered past Brandon and Skylar and held out his hand to Chloe. “I'm Jason. These are my homies, David and Slick. Is your name Angel, cause you look like you came from Heaven.”

Jennifer rolled her eyes. Please don't let Chloe fall for that crap.

Chloe put her hands in her back pockets and nodded at the three boys. “I'm Chloe.” She twitched her head back. “That's my mom Jennifer.”

The boy named Slick winked at Jennifer. “How you doing Mommy? Guess we know where Chloe gets her looks.”

Brandon glared at him. “Back off.”

Jason shot him a hostile look. “You can't claim both ladies for yourself. We'll be nice and let you have the old lady. Chloe's too hot for a punk like you.”

Chloe's hands went to her hips. “I'd hate to tell you Jason, but it takes more than a few cheesy lines and some macho bs to get with me. I'm pretty sure you don't have what it takes to handle a girl like me.”

Jason's face turned red. “Sweetheart, I'll handle you in ways you've never heard of.”

Jennifer had heard enough. “Little boy, you need to be leaving now.”

Skylar nodded. “Yeah. Why are you here anyways?”

“Dad heard there was a fire and came out here. We rode with him. Didn't know we'd get to see Brandon looking like a wimp. That makes the trip worth while.”

Chloe tossed her hair. “He's a hero. He risked his life to save our horse. You should show him some respect. I doubt any of you would have the balls to try something like that.”

“Got that right. I ain't willing to die for some dumb animal. A person would have to be crazy or stupid.” He looked at Brandon and smirked. “Which are you?”

Brandon lunged from Chloe's side and tackled Jason to the ground. He raised his fist over his shoulder. He cut the swing just in time to miss Jason's face and jumped up. He cast a glance towards Jennifer and Chloe before stomping off.

“Geez. Talk about anger issues. He can't even take a joke.”

Chloe rolled her eyes. “You're an asshole.” She ran off in the direction Brandon had went.

“You did that on purpose to make him look bad in front of Chloe and her mom. My guess is it backfired. See ya around chump.”

Skylar followed the other two teenagers. Jason stumbled to his feet and shot a glare at Jennifer before walking off, his two friends right behind him. Jennifer couldn't help but smile. Her daughter hadn't fallen for his crap and had stood up for herself. She sensed Jordan coming up beside her.

“I see you met Jason Espinal. He's a punk. Hope he didn't bother you and Chloe.”

She turned towards him. “He tried, but Chloe held her own. I don't think he expected her to shoot him down like she did. It makes me proud to see she didn't fall for his crap. She's smarter than her mom, that's for sure.”

Jordan wiped sweat from his forehead before settling his hat back on top. “That how her father got you?”

Brandon saved her from having to answer. He shuffled his feet and clasped his hands in front of his legs.

“Miss Jennifer, I just wanted to apologize for my actions. I hope I didn't frighten you or Chloe.”

Jennifer smiled. “Not at all Brandon. Do you mind me asking why you didn't hit him?”

“I'm not a violent person ma'am. I try to walk away from conflict because fighting doesn't solve anything. If I'd been smart, I would have ignored him. I know he was just trying to get under my skin. But I couldn't stand his disrespect. You and Chloe don't deserve that.”
Jennifer reached out and hugged the boy. “Your parents did a damn good job of raising you to be a gentleman.”

He shuffled back a step in embarrassment. “Thank ya ma'am. Could I ask one favor of you?”

“You saved our horse and my daughter. I think that entitles you to just about anything you want.”

“Keep Jason away from your daughter. I don't want her getting hurt.”

“I don't want that either. To be honest, I didn't like him but I can't tell her not to talk to him. She's at that rebellious age where she'll be around him just to get at me.”

“You need a distraction.”

Jennifer raised an eyebrow. “You got any ideas?”

Color stained his cheeks as he shuffled his feet. “Well I don't know how you'd feel about this, but she needs to find a decent guy, who won't treat her bad or take advantage of her.”

Jennifer faked a cough to hide her smile. She saw Jordan kneel to the ground. “Do you know anyone that would be good for her?”

He cleared his throat. “Not off the top of my head but if I think of one, I'll let you know.”

“You do that.” She turned and saw Chloe standing by the porch. Jason stood at her side, trying to get her attention. She looked miserable. The horse nickered, giving Jennifer an idea.

“Brandon, could I ask you a favor?” When he said yes, she said, “Could you go over and tell Chloe I'd like her to check on Lady for me while I'm talking to the sheriff.”

Brandon looked in Chloe's direction and narrowed his eyes. “That sounds like a good idea ma'am.”

Jennifer shook her head as she looked back at Jordan. “It's like a teenage soap opera.”

“Brandon's a good kid.”

She smiled. “He reminds me of you around that age.”

“You saying I'm not as gentlemanly as I used to be?”

“I don't know. You're a bit intimidating with that gun and those handcuffs.”

His long finger brushed the stainless steel. “Don't worry. I haven't had to use them in a while. I'm a bit out of practice. Would you be willing to let me refresh my skills on you? Just in case I have to arrest someone later tonight?”

“That depends. Does it include a frisk?”

He stepped closer to her. His beard brushed her jaw as his warm lips caressed her ear. “Of course it does. I may need to go so far as a strip search. You know, just in case a suspect is hiding something under his clothes.”

Jennifer shivered. She couldn't believe she was standing there, flirting with the police chief. The images his words provoked caused a flood of warmth through her body and settled between her legs in a dull throb.

“Sounds to me like you're bending the law a bit. If you didn't find anything suspicious with the frisk, there's no need to get me naked.”

His tongue darted out and licked the shell of her ear. “I'd need to be thorough. You might have picked up a few tips living in the big bad city.”

“I bet this is a line you use on all your admirers.”

He leaned back with fake shock. “I have admirers? I never would have guessed. I wonder if that's why I get all those fresh baked treats. I thought it was a thank-you for my service.”
Jennifer laughed and pushed against his hard chest. “You're incorrigible.”

“I'm entranced.”

Pa's voice rose to a high pitch as he called for Robert. Jennifer gave Jordan a concerned look and he grabbed her hand. They ran over to wear a crowd had started gathering around the pregnant mare.

“Pa, what's going on?”

“Lady's in labor. It's too soon. Now, I have to decide whether to take the foal, which could result in its' death, or let nature take its course. That could mean both animals don't make it.”

Jennifer heard Chloe giggle. She looked to her right and saw her daughter being nuzzled on the cheek. She placed a hand on her stomach as it began to sour. She could feel the bile rising up her throat and stumbled. Jordan put an arm around her shoulders to hold her upright before anyone noticed.

“Jennifer, maybe we should take the children inside. They don't need to be out here, in case something bad happens.”

She nodded and let Jordan lead her towards the mare's head. “Chloe, I think you and Skylar should get cleaned up. It's been a long night. Lady needs to rest until the vet gets here.”

“But Momma, I don't want to leave her.”

Jordan put a soothing hand on Chloe's back. “None of us do, but so many people around is too much excitement for her. If you want her and the baby to survive, we have to let the vet do his job. That means having everyone get away from her.”

Chloe's eyes brimmed with tears. “Do you think they'll be okay?”

He smiled. “I'm sure she's going to be strong, knowing she has a good friend like you for support.”

Chloe nodded and followed Skylar towards the porch. Jordan cleared the rest of the people out before turning back towards Jennifer. “You need to go inside and rest.”

“I can't let Pa stay out here by himself.”

“Scott and Robert are with him. Come on.”

Halfway to the house, Jennifer's feet stumbled. Jordan turned to her as she doubled over. “What's wrong?”

She sucked in a deep breath and winced as she stood up straight.

“It's your stomach isn't it? What can I do? Do you need your medicine?”

“I need to get to my room, before anyone sees me.”

He supported her weight until they were at the back of the house. He looked around to make sure no one could see them and swept Jennifer into his arms. When he reached the hall, he set her back on her feet and helped her into her room. As soon as she entered her room, the nausea hit hard. She lunged for the bathroom. She felt hands on her head, pulling her head back as the vomit came up. Embarrassed, she tried to push him away. He didn't budge.

Once she'd finished throwing up, Jordan pressed a warm washcloth into her hands and flushed the toilet. He helped her up with a hand under her breasts and leaned her against the sink so she could brush her teeth. He disappeared. She looked at her reflection in the mirror and whimpered.

“No wonder he ran away. You look like hell.”

He appeared at the doorway, a glass of water in his hand. “You're always beautiful Jennifer.”

“I'm okay now. You should get back outside before someone looks for you.”

He pushed her down on the bed and pulled her right foot up so he could take off her tennis shoe. “I'll go once I've got you settled in. Do you need help changing?”

Jennifer frowned. “What's wrong with what I have on?”

He reached for her left foot. “It'll be uncomfortable to sleep in.”

Jennifer put her feet on the floor and tried to stand up. “I'm not going to bed right now.”

“You most certainly are. You've had a long night. You need to recuperate from the mix of alcohol and stress.”

“Jordan, you're not my father. You can't tell me what to do.”

He grabbed his side. Metal clanked as he held up his handcuffs. “Do not make me use these.”

Jennifer glared at him. “Go ahead and try. I'll scream.”

“Go ahead. Everyone's outside.”

“I have a cell phone.”

He reached into her pocket and plucked it free. “You can have this back when you promise you'll go to sleep.”

“Give me my phone and get out of my room.”

“You're not in the position to make demands Jennifer.”

She sagged back against her pillow, too weak to keep up the confrontation. “Why are you doing this to me?”

“Because I care about you.”

Jennifer sighed. “I'll make you a deal. I'll lay down for an hour. After that, I'm getting up and coming back outside.”

Jordan held out his hand. “I guess that'll have to do.”

He touched the screen on her phone and pressed a few buttons. The beeping noise filled the tense silence.

“Are you going through my phone?”

“No. I'm programming my number. If you need anything, call me.”

He tossed the smart phone on the blanket near her leg and leaned over. She expected him to kiss her on the mouth and cringed. My breath has to smell horrible. He moved his head up a notch and pressed a tender kiss to her forehead. Before she could beg him to give her a real kiss, he spun around and walked out of the room.

Jordan walked back outside, his thoughts still on Jennifer. She looked disappointed when he hadn't kissed her. He had been going to, but she'd moved her head like she didn't want him to. The fire fighters were rolling up the hoses as he rounded the house. The chief spotted him and headed his way.

“What's the verdict?”

“We found a cigarette butt in the grass, bout ten feet from the barn. Figure that's what started it. The ground's so dry it spread quick.”

Jordan glanced towards the barn. “How'd it get to the barn? It should have expanded out towards the pasture.”

“There was some hay sticking out of a crack in the wall by the back stall. The flames caught it. But Pa said the stall was cleaned out, nothing but dirt cause they ain't used it in a while. So the fire climbed up the wall. It's lucky that there isn't more damage.”

Jordan nodded. “Did you bag the butt?”

“Yeah, my lieutenant has it in Engine 1. We were going to send it to the fire marshall's office, but you're welcome to it if you want to investigate. My guess though is it was an accident. Someone was careless; probably a teenager who almost got caught.”

Jordan thought about that as he walked towards the fire truck. Does Chloe smoke? He knew it wouldn't be Skylar or Brandon. He spotted a cluster of men standing by the barn entrance. He changed directions.

“Hey men. How's it going?”

All five men turned towards him and echoed a greeting. He studied all of them. No one seemed nervous by his presence, but that could be explained by the fact that they didn't know what started the fire.

“You figure out what happened, Chief?”

“They have some theories. Nothing concrete yet. Guess we all see why there's a burn ban huh?”

One man laughed. “At least you'll get some overtime chief. Though I don't know about the tax payers having to cover your date with the boss's granddaughter.”

Jordan's hands clenched as he studied Allen, Jason's dad. “It wasn't a date. She needed a lift. Seems I would have been coming out here, regardless.”

Allen grunted and pulled a pack of cigarettes out of his shirt pocket. He tapped one out and put it in his mouth before patting his pants.

“Anybody got a lighter?”

The other four men shook their heads. “You're the only one who smokes.”

He rolled his eyes and put the cigarette behind his ear. “So sue me.”

Jordan glanced around the group. “Did anyone see anybody out here before the fire started?”

Robert walked up. “We were all in the bunkhouse, having a meeting. Seems some of the men think it's okay to come in late.”

Allen looked at the foreman. “Does the fire mean we get a vacation?”

Robert's bushy eyebrows dipped low over his narrowed eyes. “Why would you think a stupid thing like that?”

He shrugged. “I figured getting the barn repaired would be top priority. I ain't a carpenter.”

Richard shook his head. “There's a lot of things you aren't, Allen. But you will be unemployed if you don't have your ass here, on time in the morning. Any moron can swing a hammer.”

Allen put his unlit cigarette back into his mouth and chewed on the filter. He glared at the foreman before stomping towards his car. Jordan followed him.

“Hey Allen. Be sure to get your boy and his friends before you leave.”

He whirled towards Jordan. “Frank has a car. They can come home when they're ready. I think Jason's busy getting to know the new girl.”

Jordan tensed. “They'll leave now, or I'll throw them in jail for breaking curfew.”

“You got a problem with my kid Chief?”

Jordan stepped closer. He lowered his voice to a menacing growl. “Your son seems to have the same trait you do. He doesn't care about the folks around him. I won't have him here trying to stir up trouble with Brandon. There's been enough problems for the night.”

“Then why don't you make that kid leave?”

“Since his dad's in the hospital, he'll be spending the night here. So, what's it gonna be? You gonna make him leave, or do I haul him off in handcuffs?”

“I feel ya Chief. He'll be out of here in a few minutes.”

“Hey Chief, got a minute?”

Jordan turned around and spotted Anthony, the vet's son, and a ranch hand, waving at him. He jogged over. “How's Lady?”

“They're pulling the foal. Dad hopes it'll work better than letting Lady stay in distress.”

“That's good. You heard anything about what happened?”

“A cigarette. Who all do you know that smokes 'round here, besides Allen?”

Anthony thought it over. “That's it. He's pretty good about putting his butt out instead of throwing it on the ground.”

Jordan nodded. “That's what I figured. It had to be a teenager.”

Anthony looked around. “But which one? There's been a few here tonight.”

“That's what I need to find out.”

“Whoa, who's that?”

Jordan had a feeling he knew before he even turned around. His eyes clenched as he saw Jennifer shuffling through the kitchen.

“That's Pa's granddaughter.”

He glanced at Anthony. The man's eyebrows had rose in interest. “Wow, she sure grew up. She here with her husband.”

Lie you idiot, before he gives you some competition. “Nah, they're getting divorced. She's trouble man. Watch yourself. That daughter of hers will rip your throat out.”

Anthony laughed. “You mean that lil' blond over there?” Chloe giggled as she rubbed the horse. “Yeah, she looks ferocious. Hey, my dad's here so I'm going to see if he needs any help. Good luck.”

Jordan stood in the middle of the yard, torn between going after Jennifer, and interrogating the teenagers. He scratched his head and sighed. Chloe was his top suspect right now, and it would probably be better to talk to Jennifer about it before confronting the girl. He headed towards the house, his heart pounding and his palms sweaty. Time for World War Three.

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