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Rated: 18+ · Book · Romance/Love · #1912061
Jennifer comes home to Georgia, divorced. The last thing she expects is loving again.
#770636 added January 6, 2013 at 1:57pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 10
A loud neigh roused Jennifer. She stretched, and fell under the water. She came up spewing as she tried to figure out where she was.

“Shit. I fell asleep.”

She clambered out of the pool and back into the lake. When she made it ashore, she checked her phone. She'd been there for three hours. She rolled her shoulders and smiled. Funny how a short nap like that had her feeling more rested than when she slept for a whole day. Spirit pawed the ground and tossed his head around. Jennifer patted him as she put her shoes back on.

“Okay boy. We're going.”

She climbed on his back. He made it up the hill in record time and kept a steady pace as they made their way back to the ranch. Jennifer breathed in the early morning air, ripe with dew. Rosy hues began to streak across the sky, chasing the black of night away. Jennifer stretched her arms out wide and held her head back. She laughed so hard her eyes began to tear. Something had changed, within her. No matter what life threw at her, she knew she would come out on top. Spirit's hoofs pounded the earth, creating a steady pattern as birds flew in circles over their heads, chirping with joy.

Lights were on in the house when Jennifer dismounted. She patted Spirit's back and watched him disappear into the dusk. She rushed through a quick shower before going into the kitchen. Betsy looked at her, wide eyed.

“You seem chipper this morning.”

Jennifer brushed a kiss across her cheek as she fixed a cup of coffee. “I rode Spirit last night.”

“Sounds like you just got in.”

She nodded. “He took me to the waterfall. I fell asleep in the cave.”

Betsy clicked her tongue. “That's mighty dangerous young lady. You could have drown.”

Jennifer laughed. “It's only three feet of water. I feel amazing.”

“You look good too.”

“That's a relief. I'd hate to scare away the party guests tonight.”

Betsy shot her a sly look. “Are you sure you just don't want to frighten your sexy date?”

Jennifer blushed. She'd almost forgotten Jordan would be escorting her. If he was still interested after her daughter's activity last night. She forced away a stab of disappointment.

“Morning Mom.”

Jennifer turned around to see Chloe walking in, dressed in jeans and a plaid button up. She wore boots, rather than her usual flip flops.

“Am I grounded?”

She frowned. “That depends. Why?”

Chloe's eyes lit up. She waved her hands around as she started to talk. “Grandpa Scott's going for a ride to check out the fencing on the east pasture. He said me and Skylar could go, if it was okay with you. Please? I'm tired of riding around the corral and yard.”

Jennifer shook her head. She saw her daughter's mouth turn down and laughed. “I'm not saying no baby. I'm shaking my head in disbelief. I never thought I'd hear you so excited to ride a horse. You can go, if you promise you'll never again do what you did last night.”

Chloe held up her and swore. “No worries on that. I happen to like being alive.” She rushed over and gave Jennifer a hug. “Thanks Momma. You're the best.”

Jennifer watched Chloe flounce out of the room. Her daughter's transformation still astounded her. She didn't seem to be as angry about the move, or about the divorce. Bar M was working its magic already. Her phone rang, pulling her from her thoughts. She pulled the cell from her pocket and checked the screen. She groaned. Rick seemed to have an uncanny ability to know when she was happy; it never failed that he would then do something to shatter her mood.

“Hi Rick.”

“What the hell is going on out there?”

Jennifer walked through the laundry room and out the back door so she could have some privacy. “You mean Chloe going with my dad? It's fine. She's a good rider.”

“I mean the damn voicemail I got this morning. Chloe was crying hysterically, begging me to do something because she couldn't get a hold of you. What are you letting my daughter do?”

Jennifer's spine straightened. “Chloe is both of ours. And I didn't let her do anything. She snuck off without me knowing it. I handled it.”

She heard a woman giggling in the background. She pulled the phone from her ear as something brushed against the mouthpiece on Rick's end. Even from a distance of six inches, she could hear the loud smacking kiss. She rolled her eyes.

“Jennifer? Are you there?”

“It sounds like you're busy Rick and I have a lot to do before the party so I'm going to get off here. I'll have Chloe call you when she gets back.”

Rick called her name before she could hang up.


“This has gone on far enough. You need to come back here before something happens to Chloe.”

Jennifer shoved her hands through her tangled hair. “Rick, I'm not doing this again. I told you, we are through. It sounds like you have already moved on, so be a decent person and let me do the same.”

She heard him scoff. “You will come back to me, regardless of what you think. I'll be there tonight to get Chloe. I know she'll be happy to get back to her home. You'll follow behind, like the sweet mother you are.”

Jennifer's temper soared. “You set one foot on this property, I'll let my grandfather know he has permission to shoot you.”

“If he even points a good in my direction, I will have him arrested. Then I'll sue him for everything he's worth. Your precious ranch will be turned into a landfill. I'll see you tonight.”

The line went dead. Jennifer put her phone back in her pocket and tried to calm her temper. She knew Rick wasn't above doing exactly as he threatened. Except if he got the ranch, he would sell it for the highest price, rather than demolish it. Rick was all about money. Something I should have figured out years ago when he started taking mine. Thoughts began to pile into her head, pushing everything else away. The con artist was from Atlanta. Rick wanted her back bad enough to do anything to get his way. She ran into the house.

“Betsy, I have to run into town. If Chloe gets back before I do, tell her to call her dad please.”

The cook turned to her, a mixing bowl held against her bosom. “Is everything okay?”

Jennifer nodded quickly before jogging to the front door. She jammed the keys into the ignition and stomped on the gas pedal. The truck jerked forward, spitting gravel. She went as fast as she dared down the loose driveway before turning onto the highway. She waited until she'd reached city limits before reducing speed. Blue lights in her rear view made her stop before she could get to the police station. Jordan jumped out of his truck and walked up to her window, his face solemn. She opened her door and met him halfway.

“I need to talk to you.”

He sighed. “Jennifer, turn around and put your hands behind your back.”

Jennifer rolled her eyes. “Now is not the time to play some kinky sex game Jordan. This is

She saw Jordan's eyes glaze for a minute before he shook his head. A muscle ticked in his clenched jaw as he put his hand on her arm and turned her around.

“What are you doing?”

“Placing you under arrest.”

Jennifer gasped. “For what?”

“Possession of a stolen vehicle.”

Jennifer tried to turn back around as she felt cool metal clamp around her wrist. Jordan held her still as he connected the other half of the bracelet to her right hand.

“What are you talking about?”

He turned her towards him and began to pat her down. Jennifer tried to ignore the tingle his hands caused.

“Atlanta PD put out an APB on you and your truck. Seems the rightful owner has reported it as missing and in your possession. They faxed me the report twenty minutes ago.”
Right after she'd hung up with Rick.

“Jordan, you've seen the registration. This truck is in my name. Rick did this. He got mad when I refused to come back to him. Said he was coming here tonight to take Chloe back. He can't have her Jordan. You have to do something.”

He shook his head. “The two of you are still legally married. I can't do anything if he removes Chloe, as long as she's willing.”

Jennifer felt tears gather at the corners of her eyes. “Jordan, please. This is a misunderstanding. He's trying to manipulate me. He even threatened to destroy the ranch. I think he's the one who brought that scam artist here.”

Jordan escorted her to his truck and lifted her into the back. “Then you need to call a lawyer when we get to the station. You're entitled to one phone call. I'll have Craig come pick up your truck and place it in impound.”

Jennifer bit her lip to keep from screaming as Jordan drove her to the small brick building. As he was pulling her from the truck, she got an idea. “Wait, can't you run my license plate number? You'll see it's registered to me. Rick has nothing to do with it. I can even give you the name of the dealership I bought it from. The salesman can tell you I shopped for and purchased it alone.”

Jordan nodded. “I'll do all of that. But you still have to stay in lock up until this is cleared up.”

“The party's tonight. Chloe will be so mad at me if I'm not there. Oh God, if Rick shows up while I'm still in here, he's going to give her all kinds of lies.”

“Come sit over here and make your one call. I have the number to a good lawyer if you want it.”

Jennifer shook her head. “No. I trust you. I know you'll get me out of all of this. I'm calling Rick.”

Jordan put his hand on top of hers as she started to pick up the black phone.

“Jennifer, careful. If I hear you threaten him, I'll be a witness should he decide to press charges.”

Jennifer gasped. “Is there any way I can put charges against him, to keep him from showing up at the ranch?”

“Is he dangerous?”

Jennifer thought about that a minute. He'd never harmed her or Chloe, but he did have a bad temper when he didn't get his way. It was impossible to know how he'd react when he realized his plans to get her back wouldn’t work.

“I don't know.”

Jordan nodded. “I'll see what I can do.”

She bit her lip. “IS there any way you can sit here with me? I want you to hear what he has to say. Maybe it'll help clear me.”

He nodded. “I can do that. If you can get him to admit to making a false police report, I can have APD pick him up.”

Jennifer dialed Rick's number and waited. She counted the rings, cringing as it reached the point where the call would be forwarded to his voice mail. A nasal voice answered. She saw Jordan look at her in surprise. She rolled her eyes.

“I need to speak to Rick.”

“Who the hell is this?”

Jennifer's handcuffs rattled as she titled the phone away from her, half to let Jordan hear, half to avoid the woman's irritating voice.

“This is his wife.”

“Look bitch, you need to quit hounding him. He's not interested in taking you back. He's got a real woman now.”

Jennifer's teeth ground together. “I'm not interested in ever being back with that cheating bastard. Now put him on the phone.”

She half expected the line to go dead. She held her breath as she heard murmuring on the other end.

“What do you want Jennifer?”

Her hand tightened on the black plastic. “What the hell are you trying to pull? You know it's illegal to file a false police report don't you? That truck is mine. You have no claim to it.”
“I bought you that truck darling.”

Jennifer scoffed. “Rick you haven't bought a thing for me since we've been married. I bought that truck with my personal account, the one that doesn’t' have your name on it? Right now, I'm having my bank forward the statement to the police department.”

“You bitch. That money is mine.”

Jennifer felt her stomach twist. “That's all you've ever cared about Rick. It's a wonder I didn't see it before we got married. At least I was smart enough to learn the law. I know that anything I had before I married you, remains mine, after a divorce. Only the things we acquired during our time together is divided. Which means, half of the money you get will come to me, plus alimony since I'm not working now.”

She heard Rick suck in a deep breath. She'd caught him by surprise. He had no way of knowing she didn't want his money, or anything from him but to be left alone.

“You won't get away with this. I won't be giving you a divorce. Soon, everyone there will see the person you really are and you'll come running back here, just like you did when you found out about your criminal daddy.”

Jennifer felt anger radiating off Jordan. She glanced at him from the corner of her eye. He clenched the edge of the desk, his knuckles white. His lips were pulled back, his straight teeth exposed in a snarl. He looked almost animalistic. Jennifer wouldn't be surprised if he changed into a wild animal in front of her.

“Drop the charges Rick and I won't come after your money.”

“Sorry darlin'. I can't do that.”

She laughed, the sound full of scorn. “Fine, drop the charges or risk going to jail for filing a false police report. I hear that has a hefty fine, as well as jail time. I can prove I'm innocent.”

“You'll be back here tomorrow so I guess it doesn't do me a lot of good to keep you locked up. I really don't want to be exposed to lice and hepatitis. I know how those small town jails are. Nothing but pig sties really.”

Jennifer breathed a sigh of relief. She looked at Jordan. He nodded and pulled out a set of keys. They rattled together as he placed one in the keyhole and twisted. She braced the phone with her shoulder as she rubbed her sore wrists. Jordan pushed her hands away and feathered his fingers over the light indentations on her skin. She shivered in delight and almost forgot she still had Rick on the phone.

“Nice to know you can be human Rick. Don't try anything like this again. And don't think about coming to the ranch. I've already talked with the police. They assure me I can put a restraining order against you.”

Rick laughed. “Too bad for you I've also talked to the cops. They say you aren't allowed to keep me from my daughter. That order would only cover you. If I showed up to see Chloe, you'd be in violation and be taken to jail instead of me.”

Jennifer huffed. She slammed the phone down and slouched into the chair.

“That's some husband.”

She snorted. “Don't I know it.”

“I wish there was something I can do.”

Jennifer smiled at him. Her pulse sped up as his fingers slid over the sensitive flesh of her

“I don't doubt that he'll be there tonight. I hope you're still going to be there. I may need you.”

He bumped his fist under her chin. “I'm your date, remember? I don't stand up pretty ladies.” He winked and helped her to her feet. “So, all of this is about money?”

Jennifer stumbled. She tried to keep the fear from her face. Jordan saw too much. If he knew she was hiding something, he wouldn't stop until he discovered what. She couldn't take the chance that he would learn her secret; her shame.

“Yeah. He's a greedy bastard. That's the only reason he married me in the first place. It just took me years to figure it out.”

Jordan popped his lips. “Must be some chunk of change.”

She nodded, unable to voice how much.

“How'd you come by it?”

Stick with the same story you've told everybody
. “I inherited it. Seems my dad had a pretty big life insurance policy on him and when I turned eighteen, it transferred to me.”

“That's nice. I'm surprised your family never mentioned that. They always seemed worried about who you were getting by in the city, by yourself.”

Jennifer bit her lip. Her web of lies was growing larger. “No one knew. The lawyer requested it remain a secret. Seems my father confided in him that if my mother knew, she'd refuse to allow me to accept it.”

She watched Jordan's eyebrow hike up, disappearing under the brim of his white Stetson.

“If you were of legal age, there was nothing she could do. Besides, I didn't think she had any animosity for your father.”

Jennifer felt like she would faint. Damn him and his nosy questions. She shrugged. “I really don't know. I didn't think so either but I just went by what he told me my father said. I didn't know him that well since he died when I was young.”

Jordan's eyes softened. “I forgot. I'm sorry. That was hard on you. You never did tell me how he died though.”

She tried to blink away the tears burning her eyes. Jordan used his thumb to wipe away a drop that escaped her clenched lids.

“Hey, it's okay. I'm sorry to bring up bad memories. Forget I asked, okay? I don't like seeing you cry.”

She felt a bit of guilt for letting him think that she was upset over thinking of her dad's death. In truth, she was tearing up from frustration. This is another reason you can't be with him. He'll bare you to the soul. When he knows the truth, he'll hate you. Maybe even throw you in jail.

“I'm sorry. It's just been a long time since I thought about it. And with last night and now being locked up, I'm a bit exhausted.”

Jordan pulled her forward and wrapped her in his strong arms. She let her head rest against his chest, listening to the soothing beat of his heart under her ear. His lips caressed her forehead before he pulled away.

“How about you get back to the ranch and get some rest? I don't want you to be cheating me out of any dances tonight.”

Jennifer smiled and let him walk her to the door. As she stepped into the blinding sunlight, she spotted her blue pickup, parked next to Jordan's green one. The sight did something to her insides; something she refused to give credit to. Just because it looked right, didn't mean she should acknowledge it.

“Thanks Jordan. I'll see you in a few hours.”
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