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Rated: 18+ · Book · Romance/Love · #1912061
Jennifer comes home to Georgia, divorced. The last thing she expects is loving again.
#770690 added January 6, 2013 at 8:46pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 11
Jennifer sat at the island in the kitchen, trying not to squirm as Roxanne put the finishing touches to her makeup.

“If you don't be still, I'm going to poke your eye out.”

She groaned. “I still don't get why we couldn't do this in my room.”

Chloe shook her head. “Mom, you're so clueless. Your room is dreary. You need natural light so you don't end up looking like a clown.”

“Well hurry up before people start coming in. I feel like a moose with my hair twisted up like this.”

Chloe put her glass in the sink and ran some water in it. “Quit whining Mom. You'll look great when it's all over.”

The door to the laundry room opened and Jason strolled in. He glanced at Jennifer and smirked. “Nice hair Miss Matthews.”

Jennifer started to stand up when Roxanne shoved her back down. “Don't move until I'm done.” She turned to Jason. “Do you need something?”

He shrugged. “I just wanted to see what the lovely ladies are up to.”

Chloe hugged herself. “We're getting ready for the party.”

He looked her up and down. “You look great like you are.”

She blushed, even as she seemed uncomfortable with the compliment. “Thanks. Momma, me and Skylar are going to see if Ma needs any help with decorations.”

Jason rocked back on his heels. “I'll tag along. You may be in need of some strong muscles.”

Jennifer resisted the urge to tell him they'd be in trouble if they relied on him for that. “Well, I think Pa and Scott need some help arranging tables. I'm sure that's a better use for your strength.”

Chloe nodded. “Yeah, decorating's for women anyways.”

He looked like he wanted to argue before clamping his mouth shut. “Yeah I suppose it'd be easier on the old men to have a young buck around. Ladies, how about I escort you out?”

Chloe glanced at Jennifer before hunching her shoulders and walking towards the door. Skylar linked her arm with Chloe's and tossed her curled hair over her shoulders. “Thanks Jason but I think we can manage finding our way on our own. Don't let us hold you up.”

When Jennifer and Roxanne were alone, Jennifer slumped against the bar. Roxanne groaned.

“Way to go. You just put mascara all over your cheek. Hold still so I can get it off before it stains.”

“I'm not worried about that. I really need to go outside and keep an eye on that creep.”

Roxanne dabbed at Jennifer's cheek with a paper towel. “Pa and Scott will keep him out of trouble. They know how you feel about him being near Chloe. And Skylar will run him off too.” She nodded in satisfaction and picked up the mascara wand again. “Now don't move.”

She stuck her tongue out in concentration. After brushing Jennifer's left lashes with the black gook, she put the wand back in the tube. “Have you thought of asking your boyfriend for help?”

Jennifer sat back and glared at her friend. “He's not my boyfriend. And I don't need help. She's my daughter and I'll handle my problems on my own.”

Roxanne reached out and squeezed her hand. “Jennifer, I know you're trying to be independent since you split up with Rick, but it's okay to accept assistance. Jason's not the kind of kid to give up easy. It might take a lot to scare him off. The chief might be able to help with that. Lord knows her dad won't give a damn.”

“He's a cop, Roxanne. He deals with crime, not hormonal teenagers. I'm not going to bother him with this.”

“Bother who, with what?”

Jennifer froze. She felt her face heat with embarrassment. She glared at Roxanne for not warning her that Jordan was behind her. She reached up to start removing the variety of clips holding her unruly curls from her face.


Jordan slid onto the bar stool next to her. “Your voice is too high. You're lying to me.”

Jennifer shook her hair free and turned to Jordan. The sight of him in a black tux took her breath away. He cocked an eyebrow. Asshole. She narrowed her eyes.

“Why are you here so early?”

He winked. “I couldn't wait to see my beautiful date.”

Roxanne gagged. “That's so cheesy.”

He turned to Roxanne. “I came to see you too gorgeous.”

She laughed and patted her short hair. “Well that's better.”

Jennifer turned to Roxanne, and gasped as she hit her elbow on the corner of the island. A tingle rose up her arm and she tried to rub the sensation away. Jordan was in front of her before she realized he'd moved from the bar stool. He had his hand on her arm, his eyes wide with concern.

“Are you okay?”

His eyes dropped to her stomach in an unspoken question. She tried to give him a reassuring smile. The tingle from hitting her funny bone was starting to fade, but now she started to focus on Jordan's warm grip. It sent a new sort of feeling through her body; straight to her lower stomach. She felt a tug of desire. Her eyes lifted to his firm mouth. She wet her lips.

“Looks like I'm in the way. I'll be outside.”

Jennifer's head jerked to Roxanne. She opened her mouth to call out for her to stay but it was too late. She felt her face heat with embarrassment. She'd forgotten her friend was even in the room with them.

“Is your stomach bothering you?”

She avoided his eyes as she pulled away from him. “No, I just hit my elbow. It's fine now.”
He nodded and walked around the island so he could stand across from her. Jennifer found it hard to keep from looking at him.

“So, what's this problem you're having?”

She forced herself to look at him. “It's nothing.”

He rolled his eyes. “I doubt that. Jennifer, let me help.”

Jennifer shook her head. “You've done enough since I've been here. I won't impose any more. This is something I can handle on my own.”

“Quit being stubborn.”

She stood up and walked towards the hall. “I'm not Jordan. If I find the need for your help, I promise I'll ask for it. This isn't it. I'll see you in a while. I have to finish getting ready.”

Jordan watched Jennifer stomp away. He tugged at the black tie around his neck. It felt like it would suffocate him. He hated dressing up in a monkey suit, but he wanted to look his best for Jennifer. From the way she acted, he might not have the chance to charm her tonight. He shouldn't have pushed. He just hated knowing Jennifer may be going through something difficult. He pushed off the island and strode outside. He spotted Roxanne by the apple trees, hanging up streamers. He marched towards her.

“What's going on with Jennifer?”

She dropped her hands and turned towards him. “Sure, I'd love some help.”

He grimaced. “Sorry. What do I need to do?”

She handed him the piece of streamer she'd been struggling with. “Hang that up there. I can't reach that branch.”

Jordan stretched up and tossed the pink paper over the appointed limb. He nodded and turned back to Roxanne, his arms crossed over his chest. Roxanne laughed.

“That imitating stare doesn’t work on me Chief. I ain't one of your weak criminals.”

Jordan sighed and stuffed his hands into the pockets of his black dress slacks. “Sorry. Roxanne, tell me what's going on. You seem to think it would help, if you recommended it to Jennifer.”

She winked. “I'm just trying to play match-maker. Her problem really isn't one you could help with.”

“Why don't you let me decide that?”

Roxanne shrugged. “Jennifer doesn't like Jason around her daughter. Chloe doesn't seem to enjoy it either but she hasn't said anything to keep him away.”

Jordan felt his blood boil. “That little creep. I warned him last night that he better not ever come back around her.”

Roxanne put a hand on his arm. “Chill out. He's just a harmless kid. The more you intervene, the harder Jason's going to try. It's a challenge to him.”

“She's too innocent for him. I have to do something. I'm going to break his neck.”

She laughed. “It might stop him, but what about the next boy who comes along? Chloe's a gorgeous girl, who looks older than she is. She's going to attract a lot of attention; most of it unwanted. You can't kill that many people.”

Jordan grunted. “I'm the law. I can get away with murder.”

“That would be illegal. And against your morals.”

“Fine. I'll arrest him again. Send him to juvi.”

Roxanne arched an eyebrow. “You don't have any charges.”

Jordan shook his head as he realized what he was saying. He was sworn to uphold the law, not bend it to his will. He'd never done anything like that before and he couldn't start now. Even though the idea of keeping all of those jerks away from Chloe was appealing to him. He laughed to himself. Who would have ever thought he'd be acting like a protective daddy over a girl who could barely stand him.

“What can I do? Jennifer won't ask for my help and Chloe won't come to me about it.”

She laid her hand on his arm. “What do you expect from either of them Jordan? You don't know the crap Rick put them through. Chloe still thinks he's the best man ever. She has no idea of the hell Jennifer's lived through for so long.”

“I could fix all of that, if they'd give me the chance. Jennifer doesn't have to go through this alone.”

“But she wants to Jordan. She's been dependent on a man for the last twenty years. She has no idea what it's like to stand on her own. She needs to figure out who she is as a separate person, before she's ready to move on and take on another relationship.”

He kicked the ground as he realized Roxanne was right. He'd been so wrapped up in trying to show her how good he could treat her, if she gave him a chance, he ignored the fact that she needed time to adjust to a different life. Roxanne laughed, causing him to frown.


She jabbed her finger in the air. “You have it bad, my man.”

He felt his mouth tip up. “Yeah, I guess I do.”

“Then go slow. Don't pressure her but keep letting her know she can count on you. She'll come around.”

He pressed a quick kiss to her cheek and walked off. His plan had changed, but his objective hadn't. He would be there for Jennifer, and Chloe, when they needed him. Hopefully, one day, they'd both accept him into their lives.

Jennifer took a deep breath to steady her nerves. She hated wearing fancy clothes. It reminded her of all the times she'd had to tag along with Rick, pretending to be the perfect wife. She hated the looks of sympathy people sent her way when they saw Rick engaged with a busty blond or a sexy brunette. Calm down. This isn't the same kind of party. This is your family. There won't be any looks tonight. No Rick, no problems. Her heart lurched as she saw Jordan walking towards her, Craig and Roxanne right behind him. Okay, so Jordan may pose a problem. Just ignore how he makes you feel.

“Wow, you look amazing.”

She gave him a shy smile as she studied him from under lowered lashes. He looked great too. The crisp white shirt under his black jacket contrasted against his tanned skin. His pants were looser than his jeans and uniform, but still showcased the long length of his muscular legs. He'd shaved before the party, but she detected a shadow of dark hair along his jawline. He'd even chosen to do without his usual Stetson. The lights hanging from the trees caused red highlights to dance along the thick strands.

“Thanks. You don't look so bad yourself.”

He held out his hand and waited for her to take it. He pulled her next to him and looked at his friend. “Craig, I think we're two of the luckiest men here tonight.”

Craig smiled at Jennifer before returning his full attention to Roxanne. She giggled like a schoolgirl, surprising Jennifer.

“Yeah, I have to agree. We're gonna have to be careful leaving them alone. Someone's liable to try and steal them away.”

Jordan laughed. “They'll be doing time in jail if they do. It's a federal offense to steal another man's priceless treasure.”

Roxanne fiddled with her hair as she laughed louder. “You two haven't gotten any sense.”

Craig's hand hovered near Roxanne's back before he dropped it to his side. “That's what happens when we're around such beauty. We become fumbling morons.”

“Speak for yourself. Jennifer may have me speechless, but I can still cut a rug.”

Jordan started to pull Jennifer to the dance floor. As he eased her into his arms, he stared down at her. Needing something to break the intimacy, Jennifer cleared her throat. “Have you seen Chloe around?”

He jerked his head towards the refreshment tables. “Over there with Skylar. That girl's better than a Hollywood bodyguard. Jason hasn't had a chance to say two words to her. It's even worse now that Brandon's on her other side.”

Jennifer glanced past Jordan's shoulder and spotted the pale pink of Chloe's dress. She had her back to the crowd, but as she flipped her hair, Jennifer caught sight of a smile. She turned towards Brandon and handed him a small quiche, no doubt one she'd made herself. He stared at her with stars in his eyes. Jennifer couldn't help but smile. If Jordan hadn't moved away when he did, that might have been them all those years ago.

“What are you smiling about?”

Jennifer nodded towards the teenagers. “I'm just thinking what it would have been like if you'd stayed.”

She gasped as she realized her error. Jordan spun them in a circle and looked towards the table. His eyes narrowed for a moment before softening. “Almost like that. But I would have had the nerve to make you mine.”

Jennifer looked up at him. She licked her lips, ignoring the sticky taste of lipstick. “Why didn't you? You had three years.”

He shrugged. “I wasn't good enough for you.”

“Jordan, how can you think something like that? Even then, you were the most amazing person I knew.”

“Sure, as a friend. But I wasn't the type of guy to be your first love.”

“But it was okay for my first kiss?”

Jordan pulled her closer. “I couldn't walk away from you, without tasting heaven one time.”

Jennifer sighed as she placed her head on his chest. Not for the first time, she wondered why things couldn't have happened differently. Jordan was the type of man she'd always wanted to marry. The kind of man she'd thought Rick was, in the beginning. Life was cruel. After all these years, she and Jordan reunited; only this time, there would be no happily ever after. She was too old to believe in fairy tales. A romance wasn't in her future and she couldn't expect Jordan to wait until she was ready to move on. For all she knew, that day might never come.

“I'm thirsty. Would you like to get a glass of champagne?”

Jennifer nodded. She swallowed past the knot in her throat and let Jordan hug her close as they maneuvered through the mass of dancing couples. Chloe looked at them as they got close. She pursed her mouth at the embrace for a brief second before it disappeared. Jennifer put some distance between her and Jordan's tempting body.

“Hey Mom. Are you having fun?”

Jennifer forced a smile. “I am. How about you?”

“Not bad. It's way better than the school dances and those lame parties Dad used to take us to.”

Jennifer agreed with that. She took the glass Jordan held out and thanked him.

“I'm going to get in line for some food. Jennifer, why don't you find us a seat and I'll bring you a plate back?”

She smiled at Chloe and walked away from the party, to a padded picnic table at the back of the yard. Here, the music was duller, and the only light came from the full moon and thousands of stars.

“Can I sit down Mom?”

Jennifer glanced over at Chloe and smiled. “Of course.”

She scooted to the middle of the padded bench. Chloe perched on the edge, but she didn't speak. Jennifer's instinct kicked in.

“What's wrong?”

She stayed silent a moment. “What makes you think that?”

Jennifer gave her daughter a half-smile. “Mom radar.”

“I feel guilty.”


Chloe picked at the pale blue tablecloth. “I love it here. It's amazing and I'm having a great time with our family and with Skylar. But Dad's missing. He's back home, all alone. I feel like I'm being a bad daughter for enjoying everything, when he's not with me.”

Jennifer sighed. “Baby, there's nothing wrong with living life just for you. I'm not sure if you noticed, but your dad's a bit of a city boy. He wouldn't like it out here. If he were around, you'd be missing out on everything.”

Chloe nodded while worrying her lip. “Yeah that's true. I just miss him. I've called him a few times, but he's always busy with summer classes and meetings. I wish I could talk to him.”

Jennifer's hands curled to fists under the table. Damn you Rick. “Maybe you should email him about it.”

“Yeah, I guess I could do that. He does spend more time on his computer than his phone.”
Jennifer waited for Chloe to get up and rejoin the party. They sat there in silence for a bit.

“Is there something going on you want to talk about?”

“I'm not sure. I mean, there is something, but I'm scared you'll get mad or overreact.”

Please God, don't let her tell me she's having sex.

Jennifer put her hand under Chloe's chin and lifted it off her chest. “Chloe, you are my daughter and I will always love you, no matter what you tell me. I don't ever want you to keep secrets from me.”

Chloe took a deep breath. “I like this guy, but I'm worried you won't let me date him.”

It took Jennifer a moment to keep her composure. She did not want her daughter dating Jason. Maybe she should have asked for Jordan's help after all.

“Does this boy like you?”

Chloe shrugged. “I'm not sure. I think so but he hasn't said it.”

That didn't sound like Jason. He was constant about his interest in Chloe.

“Who is it?”

She bit her lip. “I'm afraid if I tell you, you'll decide based on that.”

“Well, I won't. What I'm worried about is if he's a decent boy, who won't get you into trouble. I have to know you'll be safe around him and he won't pressure you to do things you aren't ready for.”

“I don't think that will happen. He's a good guy. I'm not sure most people know that though.”

Jennifer nodded, but kept her opinion to herself.

“So, you won't tell me who he is?”

“Not yet. Don't be mad. I want to make sure he's interested first. I could be wasting my time.”

Jennifer gave her daughter an understanding smile. “Well, let me know how it goes, okay?”

Chloe gave her mom a hug and went back to the party. Jennifer sat there lost in her thoughts. Jordan appeared across the table, casting a shadow over her hands. She jumped.

“Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. Everything okay?”

Jennifer rolled her eyes. “Yeah, just another day of parenting a teenage daughter.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Still won't let me help?”

She wrung her hands together. “I'm not sure yet. I'll let you know soon.”

He nodded and passed her a plate.

Jennifer stared at the food, her appetite gone.

“Eat. You'll feel better after a few bites.”

She sighed as she bit into a baked potato skin. Sour cream and bacon bits coated her tongue. Jordan laughed as she sighed. When she shot him an evil look, he raised his hands in innocence.

“I didn't say a word.” He took a drink of his champagne. “Thanks for coming tonight. I think my plan worked.”

“Why do you say that?”

Jordan nodded his head in the direction behind him. Jennifer looked past him and saw Roxanne leaning against a tree. Craig stood in front of her, his hand at her waist. While she watched, he lowered his head and brushed a kiss against Roxy's mouth. She arched into him. Jennifer turned her head back to Jordan to give them some privacy.

“She seems happy.”

He smiled. “I thought so too. She deserves it. And she's not the only one.”

Jennifer dropped her quiche. “Jordan, please don't do this tonight.”

Jordan sighed. “Jennifer, quit acting like I'm doing something inappropriate. Is it so bad to know that I enjoy spending time with you? I thought we were friends.”

“We are,” she insisted. “But you seem eager to cross that line, every chance you get.”

His eyes narrowed. “I haven't seen you doing much to stop me during those times. I get you're unavailable. But I'm not going to sit on my hands and let someone else convince you that you deserve better than that creep of a husband. I know what I want, and it's you. If that means I have to spend the next five years trying to convince you to give me a shot, so be it.”

He stood up, collected his empty plate and stomped off. Jennifer pushed her food away, unable to swallow more than a few bites of the succulent food.

“Hey Mom.”

Jennifer turned her head, surprised Chloe was back so soon. “Yeah?”

“I met a new friend, Danielle. Can I show her my horse? We won't stay in there long.”

She raised an eyebrow. “Ten minutes. Then I'm coming after you.”

Chloe beamed at her and ran back to a small group of teenagers. Their raised voices drowned out the classic tune of Conway Twitty. Jennifer felt a bit thankful. She didn't want to hear about a gentle lover, a man with slow hands. Her thoughts turned to Jordan. She wished he would find someone else; even if the idea caused jealousy to burn through her. She couldn't be what he needed. Not now, possibly not ever.

Jennifer had the desire to disappear into her room and hide under the handmade quilts. She knew that would hurt her family so she took a deep breath and stood up. Time to quit hiding in the shadows and pretend she was having the time of her life. She stopped at the edge of the dance floor and glanced around. She tried to pretend she was just seeing how the party was going, but the voice in her head demanded that she admit she was looking for Jordan. She spotted him near the back door, deep in discussion with her step-dad. Her heart sped up just at the sight of him in his dashing tuxedo.

“Excuse me, Mrs. Matthews?”

Jennifer tore her attention from Jordan and turned around. “Hi Brandon. What can I do for you?”

He shuffled his feet. “I was wondering if you knew where Chloe was. I'd like to ask her to dance, if that's alright with you.”

She smiled. “Of course. She and a girl named Danielle went to the barn for a bit. I'm sure they'll be back in just a moment.”

Brandon jerked his head in the direction of the barn before looking around the crowd. “I don't see Jason or Frank. Miss Matthews, I should warn you, Danielle's a bit different than Chloe and Skylar. She's, um, more, ah, experienced, I guess.”

It took Jennifer a second to understand his line of thought. “Are you saying you think all four of them went to the barn, together?”

He shrugged as he dug his boot into the hard packed dirt. “It's possible. Danielle and Jason are really good friends. He uses her a lot to convince other girls to give it up. It works a lot. I'd feel better if you checked on her.”

Jennifer nodded briskly. “I think I just might. Thanks Brandon. I'll be sure to tell her that you're looking for her.”

He gave her a tight smile before walking off. Jennifer glanced back towards where Jordan had been standing. The spot was vacant. With a sigh of disappointment, she headed away from the party and towards the barn. As she turned beside the house, she realized how dark and secluded the building actually was. She should have asked Chloe to wait until tomorrow, when there was daylight, and chaperones.

“Jennifer, wait up.”

She waited for Jordan to reach her. She ignored the butterflies flapping in her stomach. She shouldn't feel excited that he sought her out, away from the party.

“Is something wrong?”

He stopped at her side and shook his head. “Not at all. What's going on?”

Jennifer sighed. “Brandon thinks Jason and Frank went to the barn with Chloe and

She heard him grunt before he broke into a jog. She hurried to catch up without injuring herself in her three inch heels.

“Jordan. Stop.”

“Stay out here. Let me handle this.”

Jennifer caught up to him and grabbed the sleeve of his tuxedo. He tried to pull away, but she held tight. “That is my daughter. You will not tell me what to do pertaining to her.”

Jordan drew a deep breath and turned towards her. “Jennifer, if something is going on in there, it would be better for me to break it up. Chloe will be angry at the intrusion and it's better for her to be mad at me, than you.”

Jennifer tried to accept that he was looking out for her, yet her mind screamed that he was trying to take control. “Jordan, thanks for the offer, but this is my daughter and my mistake. I refuse to let anyone else do my job for me.”

He gave her a brisk nod. “Fine. But I'm going with you. If either of those boys laid a hand on her, I'm burying them in the pond.”

Jennifer couldn't help but laugh. “If you say so. Come on.”

They stayed silent as they came closer to the open double doors. Jennifer made out the sound of grunts, both from a male and female, and a high pitched giggle. Her stomach dropped. She was too late. Jordan tilted his head to the side and peered into the recesses of the barn before grabbing Jennifer and pushing her against the wall of the barn. She started to protest when he put a finger over her mouth and used his head to gesture to the opening.

“I don't care if Danielle's having sex. I'm not ready and I refuse to do something just embrasure everyone else is.”

“Chloe, don't be like that baby. It'll be fun. I'll make it easy for you.”

Jennifer heard Chloe's scoff. She could imagine her daughter tossing her head.

“I have enough fun thanks. Sex has too many complications. I'm not ready to risk being a mom. And I want my first time to be with someone special. In about five years. I enjoy being a child and I refuse to give that up for you, or any other boy.”

“You're a prude, Chloe. I thought you liked me, but I sure can't tell.”

“Jason, you're an okay guy, but I don't think I could ever date you. You have no respect for me.”

Jennifer couldn't help but smile. Her daughter was handling herself better than she'd ever hoped. She leaned close so she could whisper in Jordan's ear.

“I think she's got this covered. I want to slip away before she finds us. I don't want her to think I'm spying.”

Jordan nodded. He put a hand on her elbow and started to lead her to the house. The music grew louder as as they stopped at the edge of the house, under the kitchen window.

“You've done a great job with your daughter. I've never seen a girl stand up to Jason like that.”

Jennifer exhaled a deep breath. “To tell you a secret, I was afraid she might give in, just to fit in, or get back at me, ya know?”

Jordan caressed her cheek. “I knew better. She respects you more than you give her credit for.”

Jennifer looked over Jordan's shoulder as she heard footsteps on gravel. Chloe was walking across the barn driveway, heading their direction. Hoping to time it right, she stepped from the shadows, Jordan at her side. Chloe spotted them and stopped, her eyes narrowed. Jordan touched her shoulder and waved at Chloe.

“What are you two doing?”

Great. She thinks we stuck away from the party to be alone.

“Your mom had something to tell you but I didn't want her walking out here in the dark. She seems a bit unused to those shoes.” He winked at Chloe. “Your style, I'm sure.”

Chloe's mouth tilted up in a quick grin. “Yeah, she never did have the balance for heights. Guess I should have thought of that.”

“Well she does look great in them, which is what I'm sure you planned.”

Chloe gave a brisk nod. He looked to Jennifer and waggled his eyebrows. “My job's done so I'm going back to the party. Chloe, I trust you can get your mom safely back without her breaking her neck?”


Jennifer watched his broad back as his long legs ate up the distance between them and the party.

“Where you out here to spy on me? Or were you and the chief trying to hide your affair?”

Jennifer tried to keep her shoulders from slumping as she turned her attention to Chloe.

“Actually, Jordan told the truth. I came out here to tell you someone was looking for you.”

She felt Chloe's curiosity. Jennifer decided to keep her in suspense.

“How's your horse?”

She smiled. “Doing great. Her legs aren't wobbly anymore. I can't wait to get her in the pasture.”

The moonlight glinted off Chloe's eyes, enhancing the tears. She blinked rapidly before lunging the four feet between them and slamming her arms around Jennifer's waist.

“I love you Momma.”

Jennifer sniffled. “I love you too. Is something wrong?”

Chloe shook her head. “Nothing now. Are Ma and Pa trying to find me so they can show me off some more?”

“Is that who you want it to be?”

She stomped her foot. “Just tell me already. I'd like to get back to the party.”

“Spoil sport. It was Brandon.”

Chloe's hands went to her mouth. She gasped. “Oh no. Did you tell him I was out here?”


She groaned. “I hope he didn't come out here. He'd never talk to me again.”

Jennifer frowned. “Never's a long time. What happened that would make him mad at you?”

“You'll take it the wrong way.”

Jennifer grabbed her daughter's hands and squeezed them. “No, I won't. It's okay to tell me baby. Remember, you promised not to keep secrets?”

“Jason and Frank followed me and Danielle to the barn. Before I could make them leave, Danielle and Frank started pulling each others clothes off. Jason tried to make me watch. He wanted me to have sex with him. If Brandon heard that, but didn't stay around to hear me say no, he might get the wrong idea of me. I don't want him to think bad of me.”

“I didn't see him come out here, so I think you're safe. Besides, I'm sure he knows how Jason is.”

“I said no Momma. I didn't fall for his crap.”

Jennifer brushed her daughter's curls from her oval face. “That's good baby. You know, most girls would have, just to be cool and accepted.”

“Did you ever do anything like that?”

“No. Things were different back then. It wasn't common for girls to have sex so young.”

Chloe bit her lip. She looked up at the sky. “How old were you during your first time?”

“Nineteen. That was the first time I'd ever done anything.”

“But I thought you had your first kiss when you were fourteen?”

“I did. My first and only. Until your dad.”

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