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Rated: 18+ · Book · Romance/Love · #1912061
Jennifer comes home to Georgia, divorced. The last thing she expects is loving again.
#770691 added January 6, 2013 at 8:59pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 12
“Did someone mention me?”

Jennifer tensed as she turned around. Chloe squealed and shoved past her to run into
Rick's spread arms. He lifted her off the ground and spun her in a circle.

“Daddy, what are you doing here?”

He gave her a big smile and kissed her cheek. “I missed my girls. I told your mom I'd be here tonight. I guess she wanted it to be a surprise.”

Chloe glanced at Jennifer and beamed. “Thanks Momma. It's the best thing ever.”

“Well I didn't want to get your hopes up, just in case he didn't make it.”

Rick's eyes flashed with anger. He put his arm around Chloe. “Well I did. And it's a long trip back to Atlanta, so you both need to change and pack.”

Chloe's smile faded. “Daddy, I'm not ready to leave yet. The party's still going and I want you to meet all my new friends. Can't we wait until the end of the weekend?”

Rick shook his head. “I have a meeting tomorrow afternoon that can't wait. Don't be difficult Chloe.”

Chloe sighed. Jennifer frowned at Rick. “Baby, why don't you go back to the party for a bit and let me and your dad talk? I'll find you when we decide what to do.”

Chloe nodded. “I'm going to tell Pa and Ma he's here. And I have to find Skylar so she can meet him too!”

She hurried back to the party, leaving Jennifer and Rick in a tense silence. He turned to her, his face smug.

“I told you not to come here.”

He shrugged. “I warned you. I'm getting what I want Jennifer. There's nothing you can do to stop me. Just go with it and it'll be so much easier.”

“Rick, I'm not going to keep doing this. We are getting a divorce. My daughter and I are staying here, alone. So leave.”

He grabbed her arm and squeezed. She tried to twist from the pain on her bicep. “I'm not going anywhere without you. I don't care how long I have to stay. I'll make everyone so miserable they won't want you around anymore.”

Jennifer shook her head. She could not believe she'd ever thought she was in love with this jerk. He was nothing like the man she had always wanted to settle down with. Like Jordan. His attitude fueled her anger. She pushed him away.

“You are a pathetic bastard. Chloe has been at your side since the day she started walking and you never wanted anything to do with her. Now that she's not at your disposal, you decide you want to be in her life. I'm not letting that happen. My daughter will not be hurt by your selfishness.”

He shook her. She bit her tongue as she clamped her teeth together to keep them from rattling. The metallic tang coated her mouth, making her nauseous.

“You have no right to keep her from me.”

Jennifer rubbed her fingers on her temples. “I don't want to Rick. If you're interested in being a real father, I won't stand in the way. But you will not hurt her. I mean it. She is not a pawn in your little game of control. There's a hotel in town where you can stay. You can visit with her for a few days before going back to Atlanta. We'll discuss visitation later.”

She watched Rick's eyes gleam as he walked past her and headed towards a car parked in the driveway. She followed on his heels, hoping he decided to take her advice. He pulled his keys from his pants and pushed a button. The trunk popped open. He reached in and lifted an expensive leather suitcase.

“What are you doing?”

“If Chloe is staying here, so am I. Until I can undo the brainwashing so she'll come back to the city where she belongs. She and I have a lot to talk about and I don't want to waste a single minute.”

The tone of his voice worried Jennifer. “What sort of things Rick?”

He smiled. The sight chilled her to the bone. “Father daughter stuff. Let's just say that
when I'm done, she'll hate you so much she won't ever want to see you again.”

“How will that change things?”

Rick laughed. “I know you too well Jennifer. You'd never live without her. Either you come back with us, or I'll have my lawyer file for full custody. I looked into it, and it turns out that Chloe's at the age where it's up to her what parent she wants to reside with.”

Jennifer felt her stomach cramp. How could she not have realized how manipulative he was? He was a bastard, pure and simple.

“Let me find my mom and tell her I'm leaving. You will regret this Rick.”

He pulled her into his arms and squeezed. Anyone who looked at them would think it was a happy embrace. She struggled to breathe.

“Doesn't it feel good to know we're going to be the family again?”

Jennifer felt reckless. She refused to give in without getting something in return. “I guess this means you'll quit messing around with those other women and move back in.”

Rick's hands traveled up her back to her shoulders. He squeezed so hard, she felt his fingers digging deep. His nails scored her skin. She had to blink the tears of pain away.

She met his gaze and noticed him baring his bleached teeth.

“What I do is my business. You will live in my house, follow my orders and turn your head when it comes to what I do when I'm not home. Are we clear?”

Jennifer tried to back away. The look in Rick's eyes scared her. She'd never seem him act like this. “I can't do that. I won't do that. It's my way or nothing. I'll fight you to the end for my daughter. I was stupid to think you'd change. All you care about is not looking bad in front of your bosses.”

He laughed. “That's where you're wrong. All I care about is having the money to live my life as I've become accustomed over these last fifteen years.”

Jennifer rolled her eyes. “You will never get another dime from me.”

Rick growled. He used his weight to toss her against the side of the car. She started to slump to the ground before Rick caught her in his arms. He pinned her to the metal with the weight of his body. “You have about pushed me too far. I am your husband. You will obey me. Now, first thing Monday morning, you will have all of your money transferred into our joint account.”

Jennifer shook her head. “Sorry. Cant' do that. I have it invested in multiple stocks and bonds. It's not liquidable for the next ten years.”

She saw Rick's face turn a ruddy shade of red. Before she could figure out what he planned to do, he drew back his hand and slapped her across the face. Her head jerked back. She looked up through blurry eyes and saw him about to give her another blow. She covered her face with her arms and tensed. Rick swore as he moved away from her. Jennifer stood up straight and looked around in confusion. She smiled at her white knight in a dashing tuxedo. Jordan and Rick circled each other, their hands in fists, their faces contorted in anger.

“Who the hell are you?”

“I'm Jordan. Jennifer's date.”

Rick turned to her with a sleazy grin. “Already replaced me huh?” He looked back at Jordan, his posture now relaxed. “Gotta warn ya, man. She's a cold fish. You'd have more fun with your fist than her.”

Jennifer's face turned red. She wished the ground would swallow her up. She snuck a look at Jordan, expecting to see him contemplating Rick's statement. He would no doubt have second thoughts about being with her now.

“You need to leave, now.”

Jennifer gasped. He sounded deceptively normal, like the calm before a destructive storm.

“Sorry bud, but I ain't leaving. You need to go back,k to the party and find another ass to tap. My wife's off limit's from now on.” He laughed and clapped Jordan on the shoulder. “Trust me man, I'm doing you a favor.”

Jordan shrugged Rick's hand off. “You have two choices. Leave on your own, or in the back of a cop car.”

Rick rolled his eyes. “You can't have me arrested when I haven't done anything.”

Jennifer watched Jordan hold up a hand and start ticking things off on his fingers.

“Assault, harassment, stalking, and trespassing. I know for a fact you aren't welcome here. You were actually warned not to show up.”

“Ain't no fool cop going to arrest me for any of that. Go to Hell.” He grabbed Jennifer's hand and pulled her from the car, despite her struggle. “Let's go somewhere and talk privately.”

Jennifer's stomach cramped as Rick pulled her against him. Her knees gave out and she dropped to the ground. She felt Rick's hand pulling her. The gravel cut into her skin as he tugged her across the driveway. She looked up, hoping the fear in her eyes would make him stop. She saw Jordan step in front of them. Rick released her as he stepped back and swung. The punch grazed Jordan's chin. He shoved his hands into Rick's chest and lifted him from the ground by his lapels.

“Jordan, no. You can't do that.”

Jordan grunted in exasperation. The bastard had hit her and she was still defending him. The creep deserved to be taught a lesson. He watched Jennifer struggle to her feet as Rick squirmed against his hold. He shook him hard before dropping him to the ground. Jennifer let him help her up before pushing him away. She whirled towards Rick.

“Get off my ranch, now.”

Rick pushed his face into hers. “Give me my daughter, and I will.”

Jordan had seen enough. He eased Jennifer away and faced her husband. “I suggest you follow the lady's advice. You just added another charge to your list. Assaulting an officer.”

Rick's eyes widened as he shook his head. “That's bullshit. I didn't hit any cop.”

Jordan reached into his pocket and pulled out his leather wallet. He flipped it open and pointed the badge at Rick. “Allow me to re-introduce myself. Jordan Taylor, Chief of

Rick took a nervous step back. “Shit.” He pointed at Jennifer. “This is your fault. You set me up.”

“If that's what you think, go ahead. As long as you leave. And never come back. I'm filing for full custody of Chloe Monday morning.”

Rick scoffed. “Don't even worry about it. I don't want anything to do with that little brat. She isn't any use to me, since you've become such a psychotic bitch.” He glared at Jordan.

“You can have both of them. I'm through.”

Jordan held Jennifer's hand as Rick got into his car and gunned the engine. Gravel flew as he sped down the driveway. A sob near the porch caused Jordan to turn to his right. He grimaced as he spotted pale pink fabric disappear into the darkness. Jennifer tensed.

“Oh God. Do you think she heard?”

Jordan gripped Jennifer to him as she started in the direction Chloe had disappeared.

“It's likely. Let me talk to her.”

“No. The last thing she's going to want is you around. She needs her mom for this.”

Jordan gave her an intimidating look. “Jennifer, trust me. This is something she needs to discuss without you. I know what it's like to be angry at your dad and how difficult it is to unleash those problems on your mom. If things don't work, you can take over. But give me a chance first.”

He held his breath as Jennifer battled with herself. Finally, she nodded. “Fine. But don't push too hard.”

Jordan brushed a quick kiss over Jennifer's forehead before heading to the opposite side of the house from the barn. Using the moonlight, he saw Chloe sitting in the swing of the gazebo, near the pond. He approached her at a slow pace, so she could compose herself before he got to her. He saw her wipe her nose and scrub her eyes. He looked around so she wouldn't be embarrassed. When he reached the platform, he placed one booted foot on the wood.

“Mind if I join you?”

She sniffled as she gave him a hostile look. “I don't want company. So you can tell my mom not to send any more spies.”

He nodded. “Well I actually came out here instead of her. She insisted that you needed to talk to someone, but I figured you'd rather not. But I can go tell her you sent me away and let her come out here, if that's what you want.”

Jordan started to turn away. Chloe reached out and grabbed his arm. “Fine. It's the lesser of two evils. But I'm not spilling my guts.”

He smiled a bit before smoothing the expression away. She moved over and Jordan took her spot. He pushed his foot against the floor, setting the swing into motion. The sound of crickets surrounded them. As the wind shifted, Jordan caught the scent of smoked meat and charcoal. He glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw Chloe crying again. She kept holding her breath so the sobs would be silent but her face was wet with tears. Jordan clenched his fists at his sides. He should have beat Rick when he had the chance. Chloe deserved a father who would care for her, be there whenever she needed it. Just like Jennifer.

He had to gain their trust, because he knew he could be that man; if they'd just let him. He stretched his right arm out along the back of the swing to alleviate the cramp that seized him. He bumped Chloe's shoulder and tensed. He expected her to scream at him and jump up. Instead, she leaned into him. He sat there, holding her, as the night closed in on them. He stroked her hair, amazed at how fragile she felt against his large hand. It amazed him that he didn't break her into a million pieces.

“What's wrong with me?”

Jordan jumped at the sound of her voice piercing the silence. He tried to compose to himself. “I'm sorry?”

Chloe looked up at him, her face puffy and red. The look of despair radiating from her green eyes hit Jordan in the stomach like a swift punch.

“What's so wrong with me that my own dad can't love me?”

Jordan growled in anger. He grabbed her chin and forced her to keep looking at him when she would have turned away. “Listen to me. This is not your fault. Do you understand? Some people just don't know a good thing when they have it. They're too stupid to understand the amazing gift of love. It's his loss. You deserve better than a selfish jerk like him.”

She sniffled. “What could make a person act like that?”

He wished he knew. He searched for a way to explain to a young child. “I'm not sure. There could be a lot of factors. When someone has a bad childhood, the pattern continues with their children. If a person lives an entire lifetime without experiencing something good, they become warped. They think that other people should suffer the same fate they have.”

Chloe pulled away and blinked. “Does that mean you and me will end up treating our kids like our parents did?”


She gasped. “Why would you abuse your children? You don't seem like that type of man. And I know I could never not love my own kids. I never want them to experience a pain like this.”

Jordan rubbed his hand over her head again. “You forget, you have two parents. I believe we will both take after our mothers, when we have children.”

Chloe scoffed. “That's not a good thing in my case. My mom's selfish. That's why she moved me here.”

Jordan tried to keep his temper in check. She didn't need him to jump down her throat. It was time she learned the truth. It might be overstepping his boundary, and it might ruin his chances with Jennifer, but that was a chance he was about to take.

“Why do you think she's selfish, other than being here?”

“There's no point in explaining. You'll take her side, like everyone else.”

Jordan shook his head. “I've heard her side of things. Now, I'd like to hear yours. Maybe I can help you resolve some of your issues. You just lost one parent. Are you ready to lose the other without a fight?”

Chloe nodded once. “Fine. First, she didn't ask if I'd mind moving here, in the middle of nowhere, away from all my friends. Second-”

Jordan held up a hand. “One problem at a time. To be honest, she didn't have to consult you before the move. She is the parent, and you are the child. However, I get that it disrupted your life, so I'm going to tell you a secret. It wasn't a choice.”

Chloe's eyes widened. “What do you mean by that?”

“You're mom is sick. It's not dangerous but she wasn't going to be able to get better unless she got away from the city. She hasn't told anyone about it. I only know because someone ratted on her.”

A small lie, but he didn't want her to think Jennifer had confided in him, and not her.

He felt Chloe tense beside him. “What kind of problem is it?”

“She has ulcers. It's caused from stress.”

Chloe gasped. “Oh no. She must hate me.”

Jordan shook his head. “No, she doesn't.”

“I wish she would have told me. I wouldn't have acted so bad.”

“Yes, you would have Chloe. Teenagers fight with their parents. It's the natural order of things.”

They sat there in silence for a few minutes. Chloe cleared her throat.

“You're right. Even if I'd known, I wouldn't have changed.” She laughed, the sound full of disgust. “Hell, I probably would have done more just to hurt her. I guess I understand why we moved, but I'm still angry with her. She shouldn't have treated my dad like she did. That's why he acted like he did tonight. She broke his heart.”

Jordan swallowed hard. He couldn't understand why she was making excuses for piece of crap. He didn't deserve it. “Chloe, do you really believe that? How much did you hear of their conversation?”

She shrugged. “Some of it.”

“Well from what I gathered, Rick's just pissed off cause he will look bad in front of his colleagues.”

Chloe shook her head hard. “No. No. He doesn't care about what people think of him. He just misses us.”

Jordan's control snapped. “He misses your mom's money and using you as bait.”

Chloe pulled away from him. She started to pace the small area under the gazebo. Her heels clicked on the worn wood, the only sound for a small time. She whirled around and glared at him. “You don't know what you're talking about. He never used me. And he never touched my mom's money. He made plenty on his own, from all of his extra hours of overtime and weekends.”

Listening to her, Jordan had to wonder if she believed the things she said, or if it was a habit to defend her father. He figured she was trying to deny the truth, to make sense of why her father might not want her anymore. He didn't blame her. It was a hard pill to swallow, knowing your own flesh and blood hated you.

“What kind of job does he have?”

Chloe shifted feet. “He's an ethics professor at the University of Georgia in Atlanta.”

Jordan raised his eyebrows. “I didn't know professors made a lot of money.”

“He was highly paid because he was so good at his job.”

“Did he have a second job or something? Staying out late at night and on the weekends seems a bit much for a professor.”

Chloe bit her lip. “Uh, he tutored. It gave him some extra money too.”

Jordan leaned forward and propped his elbows on his knees. “Did you ever meet any of those students?”

She gave him a quick jerk of her head. “Yeah, once or twice.”

“I bet you were one of those sweet daughters who stopped by the office with a snack or dinner, huh?”

A quick smile flashed across her face before she frowned. “I did a few times but he always got mad. Said I wasn't supposed to interrupt him when he was working.”

“What did his students say?”

She shrugged. “They didn't seem to like me being there either.”

“Well those geeky college kids are so worried about their grades, they don't want any disruptions that might interfere with their studying. They might get a B and pull down their entire average.”

Chloe turned around and gazed out at the water. “The few I met were really pretty girls. They didn't seem smart at all. I guess that's why they needed my dad's help. He's a smart man.”

Jordan heard the doubt in her voice. He didn't comment on it. She needed to see the truth, but it was up to her. “He can't be too smart if he gave up his daughter without a fight. If you were my kid, I'd move Heaven and Earth to make sure you were with me every night.”

Chloe stomped towards him, her eyes spitting fire. “Well you aren't my dad. And thanks to you, he probably won't ever come back for me, or my mom.”

Jordan tried not to be hurt by her words. He knew she didn't mean them to hurt. How was she to know he was starting to wish she and Jennifer were his girls? She doesn't and she won't; not until the right time.

“Chloe, I wasn't trying to scare your dad off. I was trying to help your mom. Rick upset her and I was worried it might cause her to have an anxiety attack.”

“My dad's not a pushover. I bet she hated that he wouldn't take me off her hands.”

Jordan grabbed her hand and pulled her to stand in front of him. “Look at me Chloe.” He waited until she met his eyes. “Your mom would never want to be rid of you. She agreed to move back with him so he wouldn't file for full custody. She was willing to sacrifice her happiness, and her health, so she wouldn't lose you. You may not believe this, but that makes a good parent.”

Chloe rolled her eyes. “What would you know about parenting?”

Jordan narrowed his eyes. “Well, a bit actually. I had to help my mom raise my sister. My dad wasn't the best. In fact, he was the lowest piece of shit on this Earth. Remember how I told you my father used to beat us?”

She nodded, her bottom lip tucked between her teeth.

“Well, there was more than one time that my mom would make my dad mad, just so he'd hit her instead of me. It took a lot of courage to do something like that, and I have a feeling it's the same kind of thing your mother does. Your dad may not be abusive, physically, but he uses you to control your mom. That's abusive of a different kind, sometimes more destructive than a fist.”

“I'm so sorry you had to live through something like that.”

Jordan nodded. “It was hard, believe me. But my mom did the best she could, and the folks round town gave me odd jobs to do so I wouldn't have to stay around the house.”

“Where is he now?”


Chloe sat on the swing next to Jordan and took his hand. “Would you mind telling me about it? I can hear the pain in your voice.”

He squeezed her fingers. “It's been a long time since I have, but I think you should hear it.”

He took a deep breath and let the memories resurface. “When I was fourteen, Joe got into a bar fight. He was drunk and started hitting on a waitress. She wouldn't give in to him so he tried to rough her up. One of the other bar patrons saw it happening and tried to intervene. Joe beat the man with a bar stool until he was unconscious. He went into a coma and never woke up. My dad was sent to prison for manslaughter. A few days later, my mom up and moved us to Alabama, hoping he'd never find us.”

“So you do know what it's like to have your life turned upside down.”

He nodded. “It was hard for me. I had to leave the only home I'd ever known, people who loved and cared for me. I lost my best friend that day.”

Chloe frowned. “Did you ever see him again?”

“Her, you mean. And yeah, we reconnected when I pulled her over for a broken taillight.”

He waited for Chloe to make the connection. Her eyes widened.

“What happened while you were in Alabama? Did your dad die in prison?”

Jordan took another deep breath. “No, they released him four years later. He tracked us down somehow and showed up at our doorstep. I'd been out spray-painting buildings and when I got home, he was standing on the porch. He tried to make me let him inside, but I wouldn't cause my mom and sister were there. He slammed my head against the wall and broke my left arm. I was half unconscious when a man yelled at him to let me go. I hit the ground and watched as he spun around with a gun. He died right next to me.”

A gasp came from the steps, making both of them jump. He turned and saw Jennifer standing there, with her hand over her mouth. Tears shined in her eyes.

“Sorry to interrupt. I was just coming to check on you. It's been half an hour. Chloe, honey, how are you?”

She shrugged as she wiped her nose with the back of her hand. She looked up at Jordan. “Who shot him?”

“My stepfather. He wasn't married to my mom at the time though. He'd seen me breaking the law and followed me home to talk to my mom.”

Chloe hiccuped as she looked to Jennifer. “There's some things I'd like to know about Dad.”

Dread settled in Jennifer's stomach. She wasn't sure if she was ready for this, but it was past time. Old wounds needed to be healed. She'd seen a different side to Jordan tonight and she realized as she watched him talking to her daughter, that she'd like to have something with him. It might not lead to marriage and she was fine with that, but she deserved it to herself to try and finally be happy.


She watched Chloe straighten her shoulders. She held onto Jordan's hand like it was her lifeline.

“Was Dad really working, or was he doing other stuff?”

Jennifer met Jordan's eyes. He gave her a slight nod. He thought she should tell the truth. Maybe she should. Rick had screwed himself tonight and she was tired of trying to make him look like a good guy.

“No, he wasn't working.”

“So those girls, who pretended to be his students? It was all an act?”

Jennifer felt her stomach twist in knots. She placed a hand over her waist, holding on for dear life. “No, they were college students. But they weren't being tutored.”

Chloe's face twisted in disgust. “They were practically kids. Young enough to be my sister. That's just gross.” She shuddered. “How long was he cheating on you?”

“Six years.”

Her daughter gasped. “Ohmygod. That asshole.” She grimaced. “Sorry Mom.”

Jennifer waved the apology away. She couldn't blame her daughter for cussing. Rick deserved to be called that and a lot more.

“Why didn't you leave him?”

“Because of you. I didn't want you to know the truth and I didn't want you raised without your father. I know how hard that is. I traded my happiness for yours. Until it became too much and I didn't have a choice anymore.”

Chloe glanced at Jordan. “He told me about your health. I'm sorry Momma. I wish I'd known.”

Jennifer waved off her apology. “I didn't want you to. You're a kid. You shouldn't have to worry about adult problems.”

Tears spilled from Chloe's eyes. “Why did you get married? Did you ever love each other?”

Jennifer thought back to the early days of their marriage. It hurt to admit, but she didn't believe Rick ever felt anything for her. Their relationship progressed faster than she planned. One day, she'd met Rick on the U of G campus. She'd been looking at her bank statement, trying to decide what she should do with the money. Rick tapped her on the shoulder and courted her with aggression. She'd been too naive to believe he'd only been after her fortune. They'd married within six months and Chloe was born a little over a year later. It took three years before his true nature came out.

“It's a bit hard to explain. I think in his own way, he did. And I loved him. But it wasn't the forever kind. True love can endure anything. Your father's attention wandered. It didn't take long for either of us to realize he wasn't the commitment type.”

Jordan looked at her, his eyes filled with sympathy and understanding. She felt her face heat. She'd been so focused on trying to get her daughter to understand the way things were, she'd forgotten he was there. Or that he was being Chloe's rock during all of this.

“I think I need to get back to the party. I don't want you to get mad Chloe, but I told Ma about Danielle and Frank. She found their parents and demanded the children leave.”

Chloe shook her head. “I'm glad you did. If they were still around when I got back, I'd be grounded for the things I would have said to them.”

Jordan watched the darkness swallow Jennifer up. He'd embarrassed her. She'd laid her soul bare, and he was witness. He knew she hated to seem vulnerable to anyone.

“Poor mom. I didn't know she'd been through so much. I must have hurt her pretty bad with all the things I've said to her. And through it all, she let me keep believing the worst, rather than shatter my illusions about my dad. She shouldn't have stayed with him all those years. She deserves a real man, one who will take care of her.”

Jordan cleared his throat. “Chloe, uh, you know I like your mom, right?”

Chloe took her hand from his and rolled her eyes. “I think everyone knows. What's the point?”

He shrugged. “I'd like to be that man. But I won't pursue her unless I have your permission. I don't want to come between you and her. You've both been through enough.”

Chloe nudged the wood plank floor with her shoe. “Why does it matter what I think? You've already pointed out that she's an adult and can do what she wants.”

He nodded. “Yes, she is. But I know it's important to her, and it matters to me that you would be okay with it. I want you to know, I'll never try to replace your father. But I would like to try and become friends. And I'll be there, for both of you, if you ever need anything. Jennifer's an amazing woman and I'd like to be the one who helps her move on and become happy.”

Chloe stood up and walked to the steps. Jordan thought she wouldn't answer him as she stepped into the grass. She looked up at the sky before sighing and turning half towards him. Her features were in shadow as she whispered.

“I don't mind if you date. But I'd like some time to think about how I'd feel if you decide to become serious.”

“I understand that. I don't want to rush things. For now, it's just casual dating. A way to have some fun. There will be times we'll do things together, but I would also like to have you come along sometimes. I want to get to know the both of you, because I know it's a package deal.”

Jordan sat there as she walked away. He placed a hand to his stomach which was starting to quiver from nerves. He'd gotten the green light from Chloe, which was a big hurdle. He felt relieved yet trepidation overrode the brief celebration. He had a feeling Jennifer wouldn't be as easy to convince. Time to start a game plan.
© Copyright 2013 happy mommy (UN: yungmomx3 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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