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Rated: 18+ · Book · Romance/Love · #1912061
Jennifer comes home to Georgia, divorced. The last thing she expects is loving again.
#770935 added January 8, 2013 at 9:03pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 15
Jennifer's vision turned hazy. Jordan knew how she felt about Jason being around her daughter. He had no right to give Chloe permission to do anything, let alone go somewhere alone with that creep. She stomped across the yard, her eyes flitting from person to person. Arms slipped around her from behind, pulling her against a broad chest.

“My obligations are done and people have started leaving. I think we can sneak away now.”

Heat flooded through her and she smiled. She was about to lead him towards the house when she spotted Skylar and David starting at them. She spun in his arms and poked his chest.

“Don't even think about it. Did you give my daughter permission to go riding?”

He smiled. “I figured you'd be more comfortable taking me in your room if she wasn't around to witness it. She won't be gone long. She seemed like she needed the time to herself.”

Jennifer shook her head and dodged his mouth as he tried to kiss her. “You have no right telling her she could do something without checking with me first.”

He frowned. “I figured you wouldn't care. She's not the only one who's been through a lot tonight. I was trying to take care of the both of you.”

“Jordan, I know your heart was in the right place but you know how I feel about Jason. I thought you felt the same way. I can't believe you'd let her go off with him.”

Jordan's hands lifted off her body. He held them in front of his chest, palm out. “Whoa, back up. She asked if she could go by herself. Jason wasn't anywhere around. I helped her saddle up one of the mares, and all the other horses are accounted for. We just finished counting them again, to make sure someone hadn't stolen any after the stampede.”

Jennifer tried to hold on to her anger. “”So you didn't see him going with her?”

“Jennifer, you should know better. I'd never let that creep within a hundred feet of Chloe.
Allen left, and I assumed Jason went with him. Maybe I should go find her.”

He started to walk away, before turning back to her. “Who told you he went with her?”

He nodded, his jaw tight. He grabbed her hand. “Come on.”

They found Skylar just as she was heading to the car. Jordan put a hand on her shoulder.

“Hey, who told you Jason was going with Chloe?”

She shrugged. “I heard him asking her if he could tag along. She said no, but he didn't seem interested in listening. She found me a few minutes later and asked me to tell you. I didn't see Jason later and Brandon couldn't find him either, so I assume he went with her. I could be wrong though.”

Jennifer nodded. “Where's Brandon now?”

“In the bunk house. He said he was going to bed after he couldn't find Chloe. I think he's hurt that she spent a lot of time with Jason tonight.”

Jordan smiled. “Thanks Skylar. Go on home.”

After all the cars were gone, Jordan turned to Jennifer. “You know, this is the second time tonight you've wrongly accused me of something. I think you should make it up to me.”

Jennifer grinned. “Really? What did you have in mind?”

He growled low in his throat and jerked her against him. She felt his hands drift to her bottom before inching back up to her waist. “I'm not one for words. But I'd be happy to show you.”

Jennifer arched against him. “Then by all means.”

He stopping kissing her neck to look her in the eyes. “Do you want me to find Chloe first?”

She shook her head. “No, she's smart enough to know she doesn't need to be around Jason. If he followed her out there, she'll come back and tell us.”

Jordan kissed her eyelids, before drifting over her cheekbones. He flicked his tongue against the corner of her mouth. Jennifer's heart started to race. She felt sure it would burst from her ribs. His mouth found hers, tender and persuasive. She opened to his probing tongue. She pressed against him, trying to relieve the pressure building between her legs.
She felt the bulge of desire straining against his pants. It made her feel seductive and sexy.

With just a few kisses, Jordan's arousal pulsed against her. It had taken much more when she was with Rick. Her insecurities tried to rise. Will he be disappointed with me? It wasn't like she had much experience. She didn't even enjoy sex. She hadn't had it in six years and this was the first time in her life that she felt excited about the prospect. Jordan tore his mouth away from hers, his breath coming in harsh pants.

“We need to get inside before I take you against the porch.”

The desire burning in his eyes took her breath away. She grabbed his hand and led him around the house to the back door. They slipped into the laundry room and through to the kitchen. Jennifer checked the hallway before they bolted across it and fell into her room in a fit of laughter.

“I feel like we're sixteen.”

Jennifer smiled. “I know. It's sad I'm still having to sneak men into my room.”

Jordan put his arms around Jennifer. His forehead rested against hers. “I wonder if we would have been like this as kids.”

It wasn't hard to imagine Jordan coming into her room after a date. He would have laid her on the bed and kissed her until they were senseless. They would have kissed for hours but she doubted Jordan would ever done anything inappropriate.

'Well I guess we'll never know. So let's make up for lost time.”

Jordan's hands slid down the hem of her dress, slowly pulling it up her body. He stopped when he had the fabric bunched around her hips. She bit her lip as she watched him take in the black thongs she'd bought just for the party. She hadn't expected anyone to see them, but she didn't want a panty line. Now, she was glad she'd splurged on the scrap of lace. He trailed one finger up her thigh to the high cut of the underwear. She gasped as he brushed his finger over her panties.


She smiled. He lifted the dress higher. It caught on the underside of her breasts. She shimmied as he slipped his hands underneath, grazing her hot skin. She bit back a moan.

“Don't. I want to hear you.”

Jordan pulled the dress over her head and tossed it onto the chair by the door. Jennifer closed her eyes as his eyes roamed over her. She felt the heat of his body as he pressed against her.

“Why aren't you looking at me?”

Damn you Rick. “Because I don't want to see the disgust on your face.”

She felt his hand grab her chin. He gave her head a slight shake. “Don't ever put yourself down like that again. You are beautiful Jennifer.”

“No, I'm not. I have stretch marks and my boobs aren't that big. I'm not skinny either.”

“You are perfect. I don't care about the stretch marks. That means you're a real woman. You've experienced one of the greatest gifts in the world.”

“Rick hated them.”

He shook his head. “Rick's an idiot. I'm nothing like him. Let me love you Jennifer. Let me show you how it's supposed to be.”

Her hands shook as she touched his chest. “You have too many clothes on.”

Jordan laughed. “Let's fix that, shall we?”

He jerked off his jacket while Jennifer fumbled with the small buttons on his white shirt. Dirt clouded the air as the jacket fell to the ground.

“I hope that wasn't a rental. You might not be able to get your money back.”

“I don't care.”

Jennifer pushed the fabric down his shoulders, her fingers testing the firm muscles of his biceps, down his forearms. She brushed a kiss against his chest, delighting in the way the crisp hair tickled her cheeks. “You are the beautiful one.”

Jordan grabbed her butt and lifted her against him. She twined her legs around his hips, locking her ankles behind his back. He moaned as he walked them to the bed. She heard his evil chuckle a second before he sent her airborne. She landed on the mattress with an oomph.


He winked. “I'll make up for it.”

She watched as he undid his belt and pulled down the zipper. Her eyes widened as he shoved down the pants and his boxer briefs. His erection bounced against his stomach, long and proud. Butterflies flapped in her stomach. Now that the moment was here, she was having second thoughts. What if Rick's right and I'm no good? She couldn’t stand the thought of disappointing him. The mattress dipped as Jordan lay down beside her.

“What are you thinking about?”


Jordan pushed her down and covered her body with his. He kissed her face, her ear, down her neck to the pulse point jumping under her jaw. She writhed against him as his finger plucked at her hardened nipple.

“Tell me the truth or I'll stop.”

Jennifer moaned. She couldn't. He wouldn't understand. Jordan started to pull away. He sat up and swung his legs over the edge of the bed before turning his neck to look down at her.

“Jennifer, I want this to be right, but I won't pressure you. I know something bothering you. I think it would be best if we waited until you trusted me enough to talk to me.”

He started to stand up. Jennifer grasped at his arm. She couldn't let him leave. She wanted him in her bed, inside her. Even if it meant revealing her secret shame.

“I'm worried you might not enjoy mak-uh having sex with me.”

Jordan's eyes narrowed. “Why not?”

“Rick said I'm not any good.”

He swore. “That bastard. I think I'll make a trip to Atlanta to kick his ass one day.” He crawled back across the bed until he was next to her. He kissed her tenderly. When she tried to deepen the kiss, he pulled away.

“Listen to me. Rick was a selfish, ungrateful bastard. He didn't deserve you. The only men who insult women like that are the jerks who don't know what they are doing. No woman is ever bad. They just don't have the right partners.”

Jennifer had her doubts. “He certainly had enough girlfriends. He couldn’t have been too bad.”

“Young girls, who have no idea what it's like to be with a real man. Relax for me baby. I'm going to show you how a real man makes love.”
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