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Rated: 18+ · Book · Romance/Love · #1912061
Jennifer comes home to Georgia, divorced. The last thing she expects is loving again.
#770937 added January 8, 2013 at 9:12pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 16
Chloe loosened the reins and nudged the gelding into a hard run. She settled into the easy rhythm of the horse's movements, enjoying the freedom, the peace of the night. She had no idea where the horse was taking her. She didn't care. She just wanted to be away from everything, everyone. It had all become too much. A loud noise pierced the quiet, spooking her horse. He started to dance sideways.

“Whoa boy. It's okay.”

She pulled the reins tight, hoping the horse would stop sidestepping. He snorted as he pawed the ground. Chloe stroked a soothing hand down his neck while she looked around, trying to find out where the noise was coming from.

“Maybe we should run, huh?”

Chloe dismissed the thought as she saw a dirt bike top a hill, heading straight for them. She pulled the reins to the left, trying to turn the horse away from the sight of the bike careening towards them. The rider wore a helmet, obscuring his face from her but he seemed aware of their presence. Gears ground as the bike slid to a stop. The rider pulled off his helmet and smiled her way. She grit her teeth against the anger.

“What are you doing out here?”

Jason shot her a cocky grin. “Keeping you company.”

“I told you I didn't want anyone to bother me. That included you.”

“Aww Chloe, don't be like that. Get off that horse and climb on with me. I'll take you for the ride of your life.”

Chloe nudged the horse, trying to put some space between them and Jason. “No thanks.”

She heard a squeak seconds before a hand grabbed her thigh. She jerked her head towards Jason.

“I'm not a patient person Chloe. I don't like girls playing hard to get.”

She tried to kick him away. “I'm not playing at all. Get it through that thick head that I'm not interested in you.”

Her foot dug into the side of her gelding. He reared back. Chloe tried to hold on to the saddle horn but gravity took control. She hit the ground, causing the wind to be knocked out of her. She watched in horror as Jason gave the horse a smack on his rear. He neighed in protest before bolting in the direction of the house. Chloe struggled to her feet.

“You asshole. Now I'm stuck out here.”

Jason stalked towards her. “I guess you are. Unless you decide to let me be your savior.”
Chloe snorted. “I'd rather take my chances with the wild animals than pay the price you'll want for your help.”

She shoved past him and started walking towards home. Jason wrapped his arms around her from behind and pulled her against him. She struggled against his hold.

“I love it when you get feisty.”

“Get your hands off me.”

He kissed her neck, sending chills skittering down her spine. She was in trouble. She had to think fast before things got out of hand.

“Relax baby. I'll take good care of you.”

“I'll scream.”

He laughed. “Go ahead. No one will hear you this far away.”

Dread clogged her throat. She felt tears threaten to fall. She blinked them away. She refused to give in to his intimidation. Jordan knows where I am. He'll come to save me. She sighed. He wouldn't come find her for a while. He didn't know Jason had followed her. She didn't know until too late. She was on her own. Jason clenched her arms and spun her around. She stared into his eyes and gasped. He looked possessed.

“Give me a kiss sweetheart.”

He lowered his face towards her, his mouth open. She tried not to gag at the horrible stench of his breath. He smelt like he'd been drinking. She turned her head away, causing his mouth to brush her cheek. He growled as he shoved his hands into her hair, holding her head still as he moved in for another kiss. His mouth ground against hers, causing her teeth to mash against her lip. She shifted her head, trying to break contact as she tasted blood coating her tongue. Her lips parted as she tried to take a quick breath. Jason's tongue shoved into her mouth, causing her to gag. She tried to pull away.

Desperate, she tried to think of how it was done in the movies. She let her body go limp. Her head dipped causing Jason's mouth to detach. She sucked in a deep breath of air before he renewed his assault. This time, she let her mouth stay open and waited for his tongue to invade. She bit down before he could get too deep. He jerked away as he screamed. Chloe brought her leg up, kneeing him in the groin. His hands dropped from her body as he fell to the ground. She took off running.

Footsteps sounded behind her before she could get far. She screamed as he caught up with her and tackled her to the ground. His legs pinned her as his hands ripped the thin fabric of her shirt. Shaking with fear, she forced herself to fight back. She refused to be a victim. She shoved against his chest as hard as she could, causing him to sway. Planting her feet into the ground, she bucked her hips. He fell over, giving her time to get up. She spun around, her hands raised in fists.

“You sure know how to make a man work for it. It's going to be fun taming your ass.”

His hand rose up and landed across her face. She stumbled back a step as fire raced along her jaw. He stepped towards her, his hand raised again. She lashed out. Her fist connected with his nose. Blood spewed as she heard the sickening sound of bone crunching.

“You broke my nose you crazy bitch. Screw this. Ain't no piece of ass worth this much trouble.”

He shoved past her as he ran towards his dirt bike. She watched in horror as he revved the engine and sped off. When the dust settled, it began to sink in that she was stuck in the wild, alone. It was too dark to see more than ten feet in front of her. She turned in a circle, trying to decide which way her horse had went. She'd been so busy trying to fight off Jason, she'd gotten turned around. A sob worked its way up as she slumped to the ground. She wrapped her arms around her knees.

“Get it together Chloe. You can make it back.”

Warm breath stirred the hair at her neck. She tensed, expecting Jason to grab her from behind. She craned her neck, and squealed as a warm nose brushed against her forehead.


He snorted as he nudged her again. She stood on shaking knees and turned around. Her hands went to his neck, stroking his soft hide. He nibbled at her shirt. He started to walk off and Chloe gripped his mane, terrified he would disappear. Her foot hit something and she toppled over a warm, hard surface. She righted herself and squinted. Spirit had led her to a large rock. He stopped, and stared at her as if he was waiting for something. She hesitated before climbing to the top of the boulder. She braced her hands on Spirit's back and lunged onto him.

“Good boy. I hope you know how to get me home.”

He whinnied as he turned around and started walking. Chloe lay over him, her arms looped around his neck.

“This has been one crazy night boy.”

Spirit tossed his head.

“Yeah, it'll get better. I mean, I found out my dad is a complete jerk, and my mom isn't as bad as I thought she was. Everything she's ever done is because she loves me. Now, there's this guy, Jordan, and he seems interested in trying to make her happy. He's a good man. I think it would be okay to have him as a step-dad. I know my mom deserves a chance with him.”

He seemed to nod.

“I can't believe what a fool I was to ever want to be around Jason. I mean, he's cute, but everyone warned me he was bad news. I thought I could change him, you know. I bet my mom thought the same thing of my dad.”

Spirit changed directions as they eased down a slight incline.

“I think I blew it with Brandon. He's so sweet. There's no way he'd want anything to do with me. He'll think I'm just like the other girls Jason dates. I don't even know if he's interested in me. He hasn't made any advances, but he is pretty respectful. That could be why. Do you think I can make him like me?”

Spirit tossed his head around and nibbled her arm before cutting to the right so they could walk along a fence line.

“I sure hope so. I don't think my mom would mind. Brandon's a lot like Jordan. They're both good men who know how to treat a woman right.”

The house came into view. Chloe sighed and squeezed Spirit's neck. “Thanks for saving me boy. I'd be lost without you.”

He trotted up to the barn and stopped. Chloe caught a movement in the corral and tensed. Please don't let that be Jason. A cloud drifted over the moon, obscuring the identity as the male patted a horse on the rump. He lifted the saddle off the ground and started towards her. She swallowed a lump in her throat. At least the horse made it back safe. The figure noticed Spirit and stopped. Silence stretched between the thirty feet.

“Chloe? Is that you?”

She sighed in relief. “Hi Brandon.”

“Are you okay? I was worried when Blaze came back to the ranch without you.”

“Yeah. He got spooked and threw me.”

Chloe looked around for a minute, trying to decide how to get down. It was too far to jump. She heard a thump and looked over to see Brandon had set the saddle down and was moving to Spirit's left side. His hand stroked over Spirit's neck before drifting down to his chest.

“Need a hand?”

She offered him a shy smile. “Looks like it.”

Brandon reached up, his hands cupping her under the arms. She tilted towards him, hoping her weight wouldn't be too much to make them fall. She slid off Spirit's back and into Brandon's arms. He held her close. Oh please don't let him be like that too.

“Give yourself a minute to get your legs steady before you step away.”

She nodded. A few seconds later, he released her. She stepped back and tucked her hair behind her ears. The cloud moved past the moon, allowing enough light to shine on them.
She watched Brandon take in her ragged appearance.

“What happened to you?”

Chloe gulped. She didn't want him getting the wrong idea about her. “I told you, I fell.”

He nodded. “After that. Your clothes didn't get ripped from a tumble to the ground.”

She started to sob as tears fell from her eyes. “Jason at-tacked m-me.”

Brandon pulled her into his arms. He rubbed circles on her back as she started to shake.
“Come on. Let's get you inside.”

She jerked away. “No. I'm not ready to be alone right now.”

He nodded once. She watched as he unbuttoned his denim shirt and pulled it off. Before she could ask what he was intending, he spread it across her shoulders and pulled it closed. Spirit stamped his foot and shoved his head into Chloe. She stroked his head before pressing a kiss to his nose.

“Night boy.”

She watched as Spirit walked away. Brandon's hand touched her elbow.

“Do you want to sit on the swing for a bit?”

She nodded and let him lead her to the porch. After they were sitting, Brandon cleared his throat. “Mind telling me more about what happened?”

Chloe shrugged. “I guess I can. But I don't want you to get the wrong idea.”

“Chloe, I know how Jason is. He's a creep who takes advantage of young girls. I would never think anything bad of you. I'm sure you didn't do anything wrong.”

“I shouldn't have ever talked to him. It's messed up how someone can misconstrue things so badly.”

Brandon shifted, as if uncomfortable. “I can't say anything. I'm guilty of it too.”

Chloe angled into the corner of the swing and frowned. “What do you mean?”

She watched as he leaned onto his elbows while his hands tore through his hair.

“Jason told me he was coming after you. Said that you asked him to, so you could be alone and talk. I didn't want to believe it, but you'd been around him all night.” He shrugged.

“He overheard me asking Jordan if I could go. Offered to come with me but I turned him down. I wanted to be alone for a while. I guess he didn't get the message.”

Brandon looked at her. She gasped at the anguish in his eyes. “I thought of riding out there, but I didn't want to make a fool of myself. I knew Jason would accuse me of being jealous. God, Chloe, if I'd followed my instincts, this wouldn't have happened. I'm so sorry.”

Chloe scooted closer and took his hand in hers. “Brandon, you didn't know. This wasn't your fault. I was the idiot who didn't think.” The swing creaked as Brandon sat back. Chloe bit her lip. “Why would you be jealous?” She avoided looking at him. She didn't want him to see how bad she wanted to know.

He laughed. The humorless sound echoed through the empty porch. “Chloe, you are a sweet girl, and beautiful. I know a guy like me would never have a chance. And Jason knows it too. He would have loved pointing out that I was trying to be a hero. I didn't want to be seen as a joke.”

She gulped. “There's nothing funny about you wanting to make sure I'm okay. And I wouldn't laugh if you liked me.” She gasped. “I mean, not that you do or anything. I know you were just trying to be a good guy.”

His fingers flexed, making Chloe realize they were still holding hands. “What if I said I have a crush on you?”

Chloe's breath caught. “I wouldn't know what to say.”

He nodded. “That's what I thought. Girls don't see me like that.”

“Brandon, how old are you?”

He stared across the porch, not answering. Chloe prayed he wouldn't change his mind about liking her.

“I'll be sixteen in two months. Why?”

She shrugged. “You seem older. You're a lot more mature than guys your age.”

He groaned. “That means lame.”

Chloe shook her head. “No, I mean respectful. You're a good guy. You remind me a lot of Jordan.”

“Yeah, we do have a lot in common. Like being infatuated with a Matthews lady who's not interested in us.”

Chloe looked out at the yard. “Jordan's truck is still here. I think he got the chance to show my mom what a good guy he is.” She took a deep breath. “I'd like to give you the chance too.”

She felt him turn to look at her. She forced herself to meet his gaze. “What are you saying?”

“Brandon, would you like to be my boyfriend?”

She watched as he smiled. He pulled her to him and she tilted her head up, expecting him to try and kiss her. It took her by surprise when he wrapped both arms around her and pushed her head into his shoulder. She leaned into him, feeling safe and secure.

“You are one of the most unique girls I've ever met Chloe. But I'm glad you're willing to let me get to know you.”
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