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Rated: 18+ · Book · Romance/Love · #1912061
Jennifer comes home to Georgia, divorced. The last thing she expects is loving again.
#770944 added January 8, 2013 at 9:40pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 18
After Jennifer grabbed a muffin for breakfast, she retrieved her laptop out of her closet and took it outside. The sun shone bright in a cloudless blue sky and a light breeze kept the heat at bay. She needed to get to work on the article for the paper. The gazebo would be the perfect place for inspiration. The place where secrets were revealed and hearts were healed. She heard hammering as she stepped onto the porch. Trucks filled the gravel drive. Men were everywhere, some nailing the boards back to the fence, others cutting or carrying the wooden slats to empty spaces.

The sun reflected off tan flesh, slick with sweat. Heat rushed through her as she studied the broad back, muscles flexing every time the man's arm swung the hammer. As if Jordan sensed her scrutiny, he stood up and turned around. Jennifer let her eyes travel from his shaggy hair, plastered around his face, down his bristly jaw. She took in his well defined chest, with the slight sprinkling of brown hair down to his flat stomach. She remembered running her tongue over every ridge of his six pack. She knew her face was red and hoped no one looked her way. Worn blue jeans rode low on his lean hips and she thought she detected a slight bulge under the zipper.

Surely he can't be getting turned on by me staring at him.

Jordan shifted his hips, causing the denim to strain against his crotch. A second later, the pants settled in a different fit, no longer tight. I've got to get my mind out of the gutter.
Jordan winked at her and grabbed a shirt off the post before heading her way. He wiped the sweat off his forehead as he stepped onto the porch.


Jennifer smiled. “Hi. I didn't know you'd be back this early.”

Jordan frowned as he looked over towards his truck. Jennifer followed his action and clenched her hand against her computer case. “How did you get a flat?”

“Someone slit my tires. I've already called it in and a tow truck should be here later to take it to the body shop and replace the three damaged wheels.”

Jennifer shook her head. “Why would anyone do that? Something's going on here, Jordan and I don't like it.”

His head swiveled back to her. She noticed his clenched jaw.

“I'm sure there's an explanation for all it. Don't worry. I'll figure it out.”

She didn't understand how he could expect her not to be concerned. This was her family's ranch. “You don't think it's Rick, do you?”

Jordan shook his head. “No, I don't think that pompous ass has it in him to cause such mayhem, no matter how desperate he is to get you back. I think he got the message last night.”

“What about the realtor fraud? Have you ID'ed him yet?”

She watched his left eye began to tick. She'd hit a sore spot. “Not yet. He hasn't propositioned anyone else in town. You know, we never did get around to having you and Chloe work with a sketch artist. I suggest we do that Monday morning.”

Jennifer bit her lip. She should stop now but the words came out anyways. “What about the cigarette butt? Any DNA on it?”

She watched his eyes narrow with anger. “Jennifer, I don't need you telling me how to do my job. I've already placed a call with the lab but they haven't gotten back with me yet. I'll let you know when I find something out.”

Jennifer reached out and put a hand on his arm. She felt the muscles flex under her fingers. “I'm sorry Jordan. I wasn't insinuating that you weren't working hard to figure out who's doing all of this. I'm just worried.”

He sighed. “I know. I shouldn't have snapped. You don't know how it feels to have all of this happening around me and not being able to stop it or punish the person responsible. I mean, this is what I do. I feel like a failure.”

Jennifer stepped closer and looked into his eyes. She hoped he saw the sincerity she knew would be reflected there. “Jordan, you are doing your best. We've just had some bad luck. I have faith that you'll be able to solve the case and bring the bastard harassing us to justice.”

She stood on tiptoe and brushed a kiss against his tight lips. He opened his mouth as she teased him with her tongue. With a groan, he brought her against him and deepened the kiss. She felt her fingers going slack and tightened her grip. The last thing she needed was a shattered computer. She drew away and smiled up at him. His breath fanned her face in quick bursts. He rubbed his hips against her, giving her no doubt he'd gotten aroused.

“Damn. Just when I got myself under control, you had to do that.”

She raised an eyebrow. “So I wasn't seeing things then?”

He shook his head as he brushed a strand of her hair behind her ear. “Nope. That's what you do to me.”

Jennifer laughed. The husky sound surprised her. She'd never heard herself sound like that.

“Maybe you should stay away from me when we're in mixed company then.”

She started to step away and he jerked her back. “Like hell I will. I'm just going to have to work on my self control. How about we take a quick trip to your room so I can relieve some of this tension?”

“Now how would that look to everyone? You want them planning our wedding already?”

She expected him to look horrified, or at the very least, laugh. Instead, his eyes went soft and his mouth parted in an expression of seriousness.

“I bet you'd look gorgeous in a long, white gown.”

Jennifer held up her hands and backed away. “No way cowboy. I'm a long way off from doing another death sentence.”

“Would it be so bad, being married to me? I'm sure Chloe would come around, eventually. I'd make a good husband Jennifer.”

She gasped as she realized he was serious. She had to set him straight. “Jordan, I'm not ready to even contemplate that. I've been in hell for the last fifteen years. I'd like to take things slow and not worry so much about the future. Can you do that?”

He jammed his fingers through his hair. “Looks like I don't have a choice.” He took a deep breath and bobbed his head once. “I know you're right but I can't help wanting to fall asleep with you in my arms every night and knowing you'll be there when I wake up.”

Jennifer tried to smile. The idea appealed to her too. Far too much for her comfort. She winked. “We'll see what happens in about, say five years.”

He growled as he stalked towards her. “I won't wait that long to make you mine.”

A man called Jordan's name. He looked her over one more time before turning around. Pa stood by the corral, smiling.

“You gonna help us boy, or stand there moonin' over my granddaughter all day?”

Jordan laughed. “What can I say Pa. She's quite a distraction.”

Jennifer smiled as she stepped around him. “You're not the only one with work to do. I'll talk to you later, okay?”

She felt his eyes on her back as she walked down the driveway. Gravel crunched under her feet and the sound of the hammering grew louder as she passed a few hands working on the part of the fence where she stood last night. Her stomach knotted as she recalled the overheard conversation. She wondered if Allen might have something to do with all of the problems. Maybe he was hoping to send Pa under by causing mayhem the ranch couldn't afford to fix. Yet, if Pa lost the ranch, Allen wouldn't have a job anymore. Unless he's in cahoots with someone who wants to buy it.

Jennifer shook her head. She wanted to tell Jordan of her theory but with the way he'd reacted earlier, she didn't know if it was a good idea. She'd have to keep her eye on the ranch hand for a bit. If he exhibited odd behavior, she would bring Jordan in. Otherwise, she'd keep it to herself. For now.


Jordan stood up and stretched. His shoulders ached from the physical labor of rebuilding the fences but his soul felt satisfied. It'd been too long since he'd taken the time to do something with his hands. Something that helped out a friend. Taking the day off to help Pa repair the damages was the least he could do. Not just because he felt responsible for not noticing the vandalism being done, but for all the times Pa had given him something to do so he wouldn't have to stay at him with his abusive father.

He owed the Matthews' family more than he could ever repay them. That was why he had to figure out who was tormenting them. He glanced across the driveway to the pond, where Jennifer had been sitting in the gazebo, her laptop on her legs. She wasn't there now, but he spotted the computer on the swing. His eyes roamed the area until he spotted her clothes laid on the bank near the water. He felt desire pool in his groin at the thought of her in the water.

The arousal turned to jealousy as he realized how many men still lingered nearby. Everyone would get a good look at her as she got out, half clothed. His hands clenched into fists and he marched across the yard, determined to make her get dressed. When he reached the edge of the pond, he spotted Jennifer in the middle, lying on her back. The water teased him with glimpses of her breasts, clad in a hot pink top, as she bobbed up and down. He grunted.

“What are you doing?”

He realized his voice sounded harsh but he didn't care. Her eyes flew open and she went under the surface. His heart skipped a beat as he waited for her to reappear. She came up sputtering and glared at him.

“You could have made me drown you jackass. What is your problem?”

He bent down and jerked her clothes off the ground. He shook them at her as he spoke.

“My problem? How about the fact that my girlfriend is half-clothed within sight of at least ten different men.”

Even through his anger, he had to admire the graceful way she swam towards him. She reached the shallow end and started to walk towards him. Beads of water ran off her soft skin, begging him to lick them away. Her hands went to her hair. She wrung the water out of them before shaking her head. Jordan’s heart started to pound. God, how he wanted her. It didn't matter that her family was a few hundred feet away. He wanted to jerk her to the grass and make love to her until she promised never to let another man see her again. It was unreasonable he knew but he couldn't stop it.

“I was swimming Jordan. It's not like I'm out here doing a strip tease.”

He pulled her from the water and grabbed the towel from the ground near his feet. He spread it out and wrapped it around her.

“I don't care. I don't want other men looking at you.”

She laughed, but he knew it wasn't the pleased type. “You don't own me Jordan. I refuse to walk around in a potato sack because you can't handle your insecurities.”

Hell yes, he was insecure. He'd just gotten her back after eighteen years. He'd be damned if he gave another man a chance to steal her away again. He tried to make her see reason.

“How would you like it if I let other women ogle me?”

Jennifer raised an eyebrow. “I wasn't letting anyone do anything. I got hot and decided to take a swim. And from what I hear, women check you out and flirt with you all the time. Do you see me asking you to quit your job so you won't be around them?”

He shook his head. “I know you'd never do something like that. You know those other women don't mean a thing to me.”

She pushed his hands off her shoulders and started to dry off. As she bent down to wipe her legs, her breasts swayed enticingly. He growled as he pulled her up and shoved her shirt towards her.

“Put this on.”

Jennifer looked at the bright orange tank top, then up to him. She raised her chin in defiance. “And if I don't?”

He stepped towards her, his voice low. His jeans pressed against his erection and he was about to lose his ability to think straight. “Then I won't be responsible for what I do, here, in front of everyone.”

She must have realized he was on the brink of snapping. With a roll of her eyes, she jerked the fabric over her head and smoothed it down her trim waist. When she was done, she held her hands out at her sides. “Better now?”

“Almost. Now your shorts.”

She took them from him and raised her right leg. She repeated the action with her left and lost her balance. Jordan grabbed her before she fell back into the water. He waited until she was dressed before he hauled her to him and took her mouth in a punishing kiss. She tried to pull away but he held her tighter. With a deep groan he felt in his toes, she twisted her hands around his neck and kissed him back. The sound of catcalls penetrated the haze of passion surrounding his brain. He slowed the kiss before ending it all together. He loved the look of passion clouding her eyes, even as he cursed himself for being stupid enough to start something they couldn't finish.

She pressed her fingers to her swollen lips as her eyes started to clear. She looked around him at their audience before returning her attention to him. He wasn't prepared for her to slap him in the gut. The air whooshed out of his lungs.

“I can't believe you just tried to stake a claim on me. How pathetic are you?”

He grabbed her hand as she started to move past him. “I wasn't. I swear. Seeing you wet and sexy in that bathing suit made me lose it. God Jennifer, I wasn't thinking about them when I kissed you. Only when I wanted you to get dressed.”

“I refuse to take orders from you Jordan. I've lived like that for too long.”

Jordan nodded. “I know. I had no right to act like that. I just couldn't stand the thought of someone else looking at you. I don't know what I'd do if they took you away.”

Jennifer's face softened as the rage seemed to vanish. She put a hand on his cheek.

“Jordan, I'm not interested in anyone else. I wasn't looking for a man, but now that I have you, I know no one else could compare.”

He nodded. “I'm glad to hear that. I promise I'll try to curb my jealousy from now on. But I better not see somebody hitting on you or I'll pound them with my fists.”

Jennifer laughed. “Let's get some lemonade.”

They walked hand in hand back to the house, ignoring the whistles and winks directed their way. Jennifer felt her face heat up but tried to ignore it. She was a grown woman. It wasn't like they were doing anything inappropriate. As they reached the porch, Jason walked by, his face purple and swollen. Jordan stopped and frowned.

“What happened to you?”

He stared at him through one good eye. “Why don't you ask her?” He nodded towards Jennifer before walking to a car and getting in. Gravel flew as he sped out of the driveway. Jennifer watched him go, worried about why he'd been on the ranch in the first place. She would have to find a way to ban him from the property, without revealing why.

“Do you know what happened?”

Jennifer bit her lip. She couldn't break her daughter's confidence, regardless of her relationship with Jordan. Surely he would understand that. She had to tell him something though or he wouldn't let the subject drop.

“Chloe broke his nose. And Brandon did the rest.”

Jordan's brow furrowed in confusion. “That's my girl! Wait, when did it happen?”

“Early this morning.”


Jennifer shook her head. “I can't say.”

He squeezed her fingers. “What happened? Brandon's not a violent kid and I've never even seen Chloe mad.”

“I'm sorry Jordan. I can't.”

Jordan frowned. “Jennifer, you can tell me anything. And so can Chloe.”

“I know. And I wish I could tell you about it, but I promised her. No matter how much you mean to me, I can't break her trust.”

He dropped her hand and stepped away. “This isn't going to work. I can't be with someone who keeps secrets from me.”

Jennifer reached for him but he stepped out of reach. “Jordan, please don't do this.”

“Goodbye Jennifer.”

She watched him walk away without a glance back. Tears burned the back of her throat. She felt them stream down her face. Her heart broke into pieces. She'd lost him before she even had a chance to find out what could have been. She considered rushing after him and spilling everything. She forced her feet to remain rooted to the porch. She couldn't betray her daughter, no matter how much she wanted to be with the man. She heard footsteps behind her and wiped at her face as she turned around.

“What's wrong?”

She tried to force a smile for her daughter. “Nothing.”

Chloe shook her head. “Don't give me that. What's going on?”

Jennifer shrugged. “Jordan and I decided it wouldn't work between us.”

Chloe's eyes widened. “I thought things were going good, especially with the way you were making out at the pond.”

Jennifer gasped. “You saw that? Oh God, Chloe. I'm sorry. Maybe it's better that he broke things off.”

“It's okay Mom. It was just kissing. You didn't even touch. I can't believe he turned out to be a jerk. He seemed like a good guy. What made you fight?”

She wouldn't reveal the truth, because Chloe would feel guilty. “Don't worry about it. He doesn't care about me enough, or he wouldn't have left like that.”

Chloe grabbed Jennifer's hand and shook it. “Tell me Momma. Maybe I'll be able to help fix it.”

“No! It'll be okay.”

“Fine. I'll go ask him myself.”

Jennifer watched in horror as Chloe ran off the porch and disappeared in the mass of trucks. She saw blonde hair flying as Chloe swung her head back and forth, looking for Jordan. Jennifer forced her feet to move as she chased after Chloe. Please don't let him hurt my daughter.
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