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Rated: 18+ · Book · Romance/Love · #1912061
Jennifer comes home to Georgia, divorced. The last thing she expects is loving again.
#770945 added January 8, 2013 at 9:46pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 19
Jordan stood on the side of the barn, waiting on Craig to come pick him up. He knew he was hiding out but it was the only way he could keep himself from running back to Jennifer and begging for forgiveness. He already regretted his rash decision to end their relationship, but it was better to stop it now. Before he got in too deep. He spotted a shadow coming towards him and tensed. He couldn’t believe he was contemplating to make a break for the back of the barn.

“Jordan, can we talk?”

He turned towards the person, trying to school his features into a blank look. Chloe rung her hands together, seeming nervous.

“Yeah, what do you need?”

“What happened between you and my mom? She's really upset.”

Jordan sighed. He shouldn’t be surprised Jennifer hadn't kept their fight to herself. Looks like he was the only person she didn't trust her secrets with. Not true. She told me she was sick. No one else knew. He tried to shut his inner voice up. He couldn't think like that now. If he let Jennifer get away with hiding this one thing, she might start keeping all sorts of things from him later on.

“It's a grown-up thing. Nothing you should worry about.”

Chloe rolled her eyes. “Don't give me that crap. You were the one who wouldn't give up on trying to date her. You made me like you and accept the idea of y'all together. I want to know why you changed your mind.”

Jordan wanted to pull his hair out. He settled for shoving his hands into his pockets. “Your mom is keeping things from me. I can't have a relationship that doesn't involve trust.”

He watched Chloe glance towards the house then back to him. “What sort of thing?”

Jordan wondered...”Why did you and Brandon beat up Jason?”

Chloe's mouth dropped. She began to rock back and forth. “You broke up with my mom because she wouldn't tell you about that?”

He nodded. “It might not be any of my business, but I am a cop. If Jason's dad decides to try and press charges, I'll need to know how to deal with it. And I care about you. If something happened to you, I'd like to be able to help.”

Chloe bit her lip. Jordan realized how much she looked like her mother when she did that. The hair may be different but they had the same face shape. Her eyes were the same expressive green too.

“My mom knows I didn't want anyone to know. Jason won't be filing a police report, because he'd have to explain why I hit him. And why Brandon kicked his butt. It would get him into trouble.”

Jordan felt his stomach tighten. Something had happened; he could sense it. “Did Jason do something to you?”

He watched the girl's shoulders sag as she dropped her head. “He tried to rape me last night. I fought back and he left me stranded. Brandon was here when I got back. Jason showed up, bragging and Mom said Brandon fought him and warned him to stay away.”

Jordan saw red. His body shook with anger as he stalked past Chloe and around the barn. He saw Jennifer running towards them. She skidded to a stop when she saw him. He figured he looked like he was on a war path. He heard Chloe running up behind him but didn't stop until he got to his truck. He reached in and grabbed the radio. Chloe knocked it from his hand before he could speak into it.

“What are you doing Chloe?”

“I don't want you to call this in. Please Jordan. I don't want people knowing. They'll think I'm a snitch.”

Jordan wondered if she could be right. Teenagers were a brutal bunch. They stuck close together and didn't like it when one of their own was messed with. Jason had to learn a lesson. He glanced into the cab of his truck. Nodding, he pulled out his shotgun. Chloe screamed as he shut the door.

“You can't shoot him!”

“That boy has messed with the wrong girl.”

Chloe looked around, wide-eyed. “Please Jordan. You'll go to jail.”

He scoffed. “I'm the police chief. I won't do time.”

“But that would be illegal. You're supposed to uphold the law. Not bend it to your will.”

Jordan swallowed the lump in his throat. She seemed so concerned about him. She didn't know him well enough to realize he wouldn't shoot Jason; just scare the shit out of him. He placed the gun on the hood and looked at Chloe. “You think I should leave him alone?”

She nodded, hard. “Yes. I don't think he'll be a problem for me anymore. He took a pretty good whooping from me and Brandon.”

Jordan sighed. “Fine. But only because you asked me to. If it were up to me, the boy would be missing an important appendage.”

Chloe surprised him when she threw herself into his arms. “Thank you. It means a lot that you would consider shooting a boy for messing with me.”

He closed his arms around her small frame and laughed. “Well, to be honest, I wasn't going to shoot him. The gun isn't loaded. But Jason wouldn't have known that.”

Chloe laughed with him, a soft sound that reminded him of church on Sunday mornings. Sweet and innocent.

“If he comes near you again, he's mine.”

“You don't have to worry about that. Now that I'm dating Brandon, he'll keep me safe.”

Jordan pulled away and looked down at Chloe. “You're what?”

She watched him, her eyes dancing with laughter. “I'm Brandon's girlfriend.”

“When did that happen?”

“He asked me this morning, when I got back to the ranch.”

Jordan shook his head. “And your mom agreed to it?”

“Yeah. She wasn't happy when she found us asleep together, but I explained everything. She said it would be okay for us to date, as long as we weren't together alone.”

“Wait. You slept with him? Alone? Where?”

He saw Chloe gulp. She shifted her weight from one foot to the other. “Yeah, in the swing.”

Jordan picked her up and set her to the side. He headed towards the bunkhouse.


Jordan heard Chloe squealing as she talked to Jennifer then two sets of feet pounded behind him. He felt something hit him from behind. His knees buckled and he tumbled to the ground. Dust swirled up from the impact. He groaned in distress and heard an answering sound from the lump on top of him.

“What the hell?”

“Jordan, are you okay? I didn't think you'd fall.”

He rolled over and looked at Jennifer. A smudge of dirt smeared across her pale cheek and her hair had come loose from her ponytail. She began to run her hands up and down his body.

“Will you stop that?”

She gasped and renewed her ministrations. “Oh no. I hurt you. Where's the pain at?”

He pulled her close and whispered into her ear, “My pants.”

She leaned back and frowned. Her eyes drifted to his jeans then back up to his face. “I don't understand.”

He raised his head. “Unless you want Chloe to get a first hand knowledge of the male's body when it's aroused, I suggest you quit rubbing on me like that.”

Jennifer gasped and leaned back. She lost her balance and landed on her butt. Jordan laughed. She stood up and dusted her pants off while shooting him a pissed look.

“What were you going to do?”

Jordan hauled himself to his feet too. “I'm going to have a little talk with Brandon. I'll be damned if that boy sleeps with my girl and gets away with it.”

Chloe squeaked and rushed towards him. For the second time in ten minutes, Jordan found himself being squeezed by the thin arms of a fourteen year old.

“You are so sweet.” Chloe turned her head and pressed it against his stomach. “Momma, you have to marry this man.”

Jordan coughed. “What?”

Jennifer gasped. “Huh?”

Chloe looked at both adults like they were stupid. “Momma, he cares about me. Look what he's willing to do just because of what happened. Don't you see? He's the kind of man I should have as a dad. And my future brothers and sisters too.”

Jordan met Jennifer's eyes over the top of Chloe's head. Her face was pale, her eyes round as dinner saucers. Was the idea of having another kid so distressful? He felt joy blossom into his chest. He loved the idea of watching Jennifer's belly grow large with his child. Being able to stroke a soft baby cheek and look into innocent green eyes. Would they have a daughter, with Jennifer's bright red hair and his blue eyes? Or a strapping son, with green eyes and dark brown locks?

“Hello? Earth to Jordan, are you there?”

He shook his head and looked at Jennifer. “I'm sorry. What'd you say?”

She gave him an odd look. “I was apologizing for my daughter's quick assumption that we'll get married and have children. I know we haven't even talked that far ahead.”

Jordan raised an eyebrow. “I seem to remember bringing the topic up but you kicked it off the table.”

Jennifer laughed. “Well, it really is too soon to be discussing anything like that.”

“Momma, I'm ready for a ride. Would you and Jordan like to go with me?”

Jordan nodded. “I'm in. Jen?”

She didn't hesitate. “Sure.”

Chloe turned to Jennifer, her eyes wide with hope. “Can Brandon come too? Please?”

Jordan grit his teeth. He wanted to demand the boy never be around Chloe again, but he kept his cool. Brandon was a good kid and it wasn't like he'd be able to try anything with them around.

“That okay with you Jordan?”

He nodded. “Long as he doesn't do anything stupid. If he so much as looks at you too long, I'm cutting his eyes out.”

Chloe swatted him on the stomach before skipping towards the bunkhouse. Jordan watched her go before looking at Jennifer. She stared at him with amusement. “What?”

She shook her head. “You fit the role of protective daddy pretty good.”

“It came natural. Lord knows my real father wasn't worth a plugged nickel, but my step-dad showed me how tough it was to raise a girl. He did a damn good job and I hope to do as well by Chloe. If I'm given the chance.”

Jennifer smiled. “You sure know how to wear a lady down, don't you?”

He pulled her into his arms. “Only when she means this much to me. You both do. Nothing else bad will ever happen to you or Chloe.”

“The next few years should be pretty interesting. I can't wait to see how you handle her first date.”

Jordan picked her up and spun her around. He loved hearing her talk about him being in their future.

“Feel sorry for that boy. He's going to be met with a gun at the door.”

Jennifer stood on tiptoe and pressed her mouth to his. His heart started to pound as he groaned and held her closer. He was just about to deepen the kiss when he heard someone clearing their throat and laughing.

“Would you two like to get a room instead of go riding? I'm sure Brandon and I can find something to do.”

Jordan turned around and glared at the teenagers. “Don't even think about it. Let's get the horses.”

Chloe winked as she passed by them, heading to the corral. Jordan growled as he realized she was holding Brandon's hand. He started towards them but Jennifer's hand on his arm stopped him.

“It's not a big deal. Let it go.”

He sighed. Having a teenage daughter would be harder than he thought.
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