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Rated: 18+ · Book · Romance/Love · #1912061
Jennifer comes home to Georgia, divorced. The last thing she expects is loving again.
#771015 added January 9, 2013 at 12:00pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 21
The sun was low in the sky as the group got back to the ranch. Chloe and Brandon decided to take care of the horses while Jordan and Jennifer went inside. Jordan held Jennifer close as they walked in the front door. The sound of weeping caused them to stop in the foyer.

“That sounds like Ma.”

Jordan nodded in agreement and looked around. “It sounds like it's coming from Pa's study.”

Jennifer gasped as she tore from Jordan's hold. She ran past the living room and down the hall to Pa's office. She threw the door open and gave the room a quick look. Pa lay on the leather couch, his eyes closed and his face pale. Ma sat on the floor next to his shoulder. Tears ran down her face in an endless stream. Across the room, Scott held a weeping Julie. He looked up at Jennifer, his eyes flat.

“What happened?” She ran to Pa's side. “Is he d-okay?”

Pa's eyelids fluttered open. He tilted his head towards Jennifer and sighed.

“I'm still alive. Not that it does me much good. I ain't nothing without this ranch. A man has to be able to provide for his family. Looks like I failed.”

Ma shook her head as she scrubbed the tears from her face. “Don't you dare talk like that Edward Matthews. This isn't your fault. It ain't no one's fault but the bank's.”

Jordan cleared his throat. “What's going on?”

Scott pressed a kiss to Julie's head as he pushed her into the leather chair at Pa's desk. He grabbed a crumbled piece of paper off the blotter and brought it to Jordan. His hand shook as he held it out. Jordan ripped it from his hand and scanned the words. Jennifer watched as he looked at her. She could tell from his expression that whatever that single page said, wasn't good.

“The ranch has been foreclosed on. You have thirty days to get out before it's auctioned off.”
Jennifer shook her head. “There has to be something we can do. I have some money saved up. I'll go to the bank and pay on the mortgage.”

Pa groaned. “It won't matter darlin'. I'm too far behind. You won't have enough money to cover my late fees. It's over.”

Jordan rolled his shoulders. “Besides, it's Sunday. The bank isn't open.”

Jennifer frowned. She stood up and walked to Jordan. “Let me see that letter.”

She read through it. “This is weird. It's dated today. If the bank's closed, no one would be there to print this off. And certainly no one would take the time to bring it here.” She looked at Scott. “Who brought this by?”

“We found it sitting on the porch. Someone rang the doorbell. They were gone by the time I answered.”

An uneasy feeling worked it's way up Jennifer's spine. “This is a fake. I'm calling Mr. Andrews.”

Pa struggled to sit up. “Jennifer, I know you're just trying to help, but let it go. There's no point in getting my hopes up. I'm done for.”

He gasped as he clutched at his chest. The paper fluttered to the ground, forgotten as Jennifer rushed to his side. “Pa, don't stress. It's not good for you.”

She put a hand on his fragile shoulder and pushed him to the cushions. “You need to rest. Jordan, I think we need the doctor to come out here.”

Pa shook his head. “I don't need no doctor. I ain't kicking out yet.”

Jordan met Jennifer's eyes for a quick second before he disappeared from the room. Jennifer sighed as she realized Jordan knew the situation was too serious to pay attention to Pa's stubbornness. She kissed her grandfather's head before retrieving the paper and slipping out the door, unnoticed. She raced back into the foyer and took the hall that led to her room. When she had the door closed behind her, she pulled out her cell phone and accessed the internet. She found the number for the bank manager's home and hit connect.

She paced the room as she waited for someone on the other end to answer. Just when she was about to hang up, she heard a breathless greeting.

“Hi, I'd like to speak with Mr. Andrews please.”

“This is he.”

Jennifer mouthed a quick thank you to the ceiling. “Hi, this is Jennifer Matthews. My grandfather Ed, has an account at your bank.”

She heard the man chuckle. “Well now, I heard you'd come home. How are you doing?”

Jennifer sighed. “Not too well. I just learned that my grandfather's having some financial problems. I understand that it's a pretty steep debt, but I'm hoping I can work something out with you. I am willing to pay all the past due amount, as well as a few months in advance. Whatever it takes to make you change your mind about foreclosing on us. This place is Pa's life. I'm worried he won't make it if you take it away.”

The bank manager clicked his tongue. “Of course he feels that way. It's been in his family for generations, just like my bank. That's why I've got to such extreme measures to allow him to keep it.”

Jennifer sighed. She was too late. She should have went to the bank as soon as she got to town. “I understand sir. But I beg you to reconsider your decision to take his livelihood away.”

“Well Miss Jennifer, I agree that his finances have become dire and something does need to change, and soon, but I haven't yet decided to take the ranch away. We just agreed last month that he has until January 1st to catch up with his payments or to work something out, before I have to close him down.”

Jennifer gasped. “Then what about the foreclosure notice he received this morning?”

“Foreclosure notice? Ma'am, I'm afraid I have no idea what you are talking about. I haven't issued any such thing.”

She felt a lead weight pull free of her chest. She breathed a deep breath of freedom. “Thank you sir. You have no idea how much you just did. I will be in tomorrow morning to make a payment to help get the ranch caught up.”

After saying a quick goodbye, Jennifer called Jordan. “I just talked to Mr. Andrews. He said the letter is a forge.”

She heard Jordan cuss. “Damn it. Someone's playing a sick game and I'm getting tired of it.”

“What are we going to do Jordan?”

“I'm on my way back now. The doc's following. When I get there, I'm taking that letter to the lab in Savannah, personally. I want results on fingerprints. Hopefully they'll be able to pull some. I'm going to catch the bastard doing this and make him regret ever learning who the Matthews' were.”

Jennifer dropped to the bed. “Jordan, do you think Allen might have had something to do with this? I find it hard to believe a stranger was able to walk up to the front door without being seen. He's the only one here I don't really trust. And we both know he's been a bit shady since all of these incidents started happening.”

“I don't know but at this point, he's a pretty good suspect. I plan to get his alibi as soon as I bag that letter.”

“I'll see you when you get here.”

She hung up the phone and tossed it on her mattress. After checking her appearance in the bathroom, she headed back to the study to check on her grandfather. She tried to tamp down the guilt that surfaced. Even with him being sick, she’d wasted time to make sure she looked good for Jordan. It wasn't fair for Pa to be pushed to second place in her affections. She cracked the door open and stuck her head around the frame. Pa lay on the couch, his chest rising and falling. His mouth hung open and his hand had fallen off the cushions. She smiled.

Ma noticed her and eased off the floor to come by the door. Jennifer was amazed that the woman moved so easily, despite her age.

“How's he doing?”

“Better. I think he just needs some rest. He'll feel better in a few hours.”

Jennifer nodded. “Jordan's on his way back with the doctor. Ma, I have some good news.”

Ma's white eyebrow rose, disappearing under her bangs. “What is it?”

“The letter wasn't real. We're not going to lose the ranch.”

Her gasp of surprise caused Pa to stir. He mumbled something in his sleep before nodding back off. Ma shot him a quick glance before returning her attention to Jennifer. “How do you know that?”

“I called Mr. Andrews. Jordan plans to check the letter for fingerprints. I think he believes it's from the same person who's been causing so many problems around here.”

“He thinks someone's trying to run us off?”

Jennifer nodded. “I do too. In fact, I'm starting to wonder if Allen might have something to do with it.”

Ma's hand flew to her mouth. “He couldn't. I don't particularly like the man, but I refuse to believe he's a criminal.”

Jennifer patted her grandmother's shoulder. “I know. I don't like it either, but we have to be objective.”

Ma smiled, despite the anguish in her eyes. “Jordan's rubbing off on you.”

“Maybe a little.”

A knock sounded at the door. Jennifer gave Ma a quick kiss before going to answer it. Jordan stood on the porch, his facial expression set. Behind him stood the doctor Jennifer had seen when she'd first gotten to town. She smiled and stepped back to admit both men into the house. She directed the doctor down the hall before turning to face Jordan.

“I can't find Allen. Robert said he didn't come into work today.”

Jennifer frowned. “I haven't been out so I'm not sure if he's been around or not.”

“He's not home either. I tried his cell phone but it's off. His wife and son don't know where he's at.”

Jennifer pursed her lips. “Did you try the bar?”

Jordan shook his head. “No, but maybe I should. I'll swing by before I head out.”

Jennifer touched his arm. “How long will you be gone?”

“A day or two. I still haven't gotten my other test results. I ain't leaving until I have the answers to everything.”

Jennifer sighed. “It's going to be hard not seeing you. I've gotten used to having you around.”
Jordan leaned down and kissed her. “I'll call you tonight after I settle into the hotel.”


Jennifer paced along the porch as she waited to see Jordan's truck. He'd called twenty minutes ago to let her know he was back in town. He'd sounded tired, and frustrated. Not that she blamed him. The lab hadn't delivered answers, as he'd hoped. No useable fingerprints had been retrieved from the false note left on the doorstep. She spotted dirt stirring as the green vehicle turned onto the driveway. Butterflies began to flap inside her stomach as she realized how fast he was approaching. She wrung her hands together. Please don't let him be such a hurry because he has bad news.

She walked down the steps as Jordan braked to a stop and threw his door open. He rounded the hood of the truck. Her breath caught in her chest. She'd missed him too much for her own comfort. Three days without him had been far too long. It worried her how much he'd come to mean to her, in such a short time. He smiled as he walked towards her.

“You're a sight for sore eyes.”

She grinned back. “How was your trip?”

He pulled her into his arms. “Too damn long.”

Jordan's mouth found hers. He feasted on her lips like a man starved. She met his eagerness with elation. Minutes later, they tore apart, both panting for breath.

“God I missed you.”

Jennifer reached up and traced the lines of exhaustion bracketing his eyes. “Same here. I'm glad you're back.”

He buried his face against her hair. “Next time, I'm sending someone else. I can't stand not seeing you every day.”

His words tugged at her heart. She'd felt the same way, but didn't dare believe he'd
reciprocate. He loved his job. He was good at it. She never thought she'd hear him be willing to put her first. She had to wonder if that meant he'd be understanding when she revealed her secret. One of these days, she'd get around to it. Right now, she just wanted to enjoy being with him.

“Chloe's been waiting all day. She fixed lunch by herself. Said she wanted to welcome you home properly.”

He groaned. “I guess that means I'll have to wait until later to get my welcoming present from you.”

Jennifer leaned back in his arms and gave him an innocent look. “I didn't buy you anything. I didn't think you'd expect something like that.”

He jerked her back against him and rubbed his hips against her. She felt his erection pulsing against her stomach.

“That's not what I meant, and you know it.”

She smiled. “I know. But it's fun to tease you.”

He leaned down and nipped her ear. “Tonight, I'm going to show you just how dangerous it is to play with fire.”

The door banged open before Jennifer had a chance to respond. Footsteps pounded on the porch before dust stirred around them. Chloe barreled into them and shoved Jennifer out of the way. She threw her arms around Jordan and squeezed. Jordan looked at Jennifer in surprise as he returned Chloe's embrace.

“I'm so glad you're back.”

He lifted the teenager off the ground and spun her around. “Me too. I can't believe how much I missed you and your mom.”

As he sit her on the ground, she held onto his arms and stared up at him, her mouth open in surprise. “You missed me?”

He tweaked her nose. “Of course. It was too quiet without your jabbering.”

She swatted him on the chest. “Come inside. I have a surprise for you.”

He let her lead him into the kitchen. She pushed him into a chair and tapped her foot as she waited for Jennifer.

“Come on Momma. Everyone's waiting.”

Jennifer laughed as she took a seat next to Jordan. “I'm here.”

Chloe started to wring her hands as she looked from Jordan to the stove, where various pots simmered. The room smelt wonderful and Jennifer's stomach rumbled. She frowned at Chloe's sudden attack of nerves. She knew she was a good cook, so it couldn’t be that.

“Jordan, I hope you don't mind, but I had Ma call your mom to find out your favorite foods.”

Jordan groaned. “From the number of dishes over there, I'm guessing you cooked every one of them. I'm going to gain ten pounds before I get out of here.” He pointed a finger at Chloe and winked. “You better still like me when I'm fat.”

Chloe smiled but didn't move from her spot at his side.

“You planning to make me beg sweetheart? Cause I will. I've been eating mystery meat for the last few days. I'm ready for some real food.”

Chloe gasped as she ran to the stove. “I'm so sorry! I'm just nervous. I hope I didn’t cross a line or something with your mom. Ma didn't say anything about who I was, or that you're dating Mom. So you don't have to worry about that.”

Jordan grabbed Chloe's arm as she put down a casserole dish. “I wouldn't have cared if Ma did tell her. I'm lucky to have y'all in my life and I can't wait for my mom to meet my new little girl. She's going to love you. She always adored Jennifer. She's going to be thrilled.”

Jennifer watched Chloe blink away tears. She had to fight away the burning in her own eyes. She studied everyone sitting at the table with them. Ma and Julie looked a bit sappy too. Pa and Scott shared a satisfied smirk, as if Jordan had passed a secret test. Not that Jennifer was surprised. He was the perfect man. Chloe cleared her throat an Jennifer looked back at her.

“Me and Mom are the lucky ones Jordan.”

She sniffled as she went back to the stove and grabbed another dish. After setting down seven different items, she removed the lids. Jordan leaned over the table and took a deep sniff. He sighed as he glanced at the ceiling.

“I think I died and went to Heaven.”

Chloe giggled as she took her spot on the other side of Jordan. “I hope everything tastes okay. Miss Betsy tried everything and said it was good, but it may not be up to your standards.”

Jordan scooped up a big serving of skin-on mashed potatoes and added them to the pile of food on his plate. “I'm not a picky eater, so just about anything works. But I've heard from everyone how great your cooking is so I'm sure it'll be wonderful.”

Jennifer shook her head as she added a small helping of potatoes to her own plate. Jordan seemed to always know the perfect answer when it came to Chloe. He's the same with you too.

The door to the laundry room swung open and Richard walked in. He glanced around the table.

“Sorry to interrupt folks. Pa, Scott, can I talk to y'all a minute?”

Jennifer watched in concern as the two men rose from the table and stepped across the kitchen. Their quiet whispers caused the hair on the back of Jennifer's neck to stand up. She frowned as the men came back to the table.

“Everything okay dear?”

Pa looked at Ma, his mouth pinched. He rubbed the bridge of his nose with his thumb and index finger. “Yeah. A few of the horses have colic.”

Chloe frowned. “Momma, didn't you say I had that when I was a baby?”

Jennifer nodded. “Yeah. You were miserable. So was I. I didn't get a full night's sleep for months.”

Chloe looked at Pa. “What's it mean when a horse gets it?”

“Their digestive system isn't working right. It can be dangerous. The hands will have to stop doing their regular jobs to walk the horses around. It's going to be a long day.”

“Then why are we sitting here? We need to get out there and help them so they can finish their jobs.”

Pa waved his hand. “Sit Chloe. Let's finish the meal then we'll go out. You worked your behind off. Ain't no point in wasting it.”

“I can put it in the refrigerator.”

He shook his head. “No. It'll be okay. Everyone eat.”

The meal passed in silence as everyone hurried to clear their plates. Jordan stood up and carried his empty plate to the sink. He leaned against the counter and looked at Chloe.

“Darlin' that was amazing. Don't repeat this but it was even better than my momma's. I'd love to have seconds but I want to get outside and see what's happening.”

Chloe brought her half eaten meal over and set it on the island. “I understand. I can't even finish mine. I'll wrap you up a to-go plate later. Let's go.”

After the door shut behind the two, Ma laughed. “That girl sure has changed since y'all got here.”

Jennifer nodded in agreement. “She seems happy.”

“Do you still think moving here was a mistake?”

She looked out the kitchen window and saw Chloe jogging towards the barn. She shook her head. “No. It was the right move.”

“And Jordan?”

“He was the right choice too.”

Ma bobbed her head in agreement. “Chloe's not the only one happy, you know.”

Jennifer tried to smile. The nerves twisting her stomach prevented it. “I know. I'll be better when we figure out what's going on around here. I think I'm going to run into town. Do y'all need anything?”

Pa stood up and started to pick up his plate. Ma took the dish from him and carried it to the sink, along with her own.

“Will you stop by the vet's office and ask him to swing by?”

“Sure. I'll take off after I help clean up.”

Julie started collecting the remaining food. “We got this sweetheart. Go ahead and run your errands.”

“You sure?”

Julie nodded as she put a serving bowl of green beans and a platter of rolls on the island.

Jennifer grabbed her purse from her room and headed outside to find Jordan. He had Cruiser, a seven year old black and white gelding, walking around the corral. The horse planted his feet in the dirt and snorted at Jordan. He patted the horse's head before tugging him into a trot. Chloe growled in frustration as she tried to get a mare to move.

She huffed as she looked at her mom. “She's being pig-headed. Maybe we should change her name to Jennifer.”

Jennifer laughed. “Or Chloe, since you're more stubborn than me.”

Chloe winked. “I get it honest.”

The horse tossed her head back before she started moving. Jennifer walked up to Jordan and met his pace. “I'm going to run into town real quick.”

Jordan raised his eyebrow. “Everything okay?”

She nodded. “All of these problems around here are starting to worry me. I'm going by the insurance agency to take out a policy on the ranch.”

“That's a good idea. It might help Pa out by not having to pay for all these set backs out of pocket.”

“That's what I was thinking. And I got to stop by the vet's office to ask him to come out here.”

Cruiser stalled again. Jordan sighed. “Looks like we might need him. I suspect it's going to be a long day.”

Jennifer patted the horse before clucking her tongue and walking a short ways ahead of him. He snorted and followed her as she rounded the fence. “What do you think caused the colic?”

Jordan shrugged. “The feed might have went bad.”

“I'll pick up some more.”

Jordan gave her a quick kiss. “Be careful.”

Jennifer smiled. “It's only a few miles. I doubt anything's going to happen.”
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