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Rated: 18+ · Book · Romance/Love · #1912061
Jennifer comes home to Georgia, divorced. The last thing she expects is loving again.
#771029 added January 9, 2013 at 1:11pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 28
The throbbing in her head woke Jennifer. She opened her gritty eyes and flinched. Bright fluorescent lights reflected off sterile white surfaces. She heard the beeping of a machine to her left. She cracked one eye open. A neon green line made mountains on a black screen. She felt a pinch on her hand and looked down. An IV had been taped to the top of her right wrist. She groaned as she tried to sit up.

“Hey, take it easy.”

Jennifer sighed as she searched for Jordan. His soft voice had a soothing effect.

“What happened?”

“You had an accident.”

Jennifer tried to remember. She recalled a car running her off the road. She'd been on her way to town for something.

“Oh God. Where's Chloe and Ma?”

“Your grandmother's downstairs. They're discharging her now. Scott's taking her back to
the ranch.”

Jennifer's hand shook as she reached out to Jordan. “Is she okay?”

He nodded as he scratched his bearded jaw. “She has a bump on the head and a sprained shoulder. They kept her for a few hours for observation.”

“What about me? When can I leave?”

Jordan rolled his shoulders. “Tomorrow morning. The air bag malfunctioned as it came out. The doctor ordered an x-ray on your chest to make sure no damage was done when you hit the steering wheel. You suffered a minor concussion.”

That explained the drums beating in her head. She touched her aching face. Her nose was tender and her jaw felt sore.

“Did I break my nose?”

He laughed. “Worried I might not find you attractive?”

She smiled. “Not at all. Hopefully you love me for more than a perfect nose.”

Jordan took her hand in his and kissed it. “It's bruised. The doctor said you'll probably end up with a black eye in a few days.” He took a deep breath. “Jennifer, what the hell were you doing? A passing car said you were speeding.”

Jennifer frowned. She winced as pain exploded behind her eyes. She collapsed against the pillow. “I don't remember. I was coming to town for something. Didn't Ma or Chloe tell you anything?”

His silence caused unease to creep up her spine. She forced her eyes open and studied Jordan. He was keeping something from her. She could tell by the pulse beating in his clenched jaw.

“Where's my daughter?”

He remained silent.

“Jordan, where is Chloe?”

He shook his head. “We don't know. There's a crew at the site searching but we haven't found her yet.”

Jennifer's eyes burned as tears formed. “How long ago did I wreck?”

“Seven hours.”

Jennifer pressed a hand to her chest. It felt tight, like a steel band had clamped over it. She tried to push the covers off of her. “I have to get out of here. I need to find Chloe.”

Jordan stood up and pushed her down. The mattress molded to her body. She struggled against him.

“You have to stay in here until the doctor releases you.”

Her head thrashed back and forth. “No. I want my daughter.”

He brushed a kiss to her forehead. “I know baby. We're doing all we can. I wanted to be here when you woke up, so I could be the one who told you. I'm going back out there soon. I won't stop until she's home safe.”

The events leading up to her hospitalization came rushing back. She stared at Jordan, wide-eyed. “Oh God. He has her. He'll kill her. Jordan, you have to do something, quick.”

She saw Jordan frown. “Do you think this was Rick?”

“No. It's Jean. Jean Prescott. He's the man who's tormenting us. You have to stop him.”

Jordan sat on the edge of the bed. “Jennifer, slow down. You're not making any sense.
Who is Jean Prescott?”

“He's the man who killed my father. He wants his money. I have to go get it for him. He won't stop until he has it.”

She knew she sounded hysterical. Jordan stared at her like she had two heads. With a sinking heart, she remembered he didn't know the truth about her dad. She took deep breaths and counted to ten.

“My dad was a bank robber. His partner Jean Prescott killed him during a robbery, after they fought about an injured hostage. Jean went to jail and got out three weeks ago. He's here, wanting the money my dad hid.”

Jordan stood up and started to pace the room. “Why does he think it's here?”

“I guess he thinks my dad hid it somewhere on the ranch.”

Jordan stopped and turned to her. “Do you know where? I can get the money and use it to trade for Chloe.”

Jennifer bit her lip. She knew her next words would change her relationship with Jordan forever. If there was any other way, she would do it. But her daughter meant more to her than a man, even Jordan.

“It's in the bank. A few of them, really.”

She watched Jordan's expression change. He was now back to being the cop, the man who punished anyone who broke the law. “I see. Why do you have it?”

“I found it before I left. No one had told me about my father. I stumbled onto a scrapbook my mom kept. When I realized their betrayal, I took the cash and ran away. I used it to get me through until I was able to provide for myself.”

His eyes narrowed. “So there's money missing?”

She shook her head. “No. I put back every cent I ever spent.”

Jordan resumed his pacing. “How much money, Jennifer?”

“Almost a million dollars.”

His feet stopped moving as he looked at her. “What the hell were you thinking?”

Jennifer tried to shrug. “I needed to get away. I had to make sure I could support myself. Do you know what happens to women who can't find a job? They end up becoming hookers or worse. I refused to live that kind of life.”

“Jennifer, it's been more than fifteen years. Why haven't you turned the money in?”

She rolled her eyes. “You don't know how bad I've wanted to. Every time I passed a cop, or the police station, I wanted to blurt the truth. But I couldn't. I had to think of Chloe. I couldn't leave her alone with Rick.”

“Jennifer, I don't know what you expect me to do with this information.”

She clenched her eyes closed to blot out the pain distorting Jordan's face. “I don't care what happens to me anymore. I know my family will take care of Chloe. Please, just find my daughter.”

Tense silence filled the room. Jordan's footsteps echoed in her mind like a machine gun. The soft click of the door caused the dam to break. Hot tears streaked down her face. She'd just lost the best thing that had ever happened to her. And it was all her fault.
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