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Rated: 18+ · Book · Romance/Love · #1912061
Jennifer comes home to Georgia, divorced. The last thing she expects is loving again.
#771042 added January 9, 2013 at 2:02pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 35
Jennifer jerked awake as the machine next to her head began to beep. She scrubbed at her eyes as she tried to make sense of the jagged green lines bouncing on the black screen.

“Morning sleeping beauty.”

Jennifer's head whipped towards the bed. Jordan was sitting up, a smile stretched across his unshaven face. She breathed a sigh of relief.

“Afternoon Prince Charming. Although you did get more sleep than I did.”

Jordan's face furrowed into a frown. “How long?”

Jennifer wanted to reach out and take his hand, to reassure herself that he was awake and talking. She clenched her fists into the blanket instead. “Almost twenty-four hours. You lost a lot of blood.”

Jordan's hand dipped to the bandage beneath his ribs. He probed the spot then winced.

“What have the doctors said?”

She tried to force a brave smile. “You'll live. The bullet didn't hit anything vital. They were able to extract it without a problem. You should be able to go home in a day or two.”

Jordan rolled his eyes. “They're just trying to get as much money out of me as they can.”

Jennifer glanced back at the screen. She didn't want to talk about that particular subject. That's what caused all their problems to begin with.

“Did anyone retrieve Jean's body?”

She nodded. “Yep, and the case has been closed. Things have been turned around since you went under. Pa used the money we found in the waterfall to pay off the ranch, and he set up a college fund for Chloe. She's thrilled. She's decided she's wanted to become a chef.”

Jordan grinned. “She'll make a good one.”

Jennifer tried to think of something to say. She wanted to apologize, to beg him to forgive her foolishness. And she wanted to tell him about their baby. But she couldn't. Jordan was a good man. If he found out she was pregnant, he would want to do the right thing. As much as she loved him, she knew she couldn't marry him unless it was because he wanted to be with her. She'd settled once. She wouldn't be doing it again.

Jordan called her name. She blinked a few times as she tried to bring him into focus.


“I asked if the doctor checked you out.”

She leaned back in the hard chair. “Yeah. I made them wait until you were in surgery. He said I need some rest, but I'll be fine. There wasn't any permanent damage from my death experience.”

Jordan's body relaxed as he sighed. “I'm glad to hear that.”

He took a deep breath. Jennifer didn't miss the way he grimaced, or the fact that he tried to hide it. She rolled her eyes.

“Look, we need to talk.”

Jennifer stilled. She tried to speak past the lump in her throat. Here it comes. He's going to make sure I understand that we can't be together. She sat up straight. “I think I know what you're going to say. And I understand. I'm not happy about it, but I get where you're coming from. At least I have some good memories to look back on.”

Jordan grabbed her hand and pulled her towards him. She ended up sprawled across his lap.

“Jordan, let me up. I'm going to hurt you.”

He clamped his arms around her. “It'll be fine if you just be still.”

Jennifer froze. She tossed her head, trying to get the hair out of her face so she could see Jordan better. “What are you doing?”

He smiled. “Making sure I have your undivided attention. I have something to say, and I want to make sure you hear every word of it. I'm sorry I acted like an asshole. I never should have ended things with you because of something you did when you were a kid. You were scared and did what you thought was best. I'm a fool. Can you ever forgive me?”

Jennifer nodded. She held her breath, wondering if that was all he planned to say.

“Jennifer, I love you. I think I have since I was thirteen years old. When I saw you floating in that water, I realized I couldn't live without you. I'll understand if you need some time to think but please give me another chance. I promise I'll spend the rest of my life trying to
make it up to you.”

Tears spilled down her face. She felt like she would burst from joy. Jordan had just given her a second chance. She leaned closer and pressed a kiss to his mouth.

“I love you too Jordan. I always have and I always will. I'll stay with you, but you don't have to make anything up to me. It's all over. We can move forward, without anything blocking our path.”

Jordan squeezed her tighter and pulled her further up his body. His mouth found hers. He devoured her with a hunger Jennifer hoped would never be sated. She responded with greed, loving the way his lips molded to hers, the way his tongue held the unique taste that was just him. When they parted for breath, Jordan groaned.

“Oh God, did I hit your side?”

He clenched his teeth. “It's not the bullet hole that's aching. I can't wait to get out of this damn hospital. We're locking ourselves in a room for at least a week.”

Jennifer frowned, trying to figure out what made him seem so pained. As she shifted her hips, realization hit her. He'd gotten aroused and they couldn't do anything about it. She tried to climb off the bed.

“Stay still, unless you want me to take you right now. I'm sure the nurses aren't interested in a real porn show.”

Jennifer swatted his chest but settled back into his arms. A smile blossomed on her face and she felt like it would never disappear.

“Jordan, I have something to tell you.”

She kept her face buried against his shoulder. She couldn't risk looking into his eyes as she told him her news.


She took a deep breath to steel herself. “I'm pregnant.”

Jordan's hands froze against her back. She felt him draw down into the mattress. She forced herself to look up, to see his expression. He stared at her with wonder.

“I'm going to be a dad?”

A knock at the door brought both of their heads up. Chloe walked in. She gave Jordan a hesitant smile. “I thought you already were. If you wanted to be, I mean.”

Jordan grinned and held out his hand. Chloe ran to them and threw herself on the side of the bed. Her body began to quake as she cried.

“Don't you ever scare me like that again!”

Jordan kissed her forehead. “I won't. I'm so glad I got a second chance with both of my girls.”

Chloe sat up. She wiped the tears off her face as she smiled at Jennifer. “Are you really going to have a baby?”

Jennifer nodded, her hand drifting to her flat stomach. “Is that okay with you?”

Chloe laughed. “I'd love being a big sister. But I will not be a full time babysitter. You're raising your own kid. I'll keep him or her one night a week so y'all can go out and have some fun. And I will fix all our meals. I'm pretty sure I'm a better cook than either of you.”

Jordan shook his head. “Lord, I hope we have a boy. I don't think I can handle any more sassy Matthews women.”

Chloe clapped her hands together as she started to bounce up and down. Jordan groaned, causing Chloe to freeze. She gave him an apologetic look.

“Sorry. I just remembered that you don't know.”

Jennifer raised an eyebrow. “Know what?”

Chloe beamed. “I found Grandpa's money. It was hidden in your old doll house in the attic.”

Jennifer frowned. She recalled the house, but she hadn't wanted to play with it after her dad died. Pa put it up there and she hadn't thought about it since. “What did you do with it?”

Chloe rolled her eyes. “I turned it in to the cops. Craig took it. What else would I do with money that wasn't mine?”

Jennifer leaned forward and kissed her daughter on the cheek. “You are incredible. I'm so lucky to have such wonderful people in my life.”
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