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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1677545
"Putting on the Game Face"
#783124 added May 20, 2013 at 10:34pm
Restrictions: None
Asleep at the Switch
In yesterday’s blog I developed a “Best Case” scenario to explain the voids that are being concealed by the Administration. I don’t claim this is exactly what happened but only that this is the best possible spin that could be put on what has been revealed. I am neither a fan nor a detractor of the President and his Administration. As an American I believe that the success of our country requires citizens to support the Chief Executive and the office of the Presidency regardless of whether or not you support his policies or approach to governance.

To understand the scenario I am using in this analysis please read the blog I wrote yesterday. Once you have that in mind you are likely to conclude, “Hey! That wasn’t so bad. If that is close to what happened, why is it such a big deal? What’s so bad about taking a sleeping pill and going to bed after the grueling pace of concurrently being President and campaigning for reelection? “

The reason why the “Engagement Issue” is so important is because The President must be available in minutes in the event or a worst case, scenario. I believe the President was out of the net that night not for minutes but for hours. Here is why I hold that view.

First, if the President had been engaged, as he was in the Situation Room, the night Bin Laden was brought down, does anyone really believe he would have let his Ambassador and the other three Americans die as they screamed for help… and done nothing? Can you imagine him being engaged and doing that? Of course you can’t. It simply isn’t in President Obama’s character to do nothing as twenty-five highly placed and important people standing around, looking to him for a decision. His ego simply would not allow him to look so "Uncool." If for no other reason any sensible person must conclude that he was not engaged that night as events were unfolding by the hour. There are however, other facts that all but confirm this was the case. These are so chilling to the National Command Authority that they are enabling the President to cover up why he was asleep at the switch.

Second imagine a crisis beginning to surface in the Situation room and say the SECDEF or the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff listening and seeing it develop. As I showed yesterday, suppose the President had been informed initially and responded in the best case scenario that was set forth. In this scenario he gave some preliminary guidance and then dropped out of sight. On that fateful night events were happening fast under conditions that were murky at best. By the time the President reappeared the next morning, “The pen had writ and moved on.”

For reasons the public has yet to appreciate Benghazi is a “Sideshow,” and exactly where the President was that night is “Irrelevant.” What is relevant is that in the midst of a developing National Crisis the President dropped out of the loop and the National Command Authority was paralyzed into inactivity. The main act was played out of the world stage as the President was sought and could not be engaged. If you don’t believe a word I’m saying listen closely. In a developing national crisis, when the President can’t be engaged, it is a matter relevant to every American in this great nation. What happened that night reverberated as protocols were set in motion and the readiness posture was heightened. Those who are watching the news are not connecting the dots. The Benghazi and AP Scandal’s are linked and the consequences will be felt long after Benghazi is forgotten.

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