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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1677545
"Putting on the Game Face"
#785253 added June 21, 2013 at 10:55am
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The Cover Up
The Benghazi Cover up is huge. That’s where everything began to unravel for the Current Administration. Some high-speed talent stepped in to manage the fiasco and has done an amazing job keeping a lid on things. It goes without saying that those responsible are not part of the Chicago “Brain Trust.”

I do not question the motives of the Cover Up team. This country is bigger than any single individual. What is being concealed is what happened in the situation room of the White House and Pentagon. Some well intentioned, military and civilians have concluded that the truth cannot be brought to light. Why not? Two reasons spring to mind. First, because the current administration has three years left on its watch and regardless of what anyone might think of our Chief Executive, he has an important role to play in keeping this country safe. So others have reluctantly stepped in to prop him up. Second, it could well be that an unprogrammed readiness test identified deficiencies that have yet to be corrected.

If you read the book “The Amateur” you will understand better how bad things are. It is a chilling inditement on a man in hopelessly over his head and out of touch with the world around him. I think the country needs to know what happened the night of Benghazi. Clearly there are intelligent and honorable men and women, who don’t share my view.

The logs would tell some of what happened and the rest of the story could be gleaned from witnesses. So who are those witnesses? That is the sixty-four thousand dollar question. Not only do they remain unnamed but have been cowered into silence.

That part of the cover up has worked remarkably well, however, there is the ever present threat of a leak, a tool abused by the administration as an instrument of policy that has gotten out of control. The greatest concern of the cover up team now is making sure what happened does not leak out to the press. The huge gap in the whereabouts of the president during the critical period of “Disengagement,” when he talked to the SECDEF and hours later to the Secretary of State are totally unaccounted for.

At this point the central focus of the cover up is Leak Control. Indeed that has been the case for some time. Plugging leaks is the linkage between Benghazi, the Rosen telephone records, the AP telephone records and the the NSA telephone monitoring activities. You can add to the list the most recent hacking of Sheryl Atkinson’s computer at CBS. Remember? She is the only member of the sympathetic press to speak out on Benghazi? Somewhere in a room off the beaten path a question is being asked,

“Hmmm, who would a potential leaker seek out to tell the American People the truth being secreted away? Would it be Rosen, the Associated Press or Sheryl Atkinson?

The common thread is self-evident and the zeal to plug leaks shows the seriousness of what took place that night of infamy. It is driving the train and the tentacles are spreading and bringing to light all manner of revelations that otherwise might never have seen the light of day.

Yesterday I saw President Putin and President Obama seated next to one another at the G8 Summit. The oppressiveness of the tension between the two showed in their body language with unmistakable clarity. If anybody would know what happened that night I suspect it is the Soviet Leader and you can bet he wasn’t “Disengaged.” It was something massive in scope and the consequence goes well beyond sending small arms to Syria. And now our chief executive wants a unilateral reduction in our nuclear arsenal. Fancy that.

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