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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/785351-This-ones-about-dependence
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1939270
A third attempt at this blogging business.
#785351 added June 22, 2013 at 1:37pm
Restrictions: None
This one's about dependence.
BCF PROMPT: "Blog whatever you wish."

Good afternoon, folks. The subject of the email said "Saturday is a free day" (although it was in all caps, and I don't respond well to yelling). I've always wanted to find this type of openness refreshing, but I could never get comfortable inside of it.

See, every day for me is a free day. Besides not factoring in the costs of an upgraded WDC membership (and lets face it, I blew my gift points on a three month extension), it doesn't cost me anything to contribute. Not a red cent (or any other color as well).

I also can argue that I do this for free. Pro bono, I believe, if there were legal reasons for me bangin' away on the ol' QWERTY. It's easy to rationalize that every viewer of this unencrypted smash-up of words and sentences underneath my URL (commonly referred to as "my blog") pays me with their time, but until I can cash that in for a dope Rolex or Nixon, my wrist will continue to be timeless and hope the fingers sprouting from the connected hands keep typing words of the same ilk.

Whew. I love when I come up with phrases like that on sunny summer Saturdays, otherwise known historically as "the day of the week nobody reads".

That said, I have a confession to make (and if I make a confession in my blog but nobody reads it, am I really guilty?). I am prompt-dependent. For real. I've been so conditioned to write under the auspices of the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS and the "Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum that on these Open Mic occasions, I don't even know what to say. Back in the day, I had riffs I could run with...I didn't need the crutch of someone else's sentences to craft diabolical entries that made others wanna strangle their own fingers (or me). But now, in this life and times, it's like a drug. I almost can't function without a daily prompt of some sort. Even a weak one...it's still enough to get into my system and allow me to cause some kind of havoc.

I say this only because it's the second Saturday in a row where the prompts have come later in the afternoon, when I'm used to them arriving well before I've woken up and gotten myself able enough to greet the day. But I'm not complaining...all I'm saying is it's allowed me ample time to contemplate the state of my mind while wondering what might come out of it if I actually had a prompt to play around with. Of course, with that also comes plenty of time to get distracted with wondering how else I'm gonna fill up the rest of the weekend. Do I have enough groceries, dvds, newspapers, etc.? Probably, but I'll concentrate more on that when the pleasant burden I place upon myself of crafting another entry has been sated.

Where am I coming up with all these words and turns of phrases today, and why can't I during the week (or during official challenge months)?? *Confused*

If I didn't dislike having to create prompts (or secretly loathe myself for relying solely upon them to spark my muse), I woulda had one posted the minute I logged in this afternoon. But I'm too lazy to care. It's like a struggle in my head sometimes...sure, complain that there's no prompt to write about because you're so damn stuck on "needing one", but you can't make one up for yourself. It's like bitching about how broke you are, but you're too sedentary to go looking for a job. Funny how hypocrisy permeates even the most trifling aspects of life occasionally, as well as the more obvious situations.

And at the risk of blathering on and on about pretty much nothing, a la any episode of Seinfeld, I'm gonna round up my horses and head them back into the stable for the rest of the weekend.

30DBC PROMPT: Attempt at refreshing #16...still no prompt for Saturday.


*Guitar* The weird thing about this song/video is there isn't an official video for this song (at least not that I know of). Some non-English speaking person took clips of different videos by this band and spliced them all together digitally. I think it's crap, but I've always liked this song. *Dog2*


*Pencil* Still nothing today in the 30DBC. Yes, I guess I have a problem.

6:1 Ratio of hair clips to ponytail holders in the dreadlocks experiment. I understand it to be a slow process and I may not entirely be doing it right. It's having its moments though.

And with that I'm throwing in the towel on today. It's too nice outside, the crazy hippies who protest on the corner outside of my building on Saturday mornings are making their way inside, I'm getting hungry and bored, and there's no 30DBC prompt as of 1:31pm my time, with no thanks to me. Peace, it's a problem around here, and GOODNIGHT NOW!!

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