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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1677545
"Putting on the Game Face"
#786302 added July 12, 2013 at 7:39am
Restrictions: None
The Struggle
Judge Andrew Napolitano is a contributor for Fox news. He is what I would term a “Constitutional Watchdog.” I don’t agree with everything he has to say but he is an expert on the Constitution.

Where we disagree is that I think we are at war with terrorists and it is appropriate to try them before a Military Tribunal at Guantanamo Bay. He thinks it is better to try them in our Civil Court System, largely I think because he fears the potential for abuse with an offshore capability to circumvent the protections offered by our constitutional framework. Anyone who sees the abuses taking place under the current administration should have sympathy at least for his arguments. Who would want to give the government any more power than it already has, particularly the Executive Branch?

Where many Americans don’t agree with the Judge is that he is glad that Mr. Snowdon made the NSA revelations. He doesn’t go into Snowdon’s motives, which he sees as irrelevant. Again, Judge Napolitano sees these programs as infringing on the constitutional rights of all Americans. He isn’t as concerned about a few terrorists as he is about the assault that is taking place on the fabric of our social structure.

Our founding fathers were pretty astute. They knew that putting too much power in the hands of a chief executive was a bad thing. They knew that the law was an important, albeit a rather low standard of human conduct. They set the Supreme Court with watching over the law as it related to our system of government. Then there were the two legislative branches that traditionally worked well, one representing the HAVES and the other the HAVE NOTS. Then they separated church and state because they knew all about religious zealots and persecution. Still, they saw the importance of the morals contained in Christian ethics as laudable standards of conduct that everyone should try and live up to. What should concern all Americans is that when a political party starts mucking around with the Constitution citizens must cry HOLD! As much as the socialists and intellectual elite want to scrap the structure of our society, citizens must cry out ENOUGH! We do not want European Socialism in the United States of America.

Fortunately we have a reprieve. It is not the result of the Tea Party or the Republicans but rather the ineptitude of the Democrats. They pooped in their mess kit and the smell could no longer be ignored. The cruise ship of our current administration is dead in the water. The onslaught on our civil liberties and the fire that has burned out of control for the past five years is temporarily contained. The effort to reshape the Constitution with some new form of socialism has come to a temporary halt. If the current administration succeeds in wrecking the economy it could take on a new life but for now the ship of state is dead in the water.

Yesterday I saw our chief executive, feet propped against the edge of a conference table trying to look “Presidential” as he gathered his top advisors to debate what to do about Egypt. The image of those seated in the room is still etched in my mind. As he postured and tried to look “Cool” I got the distinct feeling that he was “Creeping” everybody out. Familiarity breeds contempt and the true character of "The Amateur" must have been transparent to those seated about the room. Close to the stage the facade no longer fools anybody and makes the puppets fretful.

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