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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/788842-This-ones-about-that-not-so-ordinary-feeling
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1939270
A third attempt at this blogging business.
#788842 added August 14, 2013 at 3:00am
Restrictions: None
This one's about that not-so-ordinary feeling.
BCF PROMPT: "Write about an ordinary day or days."

Why hello, kind readers. A good late evening to you all. I had no idea it was even after 11pm until this entry decided to reset itself about three paragraphs in, which I suppose isn't bad but I probably should've seen it coming given the luck I've had with computers lately. Thankfully, I hadn't yet typed anything important (but then again, everything is important when you're not sure if you're on the verge of typing the next worst story in the history of bad stories).

I think what I had said before this page auto-refreshed itself into a blank box was something along the lines of "I'll take the easy way out and tell you that this is pretty much a normal day:..." and then went BAM!! with the brackets and numbers to produce what you'll see on your screen as "This one's about the blogger's day..

And while that's all well and good, or was all well and good for the time period it was written in ( *Laugh* listen to me...like my blogging should be broken down into geological eras like the Ice Age, the Stone Age, and the Gel/Mousse/Blow Dryer age or something), unfortunately not every day can be classified by categories like "an ordinary day-slash-plural of "days" (and yes, I see what I did there...sometimes I like to make things seem a little more complex than they really are. That's how we challenge ourselves around here.). In fact, I'm going to go as far as to suggest that there is no such thing anymore as what you people claim to be "an ordinary day".

Yup. I said it. Why continue trying to pound a square peg into a round hole? An ordinary day isn't happening for me. Life's too short to keep doing the same thing all the time, even if we really are the creatures of habit science and infomercials will lead you to believe we are (and hell, I don't need the late Billy Mays http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gb9vOp7wCqQ to tell me that; I already know I that I need some semblance of a routine just to fall off a toilet). I guess sometimes I need one day every now and then to get me out of whatever rut I've driven myself into...whether that rut is me falling asleep at odd hours, or showering at night versus showering in the morning, or even quirkier habits like eating my vegetables first during a meal instead of the potato products or listening to music instead of watching dvds before I pretend like I'm gonna get any sleep. As much as I feel like I need the comfort of being set in certain schedules and doing things out of muscle memory and repetition, I often catch myself sabotaging those very same principles of a well-organized lifestyle.

This is the point in any given entry where I'd normally throw in a joke off-handedly about whatever it is I'm talking about...sadly though, I'm not kidding. I have an unnatural (or is it natural, in this context *Confused* ) tendency to royally screw up plans, plots and schedules on the basis of them being "too normal". Go figure. Then I wonder what the hell I just did...about 5.87 and a half moments too late (and I'll tell you what that means once a "moment" is scientifically broken down into a measurable statistic for me...kthanx). Like I don't know that I just ruined everything.

So yeah, ummmm, that's, like, a normal day around here...just, uhhh, wonderin' what I did but knowing full well what I did, and, uhhhh, wrecking things just 'cuz I can, and that's what I do. 'Cuz the damaged circle of life doesn't just break itself, people. You don't need me or any kind of science or math or a compass (nautical, directional, or one of those ones with the super crazy sharp point on one end and a cheap pencil on the other end they always made your parents buy for you at the beginning of the school year but you only used it for maybe a week out of the entire year until you broke or lost all your other pencils, and then that pencil saved your ass...you choose). The only thing I can count on like clockwork is that I can't really count on anything. And that's really not as bad as it sounds.


*Buttonplay* I'm a wealth of musical information lately (more on that later)...but I'll be damned if I can remember what video corresponds to whatever song I'm thinking of...and today's choice isn't really about the song, but the video presentation. *Gold*

*Burstbl* Fun Fact! I wear the same pair of Adidas sneakers that the red-shirted Moby wears in this video, only mine have black shoelaces and they're knotted so I don't have to untie them...they just slip on and off comfortably.


4: Days I'm going on with actual internet access at home, which is unprecedented in the place I'm living.

*Cd* Given the use of the internet, I'm still not even halfway through uploading all of my music collection to iTunes. But I'm finding cds I forgot I had, which is always a plus.

*Glasses* I've also been doing something crazy that I haven't done in ages on WDC...I've gone on an extended reviewing binge. I've probably rate/review'd around 50 items in the last two days. I know, to some of you crazy power reviewers out there in the mix, that seems like nothin'. But check my stats...50 is about a quarter of the amount of stuff I've reviewed total in the last 12 years. Or, as some in the industry would call it, bad form. Whatever industry that is.

*Pointright* Speaking of bad form, see that finger-pointin' emoticon? It (and the subsequent three fingers that would normally be pointing back at me) is pointed at you, bloggers who may be reading this. Remember "The Blog Board? Can we please start using that again? I went to use it the other day, and no, it's not broken. I just wasn't allowed to post my latest (at the time) entry to it because, oh yeah, I already had reached the limit of three entries on the board per person at a time, and they were all from months ago. No kidding. C'mon y'all...the bloggers of WDC fought and scraped and waged war with the powers that be just to get that created, and now we all look silly 'cuz nobody apparently wants to shout out their own new creations. All the strides blogging has made in this generation...(annnnnnd there I am, goin' off like I'm the Malcolm X of internet journaling, preachin' about the struggles we've faced as bloggers...terrible form). It's about time we start gettin' our names rotated there on the regular, people...there, and on the "Blogging Bliss Newsletter Forum. Y'all have the power, so go on and exercise it!

*Eat* And in case you forgot, I like my yogurt this way, yo:

Just the way I like it...

Well, that's gonna wrap things up for me tonight. Again, I'm way up past my bedtime. But it's all good...it keeps the days (and nights) interesting. Now to figure out how to spend the rest of my waking time! Peace, I'm here to tell you about...GOODNIGHT NOW!!

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