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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/788885-This-ones-about-life-among-the-seven-days
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1939270
A third attempt at this blogging business.
#788885 added August 14, 2013 at 8:13pm
Restrictions: None
This one's about life among the seven days.
BCF PROMPT: "Describe each day of the week as if it was a person."

Good afternoon, folks. I've had more than enough time to consider today's prompt, which means if I haven't been able to think of anything good by now, chances are nothing good's gonna come out of it. That being said, I'm just gonna let my fingers fly and see what happens.

Sweet-n-Sour Sandy Sunday: Oh, she looks cute, no doubt. Sure, she's part of the that glamorous duo, The Weekenders, but don't let her sugar-coated charm fool you. She'll fill you with the last bits of hope you have and get you in the sack and before you know it, she's gone, along with your money, your dignity, and your freedom. All you're left with is a week filled with responsibilities you wish you weren't adult enough to have.

Meek Monty Monday: Monty's that guy you see everywhere that people want to avoid but can't seem to escape...and once he starts talking, you can't shut him up. He's the only person capable of making you miss Sandy Sunday, because all he does is go on and on about how great she was, and how the next time he sees her it'll be even more awesome. But you know better. He's dying (if not already dead) inside. Part of him has spent the last two days dreading he'll have to live them down today...if he's lucky enough that anyone will actually approach him first about them, where the truth will come out that he did nothing on his days off but dress up his cats and parade them around his living room.

Tony Toni Tone Tuesday: He...she...it...whatever. You can't tell. You just don't know what you're gonna get; you just hope it's something close to normal. And after a few minutes of settling in, you're fine. You're relaxed. You look around, and everything is just about the way it should be, and it feels good. Why? It's all because Tony Toni Tone has done it again. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jfoxsfhi-kk

Wednesday Waterslider: She comes on to you like a rush...like you've been climbing a staircase all week to get to the top, and now it's all downhill from here. Suddenly you're refreshed by the idea that a week no longer seems like seven days, and your math tells you that it's only two more sleeps until the weekend. She's also the feel-good friend that everybody likes and hopes they get a chance to mingle with at the party, but you never see her there. Oh sure, people claim they've seen her out at the club, but you've never seen her...you can't even verify she exists outside of your workplace.

Trusty (or is it Tipsy?) Tristan Thursday: He's a cold, tall glass of shutthefuckupandlet'sdothis!! when you know damn well you can wait another day and enjoy yourself a little more. But "no" doesn't show up in his dictionary, on his phone, or anywhere near his lifestyle. He's like the polar opposite of Wednesday...where she's mystique, he's mythical; she's elegant and he's elegantly wasted. He's the straw that stirs the drink...and if you leave yours unattended his tongue will stir that as well. 'Cuz that's how he got through college, so he says.

Fabulous Frenchie Friday: She's the female version of Tristan, only done appropriately and tastefully (on the surface at least), and she's workplace friendly also. Her Facebook status posts on Fridays typically revolve around some kind of picture with cats, dogs, or lemurs under variations of the saying "Thank God It's Friday!" You either love her for her outgoing personality or hate her because she's obnoxious, yet when you're both drunk she's the bestest friend ev-ahhhhh!! Which makes it completely ok if you "accidentally" wake up next to her after a long night of partying. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wislPX3I0f0

Sassy Stella Saturday: By the time you've remembered Stella, she's halfway into taking control of your time off. As the other half of the dangerous Weekender twins, she'll have you believing you'll live forever while she's slowly draining you of your very existence. Her and Sandy are known for running some of the biggest bait-and-switch scams in all of history- but not for each other. They'll make you think you're leaving the bar at closing time with Wednesday (who was never there in the first place), and throw you in a cab with Tony Toni Tone Tuesday. And just before you figure out you should be objecting, you realize you don't care, and you're just glad you survived another week with these people...until Sandy calls up early the next afternoon and starts playin' with your head again.

I don't claim to know or want to know any of these people, y'all. I just come in, do my job, try not to give anyone a reason to say shit about me, go home and do my thang. But that doesn't mean some of you don't know who I'm talkin' about...we just recognize them through different masks, that's all.


*Plane* No emoticon that looks kinda like a calendar would in emoticon form, huh? Just add it to the list of essential emoticons, I guess. *Castlegr*


*Thumbsupr* Lucky peanut butter purchase of the week: CVS has regular-sized (read: average, I suppose) bags of Reese's products on sale at 2/$7. All they had left in stock was one bag of miniature peanut butter cups and one bag of Reese's Pieces. That's what we refer to in this life as a "win-win" situation.

*Suitspade* I've made mention before how I've sporadically been able to remember my dreams a lot more in the last few years than in times before that, and I'd almost prefer now that I didn't remember them at all. Last night I officially declined an invitation to my high school graduating class' 20th reunion (for various reasons not necessary to merit mention here). I awoke this morning having dreamt that my reunion was a few towns over, and I was a mass-murderer on the run, having cunningly escaped on foot after wreaking chaos amongst the partygoers. I'm tellin' ya, for all the times I complain about how hard it is to fall asleep and stay asleep, it's nights like last night where I wish I didn't have to worry about waking up and wondering if I'm fleeing from a criminal investigation or not. It really scares the hell outta me. (And for the record, I wouldn't even know how to hold or use the weapons I was carrying, nor am I interested in any kind of gun usage.)

*Laugh* Somehow, I still don't think there are enough days in the week.

A guide to remind you on what days sarcasm is acceptable.

And that's the end of our program for today, folks. Might be the closest I've strung two entries together midweek in a long time. That feels kinda noteworthy. Anyway, thanks for droppin' by. Peace, seven days, seven ways, and GOODNIGHT NOW!!

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