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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/789967-This-ones-about-to-be-had-for-a-song
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1939270
A third attempt at this blogging business.
#789967 added August 29, 2013 at 1:23am
Restrictions: None
This one's about to be had for a song.
BCF PROMPT: "You are receiving an award –- either one that already exists, or a new one created just for you. What would the award be, why are you being honored, and what would you say in your acceptance speech?"

Oh my. Hello, dear readers. I had some reservations last night when I saw this prompt. I really thought I was gonna sit this one out, for a few reasons...1) I could go several different ways with this prompt, which is longhand for "I got nothin'"; 2) it's 11pm already, and I want to be up semi-early tomorrow; and 3) I truly believe that a topic like this sounds better off the cuff and from the heart, rather than preparing and fumbling index cards with sweaty palms and sounding like you've written and rewritten your gratitude thousands of times. Plus, I already started writing this once, about an hour ago, and lost it because the internet hates me (and will be receiving no love from me during any kind of awards presentation).

That's not to say that I wasn't thinking of things to talk about when I saw the prompt. I was. Almost immediately a particular song came into my head, which doesn't happen as often as I'd like but it's not enough to actually tip the scales toward posting a blog entry when 90% of me is already leaning the other way and just waiting for that stronger ten percent to take control. So I did what almost anybody in my situation would do.

I checked Facebook. *Rolleyes*

Because that's where we are in society these days! If I want to put off doing something, or I'm trying to convince myself not to do something, I go on Facebook because that's a guaranteed time-waster. There is very little material of value there, yet it's a sinkhole of time. The other day I woke up, checked email, read some news, went on Facebook, started playing Angry Birds, and the next thing I knew it was damn near dinner time. And you know at least once in your life you've lost an entire day to some stupid, meaningless game that has no bearing on your actual life.

Anyway, before I go any further about Facebook, I got to thinking last night about the prompt at hand for today. Sure, I've won awards and stuff in my existence, but I don't believe I've ever been asked to give (or even prepare to give, just in case) an acceptance speech. In fact, the only time in recent memory that I've even been nominated for any kind of award has been during "The Quills seasons the last couple of years...and even then, I wasn't sure of the protocol on what to do if you won (whew...dodged a bullet there, didn't we?). Was one supposed to give an award? How does that even work? I know this past year I was without regular internet access, so I didn't even attend the virtual ceremony.

Here's where I'm gonna pull back the curtain a little bit and let you in on some of the machinations of my, uhhhh, mackin' on these words. Long before I actually shot this entry, "This one's about the video., I'd been sitting on the idea for it. I just didn't know under what circumstances I'd be willing to go through trying to pull it off...as writers, sometimes we're our own best (and worst) marketing guides, and all I knew was I wanted to get the most out of whatever it was I was going to say (and I think I did alright by it being a component of the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS's "Serial" portion of the competition). I was certain though, if I'd won a Quill earlier this year, an acceptance speech in the form of a video entry would've followed shortly after. I don't know exactly what I would've said, but it would've looked similar to the video entry I did back in May, which was completely unscripted, unedited, and only took maybe two or three false-starts where I mangled some words right off the bat.

And if you'll notice, I thank a few people at the end. (Here we go...this is where the entry become less of me thinking about talking about something, and more of me actually talking about it.) Like I said, if I would've won a Quill, I wouldn't have had a speech or anything like that prepared. But could you imagine me trying to film a video using Blackberry Central? Ten minutes of my forehead! I've had that phone for two and a half years and I could barely take a decent selfie with it, let alone try and shoot video of me talking. At least now if I wanted to take video, I've got the built-in webcam. So that's better.

But as I was saying, yeah, I thanked a couple of bloggers at the end of that video, and I'd have a lot more to thank if I were to ever win outright any kind of blogging love. A lot of the people who were in the same blogging scene as I was when I started out aren't around WDC as much (if at all) anymore, but were it not for their encouragement back in the day, I wouldn't be here. We had a nice, tightly knit little community back then. But life happens, things change, blah blah blah.

And like any good acceptance speech, I'm gonna keep this entry short tonight. No need to prattle on or get played off the stage by the band. Oh, speaking of which, yes, the band. When I went on Facebook earlier while I was debating whether or not I was gonna write an entry, I was scrolling through posts when I came across the band whose lyrics instantly came to mind when I saw the prompt last night. As the fates would have it, they actually posted the same song as their "Song Of The Day". I took that to be a sign...not a sign saying I had to write an entry, but a sign to figure out what the fuck I was actually gonna write about. Funny how these things happen sometimes. But I suppose it's better than having a great entry and no music to go along with it. At least that's how I think.


*Ribbony* The lyrics I'd made mention of regarding the prompt? "If and when you get into the end zone, act like you've been there a thousand times before." One of the greatest bands not only in the last thirty years, but also one of the most talented and enduring. That line may speak about how to act in certain situations, but the song itself has a much deeper meaning beyond personal accolades. This is one of the better versions I could find; the sound quality isn't great, but you can find the lyrics here: http://www.thehip.com/albums/index.html?CheckIT=11_121&SongID=121&AlbumID=11&Lyr.... *Angel*


*Clock* Ugh. Midnight, I'm nowhere near tired, and it's gonna be a morning where I'll have to rely on an alarm clock to wake up and take care of a few things tomorrow. The doctor's office anxiety is already kicking in. I often wonder why I just say yes to the first time offered when I make these appointments, without stopping to think..."Hey, maybe first thing in the morning isn't such a great time?"

*Mugy* And I'm assuming that the local college's classes are back in session, because the "downtown" (yes, I'm using quotes because my QWERTY keyboard doesn't come with a sarcastic finger quote key) area sounds a lot noisier than a normal Wednesday night. It sounds like a damn carnival outside.

I think I'll just leave it at that tonight. Not happy, not sad. Not angry, not glad. Just kinda blah. Thanks for reading this...if I were to ever win any kind of award for this, you're the most important people I'd have the privilege of bestowing gratitude upon. Without readers, all anyone who writes anything is doing is simply indulging their own ego just to see what they've typed on their own. Peace, don't change, and GOODNIGHT NOW!!

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