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Rated: 18+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #1951467
part 2 of silver rising
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#790823 added September 7, 2013 at 12:02am
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chapter 4-6
Chapter 4

Being at home was nice; my own bed was so wonderful. Ana had decided to stay on since our family vacation was not so far away, Most of the family were due to arrive today, Dominic and Rift would be arriving tomorrow. I was kind of nervous about Dominic, after all we never really had any kind of closure and I wasn’t sure if either of us would be uncomfortable or if we could just get along nicely. Right about now I was missing the safe cosy feeling I had when Jugs was around. I was starting to miss him and it had only been a week since I came home and the link between us was fading.
Slowly one by one my brothers and sisters arrived. We would be having guests in the hotel this week-end, so we had planned a party with the theme of dark and mysterious. They all seemed so very ex-cited about my promotions, they had never heard of someone so young being promoted so high, that honour was normally saved for those as old as Jugs and Gustavo, due to their age they would be harder to compel. I decided I wasn’t in the mood to be overly social and spent some time exploring still more of my home I hadn’t got around to. This place really was a maze of tunnels and hiding spots. It made me wonder how it could have been here before white man found the country and without any of the Maori’s knowing about it, mind you if any did find it they would have been compelled to not remember. Then I started to wonder how it got built, who were the labourers who craved parts and built the basements and walls. I decided the next night I would go through the secret records in my room and see if it had the answers.
I went to bed just before daylight. When I woke the next night it was about 6 am I went and had a shower. At 7 my phone rang, it was Jugs.
“Hello sexy” I said picking up the phone
“Hello my darling, I really miss you” Jugs replied
“I miss you too Jugs”
“I really want you so bad, right now”
"Oh yea, how bad" I replied with a grin on my face
“I want to tell you the things I would do to you if I was with you”
“And what would you do to me?” I asked acting innocent
“I would lay with you naked, and rub your sweet pussy, according to your desires I would rub it up and down, and in circles, starting slow and finishing fast until you cum a little”
“MM sounds wonderful” I replied
“Then I would lick your pussy, I mean get my face right down on you with my lips on your pussy, and
lick up and down, and in circles licking your juices into my mouth and sucking gently lapping up your cum my hands gripping your ass pushing my face hard into you, and rubbing my tongue on you hard”
“And if I wanted more..... would you give it to me” I said slowly reaching my hand down to my own pussy
“I would give you more of whatever you want my dick is hard, do you want it?”
“Oh god yes” I replied
“I’m finishing my last lick, so I can put my cock in you”
“I want your thick hard cock to slide in to my wet pussy”
“I’m standing up now at full attention”
“Fill me deep baby”
“I’ve been coming a little bit too, I’m still very, very erect and hard I grab my cock with one hand, and hold your leg wider with my other. My throbbing cock meets your wet pussy gladly, and slips in easily since I made sure you were ready and very wet. I gladly fill you deep and thrust slow, and hard
keeping the head of my cock in you, and thrusting deep to the base over and over.”
“I arch up to meet each thrust wrapping legs around your hips to bring you even closer squeezing each time”
“You've got all 8 inches of me deep in you”
“Clenching my throbbing pussy as tight as I can around you”
“I feel your throbbing pussy on my cock, and it makes me cum more, but I’m not ready to fully release yet so I begin to fuck you faster really hitting my pelvis against your pussy. I like the wetness”
“and I love to be fucked hard. I bring you closer to be chest to chest wanting the skin contact raking my nails across your back and ass”
“I begin to feel you wetness running down my legs now Silver. I admire your full bosom as I fuck you as fast and hard as I can, both hands gripping your sides keeping you tight to my cock I like to see your hard nipples, so I kiss them but continue to pound you hard”
“I would arch into you bringing my hands to you head to hold you there for a little bit enjoying the sensations”
“I lick and kiss your tits tracing with my tongue and fangs the faint blue veins I begin sucking on your nipples while still fucking you hard matching the motions after a few more minutes of hard pounding I pause, only so I can take my cock out and lay it on your throbbing clit so that the air dry’s it a bit
while rubbing you on the outside, knowing I’m going to put it in you again soon.”
“Oh Jugs fuck me hard baby”
“Cum runs down from the tip of my cock though, and flows onto your clit glistening
but after it dry’s a little, I put my still hard cock in you again thrusting deep and hard slow to fast
and getting you really wet again, this time I’m ready to cum”
"Needing to finish...I would wrap my legs around your hips...telling you that I want to feel your man-hood explode deep within fill me with your cock claim me body and soul Jugs”
“And that’s all I need to fully cum inside you, with my hips against your pussy lips I feel the burst of semen from my cock inside you and the satisfaction that follows feeling and seeing your finishing burst of light. I hold against you, for a few seconds to finish Cumming as more semen flows and as I slowly draw my cock from you, dripping with cum I kiss you and say "I love you"
“and I would say forever”
“So how are you this evening?” he asked
“Much better now thank you darling” I said going to the bathroom to wash my hands
“So how’s the family?”
“They seem fine, rather excitable, Dom and Rift arrive tonight, no idea why we have this family holiday thing, oh I’m going to look into the time when this place was built, it seems odd to me that it was built before white men arrived, yet no one ever knew of it, and it is so very vast, so much bigger than I ever imagined, there’s tunnels and secret rooms everywhere. I nearly got lost last night.”
“Well I know a lot of compelling went into the building of it, Good thing was my brother had his own little army of labourers, and the locals were pretty easily convinced to help when it was required”
“Well I will find out, I think Lily might even help me, she is such a study bunny.”
“That she is, I do believe she could find information about everything and anything”
“So what are you doing tonight, oh and what time is it there?”
“It’s just gone 2.30 am, I was taking a break from things here tonight and I had to talk to you.”
“I’m glad you did, and by the way you know you took my phone sex virginity?”
“Oh well at least I get you for some firsts, even now” he laughed “Now tell me how much you hated it?”
“I couldn’t lie to you darling, It was the best sex I have had since I got back to New Zealand”
“Oh really, been having a lot of sex then have you?”
“I think that could be the problem, I haven’t had any”
“I don’t mind if you have sex with others, vampires are not known for being monogamous you know” He laughed again
“Yeah but if you’re capable of not having sex without me I’m sure I can do it too, besides there’s no one here I want to fuck”
“I am going to have to go; I will try and ring you again in a couple of days.”
“Ok well I love you Jugs and thank you for calling; I really miss you and your rock hard…” I paused seeing Lily walk in the room. “I have company; I will talk to you later”
“Most defiantly, goodbye my love”
“I am guessing that was Jugs?” Lily said with a knowing smile
“Yup”. I said
“Well Dom and Rift’s plane just landed, seems they have a new large plane, Rift said they had some of your stuff from Kaliningrad with them, and there’s a ship on the way with the rest.” Lily told me “though I am not sure how we are going to smuggle it all in here without the outside world knowing something is up”
“How do we normally get buildings supplies in here?” I asked
“I’m not sure; maybe we should talk to the village elder about it, if anyone knows he should”
“Yup let’s do that now, if he is free of course”
Lily and I wondered down to the little village, it seemed different now, first there seemed to be a few more people, everyone seemed busy with one thing or another, most of the skilled people seemed to be teaching their crafts to people I had never met before. Most who saw me had a wave and a smile. We headed straight for Flynn’s house, all the lights were on and the sounds of laughter were coming from inside. Lily knocked on the door and a plump older woman answered the door.
“Is Flynn available Lady Silver and I would like to chat with him?” Lily asked
“Yes do come in we are just celebrating our new lease on life this place has brought to us” she said
“It is such an honour to finally meet you Lady Silver; I am Susan, Flynn’s wife” She extended her hand and I shook it
“A pleasure to meet you Susan” I said she showed us inside to the lounge area “Flynn dear Lady Sil-ver and Lily have come to see you”
Flynn came running over to where I was standing
“Oh Lady Silver, I want to thank you on behalf of all the residents for your forward thinking, you have really breathed life into this place.” He shook my hand franticly “Come meet some of our new resi-dents” he said going further into the lounge “This is Avanna and Godric they have come to us from Italy, they both work in the hotel when we have guest’s.”
They stood up and shook my hand
“It is delightful to meet you Lady Silver we have heard so much about you.” Avanna said smiling
“Thank you I think” I said “Anyway Flynn I need to talk to you about arranging to get a large amount of stuff in here without exposing us any more to the outside world, how do you get the larger amounts of building supplies in?”
“You want to build something?” he asked
“maybe, has anyone told you I need new storage warehousing that’s secure?”
“Yes my lady we started work on that a while ago now, it is nearly ready maybe another week.”
“Oh cool, well the stuff that needs to go inside it is coming to the country by boat, and I’m not sure how to get it here, do you have any ideas?”
“Yes my lady we can use the private road to the car park area, then send the drivers away, compelled of course and bring them in the large main gate” he said
“We have a main gate?” I asked
“I believe it is where the car dropped you off when you first came back here, we keep the entry well hidden from prying eyes of course.”
“Ok then well when I get the details could you arrange that for me please?” I asked
“Most assuredly my lady, may I ask you a question?”
“Of course you can” I said
“We heard that your family vacation is over the next 2 weeks, we were wondering if we will be having the usual party on the weekend”
“I don’t see why not; just keep in mind though we may have guests in the hotel, so we will have to be a bit careful.” I replied
“Certainly my lady, well we shall continue with our plans then, some in the village will be pleased to get the go ahead, we have all been preparing but not committing to anything, just in case”
“In future Flynn with things like this come to me right away so no one has to half plan things. I want everyone in the village to know they can come to me with anything.”
“Yes well we know this but it takes some getting used to and you have been away a lot” He said
“That is true, but whoever I leave behind will have my number and be able to contact me if anything you judge important comes up” I said “and as the village elder I expect you would know if it was truly important or if it could wait till my return”
“You honour me my lady, such responsibility” he blushed
“I’m sure you can handle it”
“Excuse my intrusion” Susan said “but did we see Lord Dominic arrive earlier?”
“Yes he and Rift arrived just before I came down here; they have some stuff that may need storing.”
“Shouldn’t you be at the castle welcoming them?”
“Probably. But they are big boys now and my home is their home. If they can’t handle it they need to find some big boy panties and pull them up.” This made the room giggle “But I should go, I just want-ed to find out if we can bring all my precious things here safely, thank you Flynn keep up the good work, It was lovely to meet you all. Hopefully we shall see each other again soon.”
Lily and I walked back up to the castle.
“Are you going to be ok with Dominic here?” Lily asked as we walked
“Yeah, as long as he doesn’t try to kill me again we should be sweet”
“It amazes me how casual you are about things sometimes, how do you stay so calm?”
“I have no idea” I laughed
We got to the main door and went in Rift was standing there waiting
“And where the hell have you two been huh?” he said smiling
“Just dealing with some business Rift” I replied going over to give him a welcoming hug “How are you?”
“I am good, but I will say it is nice to be back here, there’s something very relaxing about this place” he hugged Lily and I saw Dom walk in the door from the hallway to the basement
I went over and hugged him
“Welcome back” I said “and how have you been?”
He hugged me as if he was a brother
“I have recovered nicely thank you” he smiled “I am so sorry I put you through so much hell, I have come to realize so much of what I did wasn’t me at all.”
“It’s ok Dom let’s just forget it and move on” I said “Oh while I remember the Villagers want to hold a party in our family’s honour like they always used to, but they weren’t sure if you would be ok with it, I told them to go ahead. I hope that’s ok”
“Yes that is ok, and I think just what we need. When will they be having it?”
“This weekend, we will have a few guests in the hotel this weekend as well so they will be part of the celebration.”
“And how is my sister doing with her businesses?” Dom asked
“Well the hotel is going nicely and so are the clubs in Auckland, I’m going to be asking Irina to come this weekend.”
“And how was that job you had to do in Chicago?”
“It was horrible and yet fun at the same time.”
“So my baby sister got made a judge of the high council.” Dom smiled “I am so proud of you”
“Will Jugs be joining us?” Rift asked
“No he is very busy now, he has been made the leader in Chicago so he has a lot of things to sort out and fix”
“You should ring him and tell him to make some time, after all if you two are together and he is our uncle that makes him family too, and he has just as much right to be here as us for our family holiday” Dominic said
“Well when I talk to him again I will ask him.” I said shocked at how calmly Dominic had said that “I’m going to go get changed I feel like doing a work out. Wanna come beat me up for a while Rift?” I said nudging him with my elbow
“So you’re keeping up with training?” Dom asked
“Yup, no point in slacking off you never know when you will need to fight to save friends and family these days, and I have had a sinking feeling lately that drama is not over and just on hold for a bit, I want to be ready.”
“Wow I am so proud of you Silver” Dom said giving me another hug “If only all our family thought that way” he laughed and headed out the main door, I thought to ask him where he was going but decided not to.
Rift and I were in the gym mostly play fighting and messing around when Dominic and a few others came to watch.
“Hay guys why don’t you all get in on this too, you could use some practise” Rift said looking over at them as I did a flying leap kick to his head. He fell to the ground. “Now that’s not fair missy, I wasn’t paying attention”
“Now you know why you shouldn’t allow yourself to be distracted, bad guys don’t wait for you to be ready” I laughed helping him up. I looked at the others, I noticed Phoenix and Lucius had disap-peared, I listened carefully using my vampire hearing and looked around trying to find their aura’s, I saw them attempting to sneak up on me and Rift, Rift hadn’t noticed and I dodged the pair of them doing a flying kick towards me, they both went over me and collected Rift who went down again. I used my speed and collected both of their legs that were still on the ground taking them out with a round kick
“Oh now that’s just not fair” Rift said lying on the ground “I think it’s time for you guys to pick on Dom, I’m not moving from here”
“Well she got both of us too” Phoenix laughed
We looked over where we had seen Dominic last, he was gone. The three of us were looking around using all our vampiric senses and ability’s to help us try and find him, and he was using his to try and not be seen, I saw a brief glimpse out the corner of my eye of what might have been him dodging between the pillars that held the ceiling up, I carefully manoeuvred myself to be able to take an attack bracing for what I thought would be the obvious angle he could come at me from, I had my back to Lucius, then I heard an “Uff” from behind me as Lucius was taken down, Phoenix and I spun around, we looked at each other and moved back to back, I felt a breeze go past me and reached for the front of it grabbing Dominic by his shirt revelling where he was, Phoenix took advantage of that and used a back hand punch to Dom’s face and spun to face him. I brought my arm up as Dom turned to run the way he had come effectively clothes lining him and he went backwards into Phoenix’s foot on his bum pushing him back towards me. I moved to just get out of the way and watched Dom fall on his face.
He got up and laughed “Well 2 on 1 of course you guys should have beaten me”
“Maybe the 4 of you should try attacking me?” I suggested
“No” Dom said
“Yeah I’m not gunna do that you’ll use your fae power and white light us or something” Rift said laughing
“No” said Dom “She wouldn’t but I don’t think 4 older more experienced vampires on one newish girl is very fair”
“You don’t think I can handle it?” I said looking at Dom
“I don’t want you to get hurt, after all you’re my baby sister, what sort of brother would I be if I agreed to it” He said looking very serious at me
I stood up straight and looked him in the eye
“I can handle it Dom, I’ve learnt a lot since I saw you last”
“How about we just do that another day then?” he smiled at me
“I just had an awesome idea” I suddenly said
“Let’s have a war…no vampire ability’s or fae, just boy’s vs. girls, using” I paused “Laser Tag guns”
“Now that sounds like fun” Rift said jumping up off the floor
“We could incorporate the whole village, and the guests.” I said rushing over to my phone
“We could use like the whole place” Lucius said eyes gleaming
“Yeah but outside, I don’t want people jumping out the way and breaking shit.” I laughed “how about Sunday night?”
“Sounds good to me” Dom said coming over to me smiling “Do like a capture the flag?”
“Yup one team at each end of the grounds, with a flag each and then we can go hard, till a flag is caught”
“We will need a neutral party at each end to verify the win” Dom said
“How do you get neutral in woman vs. men?” Lucius laughed and we all started to laugh.
“I’ll call Flynn see if he’s up for it and what villagers want to join in, we will need equal teams and a male and female judge at each flag.” I started to dial Flynn it went to the answer phone so I left him a message outlining what we were thinking, and realized he was probably sleeping at this hour.
“I’m gunna go hit the showers” I said “have fun boys” I went to my room to have a shower.

“You know, she will catch you at some point looking at her like that” Phoenix said to Dominic after Silver had left the room.
“She won’t” Dominic said “And if any of you say anything about how you think I look at her, or what you suspect my feelings may be, I be forced to silence you do you understand” he said looking at them very seriously.
“So you do still want her then?” Lucius said quietly
“I want her to be happy, and from what I can see, she is plenty happy without me messing it up for my own selfish wants.” Dominic said looking out the window.
“Bro, you need to move on.” Phoenix said putting his arm around Dominic “Sorry to say but her and Jugs are pretty tight, are you sure you want her asking him here?”
“Yeah, I can handle it. I know they are…tight, and I know I need to move on.” Dom smiled at the boys “You guys know how hard it can be for us vampires to let go of something we were so passionate about, but I am working on it”
“Yup all too much” Rift said “And I know how hard this is for you Bro, just remember, he did kind of have her first, and who wants their uncles sloppy seconds” Rift laughed and Dom, Phoenix and Lu-cius joined in

I had a shower and got dressed, then decided to try and call Jugs to ask him if he wanted to come and tell him what Dom had said. It was 3 am here and I had no idea what that would make the time over there, I got Jugs answer phone so I left him a message and asked him to call me at the same time he did today, keeping in touch with vampires on the other side of the world is a pain in the bum with the time zones, so I decided I would go teach myself the time zones so I could work out the best times to ring. I wondered down to the library where shock horror Lily was sitting with Luca and both their noses were in a book. They looked up as I came in.
“Hay Silver how was training?” Lily asked
“Fun” I replied “But then it’s always more fun when you have people to fight with, so what are you guys doing?”
“Just reading some random book Lily pulled out of a shelf, to stop herself opening up those boxes” Luca said nodding over at some boxes “Oh yeah there’s some boxes over there from Kaliningrad we thought you might want to have a nosey before Lily gets carried away and starts cataloguing them.”
“Oh cool, so no idea what’s in them huh?”
“No but I am dying to find out, it’s kind of like Christmas for me” Lily said going over to the first closest box and holding a craft knife for me to start opening them.
I walked over and took the knife from her and opened the first box, Lily’s eyes lit up when she saw there were old books. I picked up one and opened it, it was a diary from before my grandfather’s time, I couldn’t read the writing but Lily had her nose over my shoulder and told me it was Russian and would take some time to interpret so I handed it to her.
“Ok it would seem this one was from before the castle was built, and there was just a small village and an alter” She said after 5 minutes reading
“Cool so you might be able to find out what happened there and started the whole thing with my family protecting that spot?” I asked
“Yeah maybe, if it’s in these books then I will be able to” she smiled “I just love old books that were hand written” I saw Luca roll his eyes
“Just what I always wanted more books for my darling to read” he said almost sarcastically
“I’m sorry Luca darling, I promise though I will make time for you every day.” Lily said putting the book down and going over to kiss him.
“I think I’ll leave you two to it and I’ll go see if I can order a massive amount of laser tag guns for Sunday” I said turning to walk out
“What’s happening on Sunday?” Lily asked
“We are having a laser tag war, girls vs. boys, no special ability’s allowed. I hope you guys can join us.”
“Oh I will for sure” Luca said
“I guess I can too, it might be fun to have a war where no one actually gets hurt” Lily said smiling
“Cool cause I think the men have more than us woman and we will need all the hands we can get “I laughed walking out the door. I went to the hotels reception. There was a girl there I hadn’t seen be-fore.
“Hello” I said
“Oh hello Lady Silver, I’m Kelly, I’m kind of new here.” She stammered
“Yes I can see that, but relax Kelly. I just need to order some stuff online for the weekend.” I said watching her. “Why do we need a receptionist at the moment, its mid-week and we have no guests till the weekend, you should take the time to relax and have some fun.”
“The boss said I had to pay my due’s, and man reception at night no matter wither we have guests or not.”
“Really? what an ass” I said going over to the computer she giggled “Maybe I should actually meet with the manager and have a chat to him, after all I am his boss”
“You haven’t met him yet?” she said puzzled
“No I have had a lot of things going on so I had to leave it to my PA to sort out. Which reminds me I forgot to ring her and ask her to come down for the weekend, would you like to do that for me?”
“Yes I would love to my lady” she said smiling and looking happy that she could actually do something
“And please just call me Silver” I said as she hurried into the office to use the phone.
I found a place that sold what we wanted and ordered enough for 20 people a side. I turned around to see if Kelly was finished and she was standing right behind me.
“Can you make an appointment for me for first thing tomorrow evening to meet your boss please?” I asked her
“Yes I can my…Silver” she replied
“Ok well I have to go and sort some things out, hopefully I will see you later, maybe you can join in the laser tag war we are going to have on the weekend we could use some more woman on our team”
“Oh that would be so much fun” she said seeming to be very excited.
I spent the rest of the evening mucking around and doing stuff all.

I was woken by my phone at 7 pm sharp.
“Hello sexy” I said answering it
“Hello my darling, you rang?” Jugs said
“Yeah, Dominic and the rest of the family would like you to come down here for our family holiday; do you think you can get away?”
“Really, they want me there?”
“Yeah Dominic said himself that you are part of our family and have every right to be here, he really seems ok with us being together now.”
“Well I would love to see you, but I don’t think it will be possible at the moment.”
“Tell Bruno to look after things for you, tell him you don’t want to make me cry” I laughed
“I will see what I can do, but I can’t make any promises Hun, I have to go there’s a small problem with a couple of the Aristi, nothing to bad just some non-compliance. Nothing I can’t handle though.”
“Are you sure you don’t need me there?” I asked
“No my love you stay put, I promise I will try and come down.”
We said our goodbyes and I stayed lounging in my bed for a while

My phone rang again.
“Hello” I said
“Hello lady Silver It’s lord Ivanovich here”
“Hello my lord, what can I do for you today?”
“I understand you are back at your home with your family.”
“Well I am on my way to your place, I have some things I need to discuss with you and Dominic, I should be there later tonight”
“Why what’s wrong?”
“Nothing I can discuss on the phone. I will inform you after I arrive.”
With that he hung up.
I got up and got dressed and went to find the rest of my family. I ran into Rift first.
“Hay Silver did you get a call this morning from Lord Ivanovich?” he asked
“Yeah, any idea what it’s about?”
“Nope I was hoping he might have told you.”
“Nope he didn’t, he just told me he is on his way and would tell us when he gets here.” I said “Oh and I spoke to Jugs he is going to try and come down, but I’m not holding my breath.”
“I guess being a Anarque leader means he’s a bit busy”
“Yeah well he has a bunch of Clique who just want to be all defiant and shit, even though he is now a sheriff for the high council they are still being a pain in the bum”
“Yeah what’s with this high council thing, used to be just the council”
“You’re asking me?” I asked “I’m the noob here remember”
“Maybe some of the council members just got too old to be on the council” he laughed Dom came around the corner
“What’s going on?” He asked
“That’s what we are trying to work out, what do you know about the high council and the clique council separating?” I asked
“All I know is some of the older Vampires got sick of the younger ones bullshit and constantly trying to control the Anarque against the treaty; Lord Ivanovich was made the high council head even though he tried to keep everyone together, the clique want things that the members of the high council think are wrong. I think they are going to try and come out of the coffin so to speak” Dom said
“What do you mean come out of the coffin?” I asked
“Make it publicly known that vampires exist and pretty much own everything. I think it’s a stupid idea but it’s not my choice.” Rift answered
“My god the humans will go nutts, there will be a witch hunt only it will be vampires burnt at the stake” I said
“In saying that it could be a good thing, the humans will finally know where they stand, at the bottom of the food chain.” Dom said
“Do you really think they will be happy about the fact their 1% they are against are actually vampires bleeding their wallets dry as well as their blood banks” I said
“After the way they have treated the world and it’s animals?” Dom said rhetorically “They get what they deserve”
“But it’s the 1% the driving force behind the destruction of the planet, their drive for money is what gets our resource’s taken away every day, is behind striping rain forests, murdering animals to extinc-tion drilling for oil and not paying to clean up the mess they leave behind” I argued
“Well yes I suppose your right there” Dom admitted “But in saying that we all started human.”
“True” I said sadly
“So how long have you been against the 1%” Rift asked
“Since I was human and in the 99%” I laughed
“Well you’re not now, do you still really care about the humans, after all with all your wealth you are now in that 1% bracket” Dom pointed out
“This is true, but no human in my employ gets paid under what they are worth, hell I don’t even pay the minimum wage, I am always at least five dollars over it because I know it’s not liveable”
“Do you think you could do more?” Dom asked
“Yes” I resigned “That’s a good idea I am going to do more with the wealth I never worked for so oth-ers can at least survive.” I started walking towards the office
“So where are you going?”
“To meet the idiot who is managing my staff, then work out how I can further help the human race and not be a typical 1%er” I said

Chapter 5

I went down to the office area; there were a few people around including Kelly who I had meet the night before. I walked over to her.
“So Kelly is he in?”
“Yes Silver, he is waiting for you in his office” she said “And Irina said she would be here on Saturday which is tomorrow”
“Thank you Kelly” I smiled at her and headed into the office of my hotel manager.
There was a chubby man in a suit sitting behind the desk he didn’t even look up when I walked in.
“For crying out loud Kelly I’m busy what do you want now?” he yelled at me
“Excuse me?” I said the chubby guy looked up
“Do you have an appointment, if not get out I am a very busy man?” he said looking back at the pa-perwork
“Actually I am your boss and right now I’m thinking of making some management changes.” I said disgusted with his attitude
He looked up at me with a suspicious look on his face
“You are not the lady who hired me, I’ve never meet you before.” He said
“Well I am Silver Alexandrov and right now I am disgusted by the way you treat potential customers and your staff. I am also Irina’s boss.”
“Miss Irina thinks my Resume speaks for itself, maybe you should look it over I am a top manager and have worked in many of the most exclusive world class resorts.”
“That explains a lot, you’ve worked at many therefore you can’t stick at any, so unreliable can be add-ed to the list of things I have already found to fault you at.”
“Look Miss Silver, I run this place well and you would be hard pushed to find someone else to run it, out here in the middle of nowhere with all the weirdo special effects, and even weirder people. If you fire me your hotel here will go under faster than the titanic”
“I would have to have just reason, I think your blatant disrespect for your employer may just be one, I was hoping to just come have a nice chat and find out more about you and calmly discus your staff and the issues they have, however since you have no time for your boss or your staff, it makes me wonder what it is you’re doing that is so demanding.” I proceeded to try and look at what he was doing on the computer and the paper in front of him; he rapidly tried to hide it.
“Please remove yourself from the office.” I said to him
He shut down the computer and tried to take his papers with him. I grabbed his arm and looked him in the eye.
“Leave everything and go wait outside” I compelled him and he did so
I poked my head out the door to Kelly.
“Can you ask Lily to come here for me please?” I asked her
“Yes silver right away” she said
I went back in and restarted up the computer and started looking at the papers on the desk. Most of it was written in shorthand so I couldn’t understand it. I started going through the files on the computer, there seemed to be a lot of files that did not belong on the office computer. Lily came in.
“You wanted to see me?” she said sitting across the table from me
“Yeah I think my manager is up to something dodgy can you check out these papers and the files on this computer for me.?” I asked her
“Of course I can.” She said smiling and trading places with me
“Do you allow your staff to download porn on the computers?” she said after 2 minutes of looking at the computer.
“Not that I know of.” I said “I know it’s not normal practise for a work computer”
“Well he’s got some porn here. Some of it would probably even disturb Camille” She started looking in the drawers of the desk one of them was locked “Do you have a key for this drawer?”
“No just break it; I can afford to replace it.”
She forced the drawer open we both looked and saw a lot of bundles of cash, a set of books for the hotel. She started looking over them “Can you ask Kelly where the books for the hotel are normally kept?”
I went out and asked Kelly, she told me they were in the office safe. So I went to get them and hand-ed them to Lily.
“Ok from what I can tell he is running two sets of books, these ones show all the money he has se-creted for himself and this one is the one he would show you or Irina or anyone who didn’t know and needed to see them.”
“So he’s been ripping me off?”
“Yup and by the looks of all this paper he was about to go big on your accounts and take a huge chunk of funds off the hotel. He was trying to work out how to make it so no one would actually notice until it was too late. He’s even set himself up a credit card for your hotel account.”
“Oh really?” I said “Well looks like I will have to fire his ass and have him done for fraud.”
“Yup.” She said
“Would you be able to stay here and fix all that?” I asked
“Sure I’d love to” she said smiling
“You are a strange girl Lily“ I laughed and went out to see my about to be ex manager.
The manager was sitting in the reception area I went and sat next to him.
“Do you know what I found in your office?” I asked him
“Office documents and details of the hotel running” he replied
“Yes I did, I also found your second set of books a large amount of cash, and enough evidence to have you tried and convicted in a court of law for fraud and theft.”
He got up and went to run but I grabbed his arm stopping him from going anywhere.
“Where do you think you’re going to run to, the only way out of here is by air?”
“Let go of me” he hissed
“Not till you tell me why you are trying to screw over my business and where you thought you were going to run to?”
“You have no idea what your messing with lady”
“Then why don’t you tell me”
“I’m sorry I don’t have a death wish, you’re so clever you work it out.”
“Look if you were forced to do this by someone then just tell me I will let you go and I will deal with them”
“What’s a prissy bitch like you going to do?”
“You’d be quiet surprised by what I can do and I’m not that prissy” I looked up and Dom and Rift had walked in and were watching.
“Is there a problem Silver dear?” Dom asked
“This guy has been stealing the hotels funds, I have Lily going through his set of books and the hotels books, and the files he has.”
“Would you like us to take him downstairs and interrogate him for you?” Rift asked
“Yeah why not, find out who he’s working for at least” I pushed him over towards Rift and Dom. Dom grabbed him and they led him down to the basement.
“You can’t do this I have rights.” The guy was yelling as they took him away.
I went back into the office to see how Lily was going.
“You know he was setting things up so he could syphon every cent the hotel makes into an over sea’s account.” She said as I walked in.
“Can you undo everything he’s done and work out how much he’s taken already, and how much we recovered from that drawer?”
“Yup” she said “Where is he by the way?”
“Dom and Rift are interrogating him downstairs”
“Oh I might pop down and get some password information then crack this offshore account and see what he’s already got.”
“Ok then well I am going to go into Taupo, I want to check on the offices and see if I have any ap-pointments, it seems strange no one has come to see the boss of this area in the last two weeks, and I am hoping the laser tag equipment has turned up.”
“Ok well I shall sort all this, hopefully I will be done by the time you get back”
I wondered down to the airstrip in time to see one of the choppers getting ready to go out, Phoenix was piloting I waved at him and he motioned for me to hurry, so I ran and jumped in. Ana, Camille, Nix and Lucius were headed into town for some fun and to pick up Irina who was waiting in Taupo.
We got to Taupo and I went straight to my offices, I decided that it might be a good idea to get a helipad on the roof on this building
When I got there I saw a young man waiting outside, I could tell he was someone’s ghoul I went inside and saw a woman arguing with the security about how she had to go and see the boss and the poor security guy trying to explain she wasn’t here and that you have to make an appointment, then he saw me.
“Can I help you?” I offered
“Only if you’re the dam boss around here” she snapped not even looking at me
“Well actually I am, and it is protocol here that you make an appointment.” I replied she spun around
“Why the hell should I make an appointment?”
“It’s very simple I don’t sit here all day and night waiting for people to come, if you make an appoint-ment I can be here within 20 minutes, and it means I can still take care of the more important things in my life.” I explained “Now who are you and why are you in my domain?”
“I am Kristin, the 2nd childe of Lord Ivanovich; I am here to make sure you are ready for his arrival.”
“Well yes we are”
“Good because he hates to be kept wanting” she snapped
“Has he made travel arrangements to get from here to my place?” I asked
“He is taking a helicopter from Auckland direct to your place, he asked me to come here and meet with you and then book a suitable hotel for the night for me and my friend”
“Well then Kristin you best be going and find a hotel, any idea what time he will arrive?”
“Yes. In about an hour”
“I shall make sure I am back by then, good bye Kristin nice to meet you.” I went on to the lift to my office.
When I got there, there were boxes and boxes of unopened supply’s I grabbed the invoice it noted laser tag equipment. I pushed the intercom button for downstairs.
“Could you have someone deliver these boxes in my office to my home please?” I asked the security guy.
“Certainly mam, I can have them on tomorrow’s transport flight”
“Excellent.” I said “Thank you”
I went over to the phone to check my messages.
“You have no new messages” sweet I thought.
I went back downstairs and threw the security guard two fifty dollar notes.
“Keep up the good work” I winked and walked out the door.
I was heading back to the chopper and I realised I had no pilot, I rang Phoenix.
“Yeah was up” he answered
“Eww” I said “How long are you guys going to be, Ivanovich is due at our place in less than an hour?”
“We just meet up with Irina and are on our way to the chopper.”
“Sweet see you soon then” I hung up
We got back to the castle and on the way I filled Irina in on her manager she had hired. She seemed to start blaming herself and apologising a lot.
“It’s ok Irina Hun, we all make mistakes. And it’s not your fault, he made the choice to rip us off and he will pay for it. We just have to start being a bit more careful.”
We got back to my place and got out of the chopper, just in time to see Ivanovich’s chopper coming in to land.
I hung around to greet him the others went up to the castle.
“Lord Ivanovich welcome” I said
“Thank you Silver, and how have you been?”
“Good thank you, and yourself?”
“Fine, now I want to talk to you and Dominic about a couple of things maybe in a couple of hours?”
“Certainly my lord, I’m sure we will be able to accommodate you.”
“Wonderful now I shall go settle into my rooms, oh did you by chance meet Kristin yet?”
“Yes my lord I just got back from town she is finding herself a place to stay, but may I ask why she is not staying here?”
“She’s become irritating to me, but I want her close by. She has skills that will be able to pick up on anyone coming to the town that I want to know about, but I will explain that later.”
“Very well my lord.” I said
He got into the limo that Phoenix had sent down to get him and his entourage, I opted to walk back.
I was sitting in the receiving lounge reading documents Lily had given me pointing out all the money my now ex manager had uplifted and exactly how. Dom and Rift came up from the basement and in to see me.
“Well we found something out” Rift said
“Good. What?” I asked
“He’s been altering the accounts so he can make a run out of the country and leave you broke, he feels you do not deserve you family heritage, so nothing major.” Dom said
“So, no high up vampire agenda in there?” I asked
“Nope, just a common human with a desire to fill his pockets with someone else’s money” Dom said sitting down.
“I guess that’s some kind of relief then” I said
“Yeah but I think we scared the crap out of him, he wants to go to the police and report himself” Rift said laughing
“Well Rift tomorrow evening can you take him to the police station in town and have him arrested; I will get Lily to give you all the evidence they will need.”
“Sure but you know they will want to talk to you as well” Rift said
“Yeah well they will have to wait their turn.” I said looking up to see Lord Ivanovich walking in.
“I always loved the way this place was built, purposeful and elegant.” He said sitting down “How are you three this evening”
“Fine” said Dom
“Good” Ivanovich said “Well now would it be alright if we three had that little chat now?” He looked at me and Dom
“All good I have to go and do some stuff anyway” Rift said rushing out of the room closing the doors behind him to give us privacy.
“Now what do you two know about what happened at Kaliningrad?” he asked
“You mean the demon possessing Dom and trying to kill me? or when we banished it?” I asked
“No before that.”
“Nothing really. Why?” I looked at him
“Well it seems there was a plan, Gustavo wanted to breed with you as we know, but it seems he also had some dealing in the fae world with the dark fae, and though I understand you killed him there as well, I suspect he somehow transferred his spirit to another dark fae.” Ivanovich continued “as some-one or thing tried to break through a portal in my town but didn’t make it through, I have people guarding all the known fae portals and some hunting down others, but I was told you had more than one here is this true?”
“Yes there was one in a cottage down the back of the property, but we closed it and Silver Longflow-ers one, which she said could not be used again” I said
“Could not or would not?” Ivanovich asked very seriously
“I’m pretty sure it was could not.” I said starting to worry
“I will have someone check it out tonight, if it is still usable we will have to keep an eye on it.” He said “could there be any others you may not know of here?”
“Well I guess so.” I said “I can ask around”
“You do that, now I have heard that you wish to give up your titles?” Ivanovich said looking at me with a deadly serious expression. Dom suddenly looked as if he was paying attention and gave me a questioning look
“Yes I am considering it.” I said
“Why?” Ivanovich asked
“Because I never wanted them and I still have no desire to be any kind of leader, I don’t like all the drama”
“Are you sure it’s not just so you can be with Julian?” Dom asked a little blandly
“That is a smaller part of it Dom, mostly I just don’t want the responsibility that comes with the titles of Boss and Judge, I never did. I’m not good at leadership”
“I made you both for a reason and you have proven yourself effectively” Ivanovich said “The Clique council has been divided as you may know, I am now the head of the high council, and keeper of the laws that keep us all safe, the Clique have decided in their stupidity that it is time to come out of the coffin and declare themselves to human’s as allies and friends, they intend to run a global campaign to get vampires the same rights as human’s. they think human’s will be accepting of them, however history shows us human’s only kill what they do not understand and it could be the ruin of all vampires and their years of keeping themselves hidden, and secretly running things behind the scenes. Not only that human’s don’t like to be considered low on the food chain. But I do not want this information leaving this room”
“So what can we do?” Dom asked
“I want your families homes to be a sanctuary’s for vampires if it comes to the worst case scenario. We will have to keep very low profile and most of your families places are out of the way, that is why I needed you here Dom as the head of your family now, it will be your decision.” Ivanovich explained
“I would want to talk to the others about it” He said
“Well you must be the only Vampire family who discuss matters like this with each other, most family heads will make rules and orders and just expect them to be followed” Ivanovich said looking a bit shocked
“We are more like a family than a typical vampire bloodline; we have all been through so much to-gether.” Dom replied with a hint of sadness
“Also it is my understanding that all Bosses are being called to the clique council, Silver I may need you to gleam information when they call you, in any way possible. And they will call you due to your association with the Anarque and myself, however you will be watched with suspicious eyes because of that as well” He said
“And you want me to play nicey nice and kiss ass and suck up?”
“Yes that would be how to play this one, and keep your eyes and ears open” He said smiling
“I’m not sure I am comfortable with Silver doing that for you my Lord, They are old and she is…well she is Silver, and she is my sister.” Dom said
“And she is very capable of taking care of herself. Anyway have your family discussion but I will need an answer soon, before tomorrow evening if possible” Ivanovich said looking a little put out. There was a knock at the door. We all looked at the door and then each other. I got up and opened the door. Angela was there with Rift.
“Sorry Silver are we interrupting?” she whispered I looked to Ivanovich who got up and was right be-hind me giving me a fright.
“Not at all my dear Angela” he said “I shall go to my rooms and make a few calls, I will talk to you both later” he left and I invited Angela and Rift in.
“So what’s up?” I asked her flopping myself back on the couch
“Are we still going to do this laser tag war tomorrow?” she asked
“Yeah I don’t see why not” I said looking at Dom who showed nothing any sign I was doing the wrong thing. Rift smiled
“So its guys vs. girls?” he asked
“Yes guys vs. girls and we need two referees at each flag, one of each sex to make sure it’s all fair” I said still Dom was blank, this began to worry me.
“Well I have found our ref’s, and pretty much everyone is excited about it in town” She said
“Awesome, oh Ang while you’re here, do you know of any portals to the fae world that are here?” I asked
“Aside from that one you shut and Silver’s, nope I can’t think of any.”
“Is there anyone who might know if there are more?” Dom asked
“Tamara, Bob and John, they might know. They seem to have more an infinity with the fae” she said “may I ask why?”
“We just don’t want to be surprised is all” Dom said
“Surprised by what?” Angela asked
“We don’t want any dark fae jumping into our place via a portal we don’t know about, sadly we may have to shut down any portals we find here, including Silver’s” I said
“Oh so they are stirring again then?” she asked
“I have pissed them off a bit by ruining their plans and stuff.” I said
We both laughed but Dominic’s stern look stopped us.
“It’s no laughing matter Silver, they want you and we can’t let them have you, but they will keep trying and they will find ways we cannot conceive of to get to you” he said looking very concerned
“You are right Lord Dominic, I shall go now and ask around see if anyone knows of any other portals around here” Angela said taking off out the door
“Dam, Dom why are you being so serious?” Rift asked
“Because this concerns all of us, I have seen things…” he drifted off
“Dom, Talk to us” I said
“They are preparing for an all-out war on this world, but they need you, well more specifically your blood.” He looked off into the distance “If they get you, they will destroy this world using your blood for their magic.”
“Well then let’s not let them get my blood” I said
“The problem is they will need more than just a drop or two, they planned to hold you prisoner feed you often and drain you just enough to keep you weak” He said
“So it’s kind of like what Gustavo wanted?” Rift asked
“Yeah sort of” Dom replied
“Why is it everyone wants to keep me prisoner and drain my blood?”” I sighed
“Down side of being special I guess” Dom said kind of sullenly
“So how do we stop them, I mean if there are a lot of these portals all over the world eventually they are going to get to me.” I said
“We just have to make sure they can’t take you, defend you if they come, that sort of thing.” Dom said “I would prefer we kept you hidden but Ivanovich seems to think it’s better you’re in the lime light”
“How can it be better?” Rift asked
“This way if anything happens to you, everyone will know and may be able to do something.” Dom replied
“Right so I will be early warning system for the dark fae’s eminent destruction of this world” I said
“Yes” Dom said
“Would he really do that?” I asked
“Yes Silver, he is a very old and very crafty vampire” Dom said
“Maybe we should gather the family and talk about this, see if we can’t make a plan of some sort.” I said with great concern
“I agree” Dom said “Rift can you call everyone here please?”
“Sure” Rift said going back out the door

We all gathered in the receiving room, Dom sat in a chair so it was like he was at the head.
“We need to discuss something’s with you all. First I think it would be a good idea to make sanctuaries of our home like Silver’s, place where anyone can come and stay or live and just be themselves. But I thought I would discuss it with you all first.”
“I think that’s a great idea” Lily said smiling
“So you want us to let in waif’s and strays to our private homes?” Angel said sounding a bit like a snob
“No it would be primarily for vampires, who just want to get away from it all” Dom said trying not to tell them about the cliques ideas
“Oh that wouldn’t be so bad, but why would I want Esabbo invading my home?” Angel replied
“It would not be for them Angel, come on we all like to kill them on sight I’m not wanting to change that” Dom said getting a little impatient
“So why would other vampires need a sanctuary?” Phoenix asked
“Look we have had word something’s going to happen. I can’t discuss that with you but we will need safe places for other vampires to go.” Dom explained carefully
“Is that why Ivanovich is here?” Rift asked
“Partly, however there is a more urgent concern.” Dom said
“Really?” Angel said
“Yes it would seem the dark fae and some demons may be after Silver in a more brutal way, if they succeed you won’t have to worry about our homes at all.” Dom said with a very serious look
No one spoke but they were looking between me and Dom.
“He had an incident with a minor demon breaching a portal in his home country, he stopped them but now he wants every portal to the fae world closed or guarded, I can tell you that I know they will come if they can and they will destroy everything here if they get Silver. I have Angela asking around for any portals we do not know about and I am going to post a guard on Silver Longflowers portal.” He explained “we need to make a ‘what if’ plan so if anything does happen we can deal with it”
“I shall do more research on demons and dark fae then.” Lily said “A lot of the books from Kaliningrad have a lot of information about such things”
“Good” Dom said “Thank you Lily”
“I’ll help Lily” Luca said which was no surprise, since they became a couple they had been joined at the hip
“On that other matter I will need a decision before tomorrow evening, so used tonight to think it over” Dom said “Once Lily and Luca have found the information we need we can make a plan to help keep Silver safe, is that alright with you all”
Everyone nodded and agreed
“I am happy for my place to be used, I am never there anymore anyway” Lily said
“Same with my home in Ireland” Rift said
“I am happy for my place to be used” Ana said
“Yeah I’ll join the bandwagon” Phoenix said
“I will think about it” Camille said looking concerned
Luca and Lucius looked at each other and nodded at Dom
“Our place is good too” Lucius said
“I am with Camille on this one I shall think about it” Angel said
“Oh I have also decided to leave Kaliningrad and destroy it” Dom said “If that is ok with Silver” he looked at me
“I want nothing to do with that place” I said indicating he can do what he wants
“so where will you be based now?” Angel asked
“My home in England will be fine” Dom answered
“And are you going to have your home overrun with stray vamps?” Angel sneered
“Yes I will have my home as a sanctuary Angel” Dom answered Angel looked sulky “There is one oth-er thing I want to discuss.”
“Christ really?” Angel said
“Yes Angel” Dom gave her a stern look “it is about our family leaving the clique”
“You want us to be Anarque?” Phoenix asked
“Yes, I am sick of their bullshit drama and politics. Silver needs to remain clique for now as she has a duty to perform, but once that is done I would like your decisions on this.” Dom explained
“Gustavo never gave us the choice” Camille said
“yeah I know that’s why I am giving you that choice now, if you chose to stay Clique that will be fine we will still stay family and still holiday together” Dom said “I do not want the division that our sire and his brother had”
Everyone in the room agreed we would go Anarque after whatever duty I had to do was over with. Even though Angel and Camille had reservations about waiting they agreed too.
We all filtered out the door and I went up to my room. I kept checking my phone to see if Jugs had called, but he hadn’t.

I went and knocked on Lord Ivanovich’s door. A slender woman with near white hair cut in bob style opened the door.
“jes” she said in a Russian accent
“I was wondering if it was possible to talk to Lord Ivanovich” I asked
“vait here” she closed the door behind her and I waited for a moment before the door opened and she waved me in.
Much to my shock Ragnor was in here as well talking to Ivanovich
“What can I do for you Silver?” Ivanovich asked
“I wanted to talk you about something things, like why did you make me a boss and why a judge and what makes you think the council will call on me and not try to kill me”
“So many questions young one?” Ragnor said
“Well you are the only vampire that was in residence here, and I needed a judge who was not clouded and could not be easily compelled, due to your linage you were the perfect choice. If the council do try to kill you they will be regretful, it will be my staff attending with you and they will keep you safe.” Ivanovich answered
“Oh” I said
“Is there something else bothering you?” he asked
“Yes there is many things bothering me, but most of them are no concern of yours just minor things” I said “Oh I should tell you we have spoken to the family and are just waiting on the answer of Angel and Camille the rest have agreed “
“That is good, maybe I should speak with Angel and Camille” Ivanovich replied
“And Lily and Luca are going over some books on how to deal with…things wanting to kidnap me”
“Good” he said “Ragnor here has agreed to assist as well” he said nodding towards Ragnor
Ragnor nodded at me smiling
“How will it affect things if I were to quit clique and go Anarque?” I asked
“Well you could no longer be Boss; your title would change to leader, like Jugs. But you will make many more enemies; do you think you are ready for that?”
“I think I may need a small army.” I said very concerned
“That can be arranged, I am sure many already here would defend you to the fullest of their ability” Ragnor said and Ivanovich nodded in agreement
“See you have a small army and you did not even know” Ivanovich said “But you will need to expand, with that I may be able to assist you, my childe here can get a list of candidates for you, that have been check out already, you chose who you want and I will have them sent over.”
“Ok” I said still a little concerned “May I ask why you are helping me so much?”
“Yes you may, the answer is simple.” He smiled “You are unique and extremely special, if I was not to help you then maybe one of my enemies would, and there may come a time when I require your spe-cial talents”
“So really the fact is I owe you and one day you will collect” I said
“Yes my dear, everything in this world comes at a price” He smiled “But don’t worry my favour’s will not cost you your life or your blood if I can help it.”
“Well I guess that’s a relief” I said
“have you heard anything about any other portals yet?” he asked me
“No, not yet.” I said
“I may know of one, it has not been used for many years, but I shall check it out before sunrise, if it is still active I shall stay there to guard it, as stone I can block it off as it is very small” Ragnor said
“That is wonderful thank you Ragnor” Ivanovich said “Is there anything else Silver?’
“No I think that’s it.” I said
“Very well then, it is nearly dawn and we all have things to do.” Ivanovich said
“Yes good morning my Lord” I nodded at Ivanovich “Night Ragnor” I waved headed towards the door which the blond woman opened for me, she smiled at me as I passed I nodded to her.

Everyone was buzzing the next evening when I made my way downstairs, this is how I like my life full of busy and happy people, all the laser tag gear was divided into two equal sides of my entrance room or lobby, guests were excited and so were my staff. Angel and Camille were sorting out the teams and the referees, handing out all the gear. The males were all standing staunch and look all macho on one side while females were giggling on the other. everyone was gearing up.
“Everyone quiet please Silver here will explain the rules.” Angel yelled and the room went silent
“Ok rules are no going inside unless you die, you die if you get hit, this gear will turn itself off if that happens and when you come back here please hold your hands in the air as if you were surrendering so others know your gone already. There is to be no physical contact at all. If you have the other teams flag and you get hit you are to drop it and return here. Team that wins is the one who has the other teams flag at their outpost. Map please someone?” I asked and Kelly came running out with a blown up map of my estate.
“Thanks Kelly” I said then turning back to the crowd I pointed at the spots on the map. “Here is where the boys outpost will be, and here is where the girls will be. The referees will have stop watches. You will have 15 minutes to get to your outpost. The ref’s will take the flags to the outposts and place them in the centre of the marked area, then 15 minutes before the game starts to discuss strategy. The referees will have walky talkys as well so they can communicate with each other and Kelly , who will be based here and report to the teams who is out as they come in. is that clear?”
I looked around everyone seemed good with that. “Ok anywhere outside is fair game up trees where ever. This is a war and the girls will win” I laughed “But good luck and have fun everyone”
I indicated everyone to go to the main doors. “Ready ref’s” I said looking at our ref’s with the stop watches everyone agreed.
“Start timers now!” I said and we all ran at human like speed for our outposts, some of the girls were a bit slow, I noticed the blond woman from Ivanovich’s room was on my team and I wondered if Lord Ivanovich was on the boys team. Lucky I had explained to the residents and other supernatural guests beforehand that our abilities were not allowed and our ref’s were the panthers and Angela and Floyd so they would know if someone used a talent they shouldn’t.
As we were going to our outpost the blond woman was beside me
“Do you mind if I take lead once ve get to outpost?” she said with her thick accent
“Sure go for it” I replied
We got to our outpost and all the woman looked at me
“Ok I am handing lead to “ I looked at her
“Tatiana” she smiled a creepy evil smile
“Ok Tatiana take it away give us our orders.”
“Ok 1st we must have 3 people up in the trees here and 2 on the ground in the bushes, shoot anyone who come. Do not cross any open ground the rest will come with me and I will do this” she pointed and raised her hand to signal stop and pointed down for stay “to indicate where you should hold position. Silver you and this woman” she pointed to one of the guests “will come all the way to flag with me.” she looked at the woman “Are you a good shot?” The woman shrugged. “Ok then you stay in bushes at their outpost and keep eye out for their people in tree and in bushes, Silver you shoot who she point at, when we sure coast clear we get flag and sneak back through bush to here. Everyone watch your back and keep eye open. If it has wiener shoot it.” She nodded to us all
We all nodded back and chose our guards for the flag.
“Time up ladies.” Terry the male were panther said “Are you Ready?”
“KILL THE BOYS!!!” I yelled laughing
“Ok go “Terry said looking at the stop watch with Angela beside him
Three of our chosen guards ran to some good climbing trees while the other 2 hid in bushes. The rest of us moved out sticking to the trees Tatiana motioned for us all to stop, then she pointed at Ana and Lily to guard here. It was a good spot we could see anyone coming past the main house. We continued to the men’s area, stopping at good spots for some of the ladies to be positioned. It took us about 40 minutes to get to the boys outpost, there were 2 guards next to the flag. Tatiana held her hand up for us to stop and made a motion that we should look up. The guest spotted 2 men in the trees we could see Katherine the other were panther and Floyd standing off to one side. We could hear the walky talkies and Kelly “Another man down and one woman.”
Tatiana indicated to me to shoot the guy in the tree on the right and she would take the left. I aimed and fired. It was Rift he climbed down the tree raised his hands in the air and headed towards the main house, the guy from the other tree did the same, as they climbed down we shot at the 2 guards on the flag. Tatiana them motioned for us to move around the circle staying in the bushes we tried to creep around quietly but there were a lot of dry twigs on the ground and a few snapped. I heard the quiet beep of the guests tag jacket as she was hit and spun to see Ivanovich pointing his gun at me, somehow he missed noticing his childe behind him and before he shot me she shot him. He raised his hands and walked out with the guest. Tatiana indicated to go for the flag so I did carefully watching around me. We heard more deaths over the judge’s walky talkies as I got to the flag. Tatiana stayed hidden to cover me. I grabbed the flag and ran for the bushes nearest me. “woman have the men’s flag” I heard Katherine say into the walky talkie. I could see her smiling and Floyd was giggling.
Tatiana and I started to make our way back to the woman’s outpost, we collected what was left of the woman’s team along the way and we kept an eye out for the men and possibly our flag. Tatiana mo-tioned for one of the woman to hold her position just in case. We were almost at our flag and we saw Phoenix walking away from our outpost with his hands up. We also saw our flag was gone Tatiana held her hand for us to stop. She looked at me with a strange look, I looked back at her…something was wrong…
Suddenly we heard shouting and screaming from near the house. Katherine came bounding up be-hind me in panther form and pushed me over lying her massive weight on me as Tatiana spun round in time to throw an attacker to the ground and she stabbed him wither laser tag gun and pulled out a knife and cut his head off in one swoop. This was not part of the plan, Ivanovich and Dom were then next to us.
“We are under attack” Dom said as he tried to get Katherine to move he pushed her off and I got up to a crouch. It was then I noticed she had a burn mark on the back of her neck, she was alive but un-conscious. Dom had the flag on his back from the woman’s outpost. Ivanovich was on one side of me and Dom on the other. I didn’t see where Tatiana went.
“Is there some way to get back to the main house without crossing the open space?” Ivanovich asked.
“Yes.” I said “there’s hidden tunnels all over the place, but I only know the one from my nan’s old cot-tage further down that way”
“Let’s go then stay low use all your senses.”
“But Katherine?” I said
Then I saw Terry her husband bound in. he sat next to her he had blood all over his face he nodded his head for us to go and began licking his wives wound and then carefully started dragging her into a denser part of the bush.
“Don’t worry Terry knows what to do” Dom assured me dragging me through more bush towards my grandmothers old cottage. I could hear gun shots and screaming. Getting further and further away. This didn’t seem right hiding like this. We should be out there helping. Suddenly Tatiana was in front of us grinning ear to ear.
“Come fast” she said running towards the little cottage. Ivanovich stopped suddenly and turned to face us, I turned to at the look of horror on his face I knew something was coming behind us. I tripped and fell, making Dom fall too. The sight before us was scary, it was demon like but bigger and had shades of Gustavo. It was looming closer it opened it mouth with its arms out like it was going to throw lightning from its hands. I closed my eyes and held my hand out to try a little white light on it. I could see the flash even with my eyes closed. Everything went quiet.

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