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Rated: 18+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #1951467
part 2 of silver rising
#790825 added September 7, 2013 at 12:04am
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chapter 6&7
Chapter 6
There was a brilliant white flash and an air like wave as if a bomb had gone off across the whole estate before everything went deathly quiet, about a minute later moans and crying could be heard, a few old rotten trees could be heard falling. Ivanovich and Tatiana got up and rushed to Silver’s side, she was unconscious and badly burnt anywhere she had skin showing. They looked at each other and saw they were both burnt too, Behind them Dom stirred and got up slowly.
“NO” Dom yelled scrambling to Silver’s side his face also burnt as were his bare hands he tried in vain to use his nails to slice his wrist so he could feed her, Tatiana pulled off her gloves and did it with her own wrist, Rift and Ana came running, they showed no signs of burns. Although Tatiana’s blood was dripping into Silver’s mouth she didn’t move. Silver’s phone began ringing. Dom picked it up.
“Hello” he said sharply then he turned to Rift and said “go get a stretcher or something to carry her with” His attention went back to the phone “Jugs something bad has happened” Rift came back at lightning speed with a large blanket Ivanovich, Rift, Ana and Tatiana helped ease Silver on to the blanket while Dom explained what happened to Jugs on the phone.
“I’m about half way there” Jugs told Dom.
Dom hung up the phone and turned to the others “Let’s get her back to the house” he said trying to help the others lift Silver on the blanket, he was angry at himself because his hands were in bad shape and he couldn’t help. They carried her back to the house, statues had fallen over in the garden from the blast, plants in pots had tumbled, and there were people lying on the ground, some badly injured, some knocked out. The ones who had been inside the house were tending to them, they escaped the brilliant white light and the blast somehow, and inside the house was as if nothing had happened.
“Take her to her room” Dom ordered and then turned to Kelly who was shaken and stunned he grabbed her by the shoulders. “Listen to me Kelly” he said “I need you to go down to the 4th floor basement, there is a fridge in there with blood in it, bring the blood to Silver’s room.” She was still somewhat in shock “Do you understand what I am asking you Kelly? Silver’s life depends on it” Dom said getting her to look at him. She looked back at the others carrying Silver into the elevator.
“Yes downstairs, 4th floor, blood in fridge.” She started to head that way walking slowly at first then bolting to a run.
Lily was tending to Luca who had also been outside and was mildly burnt; he was insisting he would be fine after a day’s sleep.
“Lily” Dom said “can you please make sure everyone is accounted for Jugs is on his way and …” Dom fell down to his knees and burst into tears staring at his hands. Lily and Luca ran to him.
“Dom it will be ok you will heal “Luca said as Lily handed Dom a bag of blood
“I couldn’t help her” he cried “and there’s something missing, one of us…maybe more” he passed out
“I’m going to go and find the others” Luca said looking determined and getting up “You stay here and look after him” he said to Lily who nodded as Luca run out the door at vampire speed. Angela came in to the main house as people were bring in the wounded and dazed, she was helping Tamara deal with the wounded, most of the injuries were deep scratches from claws and burns or concussion from the blast. Some of the human guests staying at the hotel were in shock at what they had seen. The dark fae that had attacked were either ash or had run back where they came from.
Kelly finally came back from the basement, she had been crying and was still visibly shaken Lily beckoned for her to come over to her as Terry carried his wife in the door Tamara ran to him and took her from him and someone handed him a blanket to cover himself. He went over to Lily and Dom.
“Will he be ok?” he asked nodding at Dom
“Yeah he was near Silver when…” Lily voice started to crack “Oh god how could this happen, why didn’t we see it coming sooner?”
“Nothing we could have done.” Terry said
“How is your wife?” Lily asked
“She will be fine, she was conscious enough to change back to human, she is just very tired now and needs rest.”
Lily found a couple of bags of blood for Silver and handed them to Kelly “Take these up to Silvers room now!” she said Kelly nodded and ran to the elevator. She found Dom’s preferred blood and started helping him feed from the bag.
“What can I do to help?” Terry asked
“Can you help me take Dom down to his room?” She asked “and then find Luca he’s out looking for the others. He may need help more than me.”
“Sure thing” he said effortlessly picking Dominic up and carrying him down to the basement with Lily right behind him.
Terry then started wondering around the grounds looking for Luca. He noticed there was a strange grey ash nearly everywhere, like a mist half an inch above the ground, he figured this was from whatever attacked them. He came across a couple of people who were just sitting there doing nothing.
“Are you 2 ok?” he asked
They nodded, but were still staring at the trees. Terry looked to where they were staring, nothing but trees, he sniffed the air…Vampire ash.
“How about you ladies go back up to the main house, they will take care of you.” He said to the la-dies, he went over to the trees and saw the pile of ash. He turned back to the people and they had started to walk up to the main house. He continued to walk down the front yard to the near where the men’s outpost had been, he saw Luca on his knees rocking. He could hear sobbing. He got closer and saw a pile of ash on the ground, there was a wooden stake in the middle of it. He placed a hand on Luca’s shoulder.
“You ok bro?” he asked
“It’s my brother” Luca said look up at Terry with red tears flowing from both eyes. Terry could see he was holding something, he instinctively knew it was Lucius’s necklace, both of them had one.
“Oh Luca, I wish there was something I could do.”
“I have to find the others.” Luca said getting up “There’s a pile of ash over there” Luca pointed in the opposite direction to the pile he had found.
“There’s one over there too. But I am not sure ...who it is” Terry said pointing toward the pile he found. As he turned to point he saw Rift, Ana, Angel, Lily walking towards them. Soon as Lily saw Luca she ran to him, she saw the ash and Lucius’s necklace in Luca’s hand
“Nooooooooooo” she screamed falling into Luca and sobbing in his arms
“Where is Phoenix and Camille?” Rift asked
“There is a pile of vamp ash over there and Luca found one over there, but I cannot say who they are.” Terry explained
Ana looked more pale than usual, and Angel had gone like stone. You could see it ticking over in her head possibly 3 of her family were dead. Rift went with vamp speed to the pile of ash Terry had found, they could see him bow his head. Then he went to the other and sunk to his knees. Rift ran back to the house and grabbed 3 of the vases from the kitchen and re appeared back at the 1st pile of ash, he gathered it up and put it in a vase. Then he went to the second and did the same then he came back to the group. He handed Luca the empty vase and handed Angel the 2nd one he gathered.
“That is Camille, here is her bracelet” Rift said holding it up “We need to say goodbye properly to our brothers and sister.”
“Are you sure that is Nix?” Ana said glaring at the vase that held the first pile of ash.
“Not entirely but it is vampire and I don’t know of any other vampires here that are still missing” Rift sounding like he could break at any moment.
Terry suddenly jumped.
“Ok is that normal?” He said pointing at the ground, he could see the grey mist ash moving. The others looked at the ground
“Wow I didn’t notice that before.” Lily said as they watched the grey mist withdrawing. Suddenly above them Ragnor appeared
“Go house now” He yelled and flew off in the direction the mist was going they looked at each other stunned then started up to the house. Terry went in panther form as the others used their vampire speed. They were all back at the house in moments. There were wide eyed humans standing inside looking out the windows. They stopped inside the door and Jake closed the doors behind them.
“What’s going on?” Rift asked
“Dunno but when a gargoyle tells you to wait till you guys are back and close the doors you do what he says” Jake replied “He said everyone is to stay here till sunrise”
“So he gave no explanation?” Rift asked getting annoyed
“Nope just said everyone had to stay inside and to close the doors once you got back, oh and secure the whole house. The servants are seeing to that now” Jake replied “How is Dom and Silver?”
“Dom will be fine he just needs to rest” Lily said. They saw Ivanovich come out of the elevator, servants were helping the guests and others to rooms and insuring they were comfortable. They all rush to Ivanovich
“How is Silver?” Rift asked
“I’m not sure” he said looking very serious “where is Ragnor?”
“He went south he told us to get back here and apparently we are all to stay put till sunrise.” Rift replied
“Then there is nothing more for us to do this evening except tend to those who need it” Ivanovich said “Where is Dom?”
“He broke down and passed out Terry helped me get him to his room and he is now resting.” Lily said
“What is with the vases?” Ivanovich asked
“Our family that didn’t make it.” Luca said in a steely cold voice.
“Interesting.” Ivanovich said
“You find our family being dead interesting?” Ana said confused
“No I find that fact you gathered them up interesting” Ivanovich said “You really are more like family than most bloodlines aren’t you?”
“Well we have really only had each other for most of our vampiric lives so yeah” Rift said sounding a bit put out.
“Well Jugs will be here just after sunset, I told him to stay in Taupo for the rest of the night, Ragnor seems to think it will be too dangerous for anyone to be out there for the rest of this evening. So let’s take care of the injured and rest. Tomorrow we shall try and sort out what happened.” He said taking a commanding role. “Luca please go feed and heal your wounds, Lily go with him. I think we should put the vase’s over there on that bookcase for now. Like a memorial at least till tomorrow night.” Everyone just nodded and did as they were told. They were too emotionally and physically drained to do much else.

I opened my eyes briefly, I saw Tatiana and Ivanovich. They were talking to someone with their backs to me. My eyes closed again.

I was sitting near a waterfall; the sun was shining, and felt lovely. I got up to find I was wearing nothing, and I walked into the small basin of the waterfall, this place seems so familiar. I was swimming in the cool water, having a lovely time.
“Silver” I hear someone say a few times it repeated but there was no one here. I walked out of the water and got a fright as a man came out of the forest. “Silver it’s time to go” he said holding out his hand, I took his hand as if it was natural, although I had no idea where we were going. He lead me into the forest….

“How long should this be taking?” Jugs said to Ivanovich in an irritated voice
“I don’t know sorry Julian, I’m not an expert on fae/vampires” Ivanovich said getting angry. “maybe it is time I should go, I am already days behind schedule and I am of no help here.”
“Has Lily found anything yet?” Jugs asked
“No sorry jugs” Dom said
“I can’t lose her, not again” Jugs muttered

I was back in the forest, before me was a castle. There was shinny white unicorns dancing with but-terfly’s I looked down to find I was still naked but on a small cloud that was moving slowly towards the castle. I was alone again. “Silver, please come back. I love you” I heard that voice again…

“It’s been 4 days there must be something more we can do” Jugs said holding his head in his hands in despair.
“She will come back when she is ready Jugs” Lily said “Or when she can”

The castle was gone all around me was like some kind of wasteland. In the distance there was something shinny like a mirror reflecting the sun, but there was no sun it was dark and cloudy everything seemed brown. At least this time I was clothed, for some reason I was holding a toothpick as if it were a sword, I headed towards the shiny thing as if I had a purpose. It was a pretty little red ruby ring. I had seen one before, but I couldn’t remember where. There were foot prints leading away from the ring to another shinny thing. I picked up the ring and kept walking to the next bit, It was shiny red necklace it was so pretty…the footsteps stopped. Blackness started to engulf me. Things were starting to swirl around it was getting hotter and hotter I dropped the necklace and ring I started falling backwards everywhere there were flames I was getting hot but I wasn’t burning. I stopped suddenly but softly like landing on feathers and started going upwards like I was on the back of a bird…I looked down and saw a world far below me I looked forward and saw the head of a phoenix he was determined to get us somewhere….

I suddenly woke up with a start. As if I had had a nightmare and a shocked wakening. I hurriedly looked around me. I recognized the room, my room, the man now staring at me as if I was going to bite him….it was Jugs …I almost leapt on him hugging him and holding him tight and we kissed an amazing long and passionate kiss. When we stopped he looked at me puzzled.
“Are you ok?” he asked
“Yes oh hell yes I am wonderful.” I said leaping off the bed I ran to the curtains, I thought suddenly to look at Jugs, he jumped off the bed to stop me opening the curtains.
“What time is it?” I said eagerly
“About an hour till disk, are you sure you are ok?” he said seeming like I was crazy
“Yes I am fine and I missed you and I want you” I said pushing him over to the bed I pushed him on the bed and changed my mind I was hungry for blood.
“Wait here” I said to Jugs and I went to my fridge and grabbed me and Jugs some blood which I poured into some goblets and took to him.
“Silver do you know what day it is?” he asked as I handed him a goblet
“No, but I don’t care either, I feel light, and happy.”
“Do you remember what happened?” he asked
“What happened when?” I said smiling at him
“Before you went to sleep a week ago” Ivanovich said coming in the room
“Don’t be silly my lord we cannot sleep that long.” I said laughing at him
“You do not remember the laser tag war?” Jugs said
I started to think.
“I remember …you weren’t here” I said to Jugs “Yes I remember the laser tag, we woman were …oh god. Oh my god what did I do?” I started to freak out thinking all that burning white light.
“It’s ok you did nothing wrong Silver” Lord Ivanovich said
“But the light this time it burnt, Dom and others were next to me.” I panicked
“It’s ok you did not bring fatal harm to anyone who was allowed to be here, just those who invaded your home.” Ivanovich said trying to reassure me
“Wait how did you know I was awake and how long have I been asleep?” I asked looking from Jugs to Ivanovich
“I was helping you heal by feeding you my blood as I am the oldest here, therefore we have now a bond.” He said lowering his look towards Jugs
Jugs turned my face to him.
“You have been sleeping for a week, my love. At one point we were not sure you would come back.” I could see sadness in Jugs eyes
“What have you done Jugs?” I asked
“I let Lord Ivanovich feed you his blood, because mine was not doing very much to help you, and now you and he are bonded.” He looked so sad at this
“You’re making it sound like we had sex Jugs” I looked at Ivanovich he shook his head to indicate no we did not
“Jugs is concerned that I will now know where you are and what you are doing when you are near me, for example if I was in Auckland and you had sex with Jugs I would know, I would feel your pleasure.” He said
“Christ really?” I said looking at Jugs he nodded
“Well then I guess you better go home Lord Ivanovich, so I can have pleasure in peace” I smiled
“I will be going now you are awake.” He said “I am a week behind schedule now, but hopefully Tati-ana was able to do some of the work for me, I shall make arrangements asap. If you require me I shall be in my rooms” he left I felt that he had a smug smile as he walked out the door but I could not be sure
“I am sorry Silver.” Jugs said “There is more I must tell you. Some of your family, didn’t make it, but don’t worry you didn’t kill them, the dark fae did.”
“What” I said sitting back on the bed
“Phoenix, Camille and Lucius were killed.”
“Oh god no! How are the others? How’s Luca? Does talon know?” I said worried about my family
“Everyone is ok, Talon is here he has leave from his job, Luca is fragile but he has strength in Lily she is the one keeping him sane right now.”
“How is Dom?” I asked
“He has really stepped up and become a leader in your family, he has organized funerals for this evening, we were just hoping you would be awake before now. Luca will be taking his brother back to their home. Angel is going to take Camille to her home and Talon will take Phoenix to his home.” Jugs explained
I looked at him he was so beautiful and perfect in my eyes, but he looked so sad.
“What is wrong Jugs?” I asked removing my clothes
“I couldn’t help you when you needed me most.” He said looking away he was sitting on the edge of the bed, I carefully wrapped my legs around him so I was facing him sitting on his knee. He put his arms around me and looked me in the eye. I leant down and kissed him deeply and put every ounce of my being into that kiss.
“You saved me Jugs, you brought me back” I whispered in his ear “wherever it was I was, I was happy but it felt fake, then I was falling and there was fire and a phoenix rose from the fire and lifted me out and I woke up. So I don’t care what anyone else says. You saved me.”
I kissed him again and low and behold Dominic walked in the door.
“Arh I can come back.” he said turning around
“It’s ok Dom what’s up” I said getting off Jugs lap.
“I was coming to tell Jugs that, never mind that when did you wake up?” Dom asked looking at me strangely
“Earlier.” I said
“Well today we are having like a funeral for Phoenix, Camille and Lucius. Do you think you feel up to coming?” Dom asked now trying not to look at me
“Of course I am coming, they were my family too.” I said trying to sound sombre
“Well the service will be in hour in your ballroom, there’s no human guests this week, only ones here for the service, even though they find it a bit strange, apparently Lord Ivanovich has told some of his friends they need to learn something from us and has made them come.” Dom kept looking at Jugs with a questioning look.
“What’s wrong Dom?” I asked him then looked at Jugs and back to Dom “Is there something you guys aren’t telling me?”
“You’re naked Silver” Dom said looking at me in the eyes. I looked down and yes I was.
“I’m so sorry I didn’t realise” I laughed “It’s not like you haven’t seen it all before now” I walked over to the wardrobe and pulled out a suitable sombre 50”s style mummy dress. I found a suitable large hat with black lace that came down over the face. I walked into the bathroom. And closed the door and started to shower.

“She seems different” Dom said to Jugs
“Yeah I noticed, I was expecting her to still be weak, and sad about the others.” Jugs said “But she seems so…”
“Does Lord Ivanovich know she’s awake?” Dom asked
“Yes he was here just after she woke”
“I’ll go talk to him see if he has any insights into what’s happened” Dom said

I was trying so hard to be sombre and sad and mourn like the others were, but for some reason I was just so happy, sure I lost 3 members of my new family, but I didn’t kill them. Jugs had escorted me down stairs. Each of my living family members came and hugged me and said they were happy I was awake. I gave the expected murmurs and condolences to them over our siblings, but I just didn’t feel it Jugs kept looking at me weird, and others in the room vampires I didn’t know from a bar of soap kept looking at me and pointing and whispering. Stupid vampires I can hear their whispers it was all wow is that her. Lucky no one could see my face; no one knew I was poking my tongue at them.
The service was short and lead by Dominic in my ballroom. After wards there were refreshments, both living and bottled. I tried some of the bottled blood; it was disgusting I wasn’t sure it was even blood. Jugs seemed to be drinking it just fine. Then I saw one of the human offerings, he was hot and sexy, and his muscles rippled under his shirt, Jugs was still with me right by my side.
“Why don’t you go mingle dear?” I said to him
“You have to be kidding me” he said looking at me “With these clique idiots?” he looked around the room I would like to talk to Ragnor though, any idea where we can find him?”
“The roof?” I suggested
“Why don’t you come with me?” he suggested
“I really don’t feel like it, I might just go back to my room and lay down.” I said
“Ok my darling how about I take you and then go find Ragnor?” he said so sweetly
“It’s ok Jugs I will be fine, you go find Ragnor I shall go to my room on my own, I’m not a child.” I said
“OK if you’re sure?” he seemed to not believe that I was capable of looking after myself anymore.
I put a reassuring hand on his arm
“I will be fine” I said smiling at him he nodded at me and made his way out and up to the roof. I went over to the hot young guy and nodded for him to follow me. He obediently did and we went to my rooms. Once there I ripped off my hat.
“How may I be of service to you my lady?” he asked
“Don’t talk just get naked fuck me and let me feed off you.” I said he began removing his clothes mine had already hit the floor, striding over to him not wanting to wait I tore off his pants in one yank, seeing him already swollen in his own excitement grabbed his cock
" I want you to fuck me...fuck me so hard that I feel pain"
"as you wish my lady"
leading him by his cock to the bed turning to him I sit looked in to his eyes and compelled him
"you will fuck me, you will do things that one only could dream about doing I want you to make me hurt, only thing you can’t do is hurt me with fire or sun." to give him strength to overpower me I feed him blood from my breast, with his new strength he leaned me back pinning both wrists to the bed.....using his legs he forced mine to open wide for him seeing he is not able to do what he wishes, knowing I want pain he reached down to remove my stiletto’s using the heels to pin my hands to the bed
Gasping in the sharp pain I shivered, feeling the pleasure of the pain with my hands now pinned he grabbed me by the hips slamming his full length in to me leaning forward to nip at my nipples drawing them taunt.
As he moves he begins to suck deep on my breast causing a new pain taking one of my legs he wraps it around his waist allowing him deeper penetration pushing further and deeper I feel him slamming so deep within my core causing mini red light bursts across my eyes, his balls slapping faster and harder exciting me as well as causing pain...
seeing I am enjoying what he is doing he un-staked my hands flipping me ass up...using my own wetness on his cock he entered me from behind, I gasped at the shocking pain and shivered since I had never been taken in the rear before the oh the pain was sweet causing me to slightly cum
reaching forward he grabbed a handful of my hair pulling her head painfully back...plunging himself so deep he could feel that he was fully embraced by me and he could go no deeper plunging in to me again and he felt me spasm with a powerful orgasm withdrawing he reached for a cloth to clean his still hard cock.
“It’s time for your feeding” he said grabbing my head he shoved his cock into my mouth feeling my fangs growing long excited him again making his cock jump filling with more blood, with his cock in my mouth I bit hard sliding my fangs into his meaty cock.
I used him now as a straw sucking the life blood out of him, for me this meal was sexually getting to me. I grabbed his balls slightly squeezing them causing a small amount of cum to flow licking the drop off with the tip of my tongue.
I stood up pushing him back on the bed
“My turn” I said with an evil grin, straddling him I impaled myself on him while biting his neck until he went limp. I’m not sure if he made a sound or not and I really didn’t care. I got off and pushed him to the floor and went to shower again.

Jugs watched with interest and shock at the scene that was playing out before him, he had been Silvers lover both as a human and a vampire and had never seen her be so aggressive, violent or sadistic, she didn’t even seem to care that they guy was dead on floor as she walked into the bathroom.
He had gone to find Ragnor but he was nowhere to be found, maybe due to the amount of vampires around at the moment, he had thought to come see if Silver was ok and saw Silver being fucked by some human he opted to wait quietly, and she didn’t notice him at all. He left the room and went in search of Ivanovich.
He found Lord Ivanovich in the ballroom taking to guests he waited for him to finish and gave him a nod to indicate he needed to talk to Ivanovich. Ivanovich finished his conversation and went over to Jugs.
“Where is Silver?” Ivanovich asked
“She’s in her room, but we need to talk privately now” Jugs said with a look of urgency Ivanovich started heading out of the ballroom. They went to his rooms.
“So Jugs what is it that is so very important” Ivanovich asked
“Silver, there’s something wrong with her” Jugs said
“What do you mean wrong?”
“Just that it’s like she doesn’t care much anymore, I know it’s one of the reasons I love her, she has compassion and I suspect it’s one of the reasons you gave her the positions you did”
“Why what has happened?”
“I went to find Ragnor, when I went to see is Silver was ok she was engaged in rather interesting activity’s with a human, which is not so bad, but she killed him and dumped him on the floor and just left him there.”
“That is strange, she should know not to do that, maybe we should go find her and have a chat”

I got out of the shower and changed into another pretty 50’s styled dress, grabbed a clean pair of shoes, and looked over at the body on my floor. I wondered over and found him to still be alive but barely, and then I watched him breathe his last, so I feed him. Easiest was to dispose of the body have the body come back to life. I left him on the floor and went to re-join my guests. I opened my bedroom door to find Lord Ivanovich and Jugs standing there.
“We need to talk Silver” Ivanovich said headed into my bedroom past me with Jugs behind him looking very unhappy I closed the door and turned around. Ivanovich saw the body and looked at me.
“He’ll be fine” I said really not caring
“This is not right Silver” Ivanovich said looking at me sternly
“He will be fine” I said going over to the couch as the body suddenly woke up.
“See he’s alive” I motioned
“You turned him” Jugs said sort of asking as the boy started to scream in pain. I got up walked over to the boy and looked him in the eye
“You will enjoy the pain, you will not scream” I said compelling him watching a smile grow over his face and an erection pop up
I turned to the other two.
“Told you he will be fine” I repeated
“You cannot just go round making childe Silver, what is the boy’s name?” Ivanovich asked
“No idea don’t care, but he’s mine now” I laughed
They both looked at each other and then at me with such worried yet stern faces
“What?” I asked
“Silver you cannot just turn anyone, he could have been someone’s pet” Ivanovich said “ There are some very powerful and important vampires here, ones we need on side this kind of behaviour will not please them”
“So me taking a childe of someone who wanted to be one of us is wrong?” I asked
“You don’t even know his name” Jugs said kind of exasperated
“If the boy is someone’s pet they will want reparation for this, and they would be in their rights to ask anything of you.”
“Ok so if I was to take a childe the right way what would I have to do” I said
“First you would have to make sure they are not belonging to someone else.” Ivanovich said with all seriousness
He walked over to me and looked me in the eye
“You are too important to me for me to let this go, I have plans for you Silver, but I need the old Silver back” he said very angry “Something has made you some kind a callous heartless bitch I want to know what.”
“Wow” I said laughing
“Silver this is important.” Jugs said
“Look I woke up today very, very happy to still be alive, I decided it was time to embrace my vampy self and be the vampiest vamp I can be and I need childe of my mine, to protect me” I explained thinking I was talking shit just to appease these guys “Now I want to know, why you want me Lord Ivanovich why the fuck am I so dammed important to you and what the hell kind of plans you think you have for me” I said getting angry
“I think you had better tell her the full story” Jugs said
“Oh so you’re in on this too?” I looked at Jugs
“I only found out when you were…” he looked sad
“Very well, please sit” Ivanovich said
He started on about the long history of vampires, how we evolved over the century’s from the twisted ugly things as in the original vampire movies that were and how we came into being as mother nature’s way of keeping humans under control , to become the wonderful beings we are today, and how never had there been a successful vampire hybrid like me, no half fae no full fae no were beings, not a single supernatural being had been able to become a vampire, how in times past many, many had tried and failed. The Nosfuratu from that old black and white movie was actually a Lunaluva’s attempt to turn a werebeast gone horribly wrong and the film maker of that time had seen it feed on woman, and had seen it put to death by its sire, but of course was compelled to forget, the compulsion didn’t work well though and he remembered bits and pieces in his dreams, which was how the movie came about.
“Look this is all very fascinating but how does it in anyway relate to me” I demanded
“You are more powerful than you realise, in fact more powerful than any of us realised, but you are very untrained and lack discipline to keep yourself under control.” Ivanovich said he looked at the body now sleeping on the floor “Do you need any more examples?”
“Yes I do, I have full control over myself and my actions.” I said defiantly
“Really?” Jugs asked
“Then why did you feed till the boy died” Ivanovich asked
“Because I wanted to.” I said “I compelled him to hurt me and then made him suffer for it.”
They both looked shocked
“Why the hell would you do that?” Jugs said
“Because I needed some reason to kill him, after all that’s what being vampire is all about isn’t it, bring pain and suffering to others.” I smiled
“No it isn’t” Ivanovich said looking sad Jugs turned away “I am sorry Silver” Ivanovich said as he drove a stake into me from behind I could see and hear everything but I was unable to move at all.
“Once we figure out how to get you back I will release you” Ivanovich said sadly. “And I will tell you why I need you so badly”
On the inside I was fuming and swearing and struggling to no avail. They picked up my body and lay it on the bed.
“Go and get Dominic he will have to look after this boy till we figure out what to do with her” Iva-novich said to Jugs, a single red tear drop fell from Jugs eyes. And Ivanovich closed my eyes.
Every now and then I could hear people in my room whispering about me, it was strange they seemed so muffled. I often could feel someone holding my hand or kissing my forehead. But I couldn’t see who it was, I somehow knew it had to be Jugs.

Ivanovich had called the family to his room for a meeting.
“We have a problem, we cannot find Ragnor, and Silver is not in her right mind.” Ivanovich said to everyone
“What do you mean?” Ana asked
“Ragnor told me before he disappeared that there was a ash like fog over the property after Silver banished the fae” Ivanovich said “He warned me this could infect vampires who breath it in, I fear since Silver was directly under the leader of the attack that she may have got a lot on her, in her, either way she has become callous and rather nasty, so I have had to stake her till we find a solution, sadly we cannot find Ragnor to see if he has an idea.”
“What about some of the others here that have fae knowledge?” Lily asked
“I have asked around and no one knows how to fix her, the only suggestion was to call on Silver Longflower.” Dom said
“So why are we all sitting here?” Jugs asked from the corner
“Because we don’t know how to call her.” Dom answered “and there are too many powerful vam-pires here right now for us to try”
“Silver has also taken her 1st childe” Ivanovich said looking over at a young man who looked scared out of his mind “But he has been an incoherent fool since awakening, he will require constant guard.”
“Anya and Irina are going to see what they can do in the morning, they will go down to Silver’s house and see if they can find any clues” Dom said
“Did Silver mess with his mind?” Lily asked nodding in the direction of the newly turned vampire
“We don’t know” Ivanovich said “I have tried to compel him to make sense but for some reason it has not worked, I cannot even get his name out of him.”
“So really there is nothing we do until we find Ragnor and get rid of the snobby wankers?” Jugs said getting up
“I’m sorry Jugs” Ivanovich said” But I am afraid this fae stuff is out of our boundaries of knowledge unless you have some clue?”
Jugs stormed out and went to Silvers room.

“Where are you Silver?” He said lying next to her on her bed holding her hand “How can I help you?”
She lay there not moving. Jugs cried till he fell asleep at dawn.
Chapter 7

That day Anya and Irina went down to Silver Longflowers house, to find it half demolished. They picked through the mess trying to find anything that may help.
“Anya” Irina called “There is something under here” she said pointing to a large part of the roof that had caved in Anya came over to investigate, there was a smooth piece of stone shaped like the corner of a wing sticking out.
“We need help, strong help” Anya said “I go find the were’s they might be able to help”
“I’ll keep looking” Irina said
Anya ran to the village and found Jake.
“Can you help us move a roof?” She asked him
“Hi Jake, nice to see you, how are you doing after the other weeks disaster, oh great thanks Anya thanks for asking.” He said snidely
“I am sorry Jake but I have pressing matter I’m glad you are ok of course, but Silver is not and I need your help.” Anya said
“What do you need?” He asked
“The roof of Silver Longflowers house has caved in, Irina thinks there something under it we need.” She explained
“Need for what?” He said
“Silver is not well, we need to get Silver Longflower but we not know how to. We think something under the roof may help”
“And what is wrong with Silver?” He said “Does this have something to do with Dom’s questions last night?”
“Yes, Silver has been immobilized till we can help her”
“I’ll get the boys to give me a hand” he said turning away “I’ll meet you down there.” He put away what he was doing and went out the rear of the building. Anya went back down to the destroyed cottage. Irina was nowhere to be seen. Anya assumed she had gone back to the main house maybe with something useful, or maybe to get some lunch for them.

Jake arrived with a couple of his new wolf friends; it seemed they had formed a small pack now, and Terry the panther.
“We need this roof moved, we think Ragnor is under it” Anya said to the boys Jake looked at the part wing sticking out
“Yup I think your right.” He said looking over the way the roof had fallen he pointed to where his boys should go and together they lifted the roof up, Terry dove under where the wing was and came out dragging the stone statue that was Ragnor’s daytime form.
“Why didn’t anyone come down here earlier” Terry asked Anya
“I do not know” Anya said “Maybe they were busy with other things, Like trying to wake Lady Silver and help the injured”
The wolves put the roof back down once Terry had Ragnor clear and Jake turned to Anya
“Do you think he will be ok?” He asked
“I don’t know I’m not an expert in gargoyle are you?” She said
“I have no idea except in daytime they turn to stone” Jake said
“He does not have any obvious signs of damage” Terry said “They really should of come down here earlier.”
“Yes you are right, but they may have feared what came from here” Anya said looking concerned
“Isn’t this Silver Longflowers place?” Jake said
“Yes it is.” Anya said
“Well it looks like the portal is gone” Terry said they looked around
“Yes it would seem so” Anya said “can we carry him to the house?” she said looking at Ragnor
“Yeah we could” Jake said “Is Silver still …”
“She is incapacitated temporarily” Anya said “For all our safety”
“Oh why, I could of sworn I saw her last night” Terry said
“Yes she …” Anya started “She was not herself Lord Ivanovich is handling it”
“Is it true half the council of vampires is here?” Jake asked
“Yes I believe all that is left are here, then there is those who have left the council and formed the high council” Anya said
“So really is best we keep low profile while they are here.” Jake said
“I honestly do not really know what is going on.” Anya said “It is not normal for the council to go to the funeral of a few vampires that were not members, but Lord Ivanovich seemed to think this would be good idea”
“So he’s running things at the moment?” Jake asked
“It would seem that way” Anya nodded
The were’s lifted the body of Ragnor and started to carry him to the house. Anya directed them to take the body to the room adjoining Silver’s thinking it would be safer when he woke not to be outside and if he is injured someone may be able to help him. A few eyebrows raised as they carried him through the house. A few of the vampires human servants took great notice of this sight of a gargoyle in this house being treated like a guest.
Anya went looking for Irina.
“Kelly” Anya said to the girl now on reception during the day
“Yes Anya” she said happily
“Did Irina come back here?” she asked
“I did not see here come back” Kelly answered
“I wonder where she went?” Anya said and left again to go look some more

Irina was scared and alone and in some weird place she’d never seen before, with no idea how she got here, or how the hell she was going to get home. She wondered a little and found a road, she decided to go left and she began walking. It seemed like she had been walking for hours when the road went across a fresh stream, she had a quick drink, and was surprised by how good it tasted. She continued on her journey, it occurred to her that somehow she may have entered the fae world. She was very worried about this as she wasn’t sure how or who she needed to see. She heard some noises up ahead, like people arguing. She continued walking. Round the next corner she could see the people who were arguing. There was a tall slender guy who seemed to be about 7 foot, and a shorter woman who was about 6 foot, both were very pretty. The woman was yelling at the man in a tongue she couldn’t understand till one of them spotted her. they turned and stared at her.
“Good afternoon.” Irina said politely
“What are you?” the woman demanded
“I’m sorry” Irina said a bit shocked
The couple walked over to her and poked her with their fingers
“Don’t do that.” Irina said uncomfortably
“Well what are you?” the male said
“I’m human, why?”
“You have a slight smell on you, not human” the woman said screwing up her nose
“I’m not sure what you mean” Irina said
“How did you come here?” the man demanded
“I’m not sure, I was looking for a friend and I ended up here” She said
“What friend, vampire?” the woman asked
“No I was looking for Silver Longflower, and keeping an eye on another friend till help arrived” Irina said backing slowly away from these two strange people who were looking at each other it seemed like they could be arguing in each other’s heads.
The man looked at Irina and vanished only to appear directly behind her
“Why do you smell like vampire?” He asked from behind her which made her jump
“I am a retainer for Silver Alexandrov, she is a vampire, I help her do things in daytime she cannot do” Irina said trying to shut up but something was making her answer honestly
“NO!” the woman said looking at the man “We should take her to her friend, I am sure Silver Long-flower would be very interested to see her.”
Irina looked up at the male he was pouting and then he pushed her
“Move that way in front so I can see you.” He demanded
They walked for what seemed like miles, then they came around the side of a hill to see a magnifi-cent palace before them, it seems to be made of some kind of shinny glass, but you couldn’t see inside it.
The woman stopped and turned around.
“Hands” She said
Irina held out her hands and the woman tied her hands up.
“Is this necessary I am a friend of Silver, I am not here to harm anyone.” Irina protested
“Hush human.” The man said “Now move” he shoved her in the back
There was a draw bridge of glass that you could see right through, it made Irina a little anxious she could see things moving under the bridge as she crossed and she shivered.
The outer gate was big enough a giant of 20 foot could stroll on in. on the left and right of a path was structures with windows you could see like normal but everything else was glass you couldn’t penetrate with eye. She was having trouble grasping the concept of this place, wasn’t it all too fragile if they had a war? Wasn’t it dangerous to clean? What if shards broke off and injured people? They got to a huge building that she could not see the top of the door way here was huge as well, though Irina thought carefully it would fit a 18 foot giant, she mused to herself.
The doors opened as they got closer, as if by some kind of magic. There was no one at the doors, but a long path through tall columns stood either side of the path they were white and smooth like marble, the roof in here had to be 30 foot at least the roof of it was clear around the outsides so you could see the sky outside
“I bet this is amazing at night” Irina said stopping in awe.
She was shoved forward again.
And she stumbled but continued to follow the woman she was too busy looking up at the splendid sight of the glass. There were rainbows everywhere when they sun came out from behind a cloud; suddenly it struck Irina this palace was made of crystal glass and marble, the white marble reflected the rainbows nicely and Irina was once again stunned by the beauty. She had not noticed a small crowd of people around her or that they had indeed stopped. She went to walk again and was stopped by bumping into something, she looked to see a large man on either side of her with spears that were crossing her path. She looked up the marble stairway in front of her to an empty throne. She felt a heavy hand on her shoulder pushing her down she caved willing while staring at the massive amounts of colour in the crystals behind the throne had, there was the occasional clear one to shine rainbows with the sun and perfect portals of clear glass windows in diamond shape. It was beautiful beyond imagining.
The throne was white marble and red velvet. It fitted in perfectly. The a horn sounded and a woman tall slender with beautiful long red hair floated out from the side, her dress was a strange greeny blue made of some kind of chiffon or silk, she had a beautiful silver and green gemmed crown and the most beautiful eyes Irina had ever seen.
She sat down and waved her hand at the guards.
“Rise” said this beautiful and twinkly voice
Irina got up slowly
“Unbind this woman” the voice said to my captors “Irina you are here to see me on a matter of im-portance?”
Irina looked up at the woman
“Yes my lady”
“And you were sent by Silver Alexandrov?” she said
“Yes, well no my lady, Silver is in trouble and needs your help, but she does not know I am here.” Irina bowed her head “No one does”
“What kind of trouble dear” she asked beckoning Irina to come closer. The guards lifted their spears so Irina could go to the Lady.
“Speak Irina please, what has become of her?” she said pulling Irina in close
“She became ill after we were attacked by dark fae, she was out cold for a week then she was…”Irina paused “Different, not herself, well more like an evil her.”
“Oh that is not good.” The woman claiming to be Silver said “I shall come at once, I promised her 1 time visit and I shall do this.” She held her hand up to her right as if to stop someone speaking Irina looked in that direction to see another red headed woman backing down.
“Come we shall prepare for what we will need, some things can only be found here and I must collect them on our way. She turned to her left. “Michael, you are in charge till my return, I promise not to be long.” She said to a good looking dark hair god, with wings, she was again stunned by the beauty.
“I think we should leave soon as possible, can’t have you losing your mind over this place” She smiled at Irina and lead her out the side she came in, walking or floating at a good pace Irina found it hard to keep up.
They walked through many corridors and stairwells both up and down, Irina was so lost. They went underground, Irina could tell because the walls here were stone. There was more corridors and stair-wells but this time everything went down. Suddenly Silver stopped and turned to Irina.
“The portal you came through does not work both ways now, and when I am back there I shall be sealing that end so it won’t work at all” Silver explained “I cannot allow you to know where this one comes out so I will need you to sleep” Silver finished, waving her hand over Irina’s eyes and Irina fell asleep.
Irina woke in a field with Silver standing over her.
“Are you ok?” Silver said to her
“Um yes” Irina said checking herself
“Ok hold my hand we are going to Silver’s the fast way” Silver grabbed Irina’s hand and they were suddenly at Silver Longflowers ruined cottage.
Anya was the first to see them
“Irina” she yelled running to her friend “You are alive and here” she hugged Irina
“Yeah I fell into fairy land and brought back Silver for Silver” Irina said hugging Anya back
“It has been a week I thought you were gone for good” Anya exclaimed
“Oh it seemed like only a day” Irina said puzzled
“Time is different in my world to here.” Silver said in her twinkling voice “How is Silver doing?”
“Not good she is still staked and lying on her bed, Ragnor said we could only fix her by draining her of all her blood and replacing it with…” Anya stopped, looking at Silver “your blood”
“Yes I am aware Irina filled me in, I am sorry they got through, but that shall be rectified soon. There will be no more attacks coming from my land” Silver picked up a jar from the ruins of her house and smashed it, Irina recognised the jar as the last thing she was studying before she arrived in fairy land.
“That will take care of anyone trying to leave this way, now take me to Silver” she demanded
They went up to the main house, Silver paused
“What is wrong?” Irina asked
“There are many vampires here.” Silver said
“Yes” Anya said “To many the whole council in fact, but they are sleeping it is daytime”
“I shall have to be far from here when they awaken, we must move fast.” Silver said hurrying her pace
They quickly got to Silver’s room to find Silver and Jugs lying in bed.
“He has not left her side since she was staked” Anya said looking at Jugs
“We need to move him” Silver said raising her hand to which Jugs rose off the bed blankets and all and floated to the couch and placed gently on the couch so as not to disturbed him.
“Come we must work fast” Silver said rushing to Silver’s side she used a nail to slit Silvers wrist so blood would flow out of her, it was slowly dripping out. Silver Longflower was getting frustrated.
“We need to un-stake her and speed this up” She said with her hands on the stake “You two hold her down”
Anya and Irina held Silver down as Silver pulled the stake out of her blood started to flow everywhere from the cut on Silver’s arm and the hole now in Silvers chest. Sliver Longflower sat on Silvers chest and looked at her face waiting for Silvers eyes to open in the vain hope she may be able to get Silver to sleep while the rest of the process happened.
Silvers Eyes open and there was death in them she was ready to kill and feed. The fairy looked into her eyes and suggested “You need sleep”
Silver fell into a restless sleep, her hunger making her squirm
“Well I am glad that worked” The fairy said getting off Silvers chest
“you did not know it would” Anya said looking worried
“Well no I haven’t compelled a vampire before, though I suspect it works on Silver because she is part fae” Silver said “We will need some fresh blood from the vein as well as mine, please go find some mortal who she can feed on”
“She can feed on us” Anya said
“I was thinking more someone that will not matter so much if she drains them” Silver said
“We are both willing to do this, even if she does drain us” Irina said
“Very well, I must say I am glad she found some humans so loyal to her” Silver smiled and looked at the blood all over the bed and floor “It is nearly time”
Silver’s body started to shrivel up and Silver Longflower cut her own wrist and placed it on Silvers mouth after a few drops fell into her mouth she rose to the wrist grabbed it and started to drink, it was an uncontrolled and deep drink, The fairy only just got her wrist free in time before passing out she pointed to Anya who took her place. This time there seemed to be a bit more control and Anya when she started to feel faint removed herself so Irina could take her place.
“We will need more blood” Silver said looking at Irina who was beginning to feel faint
“I will go get humans” Anya said running out the door
Silver moved Irina away from her masters body and began to feed her again.
10 minutes later Anya came back with some of the feeding stock that was hanging around.
“Will 4 be enough or shall I go get more?” Anya said watching Silver remove herself off silver and put one of the human’s in her place
“This should suffice for now, though I suspect she will be hungry when she wakes up” Silver said “I shall have to go find a place to hide soon, the vampires will be rising and I doubt they all have the same control as the Gustavo family”
She gave instructions to Irina and Anya to swap the humans over till Silver woke and then Jugs could deal with her from there.
Silver then vanished before their eyes and went to hide. She only went to the roof top where Ragnor was just waking from his stone form.
“My lady fae how pleased I am you are here” He said to Silver
“Why did you not get me when this happened?” She said sounding a wee but angry
“I was trying to call you when your house fell on me, it was strange that I could not remove myself from under it, but Anya and the were’s here helped me out.”
“The only way my house would collapse like that is if…” Silver paused “is if a demon was passing through”
“I think that may have been the case there was the grey fog you warned me of, and it all went to your home.”
“Dam it, well I have closed that way through, when I get back I shall ensure this never happens again, but it will mean all fae kind will be trapped here or there, there can be no more crossing between worlds for any of us.” Silver said sadly
“Do you think I could go to fairyland before that happens?” Ragnor said sounding a bit sad
“Of course you could Ragnor, but it would be up to you, leave here come back to my world with me or you can stay here.” Silver said putting her hand on his cheek “What is wrong Ragnor?”
“I could not stop the attack, I am no good to silver if I cannot protect her.” He said
“You did what you could, if I had closed the portals here sooner it would not of happened.” Silver said “We are not to blame we cannot second guess what we have and have not done my dear, talk to silver when she is awake again, for now I need a place to hide can you help me”
Ragnor stared down on the fae woman
“Climb on I shall take you somewhere safe” he crouched down so silver could get on his back and he took off flying to a safe place

Jugs woke up on the couch a wee bit panicked due to falling asleep on the bed next to Silver he looked around carefully and listened he saw Irina and another human sitting on the chairs opposite him, they looked exhausted, he heard Anya say
“Ok your turn, you go sit” and another human came over to sit down on the other couch. She smiled at Jugs. Who then got up and went to the bed.
“What are you doing? why isn’t she staked?” He said panicking again
“It is all ok Mr Jugs sir, Irina came back with Silver Longflower, our Silver will be ok soon” she smiled weakly at him.
“You look like you need to rest” He said to Anya
She shrugged
“Silver comes first when she is well I will rest” She replied
“Look tell me what to do and go rest yourself, once she is well again she will no doubt need you.” He looked at her
“Very well then, make sure she feeds off this one as well do not let her kill them though.” She said
Wondering over to the couch Jugs had just left. “She may be very hungry when she wakes” with that Anya fell asleep.
As the last human was offered to the still sleeping Silver; Dominic and Lord Ivanovich walked into the room.
“What’s going on?” Dom asked
“Silver has been here” Ivanovich said sniffing the air “Did she fix Silver?”
“We don’t know yet, I’m not even sure what happened I woke up and Anya told me to feed the last human to Silver.” Jugs said “I hope it fucking works”
“We tried that before though” Dom objected
“Well maybe since she has feed on 6 humans now and possibly even the fairy it will work” Jugs sug-gested
“Where is Miss Longflower now I should like to speak with her?” Ivanovich said looking around
“I don’t know.” Jugs said
“She went to hide somewhere safe” the human feeding Silver said
“Why would she need to hide?” Dominic asked “We’ve never fed on her before”
“Think about the vampires still under this roof Dominic” Ivanovich said “She was probably wise to hide, her scent may drive many to distraction.”
There was a tapping on the door to the balcony and Dominic went to see who was outside. It was Ragnor.
“Arh Ragnor stay there a moment I wish to speak with you” Ivanovich said walking over to the door he stepped outside on to the balcony and closed the door. Dominic walked over to the bed and sat on the end of it.
“You know the council are getting edgy downstairs, this meeting has to take place soon and Silver needs to be there.” Dominic said to Jugs
“I don’t give a fuck want the council wants, I’m here for Silver not them.” Jugs retorted
“Has Lord Ivanovich not spoken to you yet?”
“You and Silver joining him on the high council” Dom said
“No he hasn’t and I’m not interested” Jugs said “Once Silver is fine I am taking her away from all this like she wants.” He looked at her sleeping, the last human was done. Jugs sent her to the couch and sat next to Silver on her bed.
Ivanovich came back in and they saw Ragnor take off
“Julian I need to speak with you, in private” Ivanovich said to jugs
“Not till Silver wakes up.” He said not even looking at Ivanovich
“And if she does not?” He asked
“Then you can stake me right here with her” He said angrily at Ivanovich
“Dominic can you find these humans somewhere else to recover I need to speak with Julian alone” Ivanovich said to Dom and Dom jumped up to do what he was told.
Ivanovich sat on a chair next to the bed
“Ragnor said Silver drained all her blood and refilled her again, she should be fine but…”Ivanovich started “They cannot be 100% sure as this has never happened before”
“Really, funny I thought you all were so knowledgeable on half vampire half fae’s since there is so many of them” Jugs said sarcastically
“I need her to pull through this more than you know Julian” He said in a sad tone
“Really and why is it you need her so badly Lord Ivanovich” Jugs asked turning to Ivanovich
“The high council needs her power to help us to protect all vampires from what is coming” Ivanovich said quietly
“Why what the fuck are you up to?” Jugs said looking suspiciously at Ivanovich
“The former council of vampires has become a clique council, which is way myself and another mem-ber have split off to form this high council, someone needs to look out for the interests of vampires when the clique go telling everyone who we are what we are”
“The clique wouldn’t be that stupid” Jugs laughed
“They have come up with a synthetic blood; you would have tried some at the funeral, if you drank from one of the bottles” Ivanovich said
“That’s why it tasted a bit strange” Jugs mused
“Yes, and they want to go blab to all human kind, it won’t go down well”
“So it would only be the Anarque holding the secret then”
“There are a number of clique who want nothing to do with this” Ivanovich said “This is why I need Silver her influence, her sanctuary, safe places vampires who do not want this bullshit can go and be safe”
“So why are the council here? You can’t have a sanctuary if they know where it is.”
“My plan is for this to become the base for the high council, and for some new laws regarding our kind that need to be made while the council is here.” Ivanovich said “And I need Silver there for that, even if she doesn’t speak.”
“So you are using here to gain power over the council and to hell with what she needs or wants” Jugs said
“You are involved with this too Julian” Ivanovich pointed out
“How am I involved?”
“I want you on the high council as well, you will be the Anarque representative, and my other friend will be the Clique representative, and Silver will be my 2ic”
“You heard”
“You are making Silver your second in command even though she is still a baby and still not ready.”
“We shall see, but I need you both on board or the Clique will get out of hand quickly” Ivanovich said standing up

My eyes opened.
“Where am I? I asked feeling groggy and dizzy
“At home my love” Jugs said
“Who are you?” I said to this god standing in front of me
“I am Jugs, your lover, remember?” Jugs said
“No” I said feeling dazed “Who is he?” I said pointing to the man standing beside the bed
“You do not remember me?” Ivanovich said
“Should I?”
“Yes my dear, I am Lord Ivanovich leader of the high council of vampires and the man who made you a boss of this place and a judge for the high council” Ivanovich said
“Ok, what a boss and of what high council?” I asked
“This could be a problem” Ivanovich said to Jugs “Julian I shall go and calm the clique below can you see if you can get her to remember something”
“Sure” Jugs said he waited till Ivanovich left the room and turned to Silver “What do you know?”
“What do you mean?” I asked puzzled
“Do you know your name?” he asked
“Yes I am Silver Alexandrov” I said proudly
“Do you know what you are?” he asked
“What do you mean?” I said feeling something stir inside me
“Do you know you are a vampire?” Jugs asked
“That explains why I want to drink your blood” I said surprised
“So you are thirsty?” Jugs said
“yes very” I replied he got up and went to the fridge in my room and pulled out a bag of blood, I watched as he poured it into a goblet and put it in the microwave. “dam he is one fine looking guy” I accidently said aloud as he walked back to my bed
“Thank you, that’s why we are a couple I guess” he handed me the goblet and I drank really fast and handed it back
“May I have some more?” I asked sheepishly
“Of course” Jugs took the goblet and repeated what he did before only this time he dropped the bag and bent over to pick it up I bit my lip, I could taste my own blood and it was yum. Jugs turned around saw me and laughed
“You obviously need more than this if you’re so hungry your biting yourself” he said coming over with the bag and the goblet he handed them to me
“Sorry I am not used to these fangs.” I said smiling
“Look lord Ivanovich seems to think he needs you to meet with the council tonight since your awake, but I don’t think it’s wise you say anything, not till you either get back your memory back or relearn everything you already know.” Jugs said
“Ok Julian” I said
“Why did you call me that?” he asked
“That’s what Lord Ivan doohiffy called you” I said “I like that name it suits you”
“Please when we are in public call me Jugs, that’s what everyone else calls me” he said “And its Lord Ivanovich, please do not get his name wrong.”
“Ivan o vich” I said carefully
“That’s it.” He smiled …all I could think was I wonder what he tastes like
Another man walked into the room followed by a group of people. He was tall dark and mysterious, the other guys in the group were all very good looking as well, and even the woman looked stunning and all dressed in evening wear. I cocked my head to one side trying to remember who they might be, but my mind was blank.
“We came to see how our sister is” The dark guy in the lead said
“Dom, Silver has lost her memory. So you all may have to introduce yourselves to her.” Jugs said smiling
“Really silver you don’t remember me?” the tall dark guy said seeming a little hurt
“No. I am silver and I am a vampire” I said very happy
“I am your older vampire brother Dominic, but you can call me Dom. I’m also the head of our family and you best not be telling people you’re a vampire” He said then another good looker stepped for-ward elbowing Dom out of the way
“I am Rift also one of your brothers in the blood” he said smiling and doing an old fashion style bow
Then a girl bounced around the guys and jumped on the end of my bed
“I’m Lily, that is my boyfriend Luca, and next to him is Anastasia and that’s Angel and we are all your vampire family, it is so good to see your awake again, even if you don’t remember us.”
“It is lovely to meet you all.” I said smiling and holding Jugs hand tightly
“Ivanovich sent us up here to ask if Silver is ready to come downstairs” Dom said
“And you all had to come?” Jugs asked
“Yes, we are going to protect Silver from the vultures downstairs” Lily said
“I have nothing to wear” I exclaimed suddenly looking at the others dressed in such finery
“You’re kidding me right?” Jugs said he walked over to the other side of the room and opened some doors he turned back to me “You call this nothing to wear?”
I saw tons and tons of clothes in a massive wardrobe that could have been a whole bedroom it was amazing I jumped out of bed and ran over to the wardrobe. The guys all looked away as I passed and the woman giggled.
“What’s so funny?” I said turning back to them
“Hun you are naked, time for the boys to wait outside I think” Anastasia said ushering our brothers out. I blushed and tried to cover up, I looked at Jugs and he smiled “I’ll stay I think” he said looking at me
“Look we don’t have time for you two to catch up on sex, so Jugs out we will help Silver get dressed in something suitable” Angel said pushing Jugs out the door, he blew me a kiss before the girls closed the door on him.
“I’ve had sex with him before?” I asked looking around at the girls
“Him and Dominic” Lily said
“At the same time?” I asked exasperated that I could do that
“Noooo” Angel said laughing “You were dating Dom, you even got engaged but things happened and you guys broke up then you found love with Jugs”
“Ok, So what shall I wear” I said going into my closet looking around at the beautiful clothes in here.
“Should I be smoking hot, classic, and conservative or me” I said
I saw a very nice blood red velvet dress, it was short and tight at the front but had a longer skirt over top that stuck out a bit, it had an awesome bust line almost corset styled with sequins forming a pat-tern of a phoenix and I spotted the most awesome pair of boots, they were thigh high and some buckles
“I don’t know if that will be an entirely good idea” Lily said
“She is coming out to the council let her wear what she wants to.” Angel said
“And this is much more her style” Anastasia said smiling “Nice to see you remembered something”
“These are just awesome where do I buy them?” I said picking out some under garments and stock-ings
“There’s a few sites you have bookmarked on your laptop” Lily laughed “A girls gotta have her clothes”
“How much do I get paid?” I asked while getting dressed looking around at the fine place I was in
“Hunny you never need worry about money again, you are extremely rich” Angel said “This is your home, your family home.”
“Oh. Wow.” I said shocked I finished getting dressed “What is really expected of me tonight?” I asked thinking about what everyone had been saying about the council and me meeting them and best to keep quiet.
“The council are a bunch of stuffy old vampires who think they know what’s best for everyone, over the years the Anarque in the council have gone and they are mostly clique now, the one Anarque left is…”She paused “He’s a Lunaluva but not a bright one, he is easily swayed by his older fellow mem-bers of the council”
“That is what Ivanovich has left and formed a high council and tonight he needs some laws that should not be broken by the council to be approved by this new high council” Angel said “Which in-cludes no raiding of the sanctuary’s we have, no visiting without permission etc, so we can live freely, all our family’s homes are being made sanctuary’s tonight just like yours.”
I had their help doing my hair up, Victorian style and I did my make up to be dramatic. I picked out some beautiful jewellery the girls told me was my grandmothers. And I was ready to meet the council.
The girls opened the door and the boys all stood there waiting, Dominic and Angel went first then Lily and Luca, Anastasia and Rift went next with me and Jugs at the back arm in arm down the stairs I was looking everywhere this place was amazing.
“You look amazing” Jugs whispered in my ear as we were going down the stairs.
“Thank you” I said “You look pretty dam hot yourself”
Jugs had got dressed while I was getting dressed he was wearing black jeans, a pirate styled shirt and a suit jacket that went to his knees, It made me more convinced I wanted to taste him.

We got to the entrance of the ballroom and all walked in together. The room went silent as jaws dropped and I could hear mutterings from the people here, Jugs lead me right to a table that had been set up at the front of the massive ballroom. The others went to a table just to our right.
Lord Ivanovich was already at our table with some guy I didn’t know they stood when we got to the table. Looking around at the other vampires I could see they were all dressed in suits and tuxedo’s and evening wear, no one here was as flashy or as wonderfully dressed as I was, it gave me a feeling of superiority being at the head table of all these rich snobs. Ivanovich’s mouth dropped when he saw me as did most of the people in this room. I knew right away I was a standout attraction, and people would want to talk to me, I leaned in close to Jugs and whispered.
“Keep me close, don’t let them all talk to me please” I begged him he squeezed my hand and smiled at me and we sat down.
Lord Ivanovich stood up
“Let the meeting of the councils convene” he said he an extra loud voice, then he went to a normal voice “As you all know I have formally left your council to form another, this is due to your decision to come out to the humans and other rather stupid decisions you have made over the last 20 years. Today we are setting down the rules that we will all have to follow, wither you be Anarque or Clique.”
He continued going on about how with the decision of the council to go mainstream there were many risks involved to all of us, and how there would be need of laws to keep the vampires who didn’t want to be known safe. How we would need new laws to insure human’s would still be safe.
He outlined his ideas for these laws which all seemed rather complex. Then the objections started.
“If we are coming out all vampires should follow, we are the council governing them after all” one pompous guy said with much nodding of agreement around the room
“And yet you only serve your own interests there are plenty of vampires, both Clique and Anarque that will not like this idea.” Ivanovich said “I have formed a truly fair high council where both are equally represented, like you used to be”
“Who died and made you our boss?” came one call from the crowd
There suddenly was an outcry from the crowd, my family all got up and moved to in front of us so as to stop anyone getting near us. It was getting loud and I was getting scared I stood up
“STOP!” I yelled, everyone suddenly stopped. “If you were all interested in the wellbeing of the people you claim to govern you would shut up and agree to keep them safe”
No one moved, no one breathed, no one made a single noise.
“Lord Ivanovich I believe is making the right decisions for all our kind, and you all need to agree to his rules or something bad is going happen and none of you will leave here this night.” I said
“Why did you get safety laws for those who wants to stay hidden and not for us?” one brave woman said
“Lord Ivanovich” I said turning to him “I do believe if they are to keep our secret and keep us safe we should at least do the same for them.” I bowed my head to him and sat down He rose looking at me confused but proud.
“Silver is right, it was neglectful of me not to make any law governing your safety, so I propose that we retain the law that Clique and Anarque shall not interfere in each other business, as was the council law before they started to allow Clique members to break it”
“What about Eabbaso?, Do we give them the same rights?” someone yelled
“Don’t be stupid Eabbaso shall as always be kill on sight” the guy on the other side of Ivanovich said
“How do we know you guys are looking after the interests of both groups?” one quietish lady said
“My second in command is Silver Alexandrov, Clique member, and boss of this area and Anarque sympathizer” Ivanovich said “I have Julian Gustavo here as my Anarque advisor and you all know Fabian, who is a staunch supporter of Clique rights, we have done it this way so as to get an equal sense of what each other’s needs are and how best to protect all of us.”
“What will happen to the Elites?” some guy called out
“The Elites, sheriffs and judges will now be under the jurisdiction of the high council, each has been informed of what will be happening tonight and each have been given the choice to leave their elite squad, a few have decided as you know to go with their local leader and become guards for them, however most have decided to stay with their squads and protect the interests of all of us.” Fabian said
“We are not trying to sway your choices in any way” Jugs said “We are merely trying to protect the interests of all of us, instead of a few”
A scary looking dark man stepped forward from the crowd.
“and who are you lot to decide what is best for all of us” he said
“Amal, you know me, you know the power I have” lord Ivanovich said standing up again, this time he looked scary
“I am no longer afraid of you Ivanovich” the dark man spat “I declare that this high council is a farce and should be ignored possibly even destroyed” he smiled an evil grin and his gold teeth shone brightly
There was murmuring coming from the crowd, Jugs stood up.
“We are here because the council no longer represents the treaty made between the Clique and An-arque, this is your guys doing not ours, we have merely accepted the responsibility, in light of your inability to see clearly”
“Then why can you not see that us all coming out will be profitable to all of us and this is all not nec-essary” Amal said “And this neonate you have beside you can hardly be even on the same level as the rest of us, and should have no rights to decide anything for any of us”
“What are you saying Amal?” Jugs said
“I challenge the new high council, to battle as in the old days, our councils second with yours.” He said still grinning an evil grin “After all we are both bosses of our realms and judges for our councils.”
“No.” Jugs and Ivanovich said together I stood up and walked around the table to where Amal was standing I stood in front of him and looked him dead in the eye.
“Are you sure you wish to do this Amal” I said to him looking not into the eyes but into his soul. He took a step back. and tried to look anywhere else but I held his stare
“Of course I am sure” he then said
“Then I accept” I said smiling at him as if I had just licked the cream and ate the cake
“Silver” I heard about 4 people behind me gasp someone grabbed my arm and pulled me back
“Are you insane?” Dominic whispered into my ear
“No, I saw his soul he is weaker than me” I turned to look him in the eye “Have faith in me Dominic” I then looked at Ivanovich who seemed really worried “You too my lord” I said smiling I turned back to Amal.
“Where and when?” I said
“Here in 2 hours, that will give your staff time to clear space” Amal said bring back his grin
“Better idea, so my beautiful home does not get wreaked how about out the front in 1 hour, give me time to change my clothes.” I said still smiling
“This is absurd” Jugs yelled “Silver is a neonate, she is not ready to fight you Amal”
“Then she is a stupid neonate for accepting the challenge” A woman said from next to Amal “I for one do not think Lord Ivanovich would be stupid enough to have her as his second if he did not think she was capable of the task.”
“Very well” Ivanovich said “However if she wins you are to bow down to us as the high council and accept our laws.”
“And if she loses?” the woman said
“Then we shall leave things as they are and I shall withdraw from the council and not impede them in anyway” Ivanovich said
“No, I propose that if she fails you, you and your council be put to the burning reckoning.” The woman said smiling
“Nastasia” Ivanovich looked at her “You have long wanted to see my head on a spike, and I am sure you have issues with Julian as well, but why would you sentence Fabian to the same fate?”
“He has chosen his side” she said almost spitting venom
“Very well but we shall use the old rules of combat, to the death. No interference.” Ivanovich said I could see Jugs was struggling with all this. I looked at him and smiled and whispered “I got this shit” and winked
“We reconvene in 1 hour out the front of this home” Ivanovich said slamming a gavel down on the table. Suddenly everyone was a buzz and excited. I felt like a kid at Christmas getting the biggest present ever. I was being ushered to my rooms by the high council and my family.
We got into my room and the door was closed
“What the hell are you doing Silver?” Ivanovich and Jugs said to me in unison
“Guys chill” I said “I got this” I laughed and went to choose an outfit to wear for the fight I chose a nice tight black pair of pants and a cool corset that was black with red rip marks on it like it had been clawed by a tiger. The others were whispering and panicking I turned and walked into my bathroom to get changed and put my awesome boots back on. I walked back out.
“We can’t let you do this Silver you’re not ready.” Jugs said coming over to me “That guy is over 700 years old, and the whole reason he is the councils second is because he is very well trained in killing.”
I looked Jugs in the eye
“Julian, trust me, I have this” I turned to look at all of them “all I need is for all of you to have faith in me, that I can and will do this.” I felt powerful and cocky, I knew that was a mistake, but I couldn’t help it, when I looked into Amal’s eyes I saw his weaknesses, I saw the fight we would have and I saw how to kill him, so I was not worried in the slightest, but I knew my family would not understand what I had seen.
“May I speak with Silver alone?” Jugs said everyone walked out and closed the door behind them
“Are you really sure about this, I mean you only woke up a few hours ago from a traumatic experience and have no memory of anything”
“I saw it when I looked in his eyes” I smiled at jugs “ I know exactly how to take him down, but I will make it look good I promise” I winked at him
“I’m just worried about hun, I know you don’t have the scope of all your abilities and I just don’t want to see you get hurt.” He said moving closer I reached up for his neck and pulled him to me and kissed him deeply and passionately
“I will be fine” I smiled “and if I win there’s something I want from you”
“Oh what?” he asked looking at me
“I want to have sex with you, and I really want to bite you” I said
“Ok if you win this I will carry you back inside up to your room and make sweet passionate and sexy love to you” He grinned
He kissed me
A moment later there was a knock at the door. And Dominic walked in.
“It’s time” he said “I hope you know what you’re doing Silver”
“Don’t worry, I got this bro” I smiled at Dominic and Jugs and Dominic lead me out to the front of the house

The council was on the far side of the lawn area and the whole village and my family were on the side nearest the front door.
“Good luck Silver” Some very sexy lady came over and said to me “And I am pleased to see you up and about again”
I walked toward the centre of the circle everyone had formed and so did Amal.
“May the best man win” Amal said to me snickering
“And may your ashes fertilize my roses” I smiled

“This is a fight to the death, to decide the fate of all Vampire kind” Ivanovich said in a loud voice “The rules are as follows”
“1 do not harm any spectators, 2 spectators are not to get in the way of the combatants, 3 Neither combatant is allowed outside assistance of any kind, aside from these there are no rules, you may use whatever abilities you deem fit.” He walked out to the edge of the circle “Begin on the count of 3”
I closed my eyes
I took a deep breath
I smiled at the thoughts in my head
Amal launched at me using vampire speed and strength to punch me in the head I took a step to the side and he ended up in the crowd on the other side, I turned to face him again this time he came at me expecting me to move, as his fist went to my right I grabbed it and held my hand out right into his face, his head snapped back due to the force of his movement and the sudden stop. He brought his leg up to try and kick me, I still had hold of his wrist so I flipped him on his back, we continued to fight for 30 minutes, it really wasn’t much effort put in by me but he was wearing out, he had tried using his abilities and used his blood to make himself faster and stronger, I had not done the same so I was fine. He took a step back to refresh himself, and I took the chance to take him out I went for his heart my hand slide into his chest so easily, he looked shocked as I grabbed his heart, then I pulled it out without much effort and the shocked look stayed on his face till he fell down and turned to ash, I crushed his heart and threw it away. I felt a burning desire to do it again. A huge cheer went up from the crowd by my family.
“This is not possible” Nastasia screamed “She is a neonate, he is an experienced fighter and over 700 years old” she stormed towards me “You Fucking cheated how did you do it?”
“Nastasia I suggest you keep your distance from her for now, and shut your mouth on her integrity” Jugs said watching me
She ignored the advice given and ran at me ready to attack. I raised my hand and she stopped sud-denly then I lifted my arm up and she went up as well she was dangling in the air, acting like she was choking, but kicking and thrashing her arms about even though I was a good metre away from her, I walked up to her keeping my hand in the air so she was dangling there, I moved her down to face me.
“I do not cheat, and now you shall join your friend” I said feeling an urge build up inside me to bite on her throat and tear it out.
“Silver stop” I heard distantly. I turned my head to face where it was coming from. Jugs and Lord Iva-novich were right behind me
“She attacked me, I am merely defending myself” I said smiling
She touched my arm with her hand and started burning my arm somehow, it slowly started to spread
“Do you see what she is doing?” I said looking at them and not her
“Very well if she continues to attack you, you have no choice but to defend yourself.” Ivanovich said turning back to the house
I looked at her and smiled
“Are you going to keep this up?” I said with her still dangling and holding my arm, the burning feeling kept growing from the spot her hand was, so I started to push it back.
It went back into her hand and she let go screaming I let go of her throat and turned and walked back towards my family. They watched as her burning hand caught fire and spread to the rest of her arm then her body. I turned back in time to see her go poof in a cloud of ash. I didn’t see Ivanovich smile, everyone suddenly gathered around me congratulating me. Then they parted as the remaining of the council came towards me.
“You have won, so it shall be as we decreed earlier, we shall obey the rules and the authority of the high council.” Man said who seemed to now be their leader. “We also accept the death of Nastasia as an act of self-defence, she had no right or authority to attack you after you had finished you battle with Amal”
“Thank you Adrian” Ivanovich said “now I suggest we all go relax, feed and prepare for sunrise, I ex-pect you will all be making arrangements to leave tomorrow evening”
It seemed to me this was more an order than a suggestion but they all bowed their heads at us and went inside. Suddenly I was picked up from behind and swept off my feet into the arms of Julian.
”My turn” he whispered in my ear and he carried me inside and up the stairs and to my room, he made a point of locking my door. And he carried me to the bed.
He lay me down carefully on the bed, and sat next to me.
“Are you sure you want to do this ?” He said
“We are lovers aren’t we?” I said
“Yeah but you only just woke up after so much trauma and your memory is gone, and the fight today must have been hard on you” he said stroking my hair
“I feel fine, a little hungry but fine” I smiled reaching up for his neck with my hand, he stopped me pulling him down to me
“Silver, This feels wrong.” He said
You hardly know me, and for all you know we could all be lying to you” he said looking away
“Look at me and tell me a lie and I will prove to you I know you are my lover” I said he looked at me, a looked deep into his soul
“I have never loved you” he said looking me in the eye
I punched him in the arm.
“See I can tell that’s a lie, I can see into your soul. Try a harder lie”
“But if I am lying because you tell me to then of course you will know I am lying” he said
“Ok then tell me something anything can be a lie or the truth and I will tell you.” I suggested
“Ok then, I haven’t made love to anyone except you in the last 12 years.” He said
“Oh my god you poor thing, tell me you at least fucked someone else”
“I have only fucked 4 people in 15 years, you were there for one of them and with the others it was kind of a feeding thing, at a party” he said
“Wow you really are devoted to me or just don’t like sex?”
“No I love you I find that I just don’t get turned on by others the way I get turned on by you”
“You know if we do this it may help get my memory back, you know how they say surround yourself with familiar things?” I suggested
“Well there is that.” He said
I sat up and reached for him turning him to face me and kissing him deeply and for a long time before I knew it he was lying on the bed with me and we were well inter twined with each other. I pushed him on to his back and begun unbuttoning his shirt while I sat on him. I traced my fingers over his chest and moved to his pants undoing them slowly, he raised his hips so I could pull them down and gain access to his hard throbbing cock, I grabbed it with my hand and smiled wickedly at him, then I wrapped my mouth around him.
Jugs groaned exciting me further, taking him deeper in my mouth I felt his hands run threw my hair leaning forward I kissed him, reaching between I begin to stroke him to a higher frenzy slowly I let him fill me, arching with pleasure I feel my fangs grow long, urging Jugs to take the top I ran my nails up his back from a tight butt up muscled back feeling him shiver in his own pleasure wrapping my legs around his waist drawing him deeper, drawing him close I nibbled on his neck teasing him as he grew thicker plunging ever deeper Jugs feeling me getting close ran his hands down my sides brushing my nipples with his thumbs teasing as he continued down to my hips holding me in place as he began to pump harder and deeper, hissing in excitement I bit his shoulder drawing deep tasting him and his pleasure god vamp sex is so good. I can’t believe what I was missing my memory of this Jugs was coming close to finishing and he bit into my neck drawing deep as well sent a white hot shock wave of pleasure threw my body that I could have sworn was a literal lightning bolt of energy flashing as I hit my orgasm.
Panting I curled up next to Jugs wondering to myself...no it had to been just a great orgasm there is no way I shot off light… we both would have been hurt...
could it be that the sex as a vamp is just that great...then again he must know what I liked....
looking up I saw Jugs grinning fang flashing in his amusement.....
What’s he looking all amused about...it’s like he thinks he is so good no words are needed....
No SPOKEN words are needed silver... I swear I heard him say
“WHAT the FUCK!” I said in shock
Leaping up I stared at him NO there is no way he heard me...
yes silver I hear you and you hear me it’s a gift you have ...and the light yea to most it is deadly…but if we share blood for a short time I am safe from your orgasm light and your defensive thrown light. giggling out loud
so if I share blood we would never have to use a word hum I thought wickedly
no Jugs replied but it does make sex that much better come back to bed and I'll show you
Grinning I jumped back in bed ready to play.
That day I had visions of Jugs and what may have been our lives before. If so it really was drama after drama since I had become a vampire.

The next evening I woke to see a beautiful elegant red haired woman standing at the end of my bed, and Jugs was getting dressed and muttering to himself
“Good evening Silver” she said in a twinkly kind of voice
“Hello, do I know you?” I asked
“Yes dear” she smiled “I am shall we say your fairy godmother for now”
“Why for now? Are you going away? Will there be a fairy godmother for later?” I said eagerly
“I see what you mean Julian, she is more like a child though.” She said to Jugs
“No she’s a naive adult.” Jugs replied “so can you fix her memory?”
“Do you guys mind not talking about me like I am not here?” I said sulking
“Sorry Silver” the twinkly lady said “and I am not sure Julian, It all depends on why she lost it, So Sil-ver do you want your memory back?”
“I think so it would fill in a lot of blanks” I said “what do you mean why I lost it?”
“Well if it is a result of you not being fully healed, then I can fix it, but if it is something your own mind has done, well that’s more complicated.” She said smiling at me
“Ok so what do I have to do?” I asked “and you still haven’t answered my other questions”
She came and sat next to me on the bed she offered me her wrist.
As I bit into her Jugs left the room
Her blood was so tasty, so divine, so sweet, I wondered if that is how my blood tasted to Jugs.
“That’s enough Silver” she said after a while she looked me in the eyes and said “now sleep”
And I fell into a blissful happy sleep.

© Copyright 2013 Silvermoonbeams (UN: silvermoonbeam at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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