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part 2 of silver rising
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#790826 added September 7, 2013 at 12:04am
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chapter 8
Chapter 8

When I woke up I could sense the sun was still up, but it was early evening and the sun would be gone soon. Jugs was lying next to me. Even looking dead in his sleep he looked amazing.
I got up and went to get dressed. I felt like I had been dreaming for days, I had my memory back, well mostly; I knew some parts were missing. I was hoping Jugs could fill me in when he woke up. I had a strong feeling I took a childe, but I was confused as to when or why. I know Ivanovich staked me, and I couldn’t recall anything that lead up to that. I remembered we lost some of our family in the attack, and that Silver Longflower had been here, and the meeting with the Clique council, and I remembered Jugs by my side since he got here. But what was missing?
I showered and dressed in my jeans and shirt which I tied at the front and went back into the bed-room. Jugs was just waking up so I jumped on the bed next to him leant over and kissed him.
“MMM good evening Silver” he said grabbing me and pulling me to the bed so I was lying under him
“so how are you feeling tonight?” he asked
“I’m fine, yes my memories came back mostly, yes I still love you, and” I said rolling him over so I was on top” Yes later I will let you have your way with me”
“So by mostly what do you mean?” he asked going serious on me
“Well I remember, a party, a foul drink of some weird kind of blood, and then nothing till Ivanovich staked me, and I would like to know why.” I said “And I kind of getting a weird feeling that I have a childe. Care to fill me in?”
“OK you woke up after the attack, but you weren’t entirely you, it was like you were...” he paused “You were a complete cold hearted nasty bitch, and then you nearly killed your dinner, but you turned him instead, it was like you didn’t care anymore, like a beast had been set free, which is why Ivanovich staked you, you had become out of control wild” he explained
“Ok so where is my childe and what’s its name?”
“Well Dom and the others tried hard to look after him, but there was something wrong with him, he was really fucked up, and he got up during the day and went for a walk.” Jugs looked a little sad “Sorry but he turned to ash.”
“Oh, do you think it was because my fae side?”
“No it was your blood it had been poisoned by the demon you obliterated, so when you turned the boy he was infected with the same poison, only it affected him differently” he looked at me with a strange look on his face ”Do you want a childe of your own?”
“Hell no, not yet anyway.” I said “So I was poisoned went loopy, was stopped, fixed, lost my memory, then got fixed some more”
“That’s about the short of it” Jugs laughed
“Now last night did I kick ass the way I think I did?”
“Yes you did, you didn’t even use your fae powers till the end” he smiled
“So the whole high council thing and new clique council thing wasn’t a dream?”
“No you are now Lord Ivanovich’s right hand.”
“I don’t want to be.”
“I know and so does he, I think that’s why he chose you, this you wouldn’t go power mad and start taking down everyone in your way”
“Do you think we could get away from all this?”
“I don’t know, maybe 6 months ago I would have said yes, but I think Ivanovich would have found a way to pull us back in” he frowned “Well you anyway”
“You don’t think he values you?”
“No I am just a bonus being your lover and an Anarque”
“So what will we do now?” I asked
“Set up the sanctuary’s, move to London” A voice from behind us said we turned to see Ivanovich coming in followed by Dominic and Tatiana
“Sorry to disturb you guys” He continued “But we have business to discuss and I will be leaving soon”
I got up and moved to the couch area indicating for the others to sit down. Jugs slide out of bed and into the bathroom with his clothes. He came out a moment later in his jeans and an open shirt, his chest looked so good like that. I snapped out of my day dream and focused on Lord Ivanovich.
“Alright I wanted to make this our base of operations, however I see now that would be a bad idea, I would prefer to have our base at my home, and I want you 2 nearby so if I need you I can call you.”
“My lord” I started “Though I am truly honoured by your appointment I seriously think you should re-consider”
“Why would you think that Silver” Ivanovich said
“I don’t want to be part of the politics, I have no interest in living such a drama filled life, and I will probably run away” I replied honestly
“Well my decision was based on both our needs, and you could go live in the middle of nowhere if you desired, I only need you within a nights travel from London”
“So we could disappear as long as you had a way to contact us?” Jugs asked
“Certainly, it would be preferred as a safety measure” Ivanovich said “I have decided that Dominic here shall be in charge of the elite squads, and he will run them from Camille’s place in France. Rift will be staying at his place in Ireland but will remain Dominic’s right hand. I expect you all to take at least 1 childe in the next few years. You will have to talk to Lily about taking over things here?”
“Just stop” I said “You do realize that you are trying to take over our lives, don’t you think we should get a say in this”
“Silver” Ivanovich said “I am sorry I realize you are new at this, but this is how our whole society works”
“Not true Lord Ivanovich” Jugs said “There’s the Anarque and of course the infamous formally Gusta-vo now Belfour family”
“So you are saying you want nothing to do with this, no protection from the clans for miss half fae here, and none of my help?” Ivanovich said getting mad
“That’s not what I am saying” I stood up “I am saying instead of planning your shit behind our backs and including us, you should fucking well ask us”
Dominic looked scared out of his mind, Jugs was smiling “That’s my girl” I heard in my head
“Look Lord Ivanovich, I appreciate your faith in me to handle this but you are wrong, I need to get away from all this bullshit for a while and just be me, without anyone expecting crap from me that I know nothing about. So if you can work me not being around into your plans that’s great”
“Then who will take your place as boss here?” Ivanovich asked
“Well I was going to ask Lily and Luca if they could and if I could go stay at Lucas’ place”
“That could be workable” Ivanovich said calming down again “It is only a mere 10-13 hour flight from there”
“There’s also this cool thing called the internet and Skype if you need an emergency meeting” Jugs suggested
“And what of you Jugs will you be going back to Chicago?” Dominic asked
“Yes for a while” he answered
“Well Silver will you live in Hollywood and be contactable by me at all times and come when you are summoned if there is an affair that requires it so?” Ivanovich asked
“I suppose so” I said resigning to him not giving up
“And you Julian?” he asked
“Of course my lord” he said bowing his head
“Well I shall have Tatiana arrange our next meeting by Skype then, it will be one month from today” he said getting up “I shall even go ask Lily and Luca about your idea” and he walked out of my room followed by Tatiana
Dom looked at me and shook his head
“You know he has risked a lot for you, letting you sign a special contract not binding you to the Clique, letting you be his second in command” Dom said “It is not wise to piss him off”
“He is using me like everyone else has tried to do, I am just trying to get something my way.” I said walking over to my dressing table and picking up a hairbrush “I am over people using me for their own gains”
Dom looked at Jugs with a look of I give up said goodbye and left. Jugs came over to me and put his arms around me.
“I love when you get all stubborn” he smiled “But Dom is right, it is best not to piss off someone like Lord Ivanovich”
“Jugs he’s plotting something, I dunno what it is but I know since he found out about me his devious mind is working on something, and I’m not sure I want to be a part of it, even though I am sure I am the centre of his plan”
“You know he is basically a good enough guy for a clique Aristi” Jugs said spinning my chair around to face him. He sat on my lap. “and with your stubborn streak at least we can spend most of our time away from it all”
“So you’re going to come to Hollywood with me?” I asked
“After I finish up what I need to in Chicago of course” he said leaning down to kiss me “I will go wher-ever you are my love”

I went to talk with Lily and Luca, as it turned out they were delighted by the idea of taking things over here this time, Luca wanted to be close to where his brother died, and Lily well she loved my library and it made more sense her being our research person since she was so very into all that. We talked about Ivanovich and how I was not happy he had planned everything out for us all, however he had told them he wanted them to take a childe or two, Lily had decided to find herself a research assistant, which made her happy and Luca said he couldn’t care less as long as they could protect his love. They really were a great couple. I went off to talk to find Dominic.

He was out in the garden talking to Rift.
“Hay guys” I said wondering over
“Silver we need to talk” Dom said right off the bat
“Yes That’s why I am here looking for you” I replied
“You really shouldn’t piss off lord Ivanovich he’s only looking out for your interests” Dom said in all seriousness
“Do you know why?” I asked him
“No, but you shouldn’t stab a gift horse in the back” he snarled
“I am not stabbing him in the back Dom, I am only keeping my interests above his, and until I find out what exactly he hopes to use me and my fae blood for, I will remain as stubborn and bitchy as I like”
“You think Ivanovich wants to use you for your blood?” Rift said
“Doesn’t everyone?” I asked
“Silver, I think your being over dramatic” Dom said
“Really do you know why he wanted me as his second in the high council?”
“No” Dom admitted
“Because of the potential power I have, the ability to do what I did the other night, that’s it.” I said
“I don’t like being used and I hate when people try to run my life, you of all people should know that Dom”
“She has a point Dom” Rift said
“Well I am the head of the elites so I may be able to find something out, if there is indeed anything to find out.” Dom said giving up “but silver please don’t piss him off anymore”
“Well as long as he doesn’t try to control me we won’t have an issue” I said “Lily and Luca have agreed to stay on here and run things, and Luca agreed to me using his home, so once I sort my shit out here I am moving there.”
“I suppose you want all your stuff moved there” Dom said
“No just the stuff I need and Irina and Anya of course” I said
“Who will look after your interests in Auckland?” Rift asked
“Irina found a good manager this time, I ghouled him to make sure of it.”
“And have you decided what sort of childe you are going to have?” Dom asked
“Yes I am going to ask Irina and Anya if they want to be vamps” I said
“And if they don’t?”
“I will find someone with kick ass ability’s that is not loyal to any high up head honcho vampire”
“You do know all of Hollywood is Anarque?”
“No I didn’t but thanks for telling me” I said “Will it make any difference?”
“They don’t have rules like clique do, as long as you keep everything secret you can do what you want” Rift said
“So is our family still going Anarque?” I asked
“Yes, lord Ivanovich is going to destroy the contracts to the clique. I know he wants us all to sign contracts to him, no doubt you won’t” Dom’s sulky side was coming out again
“My contract is not with the clique remember” I said
“Right so you won’t have to worry about that” Rift said smiling
“Look Silver I am just worried about you, after losing nix cam and luc I don’t want to lose you too” Dom said
“Don’t worry Dom I will be careful” I said trying to reassure him “And you guys can come visit and there’s our family holidays”
“Lord Ivanovich and I and flying out tomorrow, you should talk to Jugs about Anarque protocols before you go to Hollywood” Dom said getting up “Stay safe sis” he gave me a hug and headed back to the house
“You know he still loves you Silver” Rift said standing to the left of me
“Really?” I said “No wonder he’s got more emotions than a emo with a split personality”
“Yeah it is hard for him, seeing you with Jugs, knowing you’re out of reach now” Rift said
“I never wanted to hurt him Rift, you know that right.” I said turning to face him
“Yeah I know and he does to, but it’s like he’s lost another woman he loves, and after what Gustavo made me do to him, it hurts him a lot”
“I really have been so selfish, I didn’t even think about it like that.”
“It’s not your fault Sil, and after all you’ve been through I think you deserve the right to be a little self-ish” He said smiling “Just know we both care about you, and if you ever need anything you better call us.”
“You know I will, you guys are family” me and Rift hugged
“Well I will be off in the evening, got a few things of my own to sort out and a childe to find”
“well at least it will be quiet here while I tie up loose ends before I have to go” I smiled and watched Rift walk back to the house.
I turned around and found myself walking down to Silver’s place. The place was a mess, the cute cottage destroyed but the seat and the fountain were intact so I sat down thinking about my future was it really going to be so easy to get away from it all, I suspected no but I was hopeful. I looked up and saw Jugs walking down to me.
“wow this place really did get wreaked” he said looking at the cottage
“Yeah” I said smiling at him “So how long do you think you will be in Chicago?”
“A couple of months maybe, but you won’t be so far away so I can pop over a visit” he smiled at me and sat next to me
“What’s Hollywood like?” I asked
“Well it’s a lot different from here, some parts are really rough and they often have Esabbo running round, other parts are pretty sweet and people and vampires party hard and have a lot of fun.” He said “From what I remember Luca’s place is in a well to do area, so you should be fine, but I will hook you up with some of my contacts there anyway so you know someone in the neighbourhood if things go…” he looked at the pool “are you sure you want to leave here?”
“No but I don’t see much choice, me being here is endangering everyone else here, and this place needs to stay a sanctuary for them” I looked up in the sky, I could see something large and dark flying towards us with something shinny on its back. Ragnor landed a few feet from us and Silver dismounted
“Good evening you two” Silver said
We both nodded towards them
“well I have good news for you my namesake” she continued “you will not have to worry about any portals from my world, I have shut most of them down and left a few that will only take fae back home. Once there however they will not be able to return.” She sat next to me “I will be going home now that you are ok. And I will be sealing this place so it will no longer be a passage either way.”
“Does this mean you cannot come back?” I asked
“Yes I am afraid so, I have much responsibility back home now, and there is a war brewing with the dark fae again” she said sadly “ I won’t be able to come back.”
“So I guess this is goodbye then” I said looking at her
“yes it is, you will do fine without me, after all you have something more special than most of your kind and my kind combined” she smiled at Jugs “ I have a gift for you both before I leave.” She put her hand in a fold of her dress and pulled out 2 silver ornate rings inside an hour glass.” When you two are ready turn the hourglass, if you are meant to be when the sand runs out the rings will fall out and the hourglass will disappear. Think of it as a wedding gift to you both.” She smiled and handed it to me.
“I shall be coming with you Silver” Ragnor said quietly “I feel it is my duty to help you somehow, and since you are leaving I shall follow.”
“Really, you want to come to Hollywood?” I asked him
“It might be nice to see how the place has changed” he mused
“Wow Ragnor I really thought you were going to stay here forever” Jugs said
“Once upon a time I might have said yes, but I feel the time has come, and I have this need to help Silver.”
“I will be sad to leave this place” I said “but I think it will be for the best, and I have learnt so much. Silver thank you for helping my mother conceive me, and everything you have done for me.”
“My dear you are welcome.” She said giving me a hug and a kiss on the cheek, and placed something in my hand. “Use it when you are at a point you think it’s all over and it will protect you” You whispered in my ear “I am sorry that I mislead you in the beginning, your sire was very persuasive, and had me convinced he was a good man”
“It was not your fault Silver and I would never lay that blame at your feet”
She smiled at me and hugged me again, then she hugged Jugs and said “You look after my girl now” He nodded at her.
She walked over to her cottage picked up a piece of broken pottery, held it high above her head and vanished.
I looked down at what she had given me, it was a necklace with a polished stone that looked like moon stone, it was perfectly round like the full moon. I loved it and Jugs helped me put it on my neck.
The three of us wondered back to the main house. Ragnor flew up to the roof and Jugs and I went inside. The rest of the evening was pretty uneventful, people left, others were getting ready to leave.
I was going through my stuff, deciding what to take with me and what to leave behind, I had decided Lily and Luca could have my room since it was close to the secret vault of records and I began getting the maids to take some of my stuff down to one of the rooms on the 4th floor of the basement. Luca had decided to go to Hollywood and sort out things there and spread his brother ashes. I told Lily to go with him and she eagerly agreed as she was already feeling lost and he hadn’t even left. Irina and Anya were delighted to be going to America, though for the life of me I couldn’t work out why. I asked them both to come to my room.
“I have a proposal for the two of you” I said when they were sitting on the couch “I have been told I must take at least a childe, so I was thinking maybe one of you two or both of you even would like to be my childe” I looked from one to the other
“Is this a promotion or are we doing that bad a job you no longer require us in our current roles?” An-ya said
“It means we will be equals, and you guys will be vampires like me” I said
“I should like to think about it” Irina said “I am honoured you have chosen us, but who will run your affairs and do all the things you need done in the daytime?”
“We will find someone to take over your guys daytime roles, if you want to be like me. But you are more than welcome to continue at what you do now, I have a feeling we will need to train up a small army at some point, but I wanted you two to have the option, because I think you have done a marvellous job, and you have been loyal to me through all this bullshit.”
“So this is something that is fully our choice?” Anya asked
“Completely” I replied
“If I can be head of your secure forces then I will be happy to become a vampire with you as my sire” Anya said
“Of course, who else could I trust with such a job” I said smiling
“I am not fully sure I would be of any use to you as a vampire” Irina said shaking her head
“Why not, vampires can do what you are expert at doing, You can still take care of all the business side of things and be my P.A. the advantage is you can have people do stuff for you during the day and we can go to all the rad vampire parties” I said
“do you really think that will work?” Irina said
“Of course, the world is our oyster as the saying goes” I said smiling
“Very well when we have settled in Hollywood I shall become your childe too” Irina said
“Wonderful” I said smiling at both I got up and hugged each of them “Once we settle in Hollywood I shall turn you both and we shall start preparing ourselves to face anything that gets thrown at us”

The next 2 weeks were kind of busy. Jugs went back to Chicago, Luca and Lily went to Hollywood to sort things there for my arrival, while I sorted things out here for my departure and their arrival back here, Luca and Lily were going to wait for my arrival and spend a couple of nights showing me around and introducing me to the people Luca knew there and his staff, since they both already knew everyone here we thought it was a good idea.

The day finally arrived and the whole village turned out to say good bye to me, Angela was a wee bit teary eyed.
“I’m going to miss you Silver” she said hugging me
“Don’t worry I’ll be back often, it’s not really good bye more like see you later” I smiled
“Yeah well you better come visit, and maybe I’ll pop over and see you too” she said

After all the goodbyes were done I got on the little plane that would take me to Auckland so I could get on a private jet the family owned, with special blacked out windows for day time travel. Most of my luggage was sent ahead so I just had a few essential items with me. It was a long flight, I spent most of it watching movies or sleeping…30 odd hours later we landed at LAX, but it was daytime so I was sleeping.
I was rudely awoken just as night time fell by an arrogant customs agent.
“Hay you wake up” he yelled while jabbing me with a stick. Instinct took over and I grabbed his stick he seemed shocked and when I realised he was a customs agent I let go.
“Who are you and why are you here?” He said looking a little worried and now pointing a gun at me.
“Dude chill, I am Silver Alexandrov and I am here because I am moving into my brothers place” I sat up slowly and carefully so as not to alarm him any further. I saw there was another equally nervous looking person standing behind him. Holding a gun on Irina and Anya.
“May I get my passport for you?” I offered pointing to my handbag
“I’ll get it.” He said grabbing my bag and searching through it.
“Is it normal for customs in America to do this?” I asked thinking it seemed weird. I saw another man more confident walk on to my plane he quickly looked around and stormed towards the guy questioning me.
“What the hell are you doing Jones?” he yelled at the guy
“Jesus told us to come search this plane he said they might be drug dealers” the guy stammered
“You idiot, you would try and take on drug dealers on your own without back up?” the guy yelled then he turned to me “I am so very sorry my lady, this idiot is a bit new at the job, I assume you are Lady Silver Alexandrov?”
“Yes I am.” I said
“I can assure you these idiots will be taken care of, your car has arrived and is waiting outside for you.” He shoved the other guy towards the door
“I hope you like LA my lady, you are free to be on your way” he bowed and followed the other two out of the plane. I looked at Anya and Irina and we all laughed “Those poor guys” I said

We gathered our stuff and headed towards the door, the chuffer was helping the pilot unload my lug-gage into the limo, the driver saw me and ran to open the door.
“My lady welcome to America I am so sorry I did not get here before those idiots came onto your plane”
“It’s fine I think they were pranked into coming on board.” The 3 of us girls got in the car
“Miss Lily and Master Luca are waiting for you at home my lady, I am your driver my name is James.”
“Awesome great to meet you and please just call me Silver” I said to him smiling “this is Irina and An-ya” I introduced my ghouls
We got into the limo and drove to Beverly hills through some nice roads with trees to a big gate and huge fence the gate opened automatically and we drove up a long tree lined driveway to a grand new styled mansion. We got out of the car and Lily and Luca came down the stairs to meet us. We all hugged
“Welcome to my humble abode” Luca said smiling, it was the first time I had seen him really smile since his brother died.
He introduced me to all the staff he had here and his own little security force was more like a small army. He went off to sort some things before they left in a couple of nights and Lily showed me around the house. It really was a grand place. Quite modern and really not my style. We spent the evening going over things I needed to know about living in Hollywood.
Things were pretty relaxed here, it was Anarque so it wasn’t surprising and visiting the Anarque leader was more a polite thing not a must do thing, Lily and Luca had made an appointment for us tomorrow night, they showed me the bedrooms in the house, Luca asked if I could keep his brothers room the way it was for a while, I had no issue’s with that, there were more than enough bedrooms in the house I didn’t need to take over his or his brothers. I found a room I liked facing the back of the property and instructed the servants to move the rest of my stuff there.
“Luca what’s the rules about taking a childe here?” I asked
“It’s advised not to go turning the whole city but you are allowed to have a couple” he said “Unlike Clique controlled places you don’t need to get permission”
“Awesome I might just inform the leader tomorrow night I will be turning one or both of my ghouls, after all it was decided way before I came here and I am a clique boss” I laughed
“Are you still a clique boss?” Lily asked
“Till you guys go back and take my place yeah I am” I laughed again “stupid politics’”
“But aren’t we all going Anarque?” Luca asked
“Yeah but there is some political crap involved in all that too, the council have agreed to let us go without penalty after my display of awesomeness, but Lord Ivanovich doesn’t trust them, and with them wanting to go all out and become public in a couple of years we are being very careful not to attract any more attention, we need to basically lay very low till everything’s worked out. I swear it is all over my head, I hope Ivanovich doesn’t plan on having me sort anything out”
“So what will you be doing for him?” Lily asked
“As his right hand I really have no idea” I laughed
“So how is Jugs and when is he coming to stay with you?” Lily asked
“He’s hoping for a couple of weeks, but he’s not sure.” I said looking at my phone “maybe I should call him tell him I have arrived”
“Yeah maybe you should” Lily laughed “He’s only a couple of hours behind us, so he should be awake”
I wondered off in the direction of the pool and dialled his number
“Jugs phone” someone answered
“Is Jugs there?” I asked
“Ummm yeah but can you hold a min he’s a wee bit busy” the voice asked
“Sure” I said
“Oh who is this?” he asked
“It’s Silver Alexandrov”
“Oh the phoenix” he said
“Yeah Jug’s Phoenix” I said
“he will be right with you my lady” the phone went quiet
“Hello sexy” I heard his voice say
“Hi hun. How are you?”
“I’m much better for hearing you, hold on a sec” he said “Just throw him in the pit, he’s useless”
“Now what can I do for the most beautiful woman in the world” he said to me
“I just wanted to ring and tell you I have arrived at Luca’s and to hear your voice, so who are you throwing in what pit?”
“It’s just an Eabbaso, we think they are trying to infiltrate again, I am using this to show Bruno how to do things” he said
“Cool, maybe you can teach me too” I said
“Darling you don’t need it, you have your own very effective way of doing things” he laughed “So how’s the house there”
“Huge, modern, very white and clean, but nice.”
“How’s Luca and Lily, are they showing you around and shit?”
“They are fine and yes, we are going to see the leader here tomorrow night. I asked Irina and Anya if they wanted to be my childe, I’m letting them think it over and I will be telling the leader here of my intention when I meet him”
“I’m sure Jason will appreciate the thought.” Jugs said
“You’ve already spoken to him about me haven’t you?”
“Yup I told him if he messed with you I would kill him” he laughed
“Oh that’s not very fair”
“I’m kidding hun, I just told him how much you mean to me and how you will be Anarque too soon”
“I have to go hun I got some matters to take care of, Bruno and Alex are picking this shit up really fast so I should be able to come to you in a couple of weeks like we planned”
“Good cause I miss you”
“I miss you to my sexy phoenix, I’ll talk to you again soon”
We hung up I turned around to see Anya standing there smiling
“Is good you find good strong man” she said
“What’s up Anya?”
“We were wondering what rooms we should use” she said
“You can have any room that isn’t Luca’s or his brothers.” I said
“Really? You do not want us with the other servants?”
“No Anya you’re going to be my childe remember, so you get rooms in the house. I understand that the servants here have a whole other building they call home, like an apartment block for the workers and their families, and since soon you will be my family you should stay with me, beside we are in an unknown town and I’d rather keep you guys close.”
“arh yes my lady silver that I can understand.”
I want you and Irina to come with us tomorrow when I go see the leader here, Jason, Jug’s said his name was. I intend to inform him as a courtesy that I will be turning you both while I am here.”
“Do you not need his permission?”
“No this place is all Anarque so I don’t even need to visit him, but I want to. Kind of to show him I mean no offence and I respect his leadership.”
“This is wise move” she nodded
“Where is Irina?”
“She is looking over house records and things, being her usual good assistant self” Anya said
“Really she couldn’t wait a day or two?”
“You know Irina likes to be on top of things, she still sees it as her job” Anya said
“Well it’s nearly dawn I should go sort my room and hit the sack, you and Irina may rest tomorrow it’s been a long flight and we have a big night tomorrow”
“Very good my lady we shall see you in the evening then” Anya said walking out the door
I glanced over to the windows, full length floor to ceiling I was assuming they were all UV protected and blah, blah, blah. 20 minutes later the sky started to lighten, and steel shutters came down over the windows keeping all daylight out. Awesome I said to myself getting into bed. No worries about sun coming in at all.

The next evening I woke with the rise of the steel shutters, the moon was full and shining brightly in my room, I got up and prepared myself for the evening ahead, I chose to wear my tight jeans and a shirt with my thigh highs and a nice knee length suit jacket. I looked more ready to kick ass than to do business. Lily and Luca were with Irina and Anya in the kitchen waiting for me.
“So are we ready for meeting Jason tonight?” Lily said smiling at me
“As ready as I ever am for meeting boss’s and leaders” I replied
We went in the limo to an older part of town and to a block of shops that looked very flash for the area.
Lily and Luca went first down an ally and round the back of the shops to a door that looked like it could be to a speak easy from the 20’s Luca knocked on the door twice and a slide opened in the door.
“We have an appointment to see Jason” Luca said and the slide shut a few seconds later the door opened to a dingy dark hallway with a set of old looking stairs.
“Hay Luca go on up, he’s been looking forward to meeting your sister” the guard said with a smile that seemed to get bigger as I walked past him. We went up the stairs and the door at the top opened as we got there. We went in to find a nice room with lounge suites that looked as if they were antiques and very delicate, the room was done in wood, to match the furniture and there were nice red Persian styled rugs on the floor.
An attractive man with long dark hair and stunning blue eyes walked through the door at the other end of the room.
“Welcome to Hollywood miss Alexandrov, it is a pleasure to finally meet you.” He said bowing to me
“Hi.” I said not really sure how to reply
“Come sit make yourselves at home” he said smiling and waving his hand around the furniture.
We all took a seat on the couches “ We are very relaxed here” he explained “ people come here to have fun and as long as they are not leaving a trail of vampiric evidence I let them have all the fun they want” he winked at me “So how may I help you this evening?”
“Well I really just wanted to let you know that I have moved to town” I explained “ and that I will be taking a couple of childe in the next month or so”
“Oh “he said looking a bit concerned “have you chosen your childe already or are you going for ran-dom Hollywood stranglers”
“That is why I have brought my ghouls with me, to introduce you to my future childe Irina and Anya”
They both bowed their heads to him
“Oh in that case Welcome to you two, I’m sure your time in Hollywood will be fabulous” he was all smiles again
“Well how is my old friend Jugs?”
“He was good when I saw him last” I had a stupid grin on my face Jason looked at me and smiled
“I was talking about out of the bedroom” he winked at me
I blushed and giggled
“well he was good there too” I said
“And are you as committed to him as Lilly is to Luca here?” he waved at them while watching me closely
“I’m not sure what you mean” I said looking at them
“He wants to know if he can get into your pants like he tried with Lily last week” Luca said
“OH hell no” I said suddenly “I mean no offense but I am really, really committed to Jugs”
He laughed “Can’t blame a man for trying” he winked at me “But you are new to this world and should experience more of vampiric life than just one lay”
“It’s ok . I’ve had a couple of vampy lays” I said smiling
“A couple? “ he laughed “hunny I have had thousands, I even loved a couple of them. But I do like to have fun”
“Well for now I am happy to have Jugs and only Jugs” I smiled deciding I just wanted to go back home. Lily came to my rescue.
“”We really should get back home we still have some things to pack before we leave tomorrow and Silver has much to unpack” she smiled at me
“Yes I do have an awful lot to do.” I said in agreement
“Well then I shall not keep you.” Jason said smiling at me still “Just one thing before you leave” He stood up and grabbed my arm and planted a kiss on me that was really good he whispered in my ear “Are you sure Jugs is being as committed to you, I’ve never know him to be tied down”
Then he stood aside, he knew he made me think, I could tell by the smug smile on his face.
We left and went home I remained quiet and thinking would Jugs really be happy with just me, when we spend so much time apart. Come to think of it, would I be really happy with waiting for him when I wanted some fun. I shook my head I was being silly of course Jugs and I were committed to each other, after all isn’t that why I am in America.

Over the next few days I spent my time unpacking and saying good bye to Lily and Luca. I had a few calls from Jugs to update me on when he would be able to come see me and few from Lord Ivanovich making sure everything was ok, even though with his last call he sounded different, like there was a reason for me to be concerned. On the 5th day Irina and Anya had decided they would like to be turned as soon as possible, which made me wonder why so suddenly, maybe there was some kind of threat and Ivanovich had called them, Irina had found a replacement for herself for the daytime running around, a young man by the name of Russell, he was sweet and had a wicked sense of humour, he had done some work for lord Ivanovich in the past and was highly recommended, he was also honest saying that he would love to one day become a vampire, in ten to fifteen years.
Anya had found herself a female day guard, despite having a small army at her disposal she opted for the one Ivanovich sent over, her name was Catherine. She looked like an innocent wee thing till I saw her sparing with Anya, she was quick, strong and had a knack of moving what seemed like half her body sideways to dodge, and strike back.
Everything seemed to be going along nicely.

2 weeks later Irina and Anya were both my childe, it seemed some of my fae abilities had rubbed off on them just a little and we were settling in to our new quiet lives, Jugs was due to fly in tonight and I was so desperately needing him to hurry up having had a few calls from Jason wanting me to go out and play, Anya had gone to the airport to meet him as much as I wanted to I knew Lord Ivanovich would be calling shortly. I was not wrong as my computer started beeping at me, I turned on Skype and sat down.
“Hello Lord Ivanovich, what was so important that you had to speak to me now? “ I said mostly not interested as every call had been the same are you alright are you sure has anything strange hap-pened…blah, blah, blah
“I would advise you not to speak that to Lord Ivanovich when he arrives this evening” A female voice said I looked over at the screen to see Tatiana staring at me. “I was asked to call you on this cursed thing and tell you he is on his way, his flight will arrive around 3am, do you think you will be ready in time?”
“What’s to get ready, a bed, a room, a donor or some fresh baggies?” I replied
“You do realise he has a job for you that will require your skills, but is a bit delicate in nature, do you think you will handle it?” she said in a snippy voice
“I’m sure I will find out” I said getting bored “so I had to wait around for him to call when he wasn’t even calling just so you could tell me he’s on his way?”
“Yes something like that, just don’t leave your compound, wait for his arrival” she said and then the screen went black.
Something serious must be happening, why can I not leave my home, mind you why would I with Jugs due to arrive any moment and now Lord Ivanovich on his way. I kept pondering on the matter the more I thought about it the more I was worrying myself, were some demons after me, did Silver not manage to close the portals, or had someone taken over her realm and reopened them. Was some crazed vampire like my sire after me? Just to many questions that I really felt I didn’t care enough about. My plan had been to stay in once Jugs got here anyway for some one on one reunion.

I had started pacing the lounge by the time Jugs arrived. I leapt into his arms when he came through the door we kissed like we hadn’t seen each other for years. I only stopped long enough to say “take me to my room” then he stopped and put me down.
“I don’t know where your room is darling” he said smiling “but if you lead the way I will follow” I turned to Anya and Irina “Oh yeah Ivanovich will be arriving around 3am…let him find his own way here and make sure there’s a room for him well away from me please”
“Lord Ivanovich is coming here tonight?” Jugs said surprised
“Yeah Tatiana just Skype’d me with the news, I really don’t care, I want off the high blah, blah, out of the Clique and to be left to my own devices. No more fucking politics and wankers deciding shit for me”
“You know he won’t take that well” Jugs said
“Miss Silver has made up mind and her childe agree” Anya said giving me her support
I smiled at Anya and then Jugs
“So you have turned them” he said more as a statement
“Yes, oh and can you tell Jason I am off limits I am sick of him hitting on me he just won’t take fuck off or even no for an answer” I said “But can that wait till we have said hello ….alone…in my room?”
HE grabbed me round the waist “Lead the way my love”
We spent a few hours just remembering each other and tasting each other I had completely lost track time and so had he.
We were taking a short break when there was a knock at the door, I looked at my phone .it said it was 4 am…Opps
“Come in” I yelled making sure we were both covered enough not to embarrass anyone
Lord Ivanovich strolled through the door.
“Sorry to interrupt the two of you but we have business to discuss” he said walking over to the bed
“Surely whatever it is can wait till tomorrow evening” Jugs said while his hand wondered over parts of my body hidden by the sheet
“I would rather discuss it now so that we can make plans tomorrow evening” He said in a cold matter of fact tone
“Well can we at least get dressed and meet you in the lounge, I am trying to keep my room business free, so it is a place to relax” I said lying because I didn’t really want Ivanovich talking to me while Jugs played with my body and I was naked.
“Very well” Lord Ivanovich said “You have 10 minutes then I will discuss this with you both wither in here or out there” he turned and walked back to the door
We were both half-dressed in 5 minutes and Jugs phone went off
“Yeah” he said
“Who told you about this?”
“For crying out loud I only just got here, can’t you guys handle shit for a night” He looked over at me with a look of apology
“Look I have to go talk to lord Ivanovich then I will call you back” he hung up the phone
“Seems things are stirring towards bad back in Chicago, I may have to go home tomorrow evening.” He said grabbing me around the waist pulling me to him “I don’t want to leave you again”
“Let’s go see what is so important that lord Ivanovich came here to see us and work something out after that, maybe I could go back with you for a week or two” I smiled as he kissed me passionately
We finished getting dressed and went down to the lounge where Ivanovich was waiting
Irina and Anya were seated on one of the couches.
“I am aware you have your 1st childe’s” Ivanovich said smiling “It is good you have chosen well, They will be of great asset to you and your family”
“Well let’s get down to business shall we?” I said
“I was not aware that Jugs would be visiting you at this time, I thought the problems in Chicago would have been taking his attention” He looked at Jugs
“I wasn’t made aware of an issues until just 5 minutes ago” Jugs said “How did you know?”
“My informants have been telling me of the Clique trying to take over your area again, I thought you would have known, though I found it strange that you would not have told me this yourself”
“We thought we had routed their latest attempt, this is a new threat” Jugs said
“Oh I was not aware you had dealt with the last my apologies, mayhap it is a new threat I have not been informed of as yet.” Ivanovich seemed blank as he spoke. He turned to me
“I have a small job to do in Canada, I was hoping Silver would come with me.”
“How bad is it if you need me to go?” I asked
“”Oh it is just a business matter that I would like your input on, it should not be dangerous to either of us, but I think you would learn something and I would value your opinion.” He said smiling
“Oh well if it’s just business it could of waited till tomorrow” I said feeling rather unhappy about leaving my bed with the man I loved for business.
“Sadly if it could wait then I would not have disturbed you but the people I am going into business with will not be available past tomorrow evening, it must be done then or it falls through and I feel we could both gain much if this deal was to go through”
“What kind of deal is it?” I asked
“The manufacture of the synthetic blood they are going to start producing, they ones who have creat-ed a successful formula are looking for partners to make the blood for mass distribution, we would of course be silent partners, gaining money off the business of supplying to those who wish to live their lives known to the world”
“Why can’t they wait?”
“There are other bidders in this war, they cannot provide as much capital as us, but they can come close enough to have it considered seriously”
“How much is it going to cost me?”
“I am putting up 100million for freezers to keep the blood in storage and the bottling plants, we aim for one in each major country to begin with, however we shall have storage space with a backup supply in the event that things went wrong at some point”
I looked at Irina “We can match his capital and still be well off Sire” she said smiling at me
“I may even be able to put up 50 million for that” Jugs said
“We cannot have it spread to wide, as more partners means less profits” Ivanovich said
“Are you saying you don’t want me to invest as well?” Jugs said sounding a bit angry
“No not you just don’t spread it around, though I would rather it be just Silver and myself, I see no reason you cannot be a part of it. It will strengthen our position as a whole” He said
“What about my family, they have local funds for many country and could perhaps build the factory’s or pay for them in those country’s” I said
“That will be further down the line my dear, their time will come.” He said smiling again
“I need to think about this” I said
“Either way I would still like you to join me. Toronto is lovely this time of year”
“Yeah fine I will come.” I said “But I do not wish to be disturbed for the rest of this evening, I will see you all tomorrow when I wake”
“Very well Silver I shall see you then, I am going to pop over and see Jason and assure him I am not taking over his place” Ivanovich said
“I am going with Silver” Jugs said smiling at me

The next evening Jugs, Lord Ivanovich and myself were headed to the airport Jugs was catching a flight to Chicago and us to Toronto. But I wanted to spend as much time as I could with Jugs, we were smooching in the back of the limo with Ivanovich not watching us from the other side of the car, he stared out the window, a few times I thought I caught him looking at us and smiling, not a “isn’t it lovely” smile but a “I’m going to eat you alive” smile I decided I must be being over paranoid, of all the people I trusted the two in this car were at the top of the list. Hell Lord Ivanovich was cutting me in on a project that would possibly make us billions, he certainly wasn’t the sort of business man to share financial gain that easily, unless the person meant that much to him. Jugs and I were kissing, hugging, and whispering dirty thoughts to each other in our heads, all the way to the two planes that awaited us, he would be taking his personal one home and we would be going in Lord Ivanovich’s larger one.
We said our goodbyes and Jugs told Lord Ivanovich I would be his “Proxy” on his 50 million. And we got on to the planes.
I was shocked Tatiana was here; as she was meant to be in London taking care of Ivanovich’s other businesses. And she had not come to the house the night before
We were seated and waiting on one more passenger.
Jason walked on board, he looked absolutely divine, a had an urge to jump out of my seat and run to him and rip off his clothes…I couldn’t understand it, he did not have this effect on me before, why do I suddenly want to have my wicked way with him.
I looked at Lord Ivanovich with a puzzled looked
“Jason was going to be going to Toronto to visit family I offered him a ride” Lord Ivanovich said
“And I would rather fly the likes of you than first class mortal” Jason smiled flashing his fangs…oh how I wanted those fangs in my neck…I shook my head a little to try and focus it worked till I looked at Jason again. Even under his clothes you could tell he had the body of a god, lean and tight, I suddenly thought I wonder if his body look is to compensate for something small and ineffective, I giggled. And quickly stopped myself.
“You can go taste him if you want to” I heard Jugs in my head
“You’re not making this any easier darling, I don’t want him, it’s just …I am feeling really drawn to him for some reason”
“It does seem strange, but I can feel how strong this compulsion is and I do not know who could of compelled you to do anything”
“Maybe Lord Ivanovich?”
“I don’t think so”
“He’s watching me talk to you, I can tell he knows I am talking to you, but he doesn’t know what it’s about I love you”
“Sorry My Lord I was just thinking about some things” I said to Ivanovich,
“It is alright my dear I know you and Jugs share a connection, and I am sure you have much to talk about.” He said
The rest of the flight I avoided any kind of contact with Jason, it was creeping me out the way he just watched me the whole flight, but Jugs assured me it was just games he was trying to play because he knew I was not his.

We arrived in Toronto and Jason thanked us for the ride and left.
We got into a Limo and made our way to the meeting we were having with the developers of the syn-thetic blood that was going to be produced.

We got to the penthouse of a lovely hotel, not to O.T.T. but not shabby either.
They explained how everything would work and offered us samples of the perfected drink.
The fake blood could be drunk by anyone, including those with certain tastes so I could partake and so could Ivanovich, It still tasted like crap to me, but less so than the first time I tried it, it seemed to have the same effect as drinking blood however and that was a good thing, I guess they could work on taste.
“We will not truly know how good it is till we find a hungry vampire to try it on, we were hoping Lord Ivanovich that you could provide us with one, maybe even yourself would like to test it” a chubby guy with glasses said
“Surely you would only need to look in the poorer areas of town for one such hungry vampire” Iva-novich said back
“We have tested it on many homeless and otherwise disadvantaged, and the effects have been de-lightfully good, but they do not have the ages, or experience for us to see how well it will work for one like you, we would like permission to test further on healthier vampires, who are left to go hungry and then try the blood to ensure it has the same effects as drinking from a human does”
“I thought this would have been tested to the utmost by now” I said
“We can only test within our laws limits and not many powerful vampires will go without for a few days to help us willingly” said a woman sitting next to the chubby guy she looked very plain and subdued but I could tell she could look like a goddess, with very little effort.
“You wish my permission to test it further? As well as my money?” Ivanovich asked
“Yes my lord you are after all the head of the new coalition council and your right hand is here.” The chubby guy said
“I agree to the testing that needs to be done, we must be positive this is 100% safe before we expose it to the world” Ivanovich said “however you will need to find volunteers for this you cannot do it against their will”
“Yes my lord of course” the chubby guy said. He then handed Ivanovich and I the contracts we would be signing.
I read carefully through mine, the Ivanovich offered me his and asked for mine we both read each other’s, they were exactly the same the only spaces were the amount of money we were to put in and space for our signatures.
We signed and put in our own amounts of money, Ivanovich waved to one of his flunky’s to come over and witness them. The flunky then opened a laptop, while I phoned Irina. Ivanovich’s funds were transferred right then and there, Irina put the amount through to the bank account number I was given, she was going to ring Jugs to confirm the extra 50million.
“We should have a drink to celebrate” The chubby guy said (his name was Dr Alec Vandeermouson)
He pulled out a bottle of vodka from the bar and poured each of us a shot.

“I think I will go to my room and prepare for bed now, I seem to be a bit tired” I said “Thank you for the drink, may we make billions together”
“I shall stay a while I have some other things to discuss with our new partners I shall see you tomor-row evening Silver” Lord Ivanovich said taking my arm and seeing me to the door “You did well my dear” he smiled at me and kissed me on the forehead. Yup Ivanovich was like a dad to me and a girl can always trust her dad.

I awoke the next evening with a strange feeling, something was wrong, but I knew I was safe I could sense Ivanovich in the next room.
I showered dressed feed and went out to the lounge area of our suite. Tatiana was standing in one corner of the room while Lord Ivanovich was working on a laptop at the dining table. HE looked up at me, there seemed to be sadness in his eyes.
“Good evening Silver” he said to me smiling “would you please come and sit with me a while I have need to discuss something with you” he stood at the table and walked over to the lounge he directed me to sit in a chair near him.
“What’s wrong my lord?” I asked
“Nothing child, I just wish to discuss the further plans that have been made for our investment, please sit” me smiled but the sadness in his eyes was still there. I sat down
“I am very sorry to have to do this Silver” he said looking away I suddenly felt something drive through my back into my heart….he staked me to the chair…I could see him and hear him.
“This is for your own protection” he said laying a hand on mine “This world is not ready for you and all the power you have, soon you shall rise again and come in to your full glory”
I tried to reach out to Jugs, but our link was gone.
Tatiana came over to me standing in front of me, she looked happy. She cut my wrists on either side so blood would drain down my hands into something I couldn’t see. DR Vandeermouson came in the door.
“I am glad you have chosen to do this my lord, we shall be able to synthesise this blood for the elites consumption, with any luck it will give great benefit to those who partake.” I watched him rub his chubby little hands together and saw the evil gleam in his eye. Then he changed form in front of me. It was Jason the leader of L.A. he grinned at me
“Lucky she didn’t figure out our deception” He said
He dipped a finger in the containers under my hands and tasted. He looked up at me and smiled. “Thank you for your contribution Silver” he said as if I had given it willingly. I wanted to rip his throat out and shove his head where the sun doesn’t shine but I could not move.
“My lord how are you planning on keeping her once her body is drained, will she not turn into a mon-ster?” he asked Ivanovich
“I will have her frozen and stored away.” He said showing no emotion at all “But that is not of your concern, your job is to make her blood so we can sell it.” He walked in front of me and straight to my face
“I am sorry child, but this is needed for our survival” he then closed my eyes so I could not see any-more; all I could do was hear what was going on. Sound is so strange when you cannot see what is happening. I knew I was being moved, I knew I was hungry for blood, I knew when I was lying down. I felt cold ease up from my toes first…the last thing I knew was I was cold very, very cold.

3 years later

“Arh Jugs welcome to my home” lord Ivanovich said to Jugs who just walked in the office at lord Iva-novich’s home
“You wanted to see me my lord” Jugs said quietly
“You must cheer up for I have good news” Ivanovich said smiling he opened a cupboard behind his desk. “Please try a bottle of our newest fake blood, I think you will like it and it will sustain you with the changes we have made to it. We plan for the release in 2 more years”
“Thanks” Jugs said taking a bottle offered. He skulled the whole bottle he eyes went wide and the bottle dropped shattering on the floor he looked at Ivanovich with pure hate “What have you done to Silver” he said leaping across the desk at Lord Ivanovich
“It is not silver in that bottle, merely a synthetic version of her blood” Ivanovich said calmly
“How did you get enough of her blood to do this?” Jugs demanded holding Ivanovich’s shirt
“Back down Julian or I will use force to contain you” Ivanovich said calmly
“Where is she?” Jugs demanded
“Safe” Ivanovich smiled
“That did not answer my question dam it” Jugs struck Ivanovich in the chest enough to remove the heart. Ivanovich looked shocked as he fell down. Tatiana lunged for Jugs back to drive a stake in him but he was to fast he threw the bloody goop in his hands at Tatiana’s face she screamed Jugs grabbed a sword off the wall and cut off her head, she turned to dust. Jugs stood and began to cry.
“Why?” What have you done to Silver?” he turned to face the body of Ivanovich. His eyes blurry with tears of blood did not see that Lord Ivanovich was standing up his eyes like flames holding a stake in his hand he rammed it through Jugs “I will see you go to the same place she is and will suffer frozen in Ice for 100 years when you come back she will be mine and she will be her most powerful self, maybe next time you try to rip out a heart you should make sure it’s there first”

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