Drop by drop the snow pack dies, watering the arid lands below. |
The September 13, 2013 prompt for "Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt Forum" is What was your worst subject in school? I survived mathematics! I got through all of my math classes with passing grades, but just barely. I can add one plus one and come up with the right answer. I can balance a check book and I can set up a an income-outgo spreadsheet. I have difficulty living within a budget, but I can balance my monthly books as long as I don't spend cash. The problem occurs when I receive change for an item. I get the proper amount of change back when I spend the cash. I put the change and the receipt in my purse. The issue comes in when I go to put the amount I spent in my spreadsheet. I cannot remember the cost of the item (which is why I kept the receipt), but when I go to my purse one of two things happens. First, nine times out ten I can't find the receipt which was in my purse with the change. The change is still there, but the receipt is nowhere to be found. Second, if I can find the receipt then at the end of the month when I go to count the change in my purse, I come up short. There are, of course, several explanations for the missing receipt or the missing change. The explanation I like best is that my purse has an interdenominational portal and the receipt or the change slips through and is somewhere living happily in another denomination. I survived my worst class in school. I survived mathematics. I am thankful that the only math I have to do down is keeping track of my money, which is difficult if I spend cash. This is why I have a debit card and use it whenever I am comfortable with the merchant I am doing business with. This means the grocery store I shop at frequently, one gas station, my doctor's office, and government offices. If I shop anywhere else, I go to the ATM and withdraw cash, which I try to avoid doing because spending cash screws up my books. Thought of the Day: "Do not worry about your difficulties in Mathematics. I can assure you mine are still greater." - Albert Einstein |