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Rated: E · Book · Thriller/Suspense · #1955384
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#792863 added October 1, 2013 at 3:07pm
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10/2 protagonist chart
Full Name --
Meaning of Name --Father-thomas Mother Anne Marie
Nickname -- Thea but only her very close friends are allowed that privilege
Birth Date -- March 14 1988
Birth Place -- Duluth, MN
Age -- 25
Nationality -- Scandanavian/Native Indian
Hair Color -- Dark Auburn
Hair Style -- shoulder length with bangs
Shape and Features of Face -- oval face shaped eyebrows High forehead and cheek bones
Glasses or Contacts -- no
Eye Color -- vivid green noticible
Skin Tone -- slightly tanned looking all the time, tans easily
Scars or Distinguishing Marks -- on shoulder blade where she fell against barbed wire as a child
Disabilities -- no
Build or Body Type -- 38-36.5-38.5
Height --5'6"
Weight -- 140
Speech Patterns -- hint of Midwest oo and ow
Gestures -- playes with hair when thinking,
Weakness -- sweets

Family and Childhood:
Mother -- Ann Marie- 1/2 Sioux Indian
Father --Thomas- Swedish/ american mix
Mother's Occupation -- receptionist
Father's Occupation -- Merchant Marine
Family Finances -- Middle class
Birth Order -- 1st- only child
Other Close Family -- cousins on mother's side on Reservation. Some family from father side but not close
Best Friend --Talia, roommate
Other Friends -- co-workers Diane, Grace, Teresa
Enemies -- Appear in story
Pets -- no
Home Life During Childhood -- comfortable, learned to be independent as father gone most of the time.
Details of Town(s) or City(s) -- Port Town on lake Superior across from Bayport WI
What Did His or Her Bedroom Look Like -- Typical Girl but in jewel tones
Any Sports or Clubs -- track & field
Favorite Toy or Game -- most video games
Schooling -- HS and comm college with Assoc degree
Favorite Subject -- American History
Popular or Loner -- loner
Important Experiences or Events -- Father dies when she is 18 in shipwreck
Health Problems --none
Culture -- typical american with a mix of Scandnavian and Indian traditions
Religion and beliefs -- local prostestant SS from childhood to teen then quit. Believes in God, need to be saved to go to heaven, thinks there is still time as she has put religion on back burner. None of her friends are church goers but she has a strong ideal from that SS in doctrine.

Your Character's Character:
Bad Habits -- bits nails if they are rough
Good Habits -- Always has a smile, helpful to strangers
Best Characteristic -- willing to lend a helping hand, a team player- slow to anger but watch out
Worst Characteristic -- Stays angry longer
Worst Memory -- Father died
Best Memory -- Christimas with father
Proud of -- Her Dad and mom
Embarrassed by -- attention to herself
Driving Style -- safe, slow and steady, careful to the anger of her passangers
Strong Points -- Loyal, detail oriented
Temperament -- stoaic yet at times seems overly self depreciated
Attitude -- positive,
Weakness --gives up a little too soon, sometimes won't take a chance
Fears -- not being good enough
Phobias --none
Secrets -- none
Regrets -- Not spending more time with father and mother
Feels Vulnerable When -- pushed into a corner or more demands than she can handle
Pet Peeves -- manitpulative people, those who wont listen
Conflicts --
Motivation --
Short Term Goals and Hopes --
Long Term Goals and Hopes --
Sexuality -- mono
Exercise Routine -- jogs when she is able
Day or Night Person -- night time
Introvert or Extrovert -- more introvert
Optimist or Pessimist --Optimist

Likes and Styles:
Music -- coutry and some classical depending on the singer
Books -- Vampire right now
Magazines -- Cooking
Foods -- all kinds loves to experiment
Drinks -- Soda, no alcohol
Animals -- all
Sports -- not really a spectator
Social Issues -- Conservative
Favorite Saying --
Color -- Teal
Clothing -- vintage
Jewelry -- minimal, mostly Indian gems
Games -- Tetris, bubble, scrabble Quidler, phase 10 Uno
Websites --FB, twitter
TV Shows -- Grimm, Once Upon a time, Bones, Castle,
Movies -- Classic:Alfred Hitchcock, Classic books/movies Suspense
Greatest Want -- A good husband and family
Greatest Need -- new car.

Where and How Does Your Character Live Now:
Home -- Apartment 2 bd
Household furnishings -- Ikea, garage sale, hand me downs
Favorite Possession -- Chair and jewlery of Parental Grandmother
Most Cherished Possession -- neckless from Maternal gr-grandmother
Neighborhood -- not the greatest
Town or City Name --Richfield, MN
Details of Town or City -- Sub of Twin Cities
Married Before --no
Significant Other Before --no
Children --no
Relationship with Family -- visits mother at least every other month if she can
Car -- 2000 nissan
Pets --no
Career -- Marketing
Salary -- 32K yr
Other Income --none
Dream Career -- Marketing for 3M or large com
Dream Life -- Rich, no work, home with husband and kids
Love Life -- none
Sexual Turn Ons -- Tall dark Handsome quiet, deep voice and listens
Sexual Turn Offs -- Gay, Loud, Overly affectionate in Public, assumes too much
Hobbies -- sews, makes cards
Guilty Pleasure -- Bakalva
Sports or Clubs -- uses small exercise room at apartment complex
Talents or Skills -- Good eye for color, texture and design
Intelligence Level -- average to high
Finances -- has a good savings account and lives with in her budget most of the time

Your Character's Life Before Your Story:
Past Careers -- none first one
Past Lovers -- just boyfriends here and there none serious
Biggest Mistakes -- Not taking a certain job offer due to moving and fear of inabiblity
Biggest Achievements -- creating Brochures for her boss

a) If you could have two whole weeks for vacation and go and do anything you wanted, what and
where would it be? Tour Europe

b) If you had a weakness for one of the seven deadly sins, which one would it be and why? (pride,
greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, sloth) greed- she looks at others and wishes she could do, have the same.

c) If you could bring one person back to life and spend a whole day with him or her, who would it be
and why? Her father. He died in a shipwreck on the Lake

d) If you won a three-million dollar lottery, what would you do with the money? Take care of her mother, move her to a nice home and possibly move in with her. Get a new car, privide some luxuries for Talia. Go to college, What would you do with a five-hundred dollar win? put it in the bank.

e) If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Be more aggressive, take a chance now and then

f) What do you do to relax after a bad day? watch a movie or two or three. Make some comfort food

g) Where would you go to hang out if you wanted to feel comfortable? My living room wrapped in a fleece blanket I made

h) What do you do when you are angry? slam door and stay in my bedroom

i) Do you have a secret passion? What? Why is it a passion? And why is it a secret?

j) How do you feel in a crowd? a little lost How do you feel alone? fine

k) If you were asked to describe yourself, what would you say about the kind of person you are? Kind caring to the old and don't kick animals
How about how you look? Average. Nice. Not too ugly as the men seem to like to talk to me or want to buy me drinks.

l) Where do you want to be in your life ten years from now? marketing manager in a large company

m) A tear jerker is on. How do you react if alone? How do you react if with others? same I'll cry if I want to.

n) Deep down, what does you really think of yourself? Are you fair, moral, honest, ect...? Yes to all of those

o) What do you think would make a perfect first date? no I'd be too nervous and selfconscience

p) How important is money to you? It provides the means to achieve what I desire Why? It isn't the goal, it is the means to the goal.

q) What do you consider romantic? in front of a fire, cuddled kissing, talking.

r) How "green" are you? At the store, do you ask for paper, plastic, or bring a bag? Do you take
hour-long showers, quick ones, have a rain barrel in the yard to catch water for the garden? And so
on. While you are figuring out how "green" you are, figure out why you are dark green or not green at
all. Light green. Conscience but overly dogmatic about it.

s) How do you deal with anger, sadness, external/internal conflict, change, loss, jealousy, hurt, ect...? Hide it, deal with it alone. Why? It was how my parents dealt with it. Don't bother one another with your problems. Parents may have talked but never in front of her or shared with her. Children seen but not heard

t) How do you think others see you as a person? Kind, caring, helpful, not too talkative, introspective, shy.
How do you think other see you when it comes to looks and clothes? Dress well, but conservative. Business more than casual

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