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Rated: E · Book · Thriller/Suspense · #1955384
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#793018 added October 6, 2013 at 12:00pm
Restrictions: None
10/5 Back story-Contest
From the window in the attic, Theanne watched the wind and snow blow across the lake. No one thought a late spring snow would blow down from the north to cover the partially melted ice off Lake Superior.

As a small child she would sit here and wait for the ship bringing her father home from his voyage. Thomas Jaconelli captained a Cargil ship from the Duluth, Minnestoa harbor to the east coast. When the storms came she prayed for his safe return kneeling here next to her mother.

On snowy days like this when the fierce storm raged outside the feel of the chill made her ache. She pulled the down comforter around her body as she remembered that day long ago. Ann Marie Jaconelli took the call from one of the wives; the ship had radioed for help. The cell phone lay on the kitchen counter useless in the blowing ice and snow. It was late October and Thomas' last run of the season. It would have been his last run as he told Anne he'd like to hand it off to a younger man. At the time Theanne didn't understand this but if it meant her father would be home more, it was all good to her.

The hours dragged on; neither Theanne nor her mother felt hungry. Anne dusted, vaccumnned and mopped to pass the time. Theanne watched TV with one eye on the raging storm, but she couldn't keep her mind on the movie. The gray sky turned darker as the hours passed. She and her mother went up the steps to the attic. The windows overlooked the Widow's Walk where they watched the lights of the harbor and Duluth blink in the storm.

"Mom is he coming home tonight?" Theanne snuggled in her mother's arms, the two wrapped in the blanket they pulled from the window box.

"I don't know. We know the Great Father is with him and the others, just as He is with us. No matter what happens we can trust it's His will."

"I know that Mom, but what will we do if he doesn't come home?" Her twelve year old mind tried to wrap itself around how they would live.

"Pretty much just as we do now. When he isn't here we do the things we need to do. I go to work and you go to school."

Theanne thought about it. There wouldn't be much change. When Thomas was home he worked at the docks in the winter and was gone as soon as the ice melted in the spring. He was home five months and gone for seven, stopping in for a day or two between passages.

"I'll miss him though." Her voice was a little on the high side.

"So will I honey bunch." Her mother stroked her hair and kissed the top of her head, "Don't you go and worry now about something that might not happen. The Great Father watches over all, Thea."

She smiled inspite of the worry. "Mom, if Dad dies will he go to heaven or be with the Great Father in the sky?"

Anne laughed, "Why would you think there is a difference?"

"You talk about Mother Earth and how we need to take care of her land. You tell me stories about the Great Father. I go to Sunday School and they tell me God is the Father and Jesus is his son." her voice trailed off in confusion.

"Let's just say there is more than one way to look at things. What we call Him and His duties doesn't change. There is one deity that cares for us and guides us, but remember your choices will be judged when the time comes so make sure your choices are good ones. Let's go make some hot chocolate."

The chocolate was made and they drank it while sitting together on the couch watching TV. The cups and pan were washed and put away. The scanner spit out conversations but nothing intelligable, finally Anne turned it off. Theanne fell asleep on the couch. The phone rang, a shrill noise in the silence. Anne reached over to where it lay on the end table. It rang three time before she pressed the button.

"Hello, Anne here."

"Yes, ah huh." Theanne was awake and sitting on the edge of the cushion.

"I see, when?" Anne pressed her fist to her teeth.

"When will we know?" Her fist was now tucked her her arm.

"Thank you for calling. I'll be right here if there's any change." she sat the phone down and buried her head in her hands on her lap.

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