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Rated: E · Book · Thriller/Suspense · #1955384
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#793147 added October 3, 2013 at 5:13pm
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10/7 Plot points & Bonus
Theanne works as a marketing assistant for Fulton Chemical. She often works with her boss, Chase McKenzie, and has come to respect him and has a bit of a crush on him. He is always pleasant with her but is strictly professional. Never steps over the boundaries. She found out throught the gossip grapevine he had an affair with one of his staff a few years ago. She was out to get what she could from him and when he tried to break it off she took him to court and sued him for breech of promise. Chase had a good lawyer who set her up and she fell for it, her own statement countered her plea and the case was dismissed.
Embarrassed and hurt he changed. He put everyone on a shelf and only interacted with them for business. He didn't attend any of the "company family" parties. He's show up for any company pot lucks or treat day but always at a distance. Theanne repected this but felt there was something about him that wanted to reach out to people again but was afraid. When she gets in trouble she talks to Chase.

Theanne inherits an estate from an uncle she never knew existed. He was her father's great uncle, he never spoke about. When Theanne asks her mother about him, she tells her this man was against Thomas marring a "dirty Indian. He had nothing to do with them after the wedding, not even her grandparents to the day they died.
The will states his estate would go to the only blood relatives and be divided equally. Theanne was the only direct person related by blood, all his other relatives were only related by marriage. The will states if there are contestants they are to receive $1.00 and that is it. They relinquish all rights before the amount is revealed.
When the "relatives" try to cause trouble, Chase comes to her rescue a few times to drive the media from her property. He enlists a TV station to give her side of the story. An exclusive with Chase right beside her. When asked if he was he love interest he denys it and says all his employees are family and he would do the same for any of them. Employees the TV questioned said the same thing. They stood behind Theaanne and Chase.

Talia mentions painting to her family, Eddie is outside and hears about the strange painting. He hears it might be worth a lot of money and its at her house. Eddie tells David. They and a couple of guys decided to go to the house and steal it. Chase "happens" to be outside and sees the 5 guys sneaking down the street trying to keep in the dark. 3 from one end of block and 2 from the other. They try to act as if they live there. They go through the gate as it isn't locked. It squeeks but they run to side garden area to hide. Chase calls the police.
Police arrive with in a few minutes and round up the 5. Chase is there with Theann and Talia and Conlin. Eddie spills that they just wanted to see the painting. Talia isn't convinced, but to Chase's disapproval she allows the 5 guys to come in. Tell details later

Conlin tells his parents and Uncle about the painting. Parents have rejected the church upbringing and jonathan his mother's younger brother and priest is always there trying to convince them of their wrong ideas. They all like the arguing, it gets heated, but in the end Jonathan leaves no closer to saving his sister and her family (they are upper class) This time Conlin tells them about the painting and about the guys who try to steal it. He also says that Thea is trying to get information about the paintings artist. Jonathan is curious after what Conlin tells him and asks if he can see the painting-
Jonathan sees and is offended he tries to buy the painting and gets upset. When he learns that the viewer only sees himself in the painting he is less upset. He leaves but calls the arch dioces in NY. It takes a number of days to get through to the Bishop (?) who is curious also. Jonathan doesn't tell him the caviate. Only this could be a find for the church and he should come and see it. (2 weeks go by and no word, finally J. tells his pastor who is dying and hasn't told anyone yet. He sees himself and colapses and dies)

Quinton finds information on the artist and contacts Theanne. He painted fresco's with Michael A and must have done small painting but none are in circulation. There is no mention of his doing but one painting. A small note in both DiVinvi and Angelo's diary mention Aramis Painting that has some magical qualities. Both were stumped at the painting and neither knew how it could be but thought some gasses from the paint gave the viewers an odd feeling they observed themselves in the painting. Quinton asks if this is so? Thea says yes it seems that way. He asks if he can see it. He calls Stephen Tanner and asks what the value of such a painting might be? Tanner returns the call that his bosses want to talk to him. Quinton says he hasn't seen the painting not seen the painting only have had inquiries. If it really is this painting what would be his next step? The laugh and say probably is a fake but just in case he should buy it and then call them.
A wealthy collector has called Quinton looking for information on a collectible painting. He was told by Guggenhiem there might be a painting that is unusual here. He wants to see it. Quinton puts him off for a time but the man won't give up. He has his body guards follow Quinton. The guard reports where Quinton went and the man suspects there is something going on at this house. He sneaks up to the window during the day and see nothing. Stakes it out to see A car drive up and some priests get out and go in. He knows this is the right house and leaves to report.

Pastor confirms with Bishop the painting is the real deal and the Bishop make a trip to St. Paul. He views along with 2 of his other bishops only Theanne isn't selling. No matter the price or the intimidation she won't sell. The more pressure the priests,

When her house is repeadly attacked and she has become nervous at every bump and thump, Chase invites her and Talia to stay in the little apartment over his his garage. Talia elects to go to her parents. Chase checks on Theanne to find her upset. They kiss then part. Both confused about the feelings they are having.
Chase has orderes security to watch her house.

Develop a romance between Chase and Theanne

David finds Theanne and questions her about the painting and if there is a chance of change. Is he predestined to be in a Gang? Theanne doesn't know what to do so calls her old pastor who puts her in touch with a local pastor that works with gangs. He arrives
Eddie has followed David and wonders why he's meeting Theanne and then sees a man enter the apt. Is he selling out the gang? making a deal without them? He leaves and confronts the others about what he suspects.

(Chase arrives home after a meeting to see a strange car parked behind Theanne's car. He sees a man walking by the apt window. Is Theanne setting him up like before? He was a sucker then and he promised he's never do it again. He sees the man bending by the curtained window he sees, Theanne on the couch near him. Angry he goes back to his car and leaves in a squeal of tires.)
Theanne looks up at the sound but then back at the two men kneeling on the floor. One in tears the other praying to God on behalf of the young man. What she witnesses is a miracle. The transformation of David. There is a physical difference in him. She is intrigued and when David leaves a changed man, happy and free she questions the minister.

David drives around for a few hours until he is more composed then at almost midnight he goes to the gangs hang out. He is confronted by Eddie and the others. There is a division, David backs off and tell all what happened. They are confused, don't want to go to church, if David isn't going to be their leader Eddie will.
David argues with Eddie about changing his own ways and influencing the others to make something of their lives. Eddie sees this as a threat to his authority and he pulls a knife to fight David. When David won't fight he presses the knife against David. David tries to reason with him that fighting and killing isn't where its at. Eddie backs up still a little confused why this former aggressive leader is now a whimp. He pushes David who trips and falls against a piece of metal sticking out of a waste barrel. Eddie is appalled at what happened, rushed to David's side. David barely alive forgives Eddie but asks him to at least contact Theanne's friend and talk to him. Eddie nodds as he has no choice. As David takes his last breath he tells Eddie the painting can change It does change then he dies.

Some one tries to burn Theannes house down. Her mother has arrived for a visit and has a key. The security guard contacts Theanne who leaves to meet her mother and bring her to the safe house. When Theanne gets there, the fire traps the two in the hallway. sprinklers douse them and the fire, it seems it was started in the parlor where the Painting was displayed. Conlin, Talia and Theanne took it to her bedroom. When they left, Theanne opened the secret room and slid it inside. The fire was contained in the parlor.
Quinton arrives, Jonathan arrives, Chase comes but stops when he sees all that are there. The man he saw and the car were not there. He is cool and concerned, stays a distance from Thea.
Theanne is upset and she suspects the guard has been paid off. She decides to stay at the house with her mother and not return to Chase's apartment.

Research for St. Paul, MN I don't need to write it as there is no history needed here, I've done all the work for now in the DAY 4 "drawing" I've inserted links to the Catholic church heirarchy and will continue as needed.
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