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Rated: E · Book · Thriller/Suspense · #1955384
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#793251 added October 6, 2013 at 10:56am
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10/10 Outline Revision #2 and bonus
Outline revison#2

Point A-Thea inherits a house and an unusual painting that effects each viewer She must learn to stand up for herself
1) relative who come to sponge off her :relatives leave but not far and try to give her a bad name
the relatives try to trash her name in the media, say she is a selfish, money grabber and played on the Uncle's sentiments. Refuses to allow the other relatives to enter house to get what's theirs. Lawyer faces TV and group and reads the will to all. then adds caveate that since there no direct blood relatives and all contestors will be given restraining orders.
2) Quinton Grady- Art Dealer He contacts Thea by mail asking her to call him about cataloging the contents of the house and getting them evaluated. Thea doesn't answer but keeps information
3) Church-Priests Conlin tells parents and uncle who sees it as a way to gain favor with the churhc
4) Gang members-They see the painting as a way to get quick money and one of the newbies wants to prove himself
5) Chase McKenzie- glad for Theanne-keeps distance, hopes all goes well. He keeps tabs as he can with the latest on dit about Theanne and Talia's move, and situation. Part of him wants her to leave the company so he can persue her, but is affraid she might not want any contact with him, Keeping her here is better even if it means he must keep his distance.

Point B Middle
2) Quinton-Contacts NY galleries with teasers to see if there is interest he can use for himself- Gets into trouble as many dealers start arriving or bombarding him with questions- send investigators to check him out. Quinton has to tell Thea what he's done. She is disappointed in him and cuts him off for a time.
3) Bishop tries to get law to conficate the painting as historical art that must be given to the church. Hoards of people line the sidewalks thinking the painting will heal their sick. Police want her to give the painting to the church.
4) Eddie has tried to steal it but he and Dave Oliva are put in jail. They are released and Eddie tries to get in with Talia. Finally David and Eddie see the painting- each are affected differently. David sees he dies- Decides he needs to change and get out of the gang but doesn't know how, A cop who sees the painting befriends David,
5) Boss has always respected Theanne but workplace romances never work he almost lost his company over one and refuses to have another. When Thea gets in trouble and her work suffers he tries to counsel her. He has to chose if he will recue and support her or turn his back on her and save his busineess (fire her)

Point C End
1) relatives are ousted and leave empty handed when her lawyer gives them restraining orders and runs their bills up with their lawyers. He is has taken over the old lawyer's office and has seen the painting. Doesn't want to be a sleazey lawyer.
2) Quinton is given the painting for a 3 day private showing for the big whigs in NY and around the world. He gets bought out by an lg gallery owner and offered a partnership
3) Preists are found out- Archibishop is sent for and renouneces Father Jonathan and his bishop- A clean-up of the discies and the Archbishop sees painting and talks to Theanne- he leaves disappointed but without recourse.
4) Eddie sees this change in David- they argue and Eddie kills David leaving his body by the Cathedral and calls 911 to report it- Eddie is now gang leader Conlin and Talia confront him but tho he admits he knows about the death they have nothing on him. He agrees to leave Thea and them alone. Stays on the West side
5) Chasemakes choice to fight for Thea
Chase confronts Theanne to tell her that the company doesn't matter. All the fears he had mean nothing excpt the fear she won't forgive his stubborness. He tells her he loves her and he will protect her with all he has. She falls in his arms and says yes. She was so afraid that the past would forever keep them apart. They kiss.

Day 1 Theanne is at work, wants more work, attracted (silently) to Chase McKenzie, Gives him some ideas for the World Sales Mtg. He likes them and they go back and forth with ideas. She leaves, highly excited and pumped. Talia teases her. Theanne calms down to realize it was a great meeting but there is no way she can incorporate ideas into money. She needs to save more for a house or get married. Is that what she really wants to do? Give up one goal to satisfy her security? Isn't that a little 1950's?
(a week later)
Day 2 gets a call from a local lawyer asking her personal questions. She doesn't answer them so he tells her to come to his office. He may have something for her from a relative if she can prove a relation. She brings a file with all her personal information along with Talia to the lawyer's office.
She learns a distant Uncle of her father has left his entire estate to his blood relative if they can prove they are actually blood related. She does so and they request a DNA test.
(2weeks later)
Day 3Theanne is called to the lawyers-Since he didn't just tell her she was no relation over the phone she was a little excited. She'd looked the Uncle up and found him to be very wealthy and was an owner of a large corp. She is in fact the only living and last blood relative. she inherits all.
Day 4 Theanne, Talia and Conlin go to the house on Goodrich Ave St Paul. The house is amazing with rich wood floors and trim, a beautiful garden with a real vegetable garden in one corner. House inspection and introduction to the relatives. They try to barge in but Conlin calls the cops and they are routed but promise to come back. Make arrangements to have all hers and Talia's belongings packed and moved- Talia and Theanne pick their rooms.
Day 5-Reports show up with allegations (not sure what) there is a lot of yelling by the relatives which makes them look bad.

Week 2 Theanne finds painting

Week 3 Theanne meets Jonathan and contacts Quinton

Week 4Theanne meets Eddie and David

Week5 Theanne meets Bishop, Jonathan and other priests, media shows up as the Archbishop is newsworthy. The whispers that something in the house might heal the sick and raise the dead cause a frenzie. The priests denounce anything but people are disbelieving, the disgruntled relatives fuel the frenzie demanding they bring out whatever the Bishop saw. When was he going to take it to the church. many questions bombarding. Quinton puts 1 media hype and Theanne's call and begins a deeper searhc on the artist. Contacts Tanner.

Week 6 Mother shows up one night late-Theanne welcomes her and so does Talia who hasn't met her. Mother isn't well and is put to bed. Eddie and David and 3 others attempt to steal the painting- Chase is watching and thwarts the effort- David sees the painting and is deeply effected. He returns a few days later asking to see it again. Stays a long time.

Week 7 Quinton has been calls Theanne and asks if they can meet so he can tell her what he found.

Week 8 Pressure from the Catholic Church, pressure from the people camped outside her house, Theanne agrees to let Quinton "show" the painting, but as a donation only. Quinton Sets up the showing at his small gallery but its too small so rents place.

The officer who arrests Eddie and David hear their story. He has been having some issues in his own life and marriage. He wonders what the painting if its real woudl tell him. He stops by Theannes to ask some "additional" questions about the attempted theft and asks to see the painting. He sees himself as being pushed in a direction he didn't want to go by others. His peers. This is how he wants to be. He sees his family going a different way. He walks away from the painting. Theanne asks if he will share what he saw. He tell her his struggles. She tells him he needs to make that stand and resist. Even if he has to ask for a transfer, and talk to his wife about it. She is probably worried he's stepping out on her and the others are covering for him. He nods and leaves, his step is a little lighter but the dauting taks of telling Julie about it is fearful.
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